Reviews of Coteau Rougemont - Vignoble & Cidrerie (Winery)

1105 La Petite-Caroline, Rougemont, Quebec J0L 1M0, Canada

Average Rating:


You will be able to see the reviews of real people who use the products and services of Coteau Rougemont - Vignoble & Cidrerie (Winery) in Côte-Saint-Luc area (Canada).

As of day the firm receives a score of 4.7 stars out of 5 and that score has been calculated on 127 reviews.

As you can see it reaches an opinions average is virtually the top, and it is founded on a large number of scores, so we may think that the valuation is very reliable. If people have bothered to give their opinion when they are happy with the business, it works.

As you know, we don't usually stop to set reviews when these are good and we usually do it only if we've had a problem or incidence...

This Winery is classified in the category of Winery.

Where is Coteau Rougemont - Vignoble & Cidrerie?

REVIEWS OF Coteau Rougemont - Vignoble & Cidrerie IN Côte-Saint-Luc

Joshua Gaulin

Best place we visited on our tour, by far, Marie-France was amazing. Knew all her products well, was bilingual, and knew he crowd. I love a place that seems like making customers happy is a priority. Generous pours, good conversation, passionate and knowledgeable. She seemed to want to make up for a few mediocre places we had been. Raspberry apple ice cider was a dream of which I would happily never wake from. I'll be back to buy another pay check of wine real soon

Joshua Gaulin

Best place we visited on our tour, by far, Marie-France was amazing. Knew all her products well, was bilingual, and knew he crowd. …

Fabian Sanchez

Great tasting, great views, great walks.

mi la

(Translated) Free level 2 charging station (2) (Original) Borne de recharge niveau 2 gratuite (2)

Emilie Allaire

(Translated) Good products and really a beautiful site. On the other hand, the service was not up to par. We were a group for the tasting, we ask for water before starting and the person who takes care of our group, does not answer very adequately that it will not be able to give us water for each of us. our tastings and that the water will be given from the 3rd tasting glass. We felt squeezing and disturbing. For this reason, we were less enthusiastic about buying the products and reduced our expenses there. (Original) Bons produits et vraiment un beau site. Par contre, le service n'était pas à la hauteur. Nous étions un groupe pour la dégustation, nous demandons de l'eau avant de commencer et la personne qui s'occupe de notre groupe,n repond de façon très peu adéquate qu'elle ne pourra pas nous donner de l'eau a chacune de nos dégustations et que l'eau sera donner a partir du 3eme verre de dégustation. Nous nous avons sentie presser et derangeant. Pour cette raison, nous avons été moins enthousiaste d'acheter les produits et avons réduit nos dépense a cet endroit

Richard Bowlby

The place is beautiful with a great view of the fields and hills. The wines were good, the only downside was the service was not fantastic. There was only 1 person there, so perhaps they were just shortstaffed that day.

Stephanie Kuhn

Great Quebec made wines and ciders. Great service, and good explanations of the process of making the ciders. This place has a beautiful view!

Morgan Traut

Beautiful property. Comfortable indoor and outdoor seating overlooking the orchards and cider-tasting countryside. The woman who helped us was very friendly, helpful and accommodating given that our group was english-speaking. They charge for tastings, unlike the Ciderie Michel Jodin down the road who offer free tastings. The pear ice wine was our group favorite, everyone bought a few bottles. For those traveling on an airplane after visiting, they sell travel-size bottles that are small enough to fit in your carry-on on the plane!

Isabelle Lajoie

(Translated) Enchanting site to stop tasting their wine & cider! EVERYTHING is delicious and the terrace overlooking the apple trees is worth the stop! (Original) Site enchanteur pour arrêter faire une dégustation de leur vin & cidre! TOUT est délicieux et la terrasse avec vue sur les pommiers vaut l’arrêt!

Miguel cusson

olivier brodeur

(Translated) Very welcoming and superb view. Good product (Original) Très accueillant et vue superbe. Bon produit

Philippe Lebeau

(Translated) Excellent delivery service in less than 24 hours and white and red wines that say WOW. (Original) Service de livraison excellent en moins de 24 heures et vins blanc et rouge que dire WOW.

alexandre Jobin

James Blagrave

(Translated) We have known the place well for a long time. (The tastings were free in the past ...) and it is the terrace with this incredible sight that attracts us every year. As well as the ice cream pear (anyway!) :) Of course there is something else to see and taste, from blueberries to raspberries to Grand Coteux. We all love them after all (But a thumbs up for the ice cream which should be a perfume in a bottle ...) (Original) On connait bien l'endroit depuis longtemps. (Les dégustations étaient gratuites dans le temps...) et c'est la terrasse avec cette incroyable vu qui nous attire à chaque année. Ainsi que le poirer de glace (quand même !) :) Bien sûr qu'il y autre chose à voir et goûter, du bleuet aux framboises jusqu'au Grand Coteux. On les aime tous finalement (Mais un pouce levé pour le poirer de glace qui devrait être un parfum en bouteille...)

Martin Pelletier

Jean-Pierre Seyer

(Translated) Good service (Original) Bon service

Jean S Sullivan (Ryoohki360)

(Translated) It's full of apples and honey (Original) C'est plein de pommes et miel

Claudie Thibault


Christian Trudel

(Translated) I have placed orders online and each time I am pleasantly surprised at the efficiency of order processing. I turned to them in order to buy local, and I continued because their product combines the useful with the pleasant. (Original) J'y ai passé des commandes en ligne et chaque fois je suis agréablement surpris de l'efficacité du traitement des commandes. Je me suis tourné vers eux dans le but d'acheter local, et j'ai continué car leur produit joint l'utile à l'agréable.

Dave Stefani

(Translated) The visit was super interesting and informative. The tasting was just as interesting. I really liked the products and especially the ciders and late harvests. The sparkling rosé was also very good. In short, I recommend to anyone who wants to learn and discover about wines and ciders in general. (Original) La visite était super intéressante et instructive. La dégustation était tout aussi intéressante. J'ai bien aimé les produits et plus spécialement les cidres et récoltes tardives. Le mousseux rosé aussi était très bien. Bref, je recommande à tout ceux et celle qui veulent apprendre et découvrir sur les vins et cidres en général.

Paul-Etienne Roy

(Translated) Magnificent view. Exquisite white wines. Red wines still to work (Original) Vue magnifique. Vins blancs exquis. Vins rouges encore à travailler

Julie FC

(Translated) Home no professional, I questioned him the phone is put rang, instead of telling me "a moment" and put the name is on hold, it was simply respond and set to have a conversation. I turned around, I left and never go back. Oh yes, without forgetting, my answer was that this was the only vineyard in the area, which obviously was wrong. I advise you the cider Vin's Arista (Dublin's Pub at 252 rue the small-carolina) right next, warm welcomes, answers all your questions and opportunity to be tasted (FREE) before buying ???? (Original) accueil aucunement professionnels, je lui posait des questions le telephone c'est mis a sonné, au lieu de me dire "un instant" et de mettre l'apelle en attente, elle a tout simplement été répondre et ses mis a avoir une conversation. Je me suis retourné, je suis parti et jamais j'y retournerais. Ah oui sans oublié quelle mavais répondu que cetais le seul vignoble dans le coin, ce que de toute évidence étais faux. Je vous conseille plutôt la cidrerie Vin's Arista (le Dublin's Pub au 252 rue la petite-caroline) juste a côté, accueille chaleureux, répond a toutes vos questions et possibilité de vous faire goûté (GRATUITEMENT) avant d'acheter ????

Annie Bourassa

(Translated) Magnificent landscape, calm and peaceful, perfect for spending a relaxing afternoon on the terrace with a good cider and an excellent hot brie to the sound of musicians, just before picking apples in the orchard. A day of magical sweetness. (Original) Magnifique paysage, calme et paisible, parfait pour y passer un après-midi relaxe sur la terrasse avec un bon cidre et un excellent brie chaud au son des musiciens, juste avant de cueillir des pommes dans le verger. Une journée d'une douceur magique.

cappuccino glace

(Translated) Excellent wine and impeccable service. (Original) Vin excellent et service impeccable.

Maxime Morasse

(Translated) We visited the vineyard which included vineyards, apple trees, equipment and tasting with an agreement with cheeses. I was really fascinated by the diversity and quality of the products available. It was hard to say which one was the best so they were all very good. The guide was really passionate and very generous in his explanations. Of all the tastings I have done, it was by far the most scholarly guide. We were able to picnic quietly on the terrace of the site after the visit. It was very nice. I highly recommend this vineyard / cider house and its products. (Original) Nous avons fait la visite du vignoble qui incluait les vignes, les pommiers, le matériel et la dégustation avec un accord avec des fromages. J'ai été vraiment fasciné par la diversité et la qualité des produits disponibles. Il était difficile de dire lequel était le meilleur tellement ils étaient tous très bon. Le guide était vraiment passionné et très généreux dans ses explications. De toutes les dégustations que j'ai fait, c'était de loin le guide le plus érudits. Nous avons pu pique-niquer tranquillement sur la terrasse du site après la visite. C'était très agréable. Je recommande chaudement ce vignoble/cidrerie et ses produits.

Sylvain Dubuc

(Translated) Really nice hike in the 3 mile trail. (Original) Vraiment une belle randonnée dans le sentier de 3 km.

Daniel Mora

(Translated) Excellent place to spend a beautiful day! Affordable prices! (Original) Excelente lugar para pasar un dia hermoso! Precios accesibles!

Renee Bedard

Pix El

(Translated) Sugar shack style place, but really beautiful once inside and on the terrace. Very large reception rooms and very welcoming staff (Original) Endroit style cabane à sucre, mais vraiment très beau une fois à l'intérieur et sur la terrasse. Très grandes salles de réception et personnel très accueillant

Denise Pereira

Dropped in for a tasting in the afternoon. Tried some sparkling and ice ciders. Particularly liked the sparkling cider with a pear base, Bulles Poiré- it had a pronounced ‘real pear’ taste, rather than flavouring. We ended up buying 4 bottles and I was surprised that she still charged me the $5 for the tasting. Nice ciders and a great environment, but didn’t blow us away from a service standpoint.

Frederic Millet

(Translated) Very beautiful estate with impeccable service. There are good traditional ciders, which can be tasted, as well as very good wines. We fell in love with the Grand Coteau red wine, a blend of Marquette and Frontenac Noir, as well as the fortified winter cuvée. (Original) Très beau domaine avec un service impeccable. Il y a des bons cidres traditionnels, qu'on peut prendre en dégustation, ainsi que de très bons vins. Coup de coeur pour le vin rouge Grand coteau, mélange de Marquette et de Frontenac Noir, ainsi que pour la cuvée hivernale fortifiée.

Joanie Dionne

(Translated) Magnificent place, wonderful products (Original) Endroit magestueux, merveilleux produits

Isabelle Savard

(Translated) Excellent service, courteous staff and quality products. They also have a terrace with a sublime view if you want to quietly taste their products. A visit is essential. (Original) Excellent service, personnel courtois et produits de qualité. Ils ont aussi une terrasse avec une vue sublime si on veut déguster tranquillement leurs produits. Une visite s'impose.

Robert Fournier

(Translated) Thank you to all the Coteux Rougemont team. We had a very good experience. Your professionalism and knowledge was timely. We will definitely go back. Your wines and ciders are just excellent. Robert and Colette from Quebec. (Original) Merci à toutes l'équipe du Coteux Rougemont . On a vécu une très belle expérience. Votre professionalisme et connaissance était à point. C'est sûr qu'on vais y retourner. Vos vins et cidres sont tout simplement excellents. Robert et Colette de Québec .

Steve Pelletier

Jean-Francois Brault (Viper666-Qc)

Nicolas Sigalo

(Translated) A beautiful setting to enjoy a drink at the edge of the orchard! (Original) Un cadre magnifique pour déguster un verre au bord du verger!

Julien Paton

Discover Quebec's biggest winery ! Cheers ????????

Kristi SD

Martin Bouffard

(Translated) Super good products and a lovely environment! (Original) Super bons produits et un environnement charmant !

Valérie Boisvert

(Translated) A great place to go to see. The service is impeccable. (Original) Un très place à aller voir.le service est impeccable.

Élisabeth Édouard (Drima Mleef)

Samuel Auger

(Translated) Great view! (Original) Superbe vue!

Annie Dagenais Brien

(Translated) Splendid and perfect home! (Original) Splendide et accueil parfait!

Domingo Amarillo-Brillantes

Québec quality wine from the Rougemont region. Also known for its cidres.

Élodie Benoit-Bélanger

Stacy Véronneau

Choueiry Mikel


Maxime Bourassa

(Translated) Very nice reception room. (Original) Très belle salle de réception.


Went here on a wine tour. Friendly informative staff. Nice tasting room and interesting things to try. You might not recognize the grapes, but that is ok. Come here and give things a try to start learning about good local products. Be sure to try the cider as well.

Patrick Truchon

Oleksii Kleshchov

(Translated) A beautiful place with good local wines! (Original) Une belle place avec des bons vins d'ici !

Fabien Gagné

Fannie Boisvert


(Translated) Enchanting site, impeccable service and superb products. (Original) Site enchanteur, un service impeccable et de superbes produits.

odilon teixeira

Alexandre Lupien

(Translated) Super nice place. (Original) Super bel endroit.

Isabelle Dubé

(Translated) Very pleasant. I recommend. (Original) Très agréable. Je recommande.

Marie-Christine Turcotte

Carl Leroux0

Morgan Redmile

Jean-Marc Paquin


(Translated) Very nice view and good products. You have to bring your own tea and they sell alcohol. (Original) Très belle vue et de bons produits. Il faut apporter son goûter et ils vendent de l'alcool.

Serge Lefebvre

Myss SK

(Translated) Friendly staff / wonderful place and excellent tasting packages ???????????? (Original) Personnels aimables / endroit merveilleux et les forfaits dégustations excellents ????????????

Maxime Boudreau

(Translated) Wine and cider tasting on the terrace. To try! (Original) Dégustation de vins et cidres sur la terrasse. À essayer!

Audree Elemond

Bianca Lemire

(Translated) Nice atmosphere, A1 service, beautiful scenery. (Original) Belle ambiance, service A1, le paysage magnifique.

Pierrick Mc kinnon

(Translated) Nice location, several products for sale. (Original) Bel emplacement, plusieurs produits à vendre.

Jean Merineau

(Translated) Always so beautiful and pleasant. (Original) Toujours aussi beau et agréable.

Louis Jacques

(Translated) Very nice place and great products. (Original) Très bel endroit et excellents produits.

Provencher-Provost Meggy

Robert Théorêt

(Translated) Great (Original) Super

Samuel Auger

(Translated) Great view! (Original) Superbe vue!

Karen Rolling

Catherine Daigneault

(Translated) I love their pear cider! (Original) J'adore leur cidre aux poires !

Caroline Boyer

Nadine Thauvette

(Translated) The gray, late vintage Frontenac is excellent. (Original) Le Frontenac gris, vendange tardive est excellent.

Jeff S.

Very friendly staff, with a nice atmosphere including a live musician. Will definitely be back

BELLA Patrick

Marianne Deslandes

(Translated) Perfect experience! Terrace next to apple trees, chansonnier, sweet tasting small lunch basket: cheese, cold meats, pâté ... …

Canadian fishmonger

(Translated) Excellent experience (Original) Excellente expérience

Christiane Savaria

Marc-Andre Frenette

Above average Quebec wines

Séléna Bernard

Bjorn Streubgster

Great quality place. Great quality service. Classy place.

Alex G

Randomly stopped here after a hike close by. Wow! What an amazing location and service and wine! I really recommend this place. Had an amazing time and the wine was perfect. The staff was very helpful in the wine selection. Keep up the great work. Can't wait to come back for more.

Claudia Martin

(Translated) A must! It's worth the detour!!! Nice visit. Beautiful wine tasting platter while listening to the songwriter! (Original) Un incontournable! Ça vaut le détour!!! Belle visite. Beau plateau dégustation de vins tout en écoutant le chansonnier!

Mathieu Beaudin

Shanie Gariépy-Guadagno

(Translated) Generous product tasting. Welcoming staff and very nice site. (Original) Dégustation des produits généreuse. Personnel accueillant et site très joli.

Stella Flowers

(Translated) Favorite for me. Excellent tasting. Courteous staff and proud to explain the products of the vineyard. I would go back to enjoy their terrace which overlooked the vineyards with a glass of late harvest and a good book! Enchanting site .. To visit .. (Original) Coup de coeur pour moi. Excellente dégustation. Personnel courtois et fière d'expliquer les produits du vignoble. J'y retournerais pour profiter de leur terrasse qui a vu sur les vignobles avec un verre de vendange tardive et un bon livre! Site enchanteur.. À visiter..

Julia Paul

(Translated) Probably my favorite local vineyard. The tastings are excellent and the prices very reasonable. The staff are always smiling and providing good advice. You will not be disappointed! (Original) Probablement mon vignoble préféré dans le coin. Les dégustations sont excellentes et les prix très raisonnables. Le personnel est toujours souriant et de bon conseil. Vous ne serez pas déçus!

Maxime Tanguay

(Translated) Impeccable service! We received a warm welcome from the lady and the Marketing representative present today. The tasting section is well organized with a menu of products and served on beautiful wooden pallets. We tasted the products on the site's terrace which offers a breathtaking view of the orchard! Very satisfied, we will see each other again! ???? (Original) Service impeccable! Nous avons reçu un bel accueuil de la dame et du représentant Marketing présents aujourd'hui. Le volet dégustation est bien organisé avec un menu des produits et servi sur de belles pallettes en bois. Nous avons dégustés les produits sur la terrasse du site qui offre une vue imprenable sur le verger! Très satisfait, nous allons nous revoir! ????

Marianne Deslandes

(Translated) Perfect experience! Terrace next to apple trees, chansonnier, sweet tasting small lunch basket: cheese, cold meats, pâté ... Under the sun! I swear, it was a perfect time! ???? (Original) Experience parfaite! Terrasse à côté des pommiers, chansonnier, dégustation de liquoreux petit panier de lunch : fromage, charcuterie, pâté.. Au Soleil! Je vous jure, c'était un moment parfait!????

Marc Pacanowski

(Translated) Beautiful visit beautiful products (Original) Belle visite beaux produits

Francis Mireault

(Translated) The place is magnificent. The view of the orchard with the mountains behind is to dream. We did a wine tasting with rusks and cheese, it was a delight! (Original) L'endroit est magnifique. La vue sur le verger avec les montagnes en arrière est à faire rêver. Nous avons fait une dégustation de vins avec biscottes et fromage, c'était un délice!

Adélaïde Bélanger

(Translated) The place and beautiful! $ 13 to $ 16 for 4 large cups of wine tasting. (Original) L'endroit et magnifique! 13$ à 16$ pour 4 grosses coupes de dégustation de vin.

Eric Mercier

(Translated) Very well. The wine is to discover and that is very good bar the same ... (Original) Très bien. Le vin est a découvrir et qui est très bon bar le fait même...

Marianne Labanane

(Translated) I tasted Coteau Rougemont's wine "Le grand Coteau". I am not a great connoisseur, but I found it extremely good. I was very impressed. (Original) J'ai goûté au vin «Le grand Coteau» de Coteau Rougemont. Je ne suis pas une grande connaisseur, mais je l'ai trouvé extrêmement bon. J'en ai été très impressionnée.

Daniela Mezzapelle

Very nice place

Seun Jeon

Louise Vinh

(Translated) We had a pleasant guide for our visit. The visit to the vineyard is well explained and complete. The wines are not extraordinary. Pity. But the ciders and ice wines are good. You can pick apples depending on the season and they have a magnificent terrace with mountain views. Tasting is a bit expensive. 5 dollars for 3 wines. (Original) Nous avons eu un agréable guide pour botre visite. La visite du vignoble est bien expliquée et complète. Les vins ne sont pas extraordinaires. Dommage. Mais les cidres et vins de glace sont bons. On peut cueillir des pommes selon la saison et ils ont une magnifique terasse avec vue sur la montagne. La degustation coûte un peu cher. 5 dollars pour 3 vins.

Hadi Shojaee

Best Winery in Quebec with amazing View and nice restaurant, if you are in Montreal area it’s a must to visit here ! Also, they have EV Charger Stand !

Judith Desjardins Gregoire

(Translated) We attended a corporate event ... The apples from the orchard are delicious. (Original) Nous avons assisté à un événement corporatif... Les pommes du verger sont succulentes.

Vicky Perth

Nath Mireault

(Translated) Guided tour and great tasting (Original) Visite guidée et dégustation super

Josee Parisien

Alexandre Labrecque

Mathieu Laroche

Julie Chamberland

(Translated) Very pleasant day on the terrace. Wine tasting with a musician for the atmosphere. (Original) Très agréable journée sur la terrasse. Dégustation de vin avec un musicien pour l'ambiance.

Isabelle Bernard

(Translated) Beautiful area. Pleasant .beautiful landscape. Apple caramel yum crepe. Friendly staff. Go there ... it's a must! ???? (Original) Tres bel endroit. Agreable .beau paysage. Crepe pomme caramel miam .. Personnels sympathiques. Allez s'y faut le détour !!! ????

Guillaume L.

(Translated) Beautiful atmosphere, place to discover! (Original) Belle ambiance, endroit à découvrir !

Alexane Proulx

(Translated) Excellent service !!! (Original) Excellent service!!!

Alain Barbe

H. Brisebois

(Translated) Very nice site and the visit was very interesting. (Original) Très beau site et la visite était très intéressante.

Alexandre April

Dominique Clairoux

(Translated) Nice view, good cider! (Original) Belle vue, bon cidre!

Caroline Leduc

Heratch Almajian

Martin Bourgouin

(Translated) Very nice place, good product to recommend! (Original) Très belle endroit, bon produit à recommander !

Paulo Nicolas

Rejean Gosselin

Alexandrea Zalesny

Sebastien Genest

Caroline Thibault

Rose Blanche

Roxanne Gince

(Translated) Nice place for this newlyweds! (Original) Belle endroit pour ce mariés!

Catherine Patry Sauve

(Translated) Superb tasting with a beautiful view of the region on the back terrace. (Original) Superbe dégustation avec belle vue sur la région à la terrasse arrière.

Ecaterina Vlasova

Margarita Potes

Jean Yves Primard

(Translated) Good choice of wines and ciders. Courteous staff. (Original) Bon choix de vins et de cidres. Personnel courtois.

Guy Laliberte

Richard Paul


Sonia Chabot

Bruno Capistran

Nadine Blouin

(Translated) What a nice place !!! And great products !! Well done ! (Original) Quel bel endroit !!! Et de super bons produits !! Bravo !

Jeff Caverly

Sylvain Tremblay

(Translated) Interesting, very good pies. Their ciders are excellent. (Original) Intéressant, très bonne tartes.Leur cidres est excellent..

Daphnee Eclair

(Translated) Unparalleled service a lot of good product so their fabulous ice cider (Original) Service hors pair beaucoup de bon produit donc leurs fabuleux cidre de glace

Kim Simard

(Translated) Excellent (Original) Excellent

ginette ouellet

Pedro Amador

min liao

(Translated) I really like the terrace. Very beautiful landscape. We had a great time with my family. You can walk in the orchard and pick apples. (Original) J'aime beaucoup la terrasse . Très beau paysage. On a passé de bon moments avec ma famille. On peut marcher dans le verger et cueillir les pommes.

Sylvie Harvey

Dominique Brunet

Karine Chaussé

Johanne Lemay


(Translated) Although I found the products to be very good, I wonder why the tasting is so expensive. I took the tasting of 5 ciders and wines and it costs $ 10. This seems excessive to me, as the portions served are minimal and I had spent $ 85 on products and the tasting was not offered. In most wineries and cider houses, tasting is free when the customer purchases products. (Original) Bien que j’ai trouvé les produits très bons, je me demande pourquoi la dégustation est aussi chère. J’ai pris la dégustation de 5 cidres et vins et cela coûte 10$. Cela me semble excessif, car les portions servies sont minimes et que j’avais dépensé 85$ en produits et la dégustation n’a pas été offerte. Dans la plupart de vignobles et cidreries, la dégustation est gratuite lorsque le client achète des produits.

Robert Belisle

(Translated) Beautiful site, beautiful atmosphere (Original) Beau site, bel ambiance

Yves Bouchard

(Translated) Esseyer the great slope excellent product of Quebec full of other choice !!! (Original) Esseyer le grand coteau excellent produit du quebec plein d autre choix !!!

Bruno-pierre Lavigne

(Translated) great place, well appointed and clean. unfortunately we attended a wedding and the employees were stupid as his had no common sense. I had 3 altercations with the employees and each of the 3 was pitiful in their response, arrogance and frustration in their attitude and voice. I can not recommend for which is the service, it's nice to have a good company, but unfortunate that the reputation is tainted by staff who do not like their work, especially during a WEDDING (Original) superbe endroit, bien aménagé et propre. malheureusement nous avons participé a un mariage et les employé étaient bête comme sa avait pas de bon sens. j'ai eu 3 altercation avec les employé et chacune des 3 était pitoyable dans leur réponse, arrogance et frustration dans leur attitude et leur voix. je ne peux pas recomander pour se qui est du service, c'est beau avoir une belle entreprise, mais malheureux que la réputation soit entaché par du staff qui n'aiment pas leur travail, surtout pendant un MARIAGE

Annie Saint-Amour

(Translated) Superb place, very warm welcome and very pleasant tasting and well presented. (Original) Superbe endroit, très bel accueil et dégustation très agréable et bien présentée.

Dany landry

(Translated) Beautiful terrace, beautiful landscape. We should add a little atmosphere, music. I took the cider tasting platter, it was excellent. (Original) Belle terrasse, beau paysage. Il faudrait ajouter un peu d'ambiance, musique. J'ai pris le plateau de dégustation de cidre, ce fut excellent.

Alexandre Richer

Very nice wine sampling for 3$/pers for 3 choices. From all of the various location we've tried en route on the wine and cider road, this was one of the best for the samples and quality purchases. The person on site was knowledgeable. We bought many of their products. Will need to go back at some point to get more. ????????????

Nathalie Malo

mathieu senecal

Jack K

A must visit in the region. Beautiful views of the area in a cozy setting. Nice products as well and very kind staff.

SYLVIE Deschambault

(Translated) Very good product and impeccable service (Original) Très bon produit et service impeccable


Carole Boulay

Caron Sylvain

(Translated) Very nice (Original) Très belle aceuille

sylvain Blais

Sylvie Boisvert

(Translated) Beautiful area !!! (Original) Très bel endroit !!!

Alain Groulx

Sarah Leclerc

(Translated) Good customer service - dedicated people who really care about customer service. Very good products too. Try the pear ice cider, it is particularly delicious (Original) Bon service à la clientele- des gens dévoués qui ont vraiment le service à clientèle a cœur. De très bons produits également. Essayez le cidre de glace de poire, c’est particulièrement delicieux

David Blier

Ghislain Demeules

(Translated) Good (Original) Bien

Louis Myre

(Translated) Very good wines and ciders, excellent tasting and as a bonus, an apple dessert with a glass of sparkling cider surplus and free. (Original) Très bon vins et cidres, excellente dégustation et en prime, un dessert aux pommes avec un verre de cidre pétillant en surplus et gratuit.

jeanlouis houde

(Translated) we spent this Sunday December 20 and WOW a whole welcome, the person who was there presented us all her products, she advised us how to drink them, a true passionate and connoisseur, we did not expect all this splendor and see you, I'll tell all my friends about it and recommend it and even go back for its raspberry wine. (Original) nous sommes passé ce dimanche le 20 décembre et WOW toute une accueil ,la personne qui était sur place nous a présenté tout ses produits , elle nous a conseiller comment les boire ,une vrai passionnée et connaisseuse , on ne s'attendait a toute cette splendeur et rendez-vous , je vais en parler a tout mes amis et le recommander et même y retourner pour son vin au framboise .

Daphné Houghton

(Translated) A place to discover, their products are all unique and full of flavors. I went there twice for a tasting, super welcoming owner, I had a lot of fun. I can't wait to go back and this time have a drink on the terrace. (Original) Un endroit à découvrir, leur produits sont tous uniques et plein de saveurs. J'y suis allé 2 fois pour une dégustation, propriétaire super accueillante, j'ai eu beaucoup de plaisir. J'ai déjà hâte d'y retourner et cette fois ci prendre une verre sur la terrasse.

Business Hours of Coteau Rougemont - Vignoble & Cidrerie in Côte-Saint-Luc



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