The owner of this store is very rude, inconsiderate and vile. A persons with a handicap had parked in the parking lot close to his business, but was visiting a business across from his. There is a 2 hr maximum in the parking lot and street surrounding the area. There was absolutely no handicap parking spots on street near the business, nor in the parking lot they were visiting at the time. They parked 1 hour over the alloted time and this man calls the parking authority to write a ticket and threaten to have car towed. The parking lot was completely empty and his store was closing within an hour. So this person, with a handicap requiring being within 50m of a business, now had to move their car over 2 blocks away from the business they were at. This person ended up having an episode requiring medical attention due to having to walk the longer distance back to their car and having to have family come get their car.
The owner of this business clearly has no idea of the struggles people with disabilities have, and should think twice about remedies to the situation, like talking to the person first, before calling the authorities for drastic measures. What a disgusting human being.