Reviews of Lyne Beaupre DVM (Veterinarian)

34 Rue Commerciale, Témiscouata-sur-le-Lac, QC G0L 1X0, Canada

Average Rating:


We have the feddbacks of people like you who know the products and services of Lyne Beaupre DVM (Veterinarian) near New Brunswick (Canada).

Now this business has a score of 4.4 stars over 5 and this rating was based on 120 reviews.

As you can see the average of ratings is good, and it's based on a large number of opinions, so we can conclude that the rating is very faithful. If there are many people who bothered to leave their opinion when they are satisfied with the service, it works.

You know that we do not usually bother to put tatings when they are correct and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or incidence...

This Veterinarian belongs to the category of Veterinarian.

Where is Lyne Beaupre DVM?

REVIEWS OF Lyne Beaupre DVM IN New Brunswick

Eugene Van Den Berg

Old fashion commitment. No one wanted to help us. She was prepared to stay later to assist us. Other vets in the area, take note, you guys suck! Still waiting for return calls. Our darling Lucy pup sustained a knee ligament injury whilst traveling. As we were driving east, we contacted a number of vets. The old excuse book got thrown at us. Society in Canada is going for a uckfy.., for sure!!

Jo Juju

Missed clearly visible health defect. I would Avoid at all cost

jack more

(Translated) Very good service (Original) Très bon service

Julie Gauthier

Ferme Ladriere

Mike and Leslie Ouellette

Max Noir

(Translated) Great (Original) Super

Martin Nadon

Nadine Gag

Sylvie Ruest

Jean-francois Lalibertė

Lucien Santerre

(Translated) The best vet in the world nice etc (Original) Les meilleur vétérinaire au monde gentil etc

Maxime Dupont

(Translated) Service more than professional and very courteous. (Original) Service plus que professionnel et très courtois.

Christian Michaud

(Translated) Superb good team and really good thank you (Original) Superbe de bonne équipe et vraiment bien servis merci

Stacy Levasseur

Steff B

(Translated) Impeccable service, Dr. Beaupre as well as the ladies who work it was very kind, kind and helpful. well done (Original) Service impeccable, Dr Beaupre ainsi que les dames qui travaille la on ete tres gentille, aimable et serviable. Bravo

Cam Lavoie

Dodey Bouchard

(Translated) Experienced veterinarian, answer our questions well, seen quickly enough! (Original) Veterinaire d'experience, repond bien a nos question, vu asser rapidement!

Nathan Price

I liked my experience hee because your entire personnel including your manager is very nice and welcoming, your clinic has lots of animal services like food and medicine supplies, appointments, vaccinations, sterilization, and more and your place is clean and tidy.

Marc-André Dubé

Sylvain Plourde

Judy Michaud

Good service and they were great with our pups... there to answer our questions very happy to have a vet that cares for our pups...

Guillaume Michaud

Audrey Dionne

Kim Rossignol

(Translated) Qualified staff, wide range of availability. (Original) Personnels qualifiés, vaste plage de disponibilités.

Keela Morel

Caroline B.

(Translated) Satisfactory. (Original) Satisfaisant.

Ricky Levasseur

(Translated) Great service, friendly, professional and unbeatable prices! (Original) Super service, amical, professionnelle et des prix imbattable !

Nicole St-jean

(Translated) Good service (Original) Bon service

Véronique Michaud

sylvie gagnon

(Translated) Wonderful, they took good care of my little Tony 14 years old. I adore people of heart and love..Thank you and recommend you to all those who have at heart the love of their animals and good care .. (Original) Merveilleux, ils ont bien pris soin de mon petit Tony 14 ans .J'adore les gens de coeur et d'amour..Je vous remercie et vous recommande à tous ceux qui ont à coeur l'amour de leurs animaux et de bons soins..

Clau Lav

(Translated) Let me tell you that this place due to lack of skill and lack of delicacy is not recommended for me. So now I'm on the road for 1h20 so that my little ones receive the best possible care, in a consistent and gentle way. (Original) Laissez moi vous dire que cette endroit dû au manque de compétence et manque de délicatesse est non recommandé pour moi. Donc maintenant je fais 1h20 de route pour que mes petits recoivent les meilleurs soins possible, de façon conforme et tout en douceur.

Glen Raymond

(Translated) We had to call to find out what was the cost for the first puppy for two puppies Golden Retriever and they told us $ 30 from the puppies which gave us $ 60 ... We also had a male adult Golden Retriever who needed vaccines. They asked us if we were breeder or if it was our dogs. We answered that we were breeder. When they gave us the bill, put it up $ 140 for the two puppies ... When the veterinarian had to inject the puppies she did not completely remove the area of the syringe so the puppy started barking in pain when she injected them. The veterinarian was all alone and she asked me to lift my 100lb dog on a table. This is the first time that i see this. Usually the vets have someone to help them ... If I go to Tim Horton, they will not ask me to come and put the sugar in my cafe! I pay for a coffee not to help them do it ... I wonder if they have special treatment for the breeders? Never again will I go for my animals .. (Original) On a appeler pour savoir quelle etais le cout pour les premier vaccin pour deux chiots Golden Retriever et ils nous ont dis 30 dollars du chiots ce qui donnait 60 dollars... Nous avions aussi un Golden Retriever adulte male qui avais besoin de vaccins. Ils nous ont demander si on etais eleveur ou si cetais nos chiens. Nous avont repondue que nous etions eleveur. Quand ils nous ont donner la facture, le montent etais 140$ pour les deux chiots... Quand la veterinaire a injecter les chiots elle n'a pas completement enlever l'aire de la seringue alors les chiot se sont mis a aboyer de douleur quand elle les a injecter. La veterinaire etais toute seul et elle m'a demander de soulever mon chien de 100lb sur une table. C'est la premiere fois que je vois ca. Habituellement les veterinaire ont quelqu'un pour les aider... Si je vais au Tim Horton, Ils ne me demanderons pas de venir mettre le sucre dans mon cafe! Jai payer pour un cafe pas pour les aider a le faire... Je me demande si ils ont un traitement speciale pour les eleveurs? Plus jamais que je vais aller la pour mes animaux..

steven ringuette

(Translated) exellent service when you have an emergency had he been the right job to the whole team (Original) exellent service quand tu a une urgence eu il sont la bonne job a toute l'équipe

Adan Côté

julie dany

(Translated) Super good service The staff are very human (Original) Super bon service Le personnel est très humain

Automne Laqd

Martine Doiron

(Translated) Allo de Floresse (Original) Allo de Floresse

Marius Pelletier

Urs Bernet

Samuel Lebrun-Lavoie

Frederick Hook

S Bilodeau

Claire Belanger

(Translated) Very good vet and good service (Original) Tres bonne veterinaire et.bon.service

Genevieve Riffon

Suzy Pelletier

Melanie Landry

(Translated) Very welcoming and very human staff. (Original) Personnel très acceuilant et très humain.

Mustang Swlly

Well maintain and a very occupied waiting room for animals care by a professional DVM.

Jean Bonenfant

Diane Vaillancourt

Martine St-Laurent

(Translated) Great service!!! (Original) Super service !!!

Andrée-Anne Lemieux

(Translated) Super service !! (Original) Super service !!

Scott Lull

Céline Albert

Renato Mardones

(Translated) Very well (Original) Très bien

Annie Bellefleur

(Translated) Uncomplicated telephone service (Original) Service téléphonique sans façon

Helene St-cyr Levesque

Chantal Lavoie

(Translated) Thank you to the whole team, sensitivity, support and understanding, respect ..... Thank you again !! (Original) Merci à toute l' équipe, délicatesse,support et compréhension,respect..... encore Merci!!

White Will I Am

Vicky Laplante

Isabelle Parise

(Translated) Frankly good cheap service !! (Original) Franchement bon service pas cher !!

Rachel Bois

Réal Thiboutot

(Translated) Very good price-quality service (Original) Très bon service qualité-prix

Ghislain Berube

(Translated) super happy. thank you !! (Original) super content .merci !!

Rėal Rattė

Tammy Primeau

Jocelyn Dube

(Translated) Always a good service with Lyne (Original) Toujours un bon service avec Lyne

Carol Drapeau

Charles Martin

Jocelyne Jean

dominique fournier

(Translated) Conscientious and professional! (Original) Consciencieuse et professionnelle!

rip 666

Julie Plourde

Berube Jennifer

(Translated) I love their service!! (Original) J'adore leur service !!

Marc Lord

yanik lebel

julie lizotte

(Translated) Thanks for the excellent service (Original) Merci pour l excellent service

Olivier Grondin

michel ruest

(Translated) Very well (Original) Tres bien

tig bandit

Suzie Plourde

(Translated) Super service, whether for follow-up, surgery or to say goodbye to your faithful companion. Doctor Beaupré and their team are always in total respect. Thanks for your great team! (Original) Super service , que ce sois pour un suivi , une chirurgie ou pour dire au revoir à vôtre fidèle compagnon. Docteur Beaupré et sont equipe sont toujours dans le respect total. Merci pour votre belle équipe!

Chantal Gagnon

Jocelyn Blondeau

(Translated) Despite a busy day, dr Beaupré agreed to urgently see our dog Roxane and took measures, actions and advice which allowed us to save her. The entire team was very kind and collaborative. Thank you! (Original) Malgré une journée surchargée, dr Beaupré a accepté de voir en urgence notre chienne Roxane et a pris mesures actions et conseils qui nous ont permis de la sauver. L'équipe complète a été d'une grande gentillesse et collaboration. Merci!

Baudoin Landry

(Translated) Super service thank you (Original) Super service merci

David Smith

Joanie Pelletier

Mario Cloutier

Caroline Levesque

(Translated) Professional service! (Original) Service professionnel !

Karen Fallu

Har to wait quite a bit, otherwise 5 Star

Annie Dumont

Mélanie Leclerc

(Translated) They are very human and respectful! Like a balm on our heart when we have euthanized our little 14 and a half year old Lola. Thank you very much to the whole team! (Original) Elles sont très humaines et respectueuses! Comme un baume sur notre coeur lorsque l'on as euthanasier notre petite Lola de 14 ans et demi. Merci beaucoup à toute l'équipe!

Sylvie Dallaire

(Translated) A great team that works with love and Passion for animals at a very good price (Original) Une équipe super qui travail avec amour et Passion pour les animaux à très bon prix

Dube Serge

(Translated) Good service and very friendly (Original) Bon service et très amicales

Marcel Marquis

Renaud Malenfant

Nadia Faucher Labrie

(Translated) Very good services. Answer all questions. ???? (Original) Très bon services. Repond a tous les questions. ????

Amélie Dionne

(Translated) Competent vet and tech, human, treat my animals as they were his own (Original) Vet et tech compétentes, humaine, traite mes animaux comme s'y c'était les siens

Johanne Rousseau

Alex Collin

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