I’d love to give this a five star review because my dog looks beautiful after her Groom with the “Are You A Dirty Dog” service and was happy and excited when I picked her up. However, the groomer who gave her such expert and wonderful care made me the owner feel not so great. We have a 5 year old pyrenese/retriever with long hair who has a very active life of swimming, hiking and socializing with other dogs in a variety of settings year round. We love her to pieces and think she has a pretty great life! The reason we bring her to a professional groomer is because they are experts and do a great job. I felt from when I first dropped her off a passive aggressive sort of interaction when I explained she was at times scared of the dryer, but she was gentle and good with my dog so I felt comfortable about that. When I picked her up it was more passive
aggressive comments about “do we even own a brush” and “if brought back in this matted it would be unethical to brush her out again and would require a shave” both in a very accusatory tone. Anyone who knows us or our dog knows what we are like as owners. She gets burrs! She gets mats- she plays hard and she is constantly in the water from the second the snow melts...but to pet her and cuddle with her she is soft and by no means “matted everywhere”. We paid 150.00 including a 10.00 tip without a bat of an eye (event after these comments) because of a the great job and the obvious work involved. But I’m extremely disappointed you’d make an owner feel that way, I went home and told my husband the word “inhumane” was used and he was ready to call the place back. Maybe in the future your groomers could think about the tone and message they are sending. I am an ICU nurse and family and patient interaction is 80% of my job and I certainly hope my clients never leave upset at something I implied the way you did to me today. Something to think about.