Worst vet experience to date. We called on Noah's Ark to do an at home euthanasia for our pet, after a recommendation, as we wanted him to be as comfortable as possible in his final moments. I have had over 10 cats in my pet owning experience, and have witnessed a number of euthanasias in that time. All have been sad, but I have never witnessed an animal suffer like I did with this visit. This euthanasia, provided by Noah's Ark was THE WORST I have ever witnessed.
My poor cat, (who was one of the most affectionate, sweet and loving cats I have had the opportunity to love) would never ever hiss, growl, or scratch. He was a comforter even in his sick days. Well.. He did all three in her rough, and unpleasant visit.
When it came time for the vet to carry out the euthanasia, she was SO ROUGH AND AGRESSIVE with my sick boy that he hissed, growled, and tried to hide in my arms. She didn't even let us know when she was giving the euthanasia so we didn't have an opportunity to hold him with a loving embrace as his passed. She told us to 'HOLD HIM DOWN', while - we thought - she was giving him a sedative. She wasn't. She was injecting, roughly, (as my cat cried out) with the euthanasia shot.
I wouldn't let that vet come close to any living creature with a 2000 foot poll. Now the memories of the final moments of my little guy were not of giving him peace, bur rather seeing his confusion and suffering in the last moments of his life. It was, and has been nightmare inducing. I didn't sleep for days after as the pain of that visit haunted me, and still does today.
I was SO ANGRY that his final moments were as they were, but aside from complaining to the vet, or posting a review there isn't anything I can do to take away Oscar's suffering and that makes me so upset.
If you love you pet, please PLEASE take it to someone who actually shows your pet compassion and care. For that cannot be found at Noah's Ark Mobile veterinary care.