(Translated) /
With a total length of about 4.6 kilometers, the Old Québec (Old Québec / Vieux-Québec) still retains the only complete ancient city wall in North America. As the United Nations World Cultural Heritage, it represents an important testimony to the process of colonization and modernization in North America. The city was founded by the French in 1608. You can't see signs in English, street names in English, or shop names in English in this city. We took 8 UBER trips in Quebec City, and three of them did not speak English at all. After attending the Conference, I swayed nearby. This photo was taken in front of Youville Square (Place d'Youville), with the city gate of St. John's.
The old Québec (Vieux-Québec) is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city was founded in 1608 by Samuel de Champlain, a french navigator / explorer. The surrounding ramparts are of length 4.6 km in total, and are the only city walls remaining in nothern America, where the old Québec marks the colonial history and the progress of modernization. The majority of city residents are native French speakers (94.6%), with English-speaking community only 1.5%. We took 8 UBER rides in Québec city and turned out 3 out of the 8 drivers could barely speak English. This gate in the photo, taken at Youville Square (Place d'Youville), is St John's Gate (Porte Saint-Jean), one of the many ports of the Old Québec ramparts.
全長大約 4.6 公里,魁北克市舊城 (Old Québec / Vieux-Québec) 至今仍保留著北美地區唯一的完整古城牆。身為聯合國世界文化遺產,它所代表的是北美殖民化以及近代化發展過程的重要見證。1608 年由法國人建城,在這個城市當中你看不到英文的標示、英文的路名、英文的商店名字。我們在魁北克市約莫搭乘了 8 趟 UBER,其中有三個司機是完全不會講英文的。參加完 Conference 之後到附近晃晃,這張照片便是在 Youville 廣場 (Place d'Youville) 前面拍下,跟聖約翰城門的合影。
The old Québec (Vieux-Québec) is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city was founded in 1608 by Samuel de Champlain, a french navigator / explorer. The surrounding ramparts are of length 4.6 km in total, and are the only city walls remaining in nothern America, where the old Québec marks the colonial history and the progress of modernization. The majority of city residents are native French speakers (94.6%), with English-speaking community only 1.5%. We took 8 UBER rides in Québec city and turned out 3 out of the 8 drivers could barely speak English. This gate in the photo, taken at Youville Square (Place d'Youville), is St John's Gate (Porte Saint-Jean), one of the many ports of the Old Québec ramparts.