(Translated) This year, the name of my child's birth date was written wrong, I've never been called again and again, but then I saw that my ticket was canceled at the airport and then you did. We bought at least 25 tickets and thanks to the guya baba to me from ten parts of the econmy part of the ten part of the ten side we went to almost all of us would sit in separate places with barely set up and we all did it ourselves I want to live in another group that I'm glad satisfaction Turkish Airlines flight tickets canceled france from the plane changed, but they did not say to cancel the flight from Istanbul to cancel the domestic lines ticketide again had to get tickets .. So you want to experience the problem you get interest relevance zero zero
problem yasamak isteyen alsin bizi mahvetti bu sene cocugumun ismini dogum tarihi yanlis yazildi defalarca aramama ragmen hic problem olmuyacak denildi sonra havalimanin da biletimin iptal oldugunu gordum sonra da sen yapmissin denildi.Ki; En az 25 bilet aldik ve guya tesekkur babinda bana on kisim dan yer ayirtilacakti econmy kisminin on kismin dan on tarafi gectik az kalsin hepimiz ayri yerlerde oturacaktik cocuklarla zar zor ayarladik vede hepsini kendimiz yaptik demem su problem yasamak isteyen alsin ben sifir memnuniyet ki diger bir grubunda fransadan biletleri iptal turk havayollarinin ucak saati degismis ama soylemedigi icin biley iptal istanbuldan aldiklari ic hatlar biletide kacirip tekrardan bilet almak zorunda kaldilar..Yani problem yadamak isteyen aldin ilgi alaka sifir sifir sifir