Reviews of Steamship Terminal (Tourist Attraction)

470 Belleville St, Victoria, BC V8V 1W9, Canada

Average Rating:


Here you will be able to see the information of real people like you who consumed the products and services of Steamship Terminal (Tourist Attraction) near to the area of Esquimalt (Canada).

At the present this firm gets a score of 4 stars out of 5 and the score was based on 41 reviews.

As you can see the average of ratings that it reaches is high, and it's based on a large number of scores, so we can think that the assessment is quite credible. If people have bothered to rate when they've done well, is that it works.

As you know, we don't usually stop to set evaluations when these are good and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or incidence...

This Tourist Attraction belongs to the category of Tourist attraction.

Where is Steamship Terminal?

REVIEWS OF Steamship Terminal IN Esquimalt

Shawn Neumann

Enjoyed an evening on the patio. The location and view is excellent and we had good service.

vero gomez

(Translated) A pretty nice place (Original) Un lugar bastante bonito


John Gannon

Iin Tan

Great terminal

Nicholas Angeja

Paula Barnes

Maritime history and fun here! Walk through and enjoy! Grab a burger and enjoy the view of beautiful James Bay and the surrounding harbor! The view across to Victoria reflecting off of the water at night is stunning!! Bling Blinky of Texas Shout Out: Picturesque All Day Long!

K Larkin

Service ok. Food way below average, what a waste on such a beautiful location with such potential.

Stephen DUSTY Roberts

A great placd with a wonderful ambiance,, even better while enjoying a burger and a gourmet burger!

Carlos Miranda

The location is the only good thing about this place. When you server popcorn shrimp in a bowl with actual popcorn, you went from creative to ruining it. I know the building is old and you did the best you could with what you had, but what's the point of having windows facing the ocean if you can't see anything?

Wendell Crim

Lunch on the porch was wonderful.

Holly Nunn

Josh was an amazing server, above and beyond to make sure we were comfortable this evening and the food was delicious. Best service I have had from a server in a very long time!

anthony kulas

Edward Ross (Edward_YYJ)

Bateman gallery is a do not miss!

Lou Carlson

Really nice area, with great views.

Graeme Cs

April Schwaer

Raspberry Canoe

Best sea food ever. Get the chilled platter.

Chris Sirinop

Second building after we exit the ferry building would be this one. With a restaurant and an art gallery inside the building. Nice place to get something to eat, if you arrived at 4 pm.

Fiona Aki

Bruno Conti Rossini

(Translated) Die Lage ist toll, die Bedienung sehr freundlich aber etwas wenig präzis, die Gerichte im grossen und ganzem durchaus genießbar. Falls ihr in Sommer Victoria besucht, in Abendessen auf der Terrasse vom Steamship Terminal würde ich nicht verpassen. the location is very beautiful, the service is good and nice even if a little inaccurate. The quality of the food is good and the portions pure. You can try the wine before buying it. Even if it is not a refined kitchen we ate well at a decent price with generous portions and as mentioned enjoying a remarkable panorama. If you pass by Victoria in the summer a dinner on the terrace I wouldn't miss it. (Original) Die Lage ist toll, die Bedienung sehr freundlich aber etwas wenig präzis, die Gerichte im grossen und ganzem durchaus geniessbar. Falls ihr in Sommer Victoria besucht, ein Abendessen auf der Terrasse vom Steamship Terminal würde ich nicht verpassen. la posizione é molto bella, il servizio buono e simpatico anche se un po' impreciso. La qualità del cibo é buona e le porzioni pure. Puoi provare il vino prima di acquistarlo. Anche se non si tratta di una cucina ricercata abbiamo mangiato bene ad un prezzo decente con porzioni generose e come detto godendo di un Panorama notevole. Se Passate da Victoria in estate una cena sulla terrazza non me la farei mancare.

Chen PN

(Translated) Very beautiful pier (Original) 很美的一個碼頭

Luke Haruki

Tim Lai (Tim)

(Translated) The cruise terminal at Victoria Harbour is beautifully landscaped, close to the state government and the Fairmount hotel. (Original) Victoria 港口的郵輪碼頭,四周風景美麗,臨近州政府和 Fairmount hotel 。

Peter MacLeod

Good place for a burger and beer (sports too) while waiting for the ferry

Bjorn Humle

Tere Arboleda

A great and scenic place. The spots around it were awesome. We got the chance to see the Boat Ballet on our stay. Close to Parliament Building.

alin li

Stephen Lycopolus

Rachelle Carson

Nikhila Pankaj


Jennifer M

Brad Zakreski

Terrific ambiance.

Violetta Turska

The only good think about our dinner was the server. We were so very disappointed with our dinner this afternoon. All 4 of us did not like what we ordered and we all were very hungry. Shrimp was so very over done (Deep fried) our Halibut not only crust but the inside was so hard and over cooked that I did not eat any of it. It was also deep fried. All the dishes were “brown on brown” no taste or flavour at all. This was such a waste of money. I can not believe that a restaurant like this is existing I guess all the tourists and location is helping as I am sure nobody would be interested in going back. The servers are use to Unsitisfied customers, I guess, as she did not ask why my plate was not touched. Way overpriced too. Please do not eat there, this was my worst restaurant experience in extreamly long time. Violetta. T.

Brian McLean

Paul Onderwater

A great place to stop on your travels in Victoria's inner harbour. If you are looking for a view of the inner harbour, the Steamship Grill has a wonderful patio. For coffee there is a Starbucks. You can get tickets on the V2V for a ferry to Vancouver. The Coho terminal is just next door and if you are waiting for your ferry to Port Angles, you can take in the Bateman Gallery as well.

Dylan Kersey

Good view

Christian J

Alec Kozloff

Tath James

Service was decent food was lacking in all aspects. Onion strings were stale and no flavour to begin with and the bacon was charred black. No rectifying of anything and not even a nice day from anyone as you leave. Wouldnt recommend to anyone unless they want a good view and even that's interrupted if the ships in and blasts it's horn with out warning next door.

Business Hours of Steamship Terminal in Esquimalt

10AM TO 9:30PM
11AM TO 10PM
11AM TO 10PM
11AM TO 10PM
11AM TO 10PM
11AM TO 10:30PM
10AM TO 10:30PM


Steamship Terminal en Esquimalt
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