Reviews of Tatouage Celtic (Tattoo Shop)

115 Rue des Peupliers E, Québec, QC G1L 1S3, Canada

Average Rating:


We've got all the reviews of people like you who purchased the services and products of Tatouage Celtic (Tattoo Shop) in the area close to Charlesbourg (Canada).

Nowadays the business receives a score of 4.7 out of 5 and this score has been based on 127 reviews.

As you can read, it reaches an feddbacks average is basically the best one, and it's founded on a large number of scores, so we may say that the rating is very faithful. If people have bothered to leave their review when they are happy, is that it works.

You know that we do not usually stop to place opinions when these are correct and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or issue...

This Tattoo Shop is classified in the category of Body piercing shop.

Where is Tatouage Celtic?

REVIEWS OF Tatouage Celtic IN Charlesbourg


(Translated) Tattoo (Original) Tatouage

Lucie Fillion

Michaël Pilote

Deguise Mylène

Katy Bernard

(Translated) The best!! ????, very professional, courteous and respectful service. I recommend more than anything else. He takes the time and that is to the customer's credit. I give 5 stars without any hesitation. (Original) Les meilleurs!! ????, service très professionnel, courtois et respectueux. Je recommande plus que tout autre part. Il prenne le temps et c'est tout à l'honneur du client. Je donne 5 étoiles sans aucune hésitation.

Alexandra Turcotte

(Translated) For the past 7 years, I have been getting a breakthrough at celtic tattoo and I am still so satisfied with their professionalism and their talent. A huge thank you to the whole team. Alexandra T. Xx (Original) Depuis les 7 dernières années, je me fait percer chez celtic tattoo et je suis toujours aussi satisfaite de leur professionnalisme et de leur talent. Un énorme merci à toute l’équipe. Alexandra T. Xx

Andréanne Juneau-Fecteau

Denis Brousseau

(Translated) Beautiful. Shop (Original) Beau. Magasin

Sabrina Mercier

Olivier Villeneuve

(Translated) Great place, clean and professional (Original) Super endroit, propre et proffessionel

jessicaanne claveau

(Translated) I recommend them, it's not just my favorite store, it's brilliant, professional employees, the services and jewelry are of high quality! (Original) Je les recommendes cest pas juste ma boutique préféré cest des employer génial,professionnelle,les services et bijoux sont de qualité!

Guillaume Harbour

Josée-Lee Martineau

(Translated) Superb team and very professional! Wow! In addition, the workplace is clean and sanitary. Thank you for the experience, I will come back for sure. (Original) Superbe équipe et très professionnel ! Wow! De plus, l'endroit de travail est propre et sanitaire. Merci pour l'expérience, je vais revenir c'est certain.

Charly Bgx

(Translated) Just perfect, what more can I say from start to finish? (Original) Juste parfait, quoi dire de plus quand du début à la fin tout est au top !

Michele Theriault

(Translated) Summer for drilling, really professional! Satisfied customer ???? (Original) Été pour perçage, vraiment professionnnel! Client satisfait ????

Alyson Grondin Brochu

Marion Pierre


(Translated) Exceptional service, very competitive price, professional and attentive Special mention to Joey who tattooed me! (Original) Service exceptionelle, prix très compétitif,professionel et a l écoute Mention spéciale à Joey qui m a tatoué !

Louis Giguere

Carl Fournier

(Translated) Professional and courteous (Original) Professionnel et courtois

Claude Durand

Elisa Arsenault

(Translated) Excellent welcome all the staff are professional and friendly! Very clean place, all well sanitized instruments, talented tattoo artists and listening :) I highly recommend it! (Original) Excellente accueil tout le personnel est professionnel et sympathique! Endroit très propre, tous les instruments bien aseptisés, artistes tatoueurs talentueux et à l'écoute :) je vous le recommande vivement!

Cécile Nyd

(Translated) Team at the top! A great welcome, professional drillers who know what they are talking about! I advice !! We will return soon ???? (Original) Équipe au top ! Un super acceuil, des perceurs professionnels qui savent de quoi ils parlent! Je conseils !! Nous y retournerons bientôt ????

michel theriault

patrick rossignol

Tristan Beaudoin-DAvignon

(Translated) He tattooed a tree on my head (Original) Il mon tatoué un arbre sur le crane

Catherine Nadeau

Stéphane Larocque

(Translated) A very beautiful experience (Original) Une très belle expérience

Lili-florence Ferland

Myriam Thėberge (ZOMMBIEKILLERZ)

Émilie Bouffard

Tasnim Bousnina

Simon Noël

(Translated) Dying skill (Original) Compétence doureuse

Catherine Lévesque

Il était une Chinoise

(Translated) Super good service, super professional and courteous. (Original) Super de bon service, ultra professionnel et courtois.

Melissa Lamothe

(Translated) Exceptional service (Original) Service exceptionnel

Melissa Lamothe

(Translated) Exceptional service (Original) Service exceptionnel

Vincent Dubé

(Translated) Great experience for my first piercing. Very professional and friendly staff. It was Vanessa who took care of my piercing and she was very careful so that everything was perfectly placed and she took the time to explain everything to me for the interview. I would definitely recommend this place. (Original) Super expérience pour mon premier piercing. Personnel très professionnel et sympathique. C'est Vanessa qui s'est occupé de mon piercing et elle a fait preuve de beaucoup de minutie pour que tout sois parfaitement placé et elle a pris le temps de tout bien m'expliquer pour l'entretien. Je recommanderais cet endroit sans aucun doute.

Nadia-rose Doucet

cristalline la fille de cristal

Jessica Rivard

Gabrielle Renaud

Nathalie “Arbre de Vie” Couture

Jessie Corneau

Sabrina Lecours

(Translated) Amazing staff and they know what they are talking about ... !! (Original) Personnel incroyable et ils savent de quoi ils parlent...!!


(Translated) Always a good service! (Original) Toujours un bon service !

Roger Fournier

Jeanne Cote

Joanne Filion

(Translated) Very good service ... I recommend it ... (Original) Très bon le recommande...

annick lepage

Camille Boutet

(Translated) Very warm atmosphere and very welcoming and friendly staff (Original) Ambiance très chaleureuse et personnel très accueillant et sympathique

Julie Vézina

(Translated) Professional and friendly staff. Cash payment only (Original) Personnel professionnel et sympathique. Paiement comptant uniquement

Marlene Coulombe

(Translated) Very large selection and excellent service. (Original) Très grand choix et excellent service.

Josée Lydia Martel

UntilWe Fight


(Translated) Great service, good price, outstanding employees (Original) Super service bon prix employés hors pair

Claudia Tremblay

Fernand Jean

Audrey Baribault

(Translated) Always as friendly and professional (Original) Toujours aussi sympathiques et professionnels

William Brochu

Audrey Marticotte

(Translated) A shop with golden employees, they are always there for you to advise and follow after a piercing or tattooing. I loved it (Original) Une boutique avec des employer en or , il sont toujours là pour vous que ce sois de conseille comme de suivie après un perçage ou un tatouage. Je l'ai adore

Valerie Couture

Camille Boutet

(Translated) Very warm atmosphere and very welcoming and friendly staff (Original) Ambiance très chaleureuse et personnel très accueillant et sympathique

Fillion Claire

(Translated) Very good service thank you (Original) Très bon service merci

Cynthia Croteau G

Arianne Gaumond

vitte_s 2323


Martin Guénard (Night Star production)

Georgette Boland

Alisone Hébert

Tristan Beaudoin-DAvignon

(Translated) He tattooed a tree on my head (Original) Il mon tatoué un arbre sur le crane

denis comeau

Laurence C.

Line Cloutier

Cassandra Houde

(Translated) Very good service, puts you in confidence and explains very well the procedure (Original) Très bon service, te mets en confiance et explique très bien la procédure

Conteur De Légendes

(Translated) 10 minutes free parking. For tattoos the time is longer so parking I do not know how it goes. The service is fast for the jewelry of piercing. The shop is big compared to what I know of this type of shop of piercing and tattoos. I will definitely return (Original) Stationnement 10 minutes gratuit. Pour les tatouages le temps est plus long alors le stationnement je ne sais pas comment ça se passe. Le service est rapide pour les bijoux de percing. La boutique est grande comparativement à ce que je connais de ce type de boutique de percing et de tatouages. Je vais très certainement y retourner

Jérémi B

(Translated) Nothing to say! Good, respectful and professional artists. A place that does not neglect hygiene. Legendary service. (Original) Rien à dire! Des bons artistes respectueux et professionnels. Un endroit qui ne néglige pas l’hygiène. Un service légendaire.

Léila Beauséjour

Daniel Fortin

(Translated) Receptionist very stupid, I felt limit judged when I spoke to him about my tattoo. Nickname hipster who thinks to be superior. I do not recommend it. (Original) Réceptioniste très bête, je me suis sentie limite jugé quand je lui parlais de mon tattoo. Pseudo hipster qui pense être supérieur. Je ne le recommande pas.

Michaël Bélanger

Eve-angelique Roberge

anick morin

Eric Leblond

(Translated) Nice place for a tattoo or a piercing. The team is welcoming and the place is clean. My tattoo artist has been listening for my drawing. At the time of tattooing, she put me in confidence and explained to me how was going to unfold for my first tattoo. In the end, she explained to me how to take care of it for healing and keep it for a long time. (Original) Belle endroit pour un tattoo ou un percing. L'équipe est accueillante et l'endroit est propre. Ma tatoueuse à été à l'écoute pour mon dessin. Au moment de tatoué, elle m'a mise en confiance et m'a expliqué comment allait se dérouler pour mon premier tattoo. À la fin, elle m'a bien expliqué comment en prendre soin pour la guérison et le conserver longtemps.

Audrey Mercier

(Translated) Great service, great variety of jewelry, laid back vibe and I love the Viking style of the staff. (Original) Excellent service, grande variété de bijoux, ambiance décontractée et j'adore le style Viking du personnel.

Laurence Forgues

Annie Samson

(Translated) Very clean place, tattoos are done in the cabin and not in the middle of everyone, very nice staff (Original) Endroit très propre, les tatouages se font en cabine et non au milieu de tout le monde, personnel très gentil


(Translated) Excellent service! Professionalism, I recommend (Original) Excellent service ! Professionnalisme , je recommande

Cindy Binette


Sar Ha

Simon Marsan

(Translated) Very kind and caring personel Very nice store! (Original) Personel tres gentil et attentionnée Tres beau magasin !

Dany Lemelin

(Translated) Very nice place, clean and very good service, I am satisfied with my tattoo (Original) Très belle place, propre et un très bon service, je suis satisfait de mon tatouage

Nadia Belleau

Steve Lafond

(Translated) Very welcoming staff, fast service, works super well done. (Original) Personnel très accueillant , service rapide , travaille super bien fait .

Megd xx

Melanie Bedard

Geneviève Ferschke

Loick Fournier

(Translated) Excellent service. The employees are professional and kind. Recommended! (Original) Excellent service. Les employés sont professionnels et gentils. Recommandé!

Annykim Bouchard

Rose Thériault

(Translated) Great tips on jewelry and piercing. They know their products well and know what to advise according to the shape of the ear and the place to pierce (Original) Excellents conseils sur les bijoux et les perçages. Ils connaissent bien leur produits et savent quoi conseiller selon la forme de l'oreille et l'endroit à percer

Nancy Dubé

Morgane Couty

(Translated) Extremely pleasant, attentive and very professional staff! (Original) Un personnel hyper agréable, à l’écoute et très professionnel !

gaetan metivier

(Translated) Very satisfied with the work very clean personal shop very kind and attentive to your projects thank you Amanda for the armadillo (Original) Très satisfait du travail boutique très propre personnelle très gentil et a l écoute pour vos projets merci Amanda pour le tatou

Cynthia Labonte

Lodoïs Lutun

(Translated) Courteous professionals and good advice. Compliance with sanitary rules. (Original) Professionnels courtois et de bons conseils. Respect des règles sanitaires.

Mariejeanne Beland De Carufel

Allysson Leboeuf

Valerie Gagnon

(Translated) Wow! Favorite for the place, the property, hospitality, professionalism, good value for money. I love ❗ I recommend celtic tattoo (Original) Wow! Coup de coeur pour l'endroit, la propriété, acceuil, le professionnalisme, bon rapport qualité prix. J'adore ❗je recommande tatouage celtic

michael cote

Olivier Fortin

(Translated) Loving = Good tattoo material and very good advice Less like = opening hours (Original) Aimer = Bon matériel de tatouages et de très bon conseille Moin aimer = les heure d'ouverture

Marcel Bourdeau

(Translated) Professional (Original) Professionnel

Pierre Sanambe

Isabelle Savard

(Translated) Very satisfied with my piercing, very friendly staff, very clean place, I recommend them! (Original) Très satisfaite de mon piercing, personnel très sympathique, endroit très propre, je les recommande!

Sonia Coulombe

(Translated) Great place with professionals !! (Original) Super endroit avec des professionnels!!

Va C

(Translated) Awesome ! as much for my piercing as for a tattoo, nice atmosphere (Original) Genial ! autant pour mon piercing que pour un tatouage, ambiance sympa

Jimmy Fortin

Belle shop

Marie Lunaire

(Translated) Super good french fries (Original) Super bon les frites

Raphaël Gagnon

(Translated) The world is super friendly and has the gift of making us feel comfortable! (Original) Le monde est super sympathique et a le don de nous faire sentir à l'aise!

Julie Garant

A D.M.

(Translated) THE place for piercing adjustments, choice of jewelry, attentive and professional advice! It has been MY place for a long time! (Original) LA place pour les ajustements de piercings, choix de bijoux, conseils attentifs et professionnel! C'est MA place, depuis longtemps!

France Genest

(Translated) I am going to see, welcoming, very very clean and professional, I recommend it (Original) Je suis aller pour voir ,accueillant , très très propres et professionnel, je le recommande

dave morin

(Translated) Impeccable service (Original) Service impeccable

j brosso

Patrick Michaud

(Translated) Very professional service I recommend without hesitation! (Original) Service très professionnel je recommande sans hésitation!

France Bradet

(Translated) I was received, first class .L employee, nice and he knows and knows his product. Thank you very nice meeting and very well served. (Original) J ai été reçu , première classe .L employé , gentil et il sait et connais son produit. Merciii très belle rencontre et très bien servit .????????????????

Laurie Daniels

The piercer doesn't even know his piercing names and doesn't do those asked !!! Don't go there...

Jessy Labrie levesque

Anne Poulin

(Translated) Great place kindness and professionalism. Incredible (Original) Super endroit gentillesse et professionnalisme. Incroyable

Vicky Lizotte

Pascale M

(Translated) Very good service in drilling with Steve I recommend ???? very satisfied (Original) Très bon service en perçage avec Steve je recommande ???? très satisfaite

Laurie Dufour

Patrick Paquin

(Translated) I personally find the prices expensive and the price of tattoo also versus many other tattoo artist. But the quality and service is great (Original) Perso je trouve les prix dispendieux et le prix des tatouage aussi versus bien d'autres tatoueur. Mais la qualité et le service est super

Shirley Plante

Charles Egan

Daniel Rousseau

(Translated) Professional service, all necessary precautions are taken for customer safety. (Original) Service professionnel, toutes les précautions nécessaires sont prises poyr la sécurité du client.

Anne Gauthier

(Translated) Very clean excellent service (Original) Très propre service excellent

Chantal Labonté

(Translated) Very professional (Original) Très professionnel

Noémie Langevin

Daphné Mercier

(Translated) Professional ☺️ own! I advise strongly, (Original) Professionnel ☺️ propre! Je conseille fortement,

Isabelle Racine

Steeve Lapointe

(Translated) Just thank you! Terrific service. (Original) Juste merci ! Service formidable .

Anny Lavoie

Sabrina Genest

Daliah Right

(Translated) I love this place! .... qualified staff !! (Original) J'adore cette endroit !....personnel qualifié !!

Remi Royer

Alice et Jacob Aventure

(Translated) Great service! (Original) Super service!

Nancy Roy

Maryse Jean

(Translated) I really liked Steve's professionalism (Original) J'ai vraiment aimé le professionnalisme de Steve

Stephanie M.B.

(Translated) I liked Amanda's work, thank you! And friendly staff (Original) J'ai aimé le travail de Amanda, merci ! Et personnels sympathiques

Audrey Richard

Jenny Tremblay

(Translated) Very very very professional! I highly recommend this place! (Original) Très très très professionnel! Je recommande fortement cet endroit!

Nathalie Hardy

Annie Pichette

Camille Baril

Clement Gilbert

(Translated) Excellent service and very warm welcome and super professional, have you the advice to try it is to adopt it. (Original) Excellent service et très belle accueil et super professionnel ,ont vous le conseil de l'essayer c'est l'adopter .

Isabelle Fleury

Myriam Filteau

(Translated) The super very clean staff I love them (Original) Le personnels super très propre je les adores

Simon-Pierre Amyot

(Translated) Excellent service from all the employees whether for piercings or tattoos in addition to giving us good advice beforehand, moreover the place is super clean. (Original) Excellent service de la part de tout les employés que ce soit pour des piercings ou des tatouages en plus de bien nous conseiller avant, de plus la place est super propre.

Michele Paquet

(Translated) WoW great service! My teenager felt very comfortable with the explanations and the way Steve pierced the top of her ear !! First piercing and certainly not the last !! (Original) WoW excellent service ! Mon adolescente s’est senti très à l’aise avec les explications et la façon de faire de Steve qui lui a percé le haut de l’oreille !! Premier percing et sûrement pas le dernier !!

Annykim Bouchard

Marie-Eve Caron

(Translated) Very nice welcome every time, impeccable service (I went for a piercing and tattoos), clean and warm place. They clearly answer our questions and are very good advice. (Original) Très bel accueil à chaque fois, service impeccable (j'y suis allé pour un piercing et des tatouages), endroit propre et chaleureux. Ils répondent clairement à nos questions et sont de très bon conseil.

alain gagnon

Rose-Michèle Lemay

Gina Poirier

(Translated) Really professional my tattoo artist is great attention to detail excellent thank you Alicya (Original) Vraiment professionnel ma tatoueuse est super le soucis du détail excellente merci Alicya

Marie-France Bernard

(Translated) Very professional for piercings (Original) Très professionnel pour les piercings

Tasnim Bousnina

Ève Lo (mollymaya3)

Noémie Laliberté

Princesse Casse-croûte

(Translated) They have fixed the error of another shop at a very low cost, thanks for the EXCELLENT service at each visit (Original) Ils ont arrangés l'erreur d'une autre shop a très moindre coût, merci pour L'EXCELLENT service a chaque visite????????

Melissa LAPIC

(Translated) Always a great service with Steve for the piercings! I highly recommend! (Original) Toujours un super service avec Steve pour les percages! Je recommande fortement!

Lysandre Benoit-Hunter

Business Hours of Tatouage Celtic in Charlesbourg



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