Reviews of Professional Massage Therapy Clinic Fabreville (Spa)

3686 Bd Dagenais O, Laval, QC H7P 1V9, Canada

Average Rating:


You will see the opinions of people like you who are purchasing the services and products of Professional Massage Therapy Clinic Fabreville (Spa) in the area close to Saint-Eustache (Canada).

Right now the business gets a score of 4.8 out of 5 and that score is based on 85 reviews.

As you can read, its rating is virtually the highest, and it's founded on a large number of reviews, so we can say that the valuation is quite faithful. If many people have bothered to leave their score when they've done well with the business, is that it works.

As you know, we do not usually bother to set opinions when they are good and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or issue...

This Spa is classified in the category of Massage spa.

Where is Professional Massage Therapy Clinic Fabreville?

REVIEWS OF Professional Massage Therapy Clinic Fabreville IN Saint-Eustache


lydia brodeur

Sylvain Ethier

(Translated) I have been there several times and with different massage therapists and have always had exceptional service and massage! I highly recommend. I managed to get appointments quickly and the massage therapists were always attentive to my needs. Thank you! (Original) Je suis allé à plusieurs reprises et avec différentes massothérapeutes et j'ai toujours eu un service et un massage exceptionnel! Je recommande fortement. J'ai réussi à avoir des rendez-vous rapidement et les massothérapeutes ont toujours été attentives à mes besoins. Merci!


Excellent customer service, nice cozy location and real professional staff....I recommend this place for everyone in need of relaxing or therapeutic approach... specially Paul-Michael....great to listen your needs and always going that extra mile for the best experience!

Christine Hayes

(Translated) Quiet and relaxing place, dedicated staff. This clinic is excellent. (Original) Endroit calme et relaxant , personnel dévoué . Cette clinique est excellente.

Martine Fournier

(Translated) Sophie the osteopath is wonderful, understanding and attentive to the problems for which you consult. She is of great help to me in the face of the many problems I currently have. (Original) Sophie l'ostéopathe est merveilleuse, compréhensive et à l'écoute des problèmes pour lesquels tu consultes. Elle m'est d'une grande aide face aux multiples problèmes que j'ai actuellement.

Shirley Gesse Alcide

(Translated) I have been going to this clinic for 2-3 years at least once a month. - Receptionist has such a soothing voice - Massage therapists make you feel good - The place smells good and is so clean - The toilets are clean - The world is kind - Never had bad massages - Never had bad experiences - Quick return calls - Effective appointment reminder - There is parking - The area is quiet - Clinic easy to find - Massage therapist knows your needs, take the time to talk to you - Transparency and professionalism In short, I'm addicted to it !! (Original) Ça faIt 2-3 ans que je vais à cette clinique au moins une fois par mois. - Réceptionniste a une voix tellement apaisante - Massothérapeutes te font bien sentir - La place sent bon et est tellement propre - Les toilettes sont propres - Le monde est gentil - Jamais eu de mauvais massages - Jamais eu de mauvaises expériences - Retour d'appels rapide - Rappel de rdv efficace - Il y a du parking - Le coin est calme - Clinique facile à trouver - Massothérapeute connaît tes besoins, prennent le temps de te parler - Transparence et profesionnalisme Bref j'y suis accro !!

Em Sam

Élodie Paquette (Artiste intuitive)

(Translated) I loved my massage here, highly recommend it. Professional attitude (Original) J'ai adoré mon massage ici, je le recommande fortement. Attitude professionnelle

B Gvarra

Aurelia Tentea

Pascale Raymond

Yves Gauthier

(Translated) Professional and experienced resources (Original) Ressources professionnelles et expérimentées

Christian Lecuyer

(Translated) Super clinic, the staff is warm and welcoming, I recommend it, try it there you will be delighted! (Original) Super clinique, le personnel est chaleureux et accueillant, je vous la recommande, essayez là vous serez ravis!

Mary B

Nothing negative about this place. Every massage therapist I have tried was excellent. Even the smaller framed women have very strong hands and can provide a deep hard massage if needed. Easy to make an appointment, clean, and very professional.

Chantale Paquette

(Translated) I was once alone and had a good experience. So I decided to return accompanied and live the massage duo in the same room. It was the worst experience of all my Life, believe it Or no, the masseuses exchanged looks, signs and gestures! We heard sounds of mouths and the massage was incoherent and not fluid because it had a tendency to remove a hand to make signs to the other !!!!!!!! every minute !!!!!! And this FROM THE BEGINNING TO THE END! I lifted my head regularly from the headrest to surprise them whenever the Massage was interrupted for their look and signs! Then I decide to withdraw from the head in the hope that it stops a little but no! As soon as I had my eyes closed, she started again and I felt the movement of massage to stop! And even if it would not happen, for what I could feel the "massage", made a touching incoherent and very surface. She avoided Zones such That Feet, arms, Thighs! I received over a 50 ene massage in my Life, some very well, but this time it was mediocre. (Original) Jai ete une fois seule et eu une bonne experience. J'ai donc decider de retourner accompagnée et de vivre le massage duo dans la même pièce. Ce fut la pire experience de toute ma Vie, croyez le Ou non, les masseuses s'échangaient des regards, des signes et des gestes! Nous entendions des bruits de bouches et le massage etait incoherent et non fluide car elle avait tendance a enlever une main pour faire des signes a l'autre!!!!!!!!a chaque minute!!!!!! Et cela DU DEBUT A LA FIN! Je relevais ma tete regulierement de l'appuie tete afin de les surprendre chaque fois que le Massage etait interrompu pour leur regard et signes! Ensuite j'ai decider de me retirer de lappuis tete dans lespoir que cela arrete un peu mais non! Aussitot que javais les yeux fermer, elle recommencaient et je sentais le mouvement de massage sarreter! Et meme si cela ne serais pas arriver, pour ce que j'ai pu sentir du "massage",en faite un touchage incoherent et tres en surface. Elle evitait les Zones telle Que les Pieds, les bras, les Cuisses! J'ai recu au dessus dune 50 ene de massage dans ma Vie, certain tres bien certain moyen mais cette fois-ci, c'etait mediocre.

Réjean Gauthier

René Boutin

(Translated) Very nice experience! Very warm welcome, clean place and guaranteed atmosphere of relaxation. Audrey did a great job. I highly recommend! (Original) Très belle expérience! Accueil très chaleureux, lieu propre et ambiance de détente assurée. Audrey a fait un super beau travail. Je recommande fortement!

Isabelle Décarie

(Translated) Very professional Quality massage (Original) Très professionnel Massage de qualité

Marie-Josée Pilon

Kathryne Morin Mckinnon

Cynthia Romeus

(Translated) I have been going there for a few years now with my partner. Always satisfied. Excellent service and care that meet our needs and expectations. (Original) J'y vais depuis quelques années déjà avec mon conjoint. Toujours satisfaite. Un excellent service et des soins qui répondent à nos besoins et attentes.

Nicole Boudreault

(Translated) Great place !! Good service and a good massage, which removes all the knots ???????????????? I recommend! (Original) Super place !! Bon service et fait de bon massage, qui enlève tout les noeuds ???????????????? je recommande!

Yasmine Cheour

(Translated) I have always been well served in massage therapy and I recommend them. (Original) J'ai toujours été bien servi en massothérapie et je les recommande.

Meena Faqiri

An overall great place, everyone is so friendly. I have been here about 5 times and every massage therapist so far has been wonderful, they really take the time to listen to your needs and give fantastic massages. Highly recommend !!

Bruno Desrochers

My favorite massage spot. It's clean, very nicely decorated and most it all, VERY peacecul. The therapists are knowledgable. Depending of the kind of massage you need, you'll find the right therapist for it. Prices are up par with average other places. They really offer a large variety of type of massage.

Jessyca B

(Translated) Excellent massage by Michèle, impeccable cleanliness, quick appointment.Always satisfied for years (Original) Excellent massage par Michèle, propreté impeccable, rendez-vous rapide.Toujours satisfaite depuis des années

Daniel Nault

(Translated) Professional massage therapists and personalized follow-up. Peaceful and comfortable atmosphere. Receipts available for insurance. (Original) Massothérapeutes professionnelles et suivi personnalisé. Ambiance paisible et confortable. Reçus disponibles pour les assurances.

Jean-Pierre Lindsay

(Translated) I always receive excellent personalized service adapted to my needs by Carolane. Very nice place and very reasonable price. (Original) Je recois toujours un excellent service personnalisé et adapté a mes besoins par Carolane. Tres bel endroit et prix fort raisonnable.

Lynda Lessard

Nahed Ghaddar

(Translated) Beautiful local, clean, courteous and professional staff. (Original) Beau local, propre, personnel courtois et professionnel.

Vanessa Lamoureux

Jonathan F

marie-christine rondeau

Catherine is amazing!

Faisal Munawar

We have visited this clinic at September 26th. Amazing! The stuff is very proffecional and polite. Paul- Michael Carmona and Lydia Brodeur are the best.

Yvette Phan

(Translated) Excellent service and very nice place, very relaxing. :) (Original) Excellent service et très belle place, très relaxante. :)

France Durand

(Translated) Professional, relaxing, near my home. (Original) Professionnels, relaxant, près de chez moi.


Stéphane Bourgon

(Translated) Carolanne is very good, I recommend her !! (Original) Carolanne est très bonne , je la recommande!!

Lory Yb

(Translated) Excellent service and really professional massage therapy without unnecessary flafla. (Original) Excellent service et massothérapie vraiment professionnelle sans flafla inutile.

noemie bernier

(Translated) Nice center, affordable, thank you to Sophie for her kindness and for the treatment she gave me. I can't wait to go back. (Original) Beau centre, abordable, merci à Sophie pour sa gentillesse et pour le traitement qu'elle m'a fait. J'ai déjà hâte d'y retourner.

Renee Tremblay

(Translated) Excellent professional massage therapy treatment. I recommend without problem. (Original) Excellent soin professionnel de massothérapie. Je recommande sans problème.

Lyne Aumond

Tafazal Mehdi

Excellent place, clean and professional service. Really enjoyed the massage.

Priscilla Poissant

(Translated) Simply WOW! A big thank you to Catherine for her excellent work ???? (Original) Simplement WOW ! Un gros merci à Catherine pour son excellent travail ????

Richard Allaire

(Translated) Over the past few years, my partner and I have had the pleasure of having a massage from Isabelle, Claude-Émilie, Catherine and Audrey ... All excellent! Professional care, Covid measures respected ... Strongly recommended! (Original) Au courant des dernières années, mon conjoint et moi avons eu le bonheur de nous faire masser par Isabelle, Claude-Émilie, Catherine et Audrey...Toutes excellentes! Soins professionnels, mesures Covid respectées...Fortement recommandé!

Christina Martin

(Translated) Nice quiet place. Massotherapists listening. (Original) Bel endroit calme. Massothérapeuthes à l'écoute.

Marie-Pierre Beland

(Translated) 10/10 very professional (Original) 10/10 tres professionnel

daniele paquin

julie paradi

Mario Cliche

Normand Legault

Stephanie Gascon

(Translated) I just loved my experience! Thank you Carolanne and the clinic team! See you soon! (Original) J'ai tout simplement adoré mon expérience! Merci Carolanne et l'équipe de la clinique! On se revoit bientôt!

Stephanie Matteau

(Translated) Professional and courteous (Original) Professionnel et courtois


Best place in town hands down. Knowledgable and quality massage. ADDITIONALLY, reasonable prices at last!

Maude V

(Translated) Very professional and well defined care and adequate treatment to help soothe the pain, I recommend it to everyone. (Original) Très professionnel et soin bien cerné et traitement adéquat pour aider à apaiser les douleurs, je le recommande à tous.

Sebastien Fortier

(Translated) Very friendly and professional staff. Warm space. (Original) Personnel très sympathique et professionnel. Espace chaleureux.

Patric Duquette

(Translated) Catherine O., you are the best. Very welcoming place and the price is affordable (Original) Catherine O., tu es la meilleure. Endroit très accueillant et le tarif est abordable

Sami Hamoui

Manoj Mungur

(Translated) Hello, I had a session with Paul-Michael and he was listening to my back stiffness. Very good massage and effective. I recommend Paul-Michael. (Original) Bonjour, j'ai eu une séance avec Paul-Michael et il était à l'écoute concernant mes raideurs au dos. Très bon massage et efficace. Je recommande Paul-Michael.

Richard Guerin

(Translated) Good service (Original) Bon service

Francis MP

(Translated) Professional massage therapists and very clean place. (Original) Massothérapeutes professionnelles et endroit très propre.

Andreanne Pineault

Santiago Mejia

Someone made a mistake in the schedule and booked me for another date for my massage. I showed up a week earlier because that was the option sent to me originally, by email. The staffs that handled the situation were very nice and professional and found a solution quickly. I ended up having my massage the day I showed up. The place is very clean and the massage therapist was very respectful, polite, and made sure I was comfortable. I'll surely come back on a monthly basis!

Johanne Salesse

(Translated) Very professional work: takes the time to talk in order to know our needs. (Original) Travail très professionnel: prend le temps de parler afin de connaître nos besoins.

Dave Murrin

Great place. Every therapist is very professional. The place is super clean and the rate affordable. Totally worth the detour.

marie-eve genereux

denis lauzon

(Translated) Excellent massage duo! Thanks to Claude-Emilie and Audrey (Original) Excellent massage en duo! Merci à Claude-Emilie et Audrey

Sylvie Rossier

Josée Rotella

(Translated) All the staff are great. Very relaxing massage. And osthéo knows his job well (Original) Tout le personnel est super. Massage très reposant. Et osthéo connaît bien son métier

Chantal Daigneault

Vincent Courcy

Mario A

Joane Desrochers

Bernard Gervais

(Translated) It’s the best place where I’ve been listened to and taken in hand. They fixed problems that no one had done before. For having tried a few clinics in Laval, because I was always dissatisfied, I found the best place ... and the whole team is extraordinary ????. (Original) C’est le meilleur endroit où j’ai été écouté et où j’ai été pris en mains. Ils ont réglés des problèmes que personne n’avait fait auparavant. Pour avoir essayé quelques cliniques à Laval, car toujours insatisfaite, j’ai trouvé la meilleure place… et en plus toute l’équipe est extraordinaire ????.

Rose L

Very clean and nice place. I really enjoyed the massage.

Lyne Rousseau

Yeps A

Ms. Janieve is excellent in her profession. Thank you very much once again. I had an amazing first time experience in this clinic. The offices are super clean. I am very glad we came here. I feel very relaxed and light in my nick, back and shoulders.


(Translated) The best massage therapy clinic in Laval, I highly recommend this clinic. The staff are very professional, friendly and respectful. Make an appointment, you won't regret it !!! (Original) La meilleure clinique de massothérapie à Laval, je vous recommande chaudement cette clinique. Le personnel est très professionnelle, sympathique et respectueux. Prenez rendez-vous, vous ne le regretterez pas!!!

Jill byford

Best and most professional massage ive ever gotten. Very attentive to your needs

Joanne Vermette

Xavier Delisle Goupil

(Translated) First visit to this clinic, Helene is wonderful. She pays a lot of attention to your requests. Thank you Helene for the superb massage. (Original) Premiere visite a cette clinique, Helene est formidable .Elle porte beaucoup d'attentions a tes demandes. Merci Helene pour le superbe massage.

Veronique Samson

(Translated) Beautiful clinic. ! Very professional ! (Original) Belle clinique. ! Très professionnel !

Audrey Giroux

(Translated) Remarkable experience, very courteous and professional staff. Evening and duo massages available. Not too expensive in addition compared to massages in spas ... I recommend (Original) Expérience remarquable, personnel très courtois et professionnel. Massages en soirée et en duo disponibles. Pas trop cher en plus comparé aux massages dans les spas... Je recommande

Anny Voyer

(Translated) I really liked my experience. Calm on time and attentive. (Original) J'ai bcp aimé mon expérience. Calme a l'heure et a l'écoute.

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