Reviews of Spa Ovarium (Spa)

400 Rue Beaubien E, Montréal, QC H2S 1S3, Canada

Average Rating:


We offer you all the information of people who know the services and products of Spa Ovarium (Spa) in Dorval (Canada).

At present the firm has a score of 4.5 out of 5 and the rating has been calculated on 127 reviews.

As you can read, it reaches an reviews average is almost the top, and it is founded on a very high number of reviews, so we may think that the evaluation is very credible. If people have bothered to give their score when they are happy, it works.

As you know, we don't usually bother to give evaluations when they are positive and we usually do it only if we've had a problem or incidence...

This Spa corresponds to the category of Day spa.

Where is Spa Ovarium?

REVIEWS OF Spa Ovarium IN Dorval

Patricia Boulanger

(Translated) I loved my masseuse! I'm pregnant and she has been perfect with baby and me! Wonderful experience! (Original) Jai adoré ma masseuse! Je suis enceinte et elle a été parfaite avec bebe et moi! Merveilleuse experience!

Audric Laverdière

(Translated) I enjoyed my experience in the floating bath (Original) J'ai bien aimé mon expérience dans le bain flottant

Carla Casseus

(Translated) Relaxation - one of the best concepts in town. despite the fact that there are a lot of people. It's easy to pick up ... I really like (Original) La detente - un des meilleurs concepts en ville. malgre qu'il y a beaucoup de monde. C'est facile de decrocher... j'aime beaucoup

Matthew Leddy

I had been to Ovarium a number of times for the float tank and decided to buy the PSiO pulsing light glasses. We had some complications related to figuring it out and within a couple hours of sending my email -on a Saturday evening- I got a reply from the manager Bernard. He helped us every step of the way and went beyond that to make it even easier for us. Can't recommend it enough, his service was phenomenal.

Thierry Bienvenue

(Translated) Very qualified and attentive massage therapists. Very nice spa! We go back! (Original) Masso-thérapeutes très qualifiés et attentionnés. Très beau spa! On y retourne!

Robby Hill

Staff is bilingual and very friendly. Cool building and lots of great options. Also they had the most ban flotifs in town so fyi.

Annah Khalifa

(Translated) Excellent place to relax! Only downside is that you have to walk in a robe in front of a lot of people to be able to access the floating baths or a massage! This can cause some discomfort! Their price is still high, but it's worth a look! Nice experience. (Original) Excellent endroit pour relaxer! Seul bémol c’est que tu dois te promener en peignoir devant plein de monde pour pouvoir accès aux bains flottants ou à un massage ! Cela peut occasionner un certain malaise! Leur prix est quand même élevé, mais cela vaut la peine d’y faire un tour ! Belle expérience.


(Translated) A good concept that did not work for me (Original) Un bon concept qui n'a pas fonctionné pour moi

Jade Crozier

I went to floating bath and it was amazing! I will be going again ????

Adrien Goua

(Translated) A slightly impersonal atmosphere on the ground floor (where the insulation boxes are located) but very nice space on the 1st floor for massages. Excellent Nordic massage and friendly staff! (Original) Ambiance un peu impersonnel au rez de chaussée (où se trouvent notamment les caissons d'isolation) mais très bel espace au 1er étages pour les massages. Excellent massage nordique et personnel chaleureux !

Yvon Maitre

(Translated) Relaxing and soothing (Original) Relaxant et calmant

Simon Kaloujine

Will come back again !

Serge Lambert

(Translated) It is a great experience to float in a salt water bath. It provides deep relaxation and a beneficial sensory silence. It is really to try. (Original) C'est une très belle expérience de flotter dans un bain d'eau salée. Ça procure une relaxation en profondeur et un silence sensoriel bienfaisant. C'est vraiment à essayer.

Émilie Roy

(Translated) I really enjoyed my floating bath experience! (Original) J'ai beaucoup aimé mon expérience de bain flottant!

Julia Pessoa

(Translated) I needed it so much ... It was two days that gave me a hard time at work. I am especially pleased with the floating bath and the massage ???? (Original) J'en avais tellement besoin... C'étaient deux journées qui m'ont remise depuis un moment très difficile au travail. Je suis spécialement ravie du bain flottant et du massage ????

Russell Saint Cyr

Very good service, calm interior, clean facilities. Flotation bath is nice but wish was longer than an hour and cheaper

Dago Lopez

LE PLAN PAS CON - Déménagement

(Translated) everything for the body and the head (Original) tout pour le corps et la tête

Marisol Santamaria

I spent quite an amount for 3 relaxing activities. The only one i enjoyed was the massage with Linda, she was very profesional. The rest:PSIO was worthless, not a relaxing activity at all, i even found the combination of lights and the music agressive. The bed with vibration was also worthless , not relaxing according to my point of view. The staff was very kind.

Safia A

(Translated) A very pleasant experience, impeccable service (Original) Une expérience très agréable, service impeccable

Ciprian Chiru

An excellent experience every time.

bruce bullard

Sonia is the Best ????????????

Catherine Albanese

Love this place. They would need to update the way it looks. Very old, looks used up and not in a cute way. But still good services.

Julia Tona

(Translated) A spa that deserves its excellence certification! I am addicted to neurospa and pulsar. All the massage therapists who gave me care were attentive and very competent. Their specialty floating baths for 30 years! A must to regenerate. (Original) Un spa qui mérite bien sa certification excellence! Je suis addict au neurospa et pulsar. Toutes les massothérapeutes qui m,ont donné des soins étaient à l'écoute et très compétentes. Leur spécialité les bains flottants depuis 30 ans! Un incontournable pour se régénérer.


Pleasant staff and Vanessa is great massagist. She is sweet and miticulous.

Valérie Beaudin

(Translated) I love my favorite spa too much (Original) Jadore trop se spa mon preferer


Went to use my gift certificates which included pulsar, baths and massage. Really enjoyed the pulsar, was something different.. baths were good as well i just found 1 hr to be a bit long. Massage.... wow i don't even know what to say. I am not exaggerating when i say this but it had to have been the worst massage i have ever received. It felt like i was bring touched with finger tips, no pressure whatsoever, even after asking for more pressure. It felt like a tickling session... did not like it at all, very very disappointing. My husband had the same bad experience and was with a different massotherapist.

Laurent Volpon

(Translated) A real place of relaxation and rest. We take care of you from beginning to end. If you have the means of course ... (Original) Un vrai endroit de détente et de repos. On prend soin de vous du début à la fin. Si vous avez les moyens bien sûr...

Amélie Gauthier

(Translated) I love coming to the Spa ovarium for a great moment of relaxation. What I prefer is massage and neurospa. I'm less fond of pulsar and floating baths ... But it's a matter of taste. Because their particularity is the floating baths :) apparently extremely appreciated by expectant mothers. The reception at the Spa is very professional and courteous, the service too! It is expensive but from time to time it feels good! (Original) J'adore venir au Spa ovarium pour un excellent moment de détente. Ce que je préfère c'est le massage et le neurospa. Je suis moins adepte du pulsar et des bains flottant... Mais c'est une question de goût. Car leur particularité c'est les bains flottant :) apparement extrêmement apprécié des futures mamans. L'accueil au Spa est très professionnel et courtois , le service aussi ! C'est dispendieux mais de temps en temps ça fait un bien fou !

Angus Scott

Absolutely recommend the Bain Flottant where you float really 100% effortlessly as though floating in space where NO muscle is tensed trying to support you floating. I fall asleep literally !! ????

Uzzi Usman

Great place to go and relax. Friendly and professional staff. First time discount as well. The tank is clean and you really don’t need to bring anything. Though lotion would be nice. I would still recommend this place.

Maarie W.

(Translated) Great experiences! Get out of everyday life lightly! My friends gave me the pulsar session and then the floating baths and I loved it! (Original) Super expériences ! Sortir du quotidien tout en légèreté ! Mes amis m’ont offert la séance de pulsar puis de bains flottants et j’ai adoré!

will savoie

(Translated) Relaxation and domestic flight (Original) Relaxation et vol interieur


(Translated) No good phone service (Original) Pas de bon service par téléphone


This place cannot be beaten!!!! Great atmosphere, staff is very friendly. Such a Zen environment to spend a few hours on your hectic schedule...

Bella Gotti

Fantastic experience!!

David Giguere

(Translated) The best place for professional and therapeutic massages! (Original) Le meilleur endroit pour des massages professionnels et thérapeutiques !

Montreal Activ

Great spa! Isolation tanks are amazing (epsom salt floating baths), they’ve been around for a long time before it became popular. I will be trying some of their other offerings soon!

Marieme Lo

(Translated) You want to offer a moment of relaxation, calm and regeneration, nothing better than the spa OVARIUM. Let yourself be pampered by the staff at the little care (Original) Vous voulez vous offrir un moment de detente, de calme et de regeneration, rien de mieux que le spa OVARIUM. Laissez vous chouchouter par le personnel au petit soin

virginie bissinger

(Translated) Each time I leave this establishment in an ecstatic state. Sonja works wonders on my tensions and is always considerate and attentive! (Original) Je ressors chaque fois de cet établissement dans un état extatique. Sonja fait des miracles sur mes tensions et est toujours prévenante et à l'écoute !

Teresa Mascaro

The only service I enjoy is the massage. Tried the other services Ovarium offers and they are not for me.

Azi V.

Outdated & overrated, the floating bath experience was quite disappointing. The staff is quite nice but the facility needs a complete revamp before it can be called a spa.

lisa derepentigny

Urban Spa, very close to home. Very knowledgeable, curious staff, the individual floating bubbles are different but happy I tried it. Very good massage I would go back but I prefer a Spa up North.

Nathalie Fortier

(Translated) A pure happiness. high quality massage therapists (Original) Un pur bonheur. Des massothérapeutes de grande qualité

Sébastien Fullum

Professional approach to relaxation


(Translated) Great place (Original) Super endroit

Stephan Corriveau

(Translated) Really relaxing! (Original) Vraiment relaxant !

Kristof Maret

(Translated) An experience you never tire of. I am a big fan of the floating bath. In which we avoid it between pure pleasure and 4th dimension. (Original) Expérience dont on ne lasse pas . Je suis un grand fan du bain flottant. Dans lequel on l’évite entre pure volupté et 4ème dimension .

Annie Primeau

(Translated) Relaxing day in good company (Original) Journée relax en bonne compagnie

Marialis Esis

Very good. Totally recommended

Alexandra V

(Translated) Floating bath ❤ (Original) Bain flottant ❤

Damien Size

(Translated) Very professional staff! A very peaceful and pleasant place to relax (Original) Personnel très pro! Un lieu de détente très paisible et agreable

Alexandre Rimthong

Very clean, great staff and unique experience

E. M.

(Translated) An unforgettable experience: the floating baths at the Ovarium. The most innovative Spa in Montreal. High prices for service and facilities up to par. (Original) Une expérience inoubliable que sont les bains flottants de l’Ovarium. Le Spa le plus innovant à Montréal. Prix élevés pour un service et des installations à la hauteur.

Edith Ko

(Translated) An exceptional place of relaxation with friendly and friendly people. (Original) Une place de détente exceptionnelle avec de gens sympathique et conviviale.


(Translated) It was a first time for me at the ovarium spa and I believe one of the last my expectations were very high. My day started off well with the floating bath, a great experience that I highly recommend, but then for my prenatal massage I was so disappointed by the masseuse's lack of professionalism! Firstly there was so much lighting in the room so no relaxation and the windows were completely open without curtains despite being on the 2nd floor there are still passers-by on the other side of the street who can see us. undress. Then I explain to the masseuse what kind of treatment I would like given my advanced pregnancy. The masseuse spoke from beginning to end without stopping I know her life and that of the patient before me in full despite my short answers which meant that I wanted to rest she continued to speak and on 2 occasions I told her to '' go more gently because it was too stiff and often there was a lack of oil on these hands so it burned me skin to skin and I had to tell her to put oil on these hands because it hurt me and no respect has there modesty to turn me around she completely took off the blanket so that I could put myself on my back and put it back on me but I was naked! The longest 60 minutes of my life honestly .... Really very very disappointed my day which had to be of rest was wasted as much in time as in money, but I give a beautiful star to all the other employees who were very nice and a another in the floating bath. (Original) C’était une première fois pour moi au spa ovarium et je crois l’une des dernières mes attentes étaient très hautes. Ma journée avait bien commencé avec le bain flottant, très belle expérience que je recommande fortement mais ensuite pour mon massage prénatale j’ai tellement été déçu par le manque de professionnalisme de la masseuse! Premièrement il y avait tellement d’éclairage dans la salle donc aucune détente et les fenêtres était complètement ouverte sans rideaux malgré qu’on est au 2e étage il y a quand même des passants de l’autre côté de la rue qui peu nous voir nous dévêtir. Par la suite j’explique a la masseuse la sorte de soin que j’aimerais vu ma grossesse avancée. La masseuse a parlé du début a la fin sans arrêt je connais sa vie et celle du patient avant moi au grand complet malgré mes réponses courtes qui voulait dire que je voulais du repos elle a continuer de parler et à 2 reprises je lui es dit d’aller plus délicatement car elle était trop raide et que souvent il manquait de l’huile sur ces mains alors elle me brûlait peau à peau et j’ai du lui dire de remettre de l’huile sur ces mains car elle me faisait mal et aucun respect a là pudeur pour me retourner elle ma complètement enlever la couverture pour que je puisse me mettre sur le dos et me la remettre mais j’étais nue! Les plus longues 60 minutes de ma vie honnêtement.... Réellement très très déçu ma journée qui devait être de repos a été gâché autant en temps que monétaire , mais je donne une belle étoile a tout les autres employés qui étaient très gentils et une autre au bain flottant.

Gerard Woods

Excellent experience. We opportunity to try several aspects of the Spa. All staff were super friendly, helpful and informed. Thks Gerard and Shelley

david adenis

(Translated) Very beautiful environment and very good quality of the care offered. A nice option to relax in winter without having to leave the island (Original) Très bel environnement et très bonne qualité des soins proposés. Une belle option pour se détendre en hiver sans avoir à sortir de l'île

Éric Paris

(Translated) My favorite place for relaxation and massage therapy! There is a large selection of massage therapists of all styles, 7 days a week. Very clean, modern and warm place. We can take a shower before the massage. They offer different choices of oils and butters in addition to massages. We can combine several services and treatments, at a discount, such as: Massage + Ovarium bath + light therapy etc ... Insurance receipts available for massages only. (Original) Mon lieu de détente et massothérapie préféré! On y trouve un grand choix de massothérapeutes de tous les styles, 7 jours sur 7. Endroit très propre, moderne et chaleureux. On peu prendre une douche avant le massage. Ils offrent différents choix d'huiles et beurres en complément aux massages. On peu combiner plusieurs services et traitements, à rabais, genre: Massage + bain Ovarium + luminothérapie etc ... Reçus pour assurances disponibles pour massages seulement.

Farouk Laimeur

First massage for me. Great experience!

Danlisky Yolanda Ocampo

(Translated) This place is very clean and the employees are professional. Too bad there are no more drinks it was a pleasant part of the experience especially, when you spend many hours there. I love this place and am going back soon with my partner. (Original) Cette place est très propre et le employés sont professionnels. Dommage qu'il n'y a plus de breuvages c'était une partie agréable de l'expérience surtout, quand on passe de nombreuses heures là-bas. J'adore cette place et j'y retourne bientôt avec mon conjoint.

Cédric Vergé

(Translated) Beautiful place and very relaxing float bath experience. On the other hand, I find it very expensive for a floating bath. Almost the same price as a massage, we could understand why. (Original) Bel endroit et expérience de bain flottant très relaxante. Par contre je trouve cela très cher pour un bain flottant. Quasiment le même prix qu'un massage, on a pu du à comprendre pourquoi.

chaimaa amazouar

(Translated) I love (Original) J'adore

Christos Lycos

Very nice Spa for simple massages, their massotherapists do an amazing job. Overall the place is quiet and relaxing

Tommy Furino

For relaxation, this is one of the better spots in Montreal. They are well organized, the decor is peaceful, the massages are great, the floatation bath is good once you get used to it. I didn't get much out of the Pulsar treatment but I only tried it once long ago. I enjoyed the neuro spa. The combo of floatation bath followed by massage is a very relaxing package.

laeti Tia

(Translated) Very good experience! For me it was a bit like the spa of the future, we put you glasses with which we look like robotcop, we put you in capsules where you float. Honestly very unsettling but super interesting it's worth the detour. Small tips book on Tuesday there-25% it's worth it! And honestly the service was really great! And the person has such a sunny and smiling welcome that we are already relaxed at the reception ???????? so thank you ???? (Original) Très bonne expérience ! Pour moi c était un peu le spa du futur on vous met des lunette avec lesquelles on resemble à robotcop, on vous mets dans des capsules ou vous flottez. Honnêtement très déstabilisant mais super intéressant ça vaut le détour . Petit tips réserver le mardi il y a-25 % ça vaut le coup ! Et honnêtement le service était vraiment extra ! Et la personne a l accueil tellement solaire et souriante qu on est déjà détendu à l accueil ???????? alors merci ????

Alexandre “Alexime” L.B

Great experience and friendly staff. Must recommend the neurospa to anyone who wants a good little relaxing moment in their day-to-day


(Translated) The floating bath was very relaxing, especially afterwards! I can't wait to go back (Original) Le bain flottant était très relaxant, surtout par après ! J'ai déjà hâte d'y retourner

Maïté Labelle

(Translated) Perfect (Original) Parfait

Annie Olivier

(Translated) Warm, discreet and professional service. Very clean and quiet space. Several visits over the years (for the floating baths), and the quality is constant. (Original) Service chaleureux, discret et professionnel. Espace très propre et calme. Plusieurs visites au fil des années (pour les bains flottants), et la qualité est constante.

Gabriel Cornellier

(Translated) Warm welcome, peaceful atmosphere and courteous services. I loved the floating baths, what a wonderful and relaxing state to be deprived of sensations! You will also find a type of massage suited to your needs and if you do not know which one to take, let them advise you. (Original) Accueil chaleureux, atmosphère paisible et services courtois. J'ai adoré les bains flottant, quelle état merveilleux et reposant que d'être privé de sensations ! Vous trouverez également un type de massage adapté à vos besoins et si vous ne savez pas lequel prendre, laisser leur le soin de vous conseiller.

Tabitha Santamaria

Great prenatal massage. My therapist was very nice and asked me a lot of questions about my health before doing my massage. She also focused on the part I told her were hurting. After the massage, I felt like new and a lot of energy. My back and hips doesn't hurt since than. Highly recommended for pregnancy. I had I little bit of a hard time in the salt pool because of my belly; I would do it again but not pregnant. However, the salt pool really helped my itchy skin.

Simon Gooder

Did the float and pulsar light therapy for the first time. What a great experience. Great stress relief. The waiting area felt very sterile and stale, not as relaxing as i would have expected from a fancy spa, but the building is very interesting. The packages offered online are a pretty good deal.

Glen Mac

Nice place, great service

Marie -eve Jauvin

(Translated) Best place in the world! (Original) Meilleur place au monde!

Christopher Lee

The float baths are quite unique. It's shaped like an egg. Which explains the name ovarium. It really is easy for you to float due to the high Epsom salt content. What's is nice you have your own room. So you have complete privacy with a shower inside as well. I recommend going au naturel into the bath since it's quite relaxing. Once in the float tank I recommend you close the lid and turn off the lights and music. It's eerie at first since it's so quiet, but you really lose sense of time in there. I was surprised how big it is in there. I was easily able to lie back and stretch out and float in there. I got a massage as well and that was a nice combination after the float tank. I recommend trying it at least once just for the unique sensation.

Miguel Chillida

(Translated) Very very good (Original) Très très bien

Olivier Meunier

(Translated) Floating bath experience of first quality and excellent service. (Original) Expérience de bains flottant de première qualité et excellent service.

Pierrick DELUBAC

(Translated) An experience in itself! I had the pleasure of seeing myself give a "total" gift voucher and let myself be guided and followed the route that was offered to me. - PSIO: amazing but I managed to let go. - NeuroSpa: the sensation provided by the vibrations is interesting but because of my 1m88 my position was not the most comfortable. - Floating bath: for me it's been a long time but also teaches us patience and to let things go. I liked the feeling. - Massage: quality, good balance between softness and pressure. I will definitely come back. The reception team was very attentive and the premises are clean. Very appreciable! (Original) Une experience en soit ! J’ai eu le plaisir de me voir offrir un bon cadeau « la totale » et me suis laissé guider et aller dans le parcours qui m’a été proposé. - PSIO : étonnant mais j’ai réussi à me laisser aller. - NeuroSpa : la sensation procurée par les vibrations est intéressante mais du fait de mes 1m88 ma position n’était pas des plus confortables. - Bain flottant : pour moi l’heure a été longue mais nous apprend aussi la patience et de laisser aller les choses. J’ai aimé la sensation. - Massage : de qualité, bon équilibre entre douceur et pressions. je vais certainement revenir. L’équipe d’accueil a été aux petits soins et les lieux sont propres. Très appréciable !

Mag M

(Translated) great service (Original) Service excellent

Mélanie Leclerc

(Translated) The customer service when I made my reservation was excellent. The day of my bad experience appointments. For parking it is sure that I have nothing to say even if it took 15 minutes to find. I finally arrive at 4:20 pm to have my floating bath experience at 4:30 pm. The receptionist charges me, but doesn't tell me where to go for the bath. I ask him where I should go and show me the waiting room. In the meantime, I have a glass of water. A gentleman pick me up at 4:30 p.m. and go around the place and tell me the waiting room when the time comes for my massage. He explains to me how the floating bath works. Then it is 5:45 pm I wait for the massage in the waiting room with all my clothes in a bag and my bag that I carry with me, the massage therapist arrives right at 6:00 pm. Arrives in the room around 6:03 p.m., no completed health check and no questions about my state of health and explain nothing to me about the massage she is going to give me. I lie on my stomach since that's the only thing the therapist told me. Around 6:08 p.m. the therapist came in, no breathing before massage and during the massage she did not ask me if the pressure was good, not to mention the creaking floor and the massage therapist who shakes her arm probably due to a nerve stuck. The massage ends at 7 p.m., the therapist tells me to take my time and when I'm ready to open the door to the room. When I leave the room around 7:03 pm, the massage therapist has disappeared. Not knowing where to go, I go to the bathroom to change and go back to the reception to get my insurance receipt while explaining the situation to the gentleman. I visit a lot of massage places and myself as a massage therapist I have never had a service like this. First and last time I go to L’Ovarium, I have never had such a bad experience especially for the price of $ 160 for 3 hours of service. (Original) Le service à la clientèle lorsque j’ai fais ma réservation était excellent. La journée de mes rendez-vous mauvaise expérience. Pour le stationnement c’est sûre que je n’es rien à dire même si ça pris 15 minutes pour trouver. J’arrive finalement à 16h20 pour avoir mon expérience bain flottant à 16h30. La réceptionniste me fais payer, mais ne m’indique pas où aller pour le bain. Je lui demande où je dois aller et m’indique la salle d’attente . En attendant , je prend un verre d’eau . Un monsieur viens me chercher à 16h30 et me fais le tour de l’endroit et m’indique la salle d’attente lorsque l’heure arrivera pour mon massage. Il m’explique le fonctionnement du bain flottant. Par la suite, il est 17h45 j’attente pour le massage dans salle d’attente avec tout mes vêtements dans un sac et ma sacoche que je transporte avec moi, la massothérapeute arrive pile à 18h. Arrive dans la salle il est environ 18h03 , aucun bilan santé rempli et aucun questionnement sur mon état de santé et ne m’explique rien par rapport au massage qu’elle va me faire. Je me couche sur le ventre puisque c’est la seul chose que la thérapeute m’a dit. Environ 18h08 la thérapeute rentre , aucune respiration avant massage et durant le massage elle m’a pas demandé si la pression était bien, sans compter le plancher qui craque et la massothérapeute qui secoue son bras sûrement dû à un nerf de coincé. Le massage termine à 19h, la thérapeute me dit de prend mon temps et lorsque je suis prête d’ouvrir la porte de la salle. Lorsque je sort de la salle vers 19h03, la massothérapeute a disparue. Ne sachant pas où aller je vais au toilette me changer et retourne à la réception pour avoir mon reçu d’assurance tout en expliquant la situation au monsieur . Je visite beaucoup d’endroit de massage et moi-même étant massothérapeute j’ai jamais eu un service comme celui-ci. Premier et dernière fois que je vais à L’Ovarium, j’ai jamais eu une si mauvaise expérience surtout pour le prix de 160$ pour 3h de service.

Merlyne Estimable

(Translated) I'm a fan of the Ovarium spa. Located not far from Beaudry metro. A relaxed and peaceful place. I go back there every year (Original) Je suis fan du spa Ovarium. Situé pas loin du métro Beaudry. Un endroit relaxe et paisible. J'y retourne chaque année

Francois Lauzon

(Translated) First visit, WOW. A top level massage therapist, welcoming staff and a very pleasant environment. I will be going back for massage therapy but also to try the Pulsar and Neurospa. (Original) Première visite, WOW. Un massothérapeute top niveau, un personnel accueillant et un environnement très agréable. Je vais y retourner pour la massothérapie, mais également pour essayer le Pulsar et le Neurospa.

Yannick Miller

(Translated) The floating baths are nice. (Original) Les bains flottants sont agréables.

Todd Pronovost

I enjoy the service and atmosphere.

Sarah Perron-McLean

Great hours and choices of massages and massage therapists. Not a pretentious place and focused on the right elements. The salt bath is something worth trying at least once in a lifetime. Deals if you prepay 6packs and 10packs.

Zahra A

It was amazing, I had the best experience of massage therapy today, the Marie was really expert on her job.. also I liked the vibe and the music too. You can meditate while she is doing the massage, very calming

Leon Benjamin

Excellent service. They take care of you the moment you step into this place. Reservations go smoothly over the phone (that's the way I like it) and they remember you every time you show up so you can use your package credits without pulling out your wallet every time. Highly recommend if you haven't tried floating tanks before. They give you a deep briefing before, so no need to worry about much when you come in for your first time. You're in good hands (and a good tip: wash your ears thoroughly afterwards. ????)

Corinne Cardinal

(Translated) Professional Pleasant atmosphere (Original) Professionnel Ambiance agréable

Pascale Chartrand

(Translated) Not my first time at Ovarium for massages, but here I am today trying their facial and ... wow. I was lucky to have Kathy. Let's say she knows her baby. Even though I am 24 years old, I have the impression that she has made me 5 years younger. Well done. (Original) Pas ma première fois chez Ovarium pour des massages, mais me voilà aujourd'hui à essayer leur facial et... wow. J'ai eu la chance d'avoir Kathy . Disons qu'elle connait sa bebelle. J'ai beau avoir 24 ans , j'ai l'impression qu'elle m'a rajeunit de 5 ans . Bravo.

Olivier Fortier

(Translated) Nice experience. I loved the massage as much as the floating bath. The staff are very courteous. A bit expensive, but worth it. (Original) Belle expérience. J'ai aimé autant le massage que le bain flottant. Le personnel est très courtois. Un peu cher, mais ça en vaut la peine.

Adam Zajdlik

Cool place. You don't need to bring anything but when you rinse off after, make sure the water gets all the way in your ear. They aren't kidding when they say the salt will recrystallize in there and it is extremely uncomfortable when it does!

Melanie Kajfasz

(Translated) I loved my experience and will definitely return! (Original) J'ai adoré mon expérience et j'y retournerai assurément !

Mélanie Langlois

(Translated) Truly a good place to relax and the best floating baths in town. (Original) Vraiment une bonne place pour relaxer et les meilleurs bains flottants en ville .

Emylee SC

(Translated) Excellent service! Price bcp too high (Original) Excellent service! Prix bcp trop élèvés

Serge Carriere

(Translated) Beautiful urban space for relaxation. (Original) Bel espace urbain de détente.

Chantal Bédard

(Translated) I tested the floating bath which was very relaxing and a Californian massage not worse but I would like the lady who took care of me to cut her nails, they were a little long sometimes it scratched my back (Original) J'ai tester le bain flottant qui etait tres relaxant et un massage californien pas pire mais j'aurais aimer que la madame qui me s'occupait de moi se coupe les ongles, ils etaient un peu long desfois cela me griffait le dos

Steve Costa

I went a few times in a week, had a very soar back. After the 3rd time ( 100$+ per visit) The massage therapist insinuated i was maybe looking for something other than a massage, stating i have been there three times in a week. I was mortified and extremely embarrassed. Needless to say I never returned.

Jessica McGovern

I really enjoyed the floating bath itself but the place itself feels a bit more like a public swimming pool than a spa, which is unfortunate, because those bath sessions are quite expensive! Will probably go back though, it's a really effective way to relieve stress. Just wish it was a little more luxurious.

Andréanne Brousseau

(Translated) Nice experience. I did the bath and massage combo. Next time, I will only choose one of the two, surely the floating bath. Thank you for the beautiful relaxation. (Original) Belle expérience. J'ai fait le combo bain et massage. La prochaine fois, je choisirai seulement un des deux, surment le bain flottant. Merci pour la belle détente.

Nickie Robinson

(Translated) For a moment just for yourself. Beautiful place that has preserved its position as a pioneer and leader in the field of floating baths in Quebec. Welcoming staff. Super clean place. And experience that we want to repeat over and over again. (Original) Pour un moment juste pour soi. Bel endroit qui a su préserver sa position de pionnier et de leader dans le domaine des bains flottants au Québec. Personnel accueillant. Endroit super propre. Et expérience que l'on veut répéter encore et encore.

Pascale Côté

Good service, excellent massages

Parwyz Payman

(Translated) I had a very bad experience, I spoke with Laurence who presumes to be the manager to whom she has no answer to my questions. Zero customer service, due to the temperature outside or there was an ice storm it was impossible for me to be able to cancel my massage provided I had cancellation fees. It was my first experience at spa ovarium and the last. I was completely unaware of the cancellation fees. Very disappointing customer experience especially when the receptionist (manager) disrespectful during the phone call. I plan not only to get reimbursed for one of the gift cards we had, but also to get the message across from one of the worst customer experiences of my life. (Original) J’ai eu une très mauvaise expérience, j’ai parlé avec Laurence qui présume être la gérante auquel elle n’a aucune réponse à mes questions. Service à la clientèle zéro, due à la température à l’extérieur ou il y a une tempête de verglas il était impossible pour moi de pouvoir annuler mon massage à condition d’avoir des frais d’annulation. C’était ma première expérience chez spa ovarium et la dernière. Je n’étais aucunement au courant des frais d’annulation. Experience clientèle très décevant surtout quand la réceptionniste (gérante) manque de respect pendant l’appel téléphonique. Je compte non seulement me faire rembourser une des cartes cadeaux qu’on avait mais aussi faire passer le message d’une des pires expériences clientèle de toute ma vie.

Rita G. Bakkou

(Translated) Good experience overall! (Original) Bonne expérience dans l’ensemble!

Gloria Samaniego Velez

(Translated) Simply perfect! The floating bath is quite an experience !! (Original) Simplement parfait! Le bain flottant est toute une expérience !!

Susana Medina

(Translated) The floating bath experience was enjoyable. I found the premises a little poorly maintained, for the price of the experience .. The bathrobe was not cotton but polyester, the massage was okay no more .. The massage oil used was difficult to remove from my hair..I feel like it was not a natural oil, maybe mineral oil .. (Original) L'expérience des bains flottant était agréable. J'ai trouvé les locaux un peu mal entretenus, pour le prix de l'expérience..Le peignoir n'était pas en cotton mais en polyester, le massage était correct sans plus.. L'huile de massage utilisé a été difficile de retirer de mes cheveux..j'ai l’impression que c'était pas une huile naturelle, peut-être de l'huile minérale..

Alexandre Leclerc

Great experience. The proposed scenarios to relax and vent off are quite different from other spas in the region.

Angelina Trof

In a nutshell: mixed feelings, thought floating bath, and especially neurospa themselves were very good. Some muscle tension in the body I had after my working day haven't disappeared completely, but I felt very relaxed and harmonized after my sessions. Good things: 1) Cosy interior, convenient location. 2) Neuro Spa is a thing! Strongly recommended. 3) 1 hour for floating session is a perfect timing. 3 buttons under the right hand for changing lightning in the bath tube, lightning in the room, and music is a smart solution, and makes the floating very comfortable. 4) Tasty herbal tea, hair dryer, moisturizing cream and towels are provided for free. Moreover, when a consultant saw my long hair, I was given an extra towel. I really appreciate it. Things to improve: I Registration 1) There is no way to book an appointment online. 2) May not the call back if you leave a voice mail. 3) In order to register by phone, you are required to provide credit card number, and expiry date to complete booking. In my case, the operator said, that their system shows that my card wasn't valid. We spend much time to verify all the details, and even tried to make a pre-payment, but it didn't work. I was said, that as the registration couldn't be completed, they couldn't book an appointment for me. I called to my bank to clear up the status of the credit card . The bank representative ensured me, that my credit card is valid. I tried to call Ovarium again, but couldn't reach them. However, later I was contacted by manager, and given an appointment. In fact, my card worked perfectly to pay for the procedure at the place. II Floating 1) Had difficulties with shower (which is required before and after floating). It was a problem to find the way to obtain the right temperature of the water. Cold and hot water weren't marked anyhow. Summary: I would definitely drop-in again, the company offers the procedures i strongly like and need. I hope, that the problems i mentioned will be fixed.

Josee Leblond

(Translated) I highly recommend Monica Tremblay! (Original) Je recommande chaudement Monica Tremblay !

Linda Khv

Everything was great with this spa, massage, light therapy, sound therapy,... until the floating bath! I was in the waiting room waiting for my first floating bath (Also my last!).... then I saw a man coming out of a door. The staff walks right into that door (does what she needed to do) walks out 3 minutes later then calls my name. I walked in to room into that bath to find dirt, and stains in the tub... let's say my relaxing moment just died right there when i understood that i was in that same salted water as the previous man bated in... i walked out quickly, got dressed and told the staff i was done!

Marie-France Forest

(Translated) Relaxing, great experience (Original) Relaxant, belle expérience

Christopher Obidniak

Went with my gf and we loved our experience.. felt so relaxed after... the staff was super kind! We'll go back for sure!!

christine dwane

Loved it! Great massage.


If you enjoy sensory deprivation tanks, this place is for you. The facility was brightly lit and beautiful and situated in an old building with your standard Montreal charm. Furthermore, the individual rooms for our floats were spotless and the water looked like it was changed regularly. There is lady who works there who is extremely soft spoken, angelic almost. She explains the float process to you in an irreplaceable way. This lady IS the spa. I wish I could remember her name, but she will make your experience even better. Yes- the floats here are more expensive then locations in Ottawa, but keep in mind that sensory deprivation is fairly new and Spa Ovarium is one of the real OGs.

Nathalie SPENCER

(Translated) Place of relaxation after work. Quiet and helpful staff. Affordable packages. (Original) Lieu de détente apres le travail. Personnel calme et serviable. Forfaits abordables.

Mélanie Gagnon

Oh la la mais quel pure détente. Massage et expérience d'isolation sensorielle au bain flottant. Se sentir en apesanteur, dans le noir total j'en ai complètement oublié le temps et l'espace. C'est une libération totale pour le corps et l'esprit. Je vous le recommande fortement. ????✌️????️????‍♀️

Sophie Z

(Translated) Beautiful relaxation in a floating bath. To be inserted in a well-being routine. (Original) Magnifique détente dans un bain flottant. À insérer dans une routine bien-être.

Corinne Charbonneau

(Translated) I had a Vie Urbaine coupon for the total which included the psio, the pulsar, the floating bath and the massage. I personally liked the pulsar less but loved the rest. My massage therapist, Éléonore, was very professional, I recommend her. Only small problem, I was told that I would receive an insurance receipt for $ 101 when I called and finally it was only $ 73. You should better inform your staff. Thank you! (Original) J'avais un coupon Vie Urbaine pour la totale qui incluait le psio, le pulsar, le bains flottant et le massage. J'ai personnellement moins aimé le pulsar mais j'ai adoré le reste. Ma massothérapeute, Éléonore, était très professionnelle, je la recommande. Seul petit hic, on m'avait dit que je recevrais un reçu d'assurance de 101$ lorsque j'ai téléphoné et finalement il n'était que de 73$. Il faudrait mieux informer votre personnel. Merci!

Danielle Russell

They honored a 16 year old gift certificate. Enough said. Great customer service. Great experience.

Fannie Boisvert

(Translated) Relaxing atmosphere, quick meetings and a professional and welcoming team. (Original) Ambiance relaxante, rendez-vous rapides et équipe professionnelle et accueillante.

Rachel Labrèche

(Translated) Really a great experience, everything was perfect! (Original) Vraiment une belle expérience, tout était parfait!


(Translated) Just awesome ! (Original) Tout simplement GÉNIAL !


(Translated) A TRUE moment of relaxation in a serene atmosphere. I took a 'combo' Pulsar, floating bath and NeuroSpa to finish. Pulsar: This is the part I liked least. Maybe I'm not receptive to Lumino therapy. I almost found it stressful floating bath: awesome. A total disconnection time. I recommend light 0, 0 sound, nothing in the neck (a type of brace is available to support the neck) NeuroSpa: Okay to finish the session. A chair that you send vibrations on a soft voice and background noise of the waves on the shore ... I had the impression of my summer naps on the Brittany from my childhood beach: very relaxing The staff is very helpful and friendly, although they explain the course of things for a novice like me. The overall arrangement might be to optimize (fairs and visiting places too close to the cabins) (Original) Un VRAI moment de détente dans une ambiance sereine. J'ai pris un 'combo' : Pulsar, Bain flottant et NeuroSpa pour terminer. Pulsar : C'est la partie que j'ai le moins aimé. Peut-être ne suis-je pas réceptif à la lumino-thérapie. J'ai presque trouvé ça stressant Bain flottant : génial. Une heure de déconnexion totale. Je recommande 0 lumière, 0 son, rien sous la nuque (une espèce de minerve est disponible pour soutenir la nuque) NeuroSpa : Très bien pour finir la séance. Un fauteuil qui vous envoie des vibrations sur un fond de voix douces et des bruits de vagues sur un rivage... J'avais l'impression de retrouver mes siestes d'été sur la plage bretonne de mon enfance : très relaxant Le personnel est très prévenant et gentil, ils expliquent bien le déroulement des choses pour un néophyte comme moi. L'agencement global serait peut-être à optimiser (les salons et les endroits de passage trop proches des cabines)

Maria Mantia Papathanasiou

It was a bday gift from my partner!!!I loved it! Simple as that! Clean, professional, welcoming stuff!

maryline soldano

(Translated) Whether for a massage, a floating bath or a pulsar session, it is always a pleasure to take care of yourself and relax at the Ovarium. (Original) Que ce soit pour un massage, bain flottant ou une séance de pulsar, c’est toujours un plaisir de prendre soin de soi et de relaxer a l’Ovarium.

Carl Pichette

Best "Spa" ever, its not the kind of spa you are used to with the hot baths but it probably is the most relaxing place on earth. A combination or NeuroSpa, Floatation Tank, Pulsar and a massage will leave you happy and relaxed for days.

Suzanne Leroux

(Translated) Pleasant day of relaxation (Original) Agréable journée de relaxation

Catherine Courchesne

(Translated) Always a great experience! We would like the massages to never end. (Original) Toujours une belle expérience! On voudrait que les massages ne se terminent jamais.

Katia L.

Always great service and the massages are awesome.

Phil Gali

Avoid prenatal massage, messed up my gf in a bad way

Kay Youance

(Translated) I loved my Swedish massage! The experience was perfect! I will definitely be going back! (Original) J'ai adoré mon massage suédois! L'expérience était parfaite! J'y retournerai certainement!

Juan Pablo Mo

(Translated) A very good spa, where you can float and relax. Good massage too: D and a little tea at the end (Original) Un très bon spa, où on peut flotter et se détendre. Bon massage aussi :D et un petit thé à la fin

Sebastien Miglio

(Translated) The experience of the floating baths was correct but nothing more and the rooms of the baths would need to be brought up to date. For the same price I prefer the massages, I come out more relaxed. (Original) L’expérience des bains flottants était correcte mais sans plus et les pièces des bains auraient besoin d’être remise au goût du jour. Pour le même prix je préfère les massages, j’en ressors plus détendu.



Katia Bracamonte

(Translated) Very welcoming and warm staff. Always listening to the customer. (Original) Personnel très accueillant et chaleureux. Toujours à l’écoute du client.

Riley Porter

I was gifted a massage for Christmas. It was my second massage ever, and it was incredible. The staff was very helpful and informative.

mary admin

Loved the floating bath and pulsar light treatment. Super new agey! I would totally go back again.

Cindy Hoang

(Translated) I received princess service, the place is beautiful, the metro access is super easy. The price is a bit high despite the promotions. I didn’t feel very well and I didn’t feel particularly relaxed after the PSiO or the Neuro-spa, but I recommend the floating bath and of course the massage. (Original) J’ai reçu un service de princesse, l’endroit est magnifique, l’accès en metro est hyper facile. Le prix est un peu élevé malgré les promotions. Je n’ai pas vraiment senti de bien-être et je ne me sentais pas particulièrement relaxée après le PSiO ni le Neuro-spa, mais je recommande le bain flottant et évidemment le massage.


(Translated) First SPA for my daughter and I at the Ovarium since my arrival in Montreal. We liked it a lot, the team is very professional, from the reception to the services. We had booked for a massage and a facial each and we are very satisfied. Special mention to Annick for the face, as well as to Larry and Emilie for the massage part. We left rested and very relaxed. See you soon. (Original) Premier SPA pour ma fille et moi à l'Ovarium depuis mon arrivée à Montréal. Nous avons beaucoup aimé, l'équipe est très professionnelle, depuis la réception jusqu'aux prestations. Nous avions réservé pour un massage et un soin visage chacune et nous sommes très satisfaites. Mention spéciale à Annick pour le visage, ainsi qu'à Larry et Emilie pour la partie massage. Nous sommes reparties reposées et très détendues. A très bientôt.

Gabriela B.

(Translated) Great welcome, Zen atmosphere, guaranteed relaxation and great discounts on Tuesdays! (Original) Bel accueil, ambiance zen, détente garantie et super rabais les mardis!

Nathalie Boissonneault

(Translated) Thanks to Frédérique (massage therapist), you did me a lot of good. (Original) Merci à Frédérique (massothérapeute) , vous m'avez fait énormément de bien.

Alain Lafortune

(Translated) The great massage but a little disappointed with the new version of pulsar (Original) Le massage super mais un peu déçu de la nouvelle version de pulsar

Isa Beau

(Translated) Great, I'll come back. Pulsar to try! !! (Original) Génial, je vais revenir. Pulsar à essayer! !!

Belrose Beauty

You can’t have same otherwhere

Ghislaine Goulet

(Translated) Whether it is for relaxation or the more therapeutic side ... the Ovarium is THE place (Original) Que ce aoit pour la détente ou le coté plus thérapeutique... l'Ovarium est LA place

Anh Thu Dinh

Feels like in a clinic waiting for ppl to come get you but don't know what will happen, disoriented. Lack of overall info session before beginning experiences as how to dress comfortably: i brought clothes to change but was told to wait for someone to come get me and show things...i never got the chance to change after all. The place is small, crowded and doesn't feel relaxing at all. The technologies seem advanced but I'll never go back!

Michel Castonguay

(Translated) Always a great experience every time you visit this establishment. (Original) Toujours une belle expérience à chaque visite dans cet établissement.

Emilie simon

(Translated) On the advice of a friend, I made an appointment for a floating bath. I was a little skeptical at first, but Woh what an experience! 26 weeks pregnant, so many treatments are not recommended / prohibited (spa, massages etc.) that it is good to finally be able to take care of yourself through this experience. Full sensory isolation allows a real connection with baby. For the first time I felt my daughter 'cuddle up in my hand' instead of just feeling her hits in my stomach. I go back there before my childbirth, that's for sure! (Original) Sur les conseils d'une amie, j'ai pris rdv pour un bain flottant. J'étais un peu sceptique au départ, mais Woh quelle expérience ! Enceinte de 26 semaines, tellement de soins nous sont déconseillés/interdits (spa, massages etc.) qu'il est bon de pouvoir enfin prendre soin de soi via cette expérience. L'isolation sensorielle intégrale permet une réelle connexion avec bébé. Pour la 1ere fois j'ai senti ma fille 'se blottir dans ma main' au lieu de simplement sentir ses coups dans mon ventre. J'y retourne avant mon accouchement, c'est certain !

Fanny Auclair

(Translated) A warm place, offering several treatments. I went there for a massage, professional service! (Original) Un endroit chaleureux, offrant plusieurs soins. J'y suis allé pour un massage, service professionnel!

Mohammed Hoque (Mo)

Love the anti sensorial capsule.

xsumi o

I love this place, the float tank is an amazing experience, and the staff is awesome

Laurent Duveau

(Translated) Very nice, spacious, quiet, good service. Get a discount "get up early" by booking for 9am. (Original) Très agréable, spacieux, calme, bon service. Obtenez un rabais "lève tôt" en réservant pour 9h.

Mme Boo

(Translated) I went there once as a gift and I loved it, relaxation guaranteed! (Original) j'y suis alléune fois comme cadeau et j'ai adoré, relaxation assurée!


(Translated) very good massage Patrice I found it very effective, knows very well the bio, points insertions thecnic, I give it 5 * the floor and the table stop cracking, noises but that does not take away the beauty of the place. Good reception service, super friendly. Parcontre being myself a massage therapist on my account I think that the price is much too expensive for a simple 60 min has a hundred dollars, without having anything included, hot tubs or sauna like the big spas, the price about thirty Dollards more expensive than any other place or massage therapists private offices or spas, with service and massage has a good level of efficiency which does not affect the quality of massage had. The IPAD side to make the health check, cut a little the warm and human side of the service. Being a former bank with a ticket office at the entrance. I still enjoyed it. (Original) très bon massage Patrice je l'ai trouvé très efficace, connait très bien la bio, points insertions thecnique, je lui donne 5* le plancher et la table arrêtent pas de craquer, bruits mais cela enleve pas la beauté de la place. Bon service reception , hyper sympathiques. Parcontre étant moi même Massothérapeute a mon compte je trouve que le tarif es bien trop cher pour un simple 60 min a une centaine de dollards, sans avoir rien d'inclus, spas de bains ou sauna comme les grands spas, Le prix une trentaine de dollards plus cher que n'importe quel autre endroit ou Massothérapeutes bureaux privés ou des spas, avec un service et massage a un bon niveau efficacité ce qui n'affecte pas non plus la QUALITÉ du massage eu. Le côté IPAD pour faire le bilan santé, coupe un peu le côté chaleureux et humain personnalisé du service .étant une ancienne banque avec un guichet a l'entrée.. J'ai quand même bien apprécié.

Ernesto Durand

(Translated) very good massages (Original) très bon massages

Ariane Chioccarello

Love the place, great place for relaxation

Ho ma guad

Great service

Cam Ron

(Translated) Nice welcome and professional care (Original) Bel accueil et soins professionnels

Shirin m

I tried the floating bath for the very first time, well maybe it's not a thing I'm going to try regularly, but it was an amazing experience only the price is a bit harsh 80 bucks for 45 minutes ;)

Benoît Boisvert

(Translated) Everything is perfect except for parking. (Original) Tout est parfait sauf pour le stationnement.

Monica Guayara

Always peofessionals. Excellent service

Marie Johanne Lessard

(Translated) Extraordinary in all the meaning of the word !! They know about fibromyalgia and even have a program for this syndrome. Massages, PSIO, wow !!!! (Original) Extraordinaire de tout le sens du mot !! Ils connaissent la fibromyalgie et ont même un programme pour ce syndrome. Les massages , le PSIO, wow!!!!

graciela escalante

Best massage in Montreal

Isa Care

(Translated) The concept of the ovarium spa is excellent. First of all it is a real Spa according to the definition of a Spa which is "health through water" and not just a jacuzzi. As well noted by Les Certifications Québecoises des Spa d'Excellence. Site on which I am delighted to have discovered Spa Ovarium, because I find that real Spas are rather rare in Montreal. The only problem with the Spa Ovarium, which makes me not feel like going back, is its dilapidation. The environment always having its role on the brain, I do not have a feeling of escaping there despite the well-being provided by their machines. The falsely subdued lights trying to counter the coldness of the walls reminiscent of a bit of hospitals, provoke in me a very sad sympathy that I would have had by going to visit the basement of my grandmother who was not really good with design interior. The building itself is beautiful, however, a former bank, it has a lot of potential. It just lacks a little more adequate love. Hoping my comment can help make your Spa last, Sana Per Aquam, forever, A Vitam Eternam ???? (Original) Le concept du spa ovarium est excellent. Tout d'abord c'est un vrai Spa selon la définition d'un Spa qui est "la santé par l'eau" et non juste un jacuzzi. Tel que très bien noté aussi par Les Certifications Québecoises des Spa d'Excellence. Site sur lequel je suis ravi d'avoir découvert le Spa Ovarium, car je trouve que les vrais Spa sont plutôt rares à Montréal. Le seul problème du Spa Ovarium, qui fait que je ne ressens pas l'envie d'y retourner, est sa vétusté. L'environnement ayant toujours son rôle sur le cerveau, je n'ai pas une sensation d'escapade là bas malgré le bien-être procuré par leurs machines. Les lumières faussement tamisées essayant de contrer la froideure des murs rappelant un brin les hôpitaux, provoquent chez moi une bien triste sympathie que j'aurais eu en allant visiter le sous-sol de ma grand maman qui n'était pas vraiment douée avec le design intérieur. L'immeuble lui-même est beau par contre, ancienne banque, il a beaucoup de potentiel. Il manque juste un peu d'amour plus adéquat. En espérant que mon commentaire puisse aider à faire perdurer votre Spa, Sana Per Aquam, pour toujours, A Vitam Eternam ????

Jocelyn Coutu

(Translated) I love this place (Original) J'adore cette endroit

Micheline Brodeur

(Translated) I went to the Spa this week for a Psio and a bath, and I was impressed with your compliance. I admit I was hesitant before leaving, but as soon as I stepped inside I felt confident. Well done to your entire team who must make every effort for our comfort and peace of mind. - MB, December 22, 2021 (Original) Je suis allée au Spa cette semaine pour un Psio et un bain, et j’ai été impressionnée par votre respect des consignes. J’avoue que j’hésitais avant de partir, mais dès que j’ai mis les pieds à l’intérieur, je me suis sentie en confiance. Bravo à toute votre équipe qui doit déployer tous ces efforts pour notre confort et notre tranquillité d’esprit. - MB, 22 décembre 2021


This place has a nice vibe and I like the space. It's calming.

Terry Ngo

(Translated) Very satisfied with the service received. A very beautiful urban spa in a building with a very beautiful architecture. Me and my wife often go together for massage therapy sessions and have always been very satisfied with the service provided. Many other kinds of care are offered, so the floating baths. (Original) Tres satisfait du service recu. Un tres beau spa urbain dans un immeuble avec une tres belle architecture. Moi et ma conjointe allons souvent ensemble pour des seances de massotherapies et avons toujours etaient tres satisfaisant du service rendu. Beaucoup d'autres sortes de soins sont offerts donc les bain flottants.

Actweb Imprimerie & Articles Promotionnels

(Translated) Beautiful environment. Good communication. (Original) Bel environnement. Bonne communication.

Julien Paquier-Galliard

(Translated) Very good spa with a lot of activity possible, the staff are very accommodating, smiling and kind. They offer rather unusual experiences of light therapy, listening to music, relaxation, it's not a traditional spa which changes a bit it's cool (Original) Très bon spa avec beaucoup d'activité possible, le staff est très accommodant, souriant et gentil. Ils proposent des expériences plutôt inhabituel de luminotherapie, d'écoute de music , de relaxation, ce n'est pas un spa traditionnel ce qui change un peu c'est cool

Mélodie Bouchard

(Translated) Relaxation guaranteed! I've been there twice and it's worth it. I plan to go back. Very courteous employees. (Original) Détente assurée! J'y suis allée deux fois et ça vaut le coup. Je planifie y retourner. Employés très courtois.

Bernard Meloche

(Translated) Calming the body frees the mind. Since 1982. (Original) Calmer le corps libérer l'esprit. Depuis 1982.

Sarine Nayirie Atamian

(Translated) Really relaxing and pleasant ???????????????????? (Original) Vraiment relaxant et plaisant ????????????????????

Marie-Berthe Leblanc

(Translated) Nice reception at the reception. The Ovarium Spa experience is a must for anyone who is not claustrophobic. It is a very clean place. I loved. (Original) Bel accueil à la réception. L'expérience Spa Ovarium est un incontournable pour celui et celle qui n'est pas claustrophobe. C'est un endroit très propre. J'ai aimé.

Kelly Brown

First time trying the floatation bath and it was fabulous. Followed by a one hour massage. Great staff and wonderful atmosphere. The only downside was other clients loudly talking in the public space.

Serge Bernier

(Translated) Very nice establishment and very well kept. Experience pleasant floating baths. Very good relaxing massage. (Original) Établissement très agréable et très bien tenu. Expérience de bains flottants agréable. Très bon massage relaxant.

Steeve Savard

(Translated) Very well (Original) Très bien

Charles Bernier

(Translated) Experiment in interesting eggs. The facilities are starting to get a bit dated but very relaxing. The building is magnificent, old bank, heritage. (Original) Expérience dans les œufs intéressantes. Les installations commencent à être un peu vieillot mais très relaxant. Le batiment est magnifique, ancienne banque, patrimoniale.

Anthony Ruso

Always excellent.

Tung Tran

(Translated) Perfect (Original) Parfait

Michelle le houillier

(Translated) Super good experience. Thank you to Edith who adapted her massage to make me feel comfortable and comfortable with my 6 month pregnancy (Original) Super bonne expérience. Merci a Edith qui a su adaptée son massage pour que je sois a l'aise et confortable avec ma grossesse de 6 mois

Loan Nguyen

will NEVER come back! looks bright and clean and that's it. it ends there! most of their masseurs are NOT good at all and they disappointed me right away when i stepped out of the room. it took me too long to find out Senol, the only good masseur who was capable of doing excellent massages, on top of that, it is a lot more expensive than other places. Totally not worth!

Deborah Brako

I love Spa Ovarium, is the place to be! The relaxation they offer in very treatment is well worth it. You leave feeling free and at peace! 10/10 definitely would recommend! Also great customer service!!

caroline deloubes

(Translated) Good reception. Just not relaxing massage. Not loud enough even though I mentioned it. Lack of structure in the massage. I saw that as caresses. Very nice masseuse (Original) Bonne accueil. Juste massage pas relaxant. Pas assez fort malgré que je l'ai mentionné. Manque de structure dans le massage. Je voyais ça comme des caresses. Masseuse très gentille

Chafic Haddad

The staff was really friendly and the float bath, pulsar session and massage package was fairly priced. I will certainly return again.

Catherine Banville

(Translated) Exceptional service! (Original) Service d'exception!

Sarah Fintz

(Translated) Good massage therapists do not stay, I do not go there (Original) Les bons massothérapeutes ne restent pas, je n'y vais plus

Marie Valiquette

(Translated) Excellent massage! (Original) Excellent massage!

Sarah Medeiros Denis

Very relaxing and incredible staff!

david david

I go there every month. Great overall experience: the place, the people, the atmosphere, the service.

Natasha P

(Translated) Good care, good massage therapists, very cordial service. (Original) Bons soins, bons massothérapeutes, service très cordial.

Charlotte Lopez

(Translated) I loved the ovarium spa, I was offered a massage and the neurospa. The massage was very nice, however the music was very loud, I should have asked for it to be lowered, but I did not dare and it detracted from my experience. Also the masseuse hardly touched my feet which I found really unfortunate, especially since I love this part of the body for massages. I was really surprised by the neurospa, didn't know what to expect and loved it. The music of the waves in my ears was so relaxing, I could have stayed there all day! (Original) J'ai adoré le spa ovarium, on m'avait offert un massage et le neurospa. Le massage était très agréable, cependant la musique était très forte, j'aurais dû demander de baisser, mais je n'ai pas osé et cela a nuit à mon expérience. Aussi la masseuse ne m'a presque pas toucher les pieds ce que j'ai trouvé vraiment dommage, d'autant plus que j'adore cette partie du corps pour les massages. J'ai été vraiment surprise du neurospa, je ne savais pas à quoi m'attendre et j'ai adoré. La musique des vagues dans mes oreilles était tellement relaxante, j'aurais pu rester là toute la journée !

Dude Francis

I did not enjoy my experience at this Spa. You should save your money and go to any other spa. They are complete covid freaks, they made me disinfect my hands 4 times ! My hands still smell like alcohol. They do not let customers use their own mask, you have to use a mask provided by them . During the massage you have to wear your mask face down (I have seen no Spa till Spa Ovarium require this). Oh also they told me they don't serve water because of covid ????... I was so thirsty ... had to go to the bathroom sink to get some water The Spa is supposed to be a relaxing experience, I was not relaxed one bit at Spa Ovarium. Personally, I will be sticking to my usual Spa Ritz carlton spa : Disinfect hands once, wear any mask you want, mask when face down not mandatory, oh and they serve you water or tea ????

Petrina Lafleur

J'ai adoré. Je vais y retourner.????????????

Kristina Henry

Excellent massage!

Charlotte Cordier

(Translated) Spa located in Rosemont so easy to access for locals. Close to Beaubien metro. Professional and pleasant service. A variety of treatments offered. The floating baths are to be tried! (Original) Spa situé dans rosemont donc facile d'accès pour les gens du quartier. À deux pas du métro Beaubien. Service professionnel et agréable. Une variété de soins offerts. Les bains flottants sont à essayer !

Monic Brissette

(Translated) I love this place! (Original) J'adore cette endroit!

Wihse Stacey

Building needs to be a bit darker in order to relax. Great massage, but the room is really bright.

Mary-Lynds Syllion

Mireille is very good

Daniela García

This was like the best massage i have ever had, and i have had many all around the world

Diane Turgeon

(Translated) A place ZEN ... it's again ... (Original) Un endroit ZEN...c'est à refaire...

Israel Gagnon-Garneau

(Translated) Perfect place to relax (Original) Endroit parfaite pour se détendre

Deborah Culang

(Translated) The relaxing bath is very nice. The nice masseuse but it was more caresses than anything else. I asked to work the upper back and finally it was especially the neck. And she spent too much time on my hands! The massage was poorly organized. I do not know if she was able to see the tensions I had. But overall the experience is good (Original) Le bain relaxant est très agréable. La masseuse gentille mais c'était plus des caresses que autre chose. J'avais demandé de travailler le haut du dos puis finalement ca a éte surtout le cou. Et elle a passé trop de temps sur mes mains ! Le massage etait peu organisé. Je ne sais pas si elle a éte capable de voir les tensions que j'avais. Mais globalement l'expérience est bonne

Raphaele Bernier

(Translated) I am always satisfied with my massages, particularly prenatal massages. (Original) Je suis toujours satisfaite de mes massages particulièrement les massages prénataux.

Ana Rem

Always a wonderful experience every time I go!

Sami Mehanni

Best place to float!

denise peasland

Sooooo good ????

Perron Marie-christine

(Translated) A very clean place, a nice welcome I loved my first experience :) (Original) Un endroit très propre, une belle accueil J'ai adoré ma première expérience :)

Tanya Babiuk-Henry

Absolutely loved the floating bath and Neurospa, definitely the place for relaxation and pampering

Véro Livre

(Translated) Ovarium ... never again than I said to myself ... well thank you very much for having been able to remedy the situation, I had an excellent massage yesterday and my friend too, thank you to Antoine and Myriam. We'll come back to see you. (Original) jamais que je me suis bien merci beaucoup d'avoir su remédier à la situation, j'ai eu un excellent massage hier et mon amie aussi, merci à Antoine et à Myriam. On va revenir vous voir.

Manu Lag

(Translated) I went for a 60 minute massage and walked out of there as if nothing was done to me. The masstherapeute Aude.C has no professionalism, no respect. She is unfriendly. I arrived a few minutes late due to an unforeseen event. And I apologized to the staff. In the room she told me that she could not do the whole body massage due to my delay and that she must clean the room after me, because she has another appointment. I meet people every day and I never disrespect them. (Original) Je suis allé faire un massage de 60 minutes et je suis sorti de la bas comme si qu'on m'a rien fait. La masstherapeute Aude.C n'a aucun professionnalisme, aucun respect. Elle est antipathique. Je suis arrivé en retard de quelques minutes du a un imprévu. Et je me suis excusé auprès du personnel. Dans la salle elle m'a dit qu'elle ne pourrais pas faire le massage de tout le corps du a mon retard et qu'elle doit nettoyer la salle après moi, car elle a d'autre rdv. Je côtoie des gens tous les jours jamais je ne leur manque de respect.

Louis Gauthier

(Translated) Very kind and attentive staff (Original) Personnel très gentil et attentionné

Nancy Martel

(Translated) Great ! (Original) Super !

Claude Lenden

Same as Matthew Kocal, their groupon offer is a scam. They are trying to milk me for an extra 80$ because they are completely impossible to reach or book and they are making sure all groupons expire, then 'graciously' extending it for 40$ per person. Matthew if you're interested in a class action please contact me.

youri levasseur

(Translated) My girlfriend went for pregnant wife massage and loved the experience (Original) Ma copine est allée pour massage femme enceinte et a adoré l'expérience

Caitlin Donohue

I loved it honestly best spa experience ever and the people who work there are very friendly and they don't over charge????

Christine Breant

(Translated) A first experience for me, a massage with Martin, very professional and friendly. The Spa Ovarium is a very pleasant place, the welcome is perfect. (Original) Une première expérience pour moi, un massage avec Martin, très professionnel et sympathique. Le Spa Ovarium est un endroit très agréable, l'accueil est parfait.

Prince Ph

(Translated) Very good service, nice atmosphere and very clean. We regularly buy 6 massage packages. (Original) Très bon service, belle atmosphère et très propre. Nous achetons régulièrement les forfaits de 6 massages.

Aurélie Saroul

(Translated) First experience at the ovarium spa. A very smiling welcome from the start. Impeccable staff. I definitely recommend that you get a massage from Larry! He is incredible ! It is a great professional at your service. (Original) Première expérience au spa ovarium. Un accueil dés l entrée très souriant. Un personnel impeccable. Je vous recommande sans hésiter de vous faire masser par Larry! Il est incroyable ! C est grand professionnel à votre écoute.

Martine Malenfant

(Translated) First visit to the Ovarium, I took the "total" package PSIO, NeuroSpa, floating bath and massage. As I am photosensitive I had to take the PSIO with continuous light and not pulsed light, I did not feel any benefit for myself, I imagine that with pulsed light everything must be different, but for my part not to resume. The NeuroSpa on the other hand, I loved it, I would have liked it to last longer. The floating bath is nice I would however appreciate to hear the music a little better. As for the massage I did not really appreciate, the person did not really listen to what I asked for is a moderate massage, I received a deep massage which left me sore for 2 days. The staff are professional and friendly, the place is clean and the atmosphere is great. I will definitely be going back for the NeuroSpa and the float bath. (Original) Première visite à l'Ovarium, j'ai pris le forfait "la totale" PSIO, NeuroSpa, bain flottant et massage. Comme je suis photosensible j'ai du prendre le PSIO avec lumière continu et non lumière pulsé, Je n'ai ressenti aucun bienfait pour se soin, j'imagine qu'avec la lumière pulsé le tout doit-être différent, mais pour ma part a ne plus reprendre. Le NeuroSpa par contre j'ai adoré j'aurais même aimé qu'il dure plus longtemps. Le bain flottant est agréable j'aurais cependant apprécier d'entendre la musique un peu mieux. Pour ce qui est du massage je n'ai pas vraiment apprécier, la personne n'a pas vraiment écouté ce que j'avais demandé soit un massage modéré, j'ai reçu un massage profond qui m'a laissé endoloris pendant 2 jours. Le personnels est professionnels et aimable, l'endroit est propre et l'ambiance très bien. Je vais certainement y retourné pour le NeuroSpa et le bain flottant.

azita malek

good massage,floating bath is very relaxing


(Translated) The service is always unparalleled and the opportunity to take a quiet herbal tea in a salon so a care is a nice attention (Original) Le service est toujours hors pair et la possibilité de prendre une tisane tranquille dans un salon alors un soin est une belle attention

Martin Burke

Great staff, super relaxing experience and excellent massage from Susan. Couldn't recommend enough.

Sophie Aylwin

(Translated) Wonderful when you need a good rest and an energy boost (Original) Merveilleux lorsqu'on a besoin d'un bon repos et d'un boost d'énergie

Manon Labelle

(Translated) Relaxation guaranteed with efficient massage therapists. (Original) Relaxation assurée avec des massothérapeutes efficaces.

Os Oclean

Absolutely amazing... friendly and professional staff. Clean, bright and newish facility. Masseuse was professional and thorough.

Maryse L

(Translated) Always total relaxation with attentive staff guaranteed rest !!! ???????????? (Original) Toujours la détente totale avec du personnel attentionné repos assuré!!! ????????????

Manon Mercure

(Translated) A nice afternoon, the staff is very kind. I loved the pulsar (Original) Un bel après-midi, le personnel est très gentil. J'ai adoré le pulsar

nicole c

(Translated) What an incredible experience. Total relaxation, competent and welcoming staff ..... I recommend this experience to everyone. ...... (Original) Qu'elle expérience incroyable. Détente totale, personnel compétant et accueillent .....Je recommande cette expérience à tous. ......

Genevieve Cote

Lovely day! Loved everything!

a def

I really enjoyed floating and the massage was great. Staff was very nice. How ever I really think this place needs an update. The showers are pretty dated and makes me question the cleanliness. The towels on the racks look like they have been folded by a teenager and made me question if they were used or not. A few spots of rust in the bath to. I would give 4 stars if the details were taken care of. Waiting area needs a face lift to.

JF Michaud

(Translated) Good price, qualified massage therapists. (Original) Bon prix, massothérapeutes qualifiés.

Vincent C.

(Translated) I was very satisfied with the service and the quality of care I experienced at this location. The staff are professional and caring. (Original) J'ai été très satisfait du service et de la qualité des soins que j'ai expérimenté à cet endroit. Le personnel est professionel et bienveillant.

John Smith

(Translated) Several calls without return, voicemail messages without return, attempt to book online through their website without return. I will go to rest elsewhere! (Original) Plusieurs appels sans retour, messages sur boite vocale sans retour, tentative de réservation en ligne via leur site Web sans retour. J'irai me reposer ailleurs!

Sandra Roudoff

(Translated) Great experience! It was my 3rd visit for a floating bath plus a pre-natal massage which was great !!! Thank you!!! (Original) Super expèrience! C'était ma 3eme visite pour un bain flottant avec en plus un massage pré-natal qui était super!!! Merci!!!

Stephane Daigneault

(Translated) A place to discover, relaxation guaranteed! (Original) Un endroit à découvrir, détente assuré!


An amazing experience. Martin gave me the best massage ive ever gotten.

Josée Boucher

(Translated) Wow massage does so well should go more often super. (Original) Wow massage fait tellement bien devrait y aller plus souvent super.

Guillaume Dépelteau

(Translated) I tried the floating baths, it's not for me. The experience was OK without more. I will not go back. Good service. (Original) J'ai essayé les bains flottants, ce n'est pas pour moi. L'expérience était OK sans plus. Je n'y retournerai pas. Bon service.

Annie Fortin

(Translated) Simply beautiful and the floating bath wow (Original) Tout simplement magnifique et le bain flottant wow

Guillaume Pintet

(Translated) First experience in a floating bath, the support of the staff was very professional and answered all my questions / expectations regarding my visit. (Original) Première expérience en bain flottant, l’accompagnement du personnel était très professionnel et a su répondre à toutes mes questions/attentes concernant ma venue.

Emmanuelle Cyr G.

(Translated) An excellent experience! The most attentive staff, down to the smallest detail! We feel very relaxed both physically and morally after a single bath. Do it again on! (Original) Une excellente expérience! Un personnel des plus attentionné, dans les moindres détails! On ce sent très détendue tant physiquement que moralement après un seul bain. À refaire c sur!

Matthew Kocal

I tried to book an appointment and no one answers the phone. They let you wait for 10 minutes and either hang up on you or you get the voicemail. You can't even book an appointment. You can leave a message but they call hours later. Very dissapointed. Very happy with the massage therapist I see there, I wish I had his personal contact number, maybe it would be easier to book an appointment.

Francine Levesque

Good place

Charlotte Cordier

(Translated) Spa close to the metro Beaubien. Specialty to try: the floating baths. (Original) Spa à deux pas du métro Beaubien. Spécialité à essayer: les bains flottants.

ultraviolet light

Staff pampers you from the minute you walk in.

Alex Andre

(Translated) Perfect place to relax, I recommend the combination floating bath + massage, it's really incredible ...! (Original) Endroit parfait pour se relaxer, je recommande la combinaison bain flottant + massage, c'est vraiment incroyable...!

Hedi Tchekiken


Jean Sebastien Maitre

(Translated) Wow great relaxing! I love Bath-Floating such a place of peace in the heart of Montreal is a blessing. (Original) Wow super relaxant! J'adore le Bain-Flottant un tel endroit de paix en plein Montréal est une bénédiction .

Steph Fortin

(Translated) Excellent customer service which explains very well the different services offered after my visit there I feel really calm and serene thank you to the whole team (Original) Excellent service à la clientèle qui nous explique très bien les différents services offert après ma visite là-bas je me sens vraiment calme et serein merci à toute l’équipe

Isma Benchaouche

(Translated) I have never been disappointed with the spa services! (Original) Je n'ai jamais été déçue des services du spa!

Marie-Andrée Plante

(Translated) I didn't love the experience of being in the floating bath, it was nice to try it out and still I came out relaxed. It was clean, but I found the fixtures in need of improvement, the towels were rough. On the massage side, apart from the fact that the light could have been dimmed to promote rest, I was very satisfied. (Original) Je n'ai pas adoré l'expérience d'être dans le bain flottant, c'était agréable de l'essayer et tout de même, j'en suis sortie détendue. C'était propre, mais j'ai trouvé que les installation nécessiterait des améliorations, les serviettes étaient rugeuses. Côté massage, hormis que la lumière aurait pû être tamisée pour favoriser le repos, j'ai été très satisfaite.

Alexandra Deschênes

(Translated) Unfortunately I did not like my experience, relaxation massage the massage therapist seemed really tired of this job and really did the minimum work. Didn't even take the time to make myself comfortable at the start of the date. Also, long wait at the end to get my tax receipt. to avoid I do not recommend at all for the price that it costs. (Original) Malheureusement je n'ai pas aimer mon expérience , massage détente la massothérapeute avais vraiment l'air tanné de ca job et à vraiment fait le travail minimum . N'a même pas pris le temps de me mettre à l'aise au début du rendez-vous . De plus, attente longue à la fin pour avoir mon reçu d'impôt. à éviter je ne recommande pas du tout pour le prix que ca coute.

Linda Matteo

Very clean environment. Staff was very kind. My massage therapist did not apply enough pressure. She was very nice. Floating bath was a great experience but a lititle in the pricey side.

Diane Jalbert

(Translated) Pleasant floating bath (Original) Bain flottant agréable

Melissa Paradis

(Translated) Second visit, and certainly not the last. The floating bath is an experience that everyone should try at least once in their life. The massage therapists are awesome. The staff are very kind and attentive. I love. Small negative side: there is no parking, so difficult to access if you are traveling by car. (Original) Deuxième visite, et certainement pas la dernière. Le bain flottant est une expérience que tous devraient essayer au moins une fois dans leur vie. Les massothérapeutes sont géniaux. Le personnel est très gentil et attentionné. J'adore. Petit côté négatif: il n'y a pas de stationnement, donc difficile d'accès si on se déplace en voiture.

Melissq Robitaille

(Translated) Well if you like the genre I received a gift certificate very clean place helpful and welcoming staff interesting but I wouldn't pay to go back because it's not too much for me (Original) Bien si tu aime le genre j’ai reçu certificat cadeau endroit très propre personnel aidant et accueillant intéressant mais je ne payerais pas pour y retourner car c’est pas trop pour moi

Esther G

(Translated) Good spa, affordable for massages and therapy formulas (Original) Bon spa, abordable pour les massages et les formules de thérapie

Chantal Joncas

(Translated) Very nice place, very professional staff and very clean place (Original) Très belle endroit , personnel très professionnel et endroit très propre

Stéphanie Roussel

(Translated) Pulsar and combined massage, very relaxing. I go back without fail. (Original) Pulsar et massage combiné, très relaxant. J'y retourne sans faute.

Caroline Lehoux

(Translated) Nice place, good therapists and excellent customer service! (Original) Bel endroit, bons thérapeutes et excellent service à la clientèle!

Diane Auger

(Translated) Always satisfied when I take a floating bath ???? (Original) Toujours satisfaite lorsque je prends un bain flottant ????

Alexandre Routhier

(Translated) Zenitude! Relaxation! Thank you! ???????? (Original) Zénitude! Détente! Merci!????????


(Translated) It's been 10-12 years since I had not set foot (or the body, let's say!) At the Ovarium and I had the impression that little had changed (same isolation "tanks", same decor, configuration and "Zen" music). The welcome is friendly and decent without more special attention. The explanations given at the time of the bath are complete. My experience was not as good as the 1st time, because by closing the "tank" and then the lights of the bath and the room, I found myself looking for my air in the too humid and airtight atmosphere of the " tank ", I picked up a little disoriented, because I could no longer find the switches to turn on the bath lights and I was looking in total darkness for the small handle to open the cover by pushing the latter up ... So, several unpleasant minutes before I could reopen the cover and let in some fresh air. Still, I'm not anxious by nature, but it spoiled the experience for the rest of the session. I would suggest a concentrated or medical oxygen line for "tanks" and the replacement of these with more recent devices. For the after-bath, there was only one kind of herbal tea already prepared, while a thermos of filtered or distilled hot water and an assortment of organic herbal teas / teas in glass cups ( rather than a motley set of mugs) would be more appropriate in this type of establishment given the cost required for an isolation session. Speaking of the latter, it is not perfect, even the tank almost closed and despite plugs sunk into the ears, impact noises can disturb or distract momentarily, which negatively affects the tranquility of the session. Finally, in my opinion, the premises and equipment should be somewhat renovated or modernized. This tint subjectively - and not factually or really - the impression of cleanliness or wholesomeness that emerges from the place and the insulation. So I give an average grade due to the above points, and I would also think twice before repeating the experience soon. On the other hand, being a detail-oriented individual, I may still be a case in point, but I consider some of the points raised to be legitimate. (Original) Cela faisait bien 10-12 ans que je n'avais pas mis les pieds (ou le corps mettons!) à l'Ovarium et j'ai eu l'impression que peu de choses avaient changées (mêmes « tanks » d'isolation, même décor, configuration et musique « zen »). L'accueil est amical et correct sans plus d'attentions particulières. Les explications données au moment du bain sont complètes. Mon expérience n'a pas été aussi bonne que la 1re fois, car en fermant le « tank » et ensuite les lumières du bain et de la pièce, je me suis retrouvé à chercher mon air dans l'atmosphère trop humide et hermétique du « tank », je me suis ramassé un peu désorienté, car je ne trouvais plus les interrupteurs pour rallumer les lumières du bain et je cherchais dans le noir total la petite poignée pour ouvrir le couvercle en poussant ce dernier vers le haut... Donc, plusieurs minutes désagréables avant que je puisse rouvrir le coucercle et faire entrer un peu d'air frais. Pourtant, je ne suis pas anxieux de nature, mais cela a un peu gâché l'expérience pour le reste de la session. Je suggérerais une ligne à oxygène concentré ou médical pour les « tanks » et le remplacement de ces derniers par des appareils plus récents. Pour l'après-bain, il n'y avait qu'une seule sorte de tisane déjà préparée, alors qu'un thermos d'eau chaude filtrée ou distillée ainsi qu'un assortiment de tisanes/thés biologiques dans des tasses de verre (plutôt qu'un ensemble hétéroclite de tasses) serait plus approprié dans ce type d'établissement vu le coût demandé pour une session d'isolation. Parlant de cette dernière, elle n'est pas parfaite, même le tank presque fermé et en dépit de bouchons enfoncés dans les oreilles, des bruits d'impact peuvent déranger ou distraire momentanément, ce qui affecte négativement la tranquillité de la session. Pour terminer, à mon avis, les lieux et l'équipement devraient être rénovés ou modernisés quelque peu. Cela teinte subjectivement — et non factuellement ou réellement — l'impression de propreté ou de salubrité qui se dégage de l'endroit et des pièces d'isolation. Je donne donc une note moyenne en raison des points susmentionnés, et je réfléchirais également à deux fois avant de répéter prochainement l'expérience. Par contre, étant un individu axé sur le détail, je demeure peut-être un cas d'espèce, mais je considère certains points soulevés comme légitimes.

Yves Lupien

(Translated) Very well thank you (Original) Très bien, Merci

Robert Tammaro c'est bon en Moses

(Translated) Its good (Original) C'est bon

Patricia Laviolette

(Translated) Great experience, friendly and smiling staff. Nice welcome. (Original) Super expérience, personnel sympathique et souriant . Bel accueil.

Zadig MTL

(Translated) It had been 3 years since I had been to the Ovarium. The massage was fine. The atmosphere of relaxation before and after is less present with the covid but we can understand. The masso explained well. She took the time to listen too. On the other hand, that she surprises when it comes to paying. The prices have gone up so much. In addition, he adds a supplement of $ 5 for the weekend or senior massages. This was not mentioned either at the time of booking or when I arrived. It is very limited as a practice. You lost me on this point. (Original) Cela faisait 3 ans que je n'étais pas allé à l'Ovarium. Le massage était bien. L'ambiance de relaxation avant et après est moins présente avec le covid mais on peut comprendre. La masso a bien expliqué. Elle a pris le temps d'écouter aussi. Par contre, qu'elle surprise au moment de payer. Les prix ont tellement augmenté. En plus il rajoute un supplément de 5$ pour la fin de semaine ou les masso sénior. Cela n'a pas été mentionné ni au moment de la réservation ni à mon arrivée. C'est très limite comme pratique. Vous m'avez perdu sur ce point.

dummy nator

(Translated) Extraordinary floating bath. I recommend to anyone who wants to unwind from everyday life and relax! (Original) Bain flottant extraordinaire. Je recommande a tout ceux qui veulent décrocher du quotidien et se détendre !

Nick Koutsaris

Very comfortable and relaxed experience. Good location but a bit outdated.

Alexandra Girouard

(Translated) Very nice experience! The staff are very friendly without exception. I absolutely advise you (Original) Très belle expérience! Le personnel est très aimable sans exception. Je vous le conseil absolument

Lise Arnold

(Translated) Thank you, very nice experience for me its the 1st time, very nice welcome, the tale well return there with pleasure thank you spa ovarium. (Original) Merci, très belle expérience pour moi ses la 1fois,très belle accueil, le conte bien y retourner avec plaisir merci spa ovarium.

Guy Belair

(Translated) Enchanting and a staff of exemplary courtesy but it is true that I do not often go to places like this. But I am still very satisfied with all the services received. Congratulations to everyone who works there ????. (Original) Enchantement et un personnel d une courtoisie exemplaire mais il est vrai que je ne vais pas souvent dans des endroits comme celui-ci. Mais je suis quand même très satisfait de tout les services reçu. Bravo à tout c est gens qui y travaille ????.

LuMi Naire

Place is nice, relaxing, but 1 hour session is too long according to 3 of my relatives that went at the same time.

Lyne Maitre

(Translated) Excellent Spa in Montreal! Floating bath, massage, NeuroSpa, Pulsar and LPG treatments (Huber Motion Lab / CelluM6) are very relaxing! (Original) Excellent Spa à Montréal ! Bain Flottant , massage, NeuroSpa, Pulsar et soins LPG (Huber Motion Lab / CelluM6) sont très relaxant !

Diane Poirier

Wonderful 2-hour signature experience massage!

Martine Boucher

(Translated) The employees are super nice the massage therapist too and very good also as a massage very nice experience (Original) Les employés sont super gentil le massothérapeute aussi et très bon aussi comme massage très belle expérience

Eric Vanh

I go there mainly for the salt water floating bath, twice a year, and sometimes other treats, always satisfied!

Clara S.

(Translated) I will go back for sure! (Original) J'y retournerai c'est sûr!

Sam Fneiche

(Translated) Anna is an outstanding massage therapist! I loved my experience! It has to be redone! (Original) Anna est une massotherapeute hors-paire! J’ai adoré mon expérience! C’est à refaire!

Louise Laviolette

(Translated) Really good ... welcoming .... clean, friendly .... (Original) Vraiment bien... acceuillant.... propre, sympathique....

Dra Tra

Clean and professional. Best floating and massage spot.

jane karam

Wonderful staff from receptionists to massage therapists! The only thing that annoys me is the floor that keeps cracking when someone walks.

benedicte pouchard

(Translated) They have all the equipment to do massages for pregnant women! Great (Original) Ils ont tout le matériel pour faire des massages aux femmes enceintes ! Super

Marc Lajeunesse

(Translated) Perfect place for relaxation. Enchanting decor and staff who take care of us! (Original) Endroit idéal pour la détente. Décor enchanteur et personnel qui nous traite aux petits soins !

Robyn Aiton

Amazing experience!! Neorospa for 30 minutes, beach vibe relaxation, and a therapeutic massage with Marty. Magic hands, superb!

Dmx Junior

(Translated) Really professional nice welcome good atmosphere and very good massage I recommend to everyone (Original) Vraiment professionnel belle accueil bonne ambiance et très bon massage je conseille à tout le monde

Lucie Marleau

(Translated) I loved the care neuro spa the welcome and the staff (Original) J'ai adoré le soin neuro spa l'accueil et le personnel

Myriam Brulotte

Clean, quiet, cozy, relaxing. A must if you want a unique experience.


I voiced my complaint in person after posting a 3 star review here because I waited on hold for about a half hour the other day. Simon, a guy behind the desk who was very pleasant and agreeable, communicated my complaint to his superior and I was given a discount. I told them that I wanted to give them a better review but I feel like half hour on hold is excessive. I will certainly return!

Business Hours of Spa Ovarium in Dorval

8:45AM TO 9PM
8:45AM TO 9PM
8:45AM TO 9PM
8:45AM TO 9PM
8:45AM TO 9PM
8:45AM TO 9PM


Spa Ovarium en Dorval
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