Your expirience at this school depends heavily on multiple things.
1. Your work ethic
2. The people you hang around
3. What the first letter of your last name is
4. Which teacher you get for which class
If you do not have a great work ethic and struggle to get work done, do not expect any guidance or anything. Even if you try to fix anything, most teachers will act indifferent after having a bad image of you. So unless you have a good work ethic do not expect advice, they will leave you in the dirt.
As for the people you hang out with, there are many groups, but unless you are well known and liked somewhat you will not have a good time. Big gossiping problem within the school as well. Just watch where you step and don't make your self known.
You can either get a guidance councilor who is invested in your success or just someone who is there to tell you the same thing your teachers are telling you. Also depending on who you get, you might not even be given a good insight on how to improve on anything.
There is a huge inconsistency problem within the school. Let's say you are studying GR 12 Math U, one teacher guides you well and is helpful to the students who show effort and those who don't know where to continue. Then there are the ones that will humiliate the ones falling behind, the only thing is that there is no preferential treatment, just humiliation.
So if you are struggling to figure things out, or are looking to learn ways to improve. Don't risk it at this school. There are much better high schools elsewhere.
I have not mentioned names due to respecting the privacy of the staff at this school.
But hey it's just a high school, what did you expect?