Reviews of Frank J Ney Elementary School (School)

5301 Williamson Rd, Nanaimo, BC V9V 1L1, Canada

Average Rating:


Here you will be able to see the information of people who are buying the services and products of Frank J Ney Elementary School (School) in the territory close to Nanaimo (Canada).

At this moment the business gets a rating of 4.3 stars out of 5 and that score has been calculated on 10 reviews.

You may have noticed that the average of ratings that it reaches is very high, and it's founded on an average of reviews, so the score is rationally faithful, although it doesn't have a enough amount of valuations to give it absolute credibility.

You know that we do not usually stop to set feddbacks when these are positive and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or issue...

This School corresponds to the category of Elementary school.

Where is Frank J Ney Elementary School?

REVIEWS OF Frank J Ney Elementary School IN Nanaimo

Jayden Sohal

Karen CB

Both my children went here. It's got great teachers and is small enough to be great for the individual.

Ariana O

Matthew Boudot

Amanda Vanderkooy

Lisa Xie

Edison Nguyen

School's kind of small but the teachers are hilarious. Lookin at you Mr Ratzlaff.

Debra Guglielmi

Don Bergmann

Jessica Savoie

Business Hours of Frank J Ney Elementary School in Nanaimo

8:40AM TO 2:20PM
8:40AM TO 2:20PM
8:40AM TO 2:20PM
8:40AM TO 2:20PM
8:40AM TO 2:20PM


Frank J Ney Elementary School en Nanaimo
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