So it has taken me a few months to write this review as I wanted to take the time to reflect on my experience. My son was newly diagnosed at the time I contacted black bird. I told them what I really wanted was for someone to sign his JFE form and to start a few services for him. When I went to view the Center I noticed it was very small. The lady had a contract already on the table which I wasn’t really comfortable with. This is where it took a turn, she immediately wanted to take 3000 dollars out of his money for an assessment, Even though recent assessments were done at the child development centre , she became comfortable while we were chatting and started putting down other professionals in my sons life such as the child development Center and the SChool district he is going into. She proceeded to tell me my son wouldn’t qualify for a full time support worker (which she had no reason to say that as it’s the schools decision). I felt very much that they were after my sons money and was willing to tell me anything to get it. Tried to insist I sign the contract. Even saying she will sign the JFE if I sign the contract.I was really unhappy and I’m glad I didn’t because when I went and viewed footholds therapy Center it was a wonderful experience.