Reviews of Edu-inter French School (School)

755 Grande Allée O, Québec, QC G1S 1C1, Canada

Average Rating:


Here we offer you all the feddbacks of real people like you who purchased the products and services of Edu-inter French School (School) in the territory close to Charlesbourg (Canada).

To this day this business receives a score of 4.1 out of 5 and that score was based on 77 reviews.

You must have seen that it reaches an opinions average is really good, and it is founded on a high number of scores, so we can conclude that the evaluation is quite faithful. If many people have bothered to rate when they've done well with the service, is that it works.

You know that we do not usually bother to put opinions when these are correct and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or issue...

This School corresponds to the category of French language school.

Where is Edu-inter French School?

REVIEWS OF Edu-inter French School IN Charlesbourg

Jessica Medrano

(Translated) My experience at Edu-inter is absolutely great. I learned a lot about grammar, communication and writing from the teachers. I also participated in activities to practice my French, create friendships and to discover the wonderful Quebec City and Quebec culture. I highly recommend this school for the immersion of your dreams. (Original) Mon expérience à Edu-inter est tout à fait géniale. J´ai appris beaucoup sur la grammaire, la communication et la rédaction grâce aux enseignants. J´ai participé aussi aux activités pour pratiquer mon français, créé des amitiés et pour y découvrir la merveilleuse Ville de Québec et la culture québécoise. Je recommande vivement cette école pour y vivre límmersion de vos rêves.

Manuel Del Valle

(Translated) Very good school, excellent experience and wonderful teachers! (Original) Très bon école, excellent expérience et magnifique professeurs !

Josée Ruelland

RR Greenwood

Irela Zamarripa

(Translated) I have been in school for 2 months, I arrived without knowing anything, in debutant level, now I am in Level A 2.1, I understand very well and every time I loose more to talk. The truth is one of the best experiences of my life, the teachers are a love, the people create a very fatherly atmosphere, and the family that touched me are the best, they care a lot for me and treat me like one more daughter. (Original) Llevo 2 meses en la escuela, llegue sin saber nada, en Nivel debutant, ahora estoy en Nivel A 2.1, entiendo muy bien y cada vez me suelto mas para hablar. La verdad es una de las mejores experiencias de mi vida, los profesores son un amor, la gente crea ambiente muy padre, y la familia que me toco son los mejores, se preocupan mucho por mi y me tratan como a una hija mas.

Bob La Valle

I'm a repeat enrollee. The staff and the instructors were terrific to work with, again: supportive of the learning and the total Québec experience. Classmates impressed with their kindness, respect and seriousness of purpose - a pleasure to associate with. The location is hard to beat. You will be neither too young nor too old to attend I would happily return for another refresher. (I reserve 5 stars for the super-human)

Caroline Ternes

This was the experience of a lifetime for my daughter! I had a hard time getting her to come home. She learned so much and had a tremendous amount of fun! The staff was extremely helpful and responsive and always available around the clock. Suffice to say, my 10 year old daughter spent four weeks in another country and she couldn't have had a more enriching, memorable experience! Formidable!

Sofia Gomez

(Translated) The best place to learn French. The best teachers and the best experience in the world. 100% recommended (Original) El mejor lugar para aprender frances. Los mejores profesores y la mejor experiencia del mundo. Recomendada 100%

Nicole Quindara

Incredible program! I spent only a week here but I wish I could stay longer. The staff were very transparent and friendly from the start. They offered tons of reading material to prepare me for not only the program but also Quebec City. I was given a written test to determine my level prior to arrival. On my first day, the students were greeted at the school entrance and given orientation by the founder and director of of school. I was given an oral test to confirm and/or adjust my level. Then I was placed in the appropriate class. My class was amazing! I loved the teacher, Paola, who was warm, fun, engaging, and knowledgeable. She kept a high bar and ensured we all had the opportunity to speak, participate, and practice the language. The games were all very fun and reinforced very well the grammatical concepts. My only regret is that I did not book a longer session. I will be back one day!

Lisa Ferretti

I cannot say enough about my experiences at Edu-Inter!! C'est magnifique!! This summer was my 8th time at the school and every time I go my french grammar and speaking abilities improve tremendously. Living and learning in a completely french speaking environment is the absolute BEST way to learn the language and the staff and instructors at the school are top notch. It's so apparent that they LOVE what they do!! I highly recommend this school for your french learning experience!!

Amy Scott

Natalya Rudakova

Great teachers, groups a bit too large (8-12 people), horrible organization. Acceptable for adults, but would definitely not recommend for minor students

victoria santos

Alyssa Accardi

I planned to attend for 3 weeks and ended up staying 1. I stayed in residence but I was supposed to stay in a homestay. It was very unorganized from the second I arrived. My main complaint is lack of safety. I have a severe allergy and did not feel safe eating their food which I was forced to eat since there are only two options. Also wake up time is 6am which is very early for me. I would not recommend this camp if you have a food allergy. Other than that you can get past the other not so great problems like very hot rooms and the few rude counselors.

Jessica Cheng

Diana Barikor

I found the in-person immersion French language class (level A0) at Edu-inter very helpful in developing French language skills. Starting with no French at all, I was able to construct simple 3 to 5 word sentences after 2 weeks of intensive learning and practice. This included videos, readings, simulations and regular in class practice sessions after each learning module. I also had a good teacher Mr. Jefferson that worked with me and the other students (there were only 10 of us). There was very little English spoken in the class from day one and the teacher was very patient and made sure we all understood each step of the learning. C'est un bon cours!!

nour dandal

Julie Charters

What a wonderful experience to go back to school as an adult and improve my French! Anne Marie is a gifted teacher who used a wide variety of activities to make learning fun!! I was fortunate to stay with a host family that was cheerful and happy to have me stay with them!! I can’t wait to come back!!

Frida A

(Translated) Edu-Inter has been the best school of frànces I have attended. His dynamics inside and outside of class allowed me to improve my language level exponentially. The atmosphere is perfect and the teachers are excellent. (Original) Edu-Inter ha sido la mejor escuela de frànces a la que he asistido. Su dinàmica dentro y fuera de clase me permitiò mejorar mi nivel del idioma exponencialmente. El ambiente es perfecto y los profesores son excelentes.

Abby Szkup

Cris Treglia

The worst school for studying French, all policies applied by the school are awful and not too clear. I had a problem to understand the classes, because I didn't know any word in French, then they had put me into a A1 classes, but after I discovered there was a A0 classes, I tried to see about cancelling my registration, and Christophe Fernandez, that is the General Director, is a person who doesn’t care about students. In my case I decided to cancel my registration, and he haven't answered me, or gave me any explanation about why they didn't give me a refund. They didn't try to solve my case, putting me in an adequate class for my level or another thing. If I should you, I would think well about enroll at this school.

Gabriel Heffes

The teachers are great, the staff is generally friendly. The Quebecois are super nice! BUT it's disorganized, they are not very helpful when you actually need them to be. The placements with families is AWFUL, so it's not great not bad either.

Axel Cruz

The time I was studying at Edu-Inter was 5 months and it’s unbelievable really the amount of French I learned. People ask me when I came back home how I learned it so quickly because I honestly I think of myself French fluent now, and what I tell them is that I spent 5 days a week at school in a French speaking environment making an effort to only speak French and that’s the way to learn a new language to immerse yourself into the environment. Edu-inter’s way of teaching is an amazing technique for everyone from younger students to adults. I am extremely happy with the results I made and the experience I had the people I met and all the memories I will never forget.

Alireza tabatabai

(Translated) We are very pleased with our experience with Edu-inter. Our daughter has improved greatly in all areas of her French level (reading, writing, understanding, speaking). Edo-Inter has made great progress at its level (Original) ما از تجربه خود با Edu-inter بسیار راضی هستیم. دختر ما در همه زمینه های سطح فرانسوی خود (خواندن ، نوشتن ، درک ، صحبت کردن) بسیار بهبود یافته است. ادو-اینتر پیشرفت بزرگی را در سطح خود ایجاد کرده است

Ron Foster

I am an older student. After studying with Duolingo and audio lessons for a few months, I realized that the only way to truly learn French was to speak it. So, I signed up for 4 weeks of Edu-Inter French immersion at five hours each day. I was concerned that the classes might be over my head. And yes, the first few days of French immersion were tough, but before the end of the first week I began to get the hang of it. By the last week of class I was even able to make bad jokes in French. My crowning achievement was the ability to order in restaurants and shops without the server coming back to me in English (everyone here speaks some English). Now, at the end of my stay, my French is still a work in progress. I still put together sentences a little like jigsaw pieces, but sometimes something fluent squirts out of my mouth... cool! My teachers; Marie Pierre, Zara, and Guillaume were excellent. I may just come back next year for another month. I highly recommend Edu-Inter. Oh... and Quebec is a lovely city! Ron

Maria Campos

(Translated) When I arrived in Quebec, I spoke nothing French. It was amazing the moment I realized that I could speak and understand French, and it was all thanks to Edu inter. The teachers are competent and attentive, the infra is very pleasant! I will remember every experience forever. So, for me, it is no longer possible to speak of Quebec without thinking in French, as well as to speak of French without thinking of Edu inter. (Original) Quand je suis arrivé à Québec , je ne parlais rien de français. C’était incroyable le moment où j’ai réalisé que je pouvais parler et comprendre le français, et tout cela grâce a Edu inter. Les professeurs sont compétents et attentifs, l’infra est très agréable! Je vais me rappeler de chaque expérience pour toujours. Alors , pour moi ce n’est plus possible de parler de Québec sans penser en français, ainsi que parler de le français sans penser à Edu inter.

Thiago Sousa

(Translated) One of the best experiences of my life. Thanks to my state government's cultural exchange program, I was able to study at one of the best French schools in the province of Québec. I arrived at the school with a very low level of French and during my 12 weeks that I spent there I was able to progress a lot, leaving with an advanced level of the language. The experience of living in a host family (local family home) also allowed me a huge progress in the language because I was able to have direct contact with the oral language making it possible for me to progress a lot in listening comprehension. Therefore, I recommend the school to those who are interested in learning French and have contact with the culture of French Canada which is very beautiful !!!!!!!! (Original) Uma das melhores experiências da minha vida. Graças ao programa de intercâmbio cultural do governo do meu estado eu pude estudar numa das melhores escolas de francês da província do Québec. Eu cheguei na escola com um nível baixíssimo de francês e durante as minhas 12 semanas que lá passei pude avançar bastante, saindo com um nível avançado da língua. A experiência de morar numa host family (casa de família local) me permitiu também um progresso enorme na língua pois pude ter contato diretamente com a linguagem oral fazendo com que eu pudesse progredir bastante na compreensão oral. Portanto, recomendo a escola para aqueles que tem o interesse de aprender francês e ter contato com a cultura do Canadá francês que é muito bonita!!!!!!!!

Maranda Lucelia

I loved my three week stay in Québec City and studying at the College Merici with Edu-Inter super intensive adult program this summer! The level they placed me in was perfect for me and the language began to "click" for me. The teacher was absolutely amazing and patient and I was impressed that he used the International Phonetic Alphabet to help with pronunciation. That is extremely helpful to me as a singer. I was also impressed with how many nationalities were present in my classroom and happy to make friends from all over the world. The faculty were very friendly and helpful, the host mom was wonderful and made great food :) and I was able to attend the summer music festival in Québec, an opera festival, and found a great swing dance community who danced a couple nights each week. I also found Evangel Pentecostal church very close to campus with a great community of friendly French speakers and they had contemporary services in French that I attended each Sunday. I would definitely love to come back!

Maria Campos

(Translated) When I arrived in Quebec, I spoke nothing French. It was amazing the moment I realized that I could speak and understand French, and it was all thanks to Edu inter. The teachers are competent and attentive, the infra is very pleasant! I will remember every experience forever. So, for me, it is no longer possible to speak of Quebec without thinking in French, as well as to speak of French without thinking of Edu inter. (Original) Quand je suis arrivé à Québec , je ne parlais rien de français. C’était incroyable le moment où j’ai réalisé que je pouvais parler et comprendre le français, et tout cela grâce a Edu inter. Les professeurs sont compétents et attentifs, l’infra est très agréable! Je vais me rappeler de chaque expérience pour toujours. Alors , pour moi ce n’est plus possible de parler de Québec sans penser en français, ainsi que parler de le français sans penser à Edu inter.

kalina anderson

This program is very disorganized. They have no control of anything, food for the residence is not good at all and the “provided” fruit isn’t free. They do not care about any of their students, the classes teach french that is not useful in any everyday conversation, and then they expect us to be able to speak french to our friends at all ours when we are not in class.

Joanne Anka

(Translated) It is a way to learn French or improve your skills in a pleasant environment. The teachers are very professional. It is certain that you will improve your skills and acquire more knowledge of French culture. (Original) C'est un moyen d'apprendre le français ou d'améliorer vos compétences dans un environnement agréable. Les professeurs sont très professionnels. Il est certain que vous vous perfectionnerez et acquerrez plus de connaissances sur la culture française.

William Kim

I came to to this program as a 15 yo going into my sophomore year of high school with a strong desire to continue my study of French for high school and well into college. However, as I leave I have little reason to continue this aspiration. My three weeks here at Edu-Inter has made speaking French a chore. The classes are interactive and overall very good as I learned a lot but after talking with the administration my interest in French is all but gone. On numerous occasions the administration threatens kids into behaving with expulsion which in my opinion is very counterproductive to the purpose of this place. If they really cared about the students I would imagine they would set out more reasonable disciplinary measures that would help children actually learn French instead of kicking them out. My first and third week I participated in the multi-activity program which was a hit or miss. Many days we would go to very boring museums and have to stay with a group the entire time but every so often we would actually do something fun which was relieving. I would recommend the tennis afternoon program which I did for my second week and had a lot of fun and also learned a lot. The big disappointment for me was the administration who laid out a well planned way to deal with students who speak other languages but immediately disregard the document they forced kids to sign the first day. Admittedly the system they chose was good where after a certain number of reminders to speak French you would be disciplined but the fact they didn't even follow this really turned me off of French. I stayed in the residence which was nice for the social interaction but had a few issues. Most importantly the food was at best edible. Each morning each student was receive a small portion for breakfast. As a 6 foot tall 15 yo this was tough because I was typically eat at least 4-5x of what I received. This forced me to break the rules and keep food in my room just so I didn't starve. Lunches and dinners were significantly better but still not fun. Another health issue I faced there was sleep. Most nights I would only receive 4-5 hours of sleep because I would be waken up at 6:15 and it's tough for me to fall asleep before 1. I had a rough time for this and got sick once. When I was sick the program forced me out of my bed and to the bus and our 10-20 minute walk to school. At school I took about 30 minutes to wait and then talked to an administrator who sent me to a random classroom and laid down one single blue gym mat gave me Advil and told me to sleep. This was difficult for me as I had no pillow, could feel the cold tile, no blanket or sheet and didn't even fit on the mat. On another occasion which demonstrates the unorganization of this organization was that time they lost our bags for awhile. While getting of a bus we were told to leave our bags on the bus but when we came back to the buses we had new buses. The camp had to call the same bus which had all of our materials and even a few passports and phones. This basically wasted an entire evening. I could go on about the many other times this program was very unenjoyable but in conclusion i would not recommend this for any kids. It would be a better idea to simply take French courses somehow else and then spend a few days or a week in a place that speaks French.

Nitish kumar

Because looking so amazing and very nice performance ???? availability in this college.i am very excited to French language study in this school.

Mary Ryder

Our daughter has attended Edu-Inter for two consecutive summers and both experiences have been wonderful ! She advanced 2 levels each time and has made life long friends. Her homestay families were so fun and welcoming !! We highly recommend this program !!

Marilia Gomes de Souza

(Translated) What a great experience !! From the first contact with the school, everything was very good! The classes and the teaching system helped me a lot to improve my French. I recommend the experience to everyone. (Original) Que otima experiencia!! Desde o primeiro contato com a escola, foi tudo muito bom! As aulas e o sistema de ensino me ajudaram muito a melhorar meu frances. Recomendo a experiecia a todos.

Francinet De Los Santos Leon

(Translated) Magnificent school. First world! (Original) Magnifica escuela .de primer mundo!!

Bárbara Wagmacker

(Translated) I took the intensive French course at Edu Inter a year ago and had an incredible experience! The campus is beautiful, the teachers are wonderful and highly trained, always using the most varied resources so that students learn in the best way, in short, the immersion in the language is complete, it was worth every second. And now, having won a contest made by them, I received a scholarship of 2 weeks of super intensive course and I can't wait to live this experience again. (Original) Eu fiz o curso intensivo de francês pela Edu Inter há um ano e tive uma experiência incrível! O campus é lindo, os professores são maravilhosos e super capacitados, sempre utilizando os mais variados recursos para que os alunos aprendam da melhor forma, enfim, a imersão na língua é completa, valeu a pena cada segundo. E agora, por ter ganhado um concurso feito por eles, recebi uma bolsa de estudos de 2 semanas de curso super intensivo e mal posso esperar para viver essa experiência de novo.

ana jurado

(Translated) I really enjoyed my experience at Edu-Inter !! I learned a lot and progress in my French thanks to my excellent teachers !! Everyone and really nice and available to help you and in addition there are people who come from all over the world, so the activities you can not miss !! ???? (Original) J'ai beaucoup aime mon expérience chez Edu-Inter !! J'ai beaucoup appris et avance dans mon français grâce a mes excellents professeurs !! Tout monde et vraiment gentil et disponible pour t'aider et en plus il y a de personnes qui viens de partout le monde , aussi les activités tu peut pas le manquer !!????

Rob Williams

I had a great time at Edu-Inter! Even though I was at the school a short time, it was a lovely experience. The main outcome achieved was the self-confidence to express myself in a language I had been learning for a long time, and the activities throughout the week helped me enormously. The teachers presented everything in a humorous but helpful way that made the week fly by very quickly. Highly recommended, and I will definitely return!

Rebecca Reaume

Edu-inter has provided me with a truly genuine French immersion experience. The school is very flexible with it`s acceptance of students every monday and it`s ability to cater to the specific needs of students in course offerings. I feel very lucky to have found the program, with my unique situation of bringing two of my young children here, to live with an excellent host family. After eight weeks of study I am ready to bring our family back together. I will be retourning home with a great boost in my french language skills and a 1 and a 2 year old who comprehend French, thanks to a local daycare that Edu-inter helped me find. Génial!!

Andres Torres

(Translated) Edu inter is a great school that gives you the opportunity to learn French and to know how wonderful Quebec is with excellent classroom teachers and facilities. I recommend it quite a lot. I was only 6 months coming to Quebec without speaking and now I can speak it very well. !! (Original) Edu inter es una escuela grandiosa que te da la oportunidad de aprender frances y de conocer lo maravilloso que es quebec con excelentes profesores aulas de clase e instalaciones lo recomendo bastante yo fui solo 6 meses llegando a quebec sin hablar y ahora lo puedo hablar muy bien!!.

Jen White

If you want to spend all your money go right ahead! The Quebec government provides free lessons and Laval offers an affordable course.

Fragments d'or

(Translated) Nil nil nil, Flee, incompetent staff, director who insults when you ask for a refund (rodriguez) to go where you want but especially not there, my CSQ was delayed by 4 months because of his incapacitated, I even believed in a scam but in fact they are just DUMP At 4 days of the exam still not received the convocation and the time when I have to make 2 hours of road, you call them, nobody answers. Frankly flee a nightmare that will have lasted almost 5 months. Incapacitated (Original) Nul nul nul, Fuyez ,personnel incompétent, directeur qui insulte quand on demande un remboursement (rodriguez ) aller ou vous voulez mais surtout pas la, ma CSQ à été retardé de 4 mois à cause de ses incapables, j'ai même cru à une escroquerie mais en fait il sont juste NUL À CHIEZ À 4 jours de l'examen toujours pas reçu la convocation et l'heure alors que je dois faire 2h de route, tu les appelle, personne répond. Franchement fuyez un cauchemar qui aura duré près de 5 mois. Des incapables

Rodrigo Sakai

This school is absolutely fantastic. From helpful staff to highly qualified and naturally talented professors. If you are lucky enough, there will also be amazing students along with you. If you are not that lucky, I'm pretty sure you'll make friends anyway, as Edu Inter always organizes activities with the students. My review is actually a bit late, as I was there between December 2015 and February 2016. I think it's only when you follow misleading advice and end up in a dead end school, that you realize how important it is to actually leave accurate impressions.

Estefania Robles

(Translated) Excellent experience (Original) Excelente experiencia

David Marko

We came with our kids for a month. Our kids were in the teenage program and my wife and I in adult program. We really enjoyed the classes. The kids were busy and learned a lot of French. They did French in a.m. and tennis or multi-camp after lunch. I would highly recommend the experience. We stayed as a family in a monthly rental apartment a 10-minute walk that were were referred to by the camp team, which saved us a lot of work trying to find a place on our own.

gt mangarage

I attended Edu-Inter for 2 weeks and stayed in the residence hall. The rooms in the residence are quite small and hot but livable. The showers on the hall are dirty but have good water pressure. The first day of each week the wake up time is very unreasonable, on Mondays you are required to be downstairs at 6:15 in the morning. That calls for getting up at something like 5:55. On other days of the week you would have to be downstairs at about 6:30 or 6:45. That was a big adjustment for me and quite difficult. I would not have had such a big problem with that if we had a full day of action but all we did was wait around a bunch. All of the waiting around made the camp seem very unorganized. Moving on, other parts of the camp were also very unorganized, the placement for french class was just awful. I was placed in a beginners class that I was learning nothing in. I had learned the things that they were teaching over 2 years ago. Once I asked to switch classes I was told that it would take a week. With the cost of the camp I thought that was just outrageous. We are the customers and it seemed that they were just not trying hard enough. After the switch I was still placed in too low of a class which I was never switched out of because it was "against policy". At the school we were fed 2/3 meals of the day. We would eat breakfast and lunch there. Usually there were two options to choose from. The options were never very nutritious or delicious. One of the mornings we were served frozen waffles... which were still frozen when given to us. I thought that was just outrageous. Also, I am a vegetarian, so we would often have to get separate meals for lunch because neither of the options were meat free. One day when the gave me my portion, I opened it up and it was tuna. They took it back but in it's place all I got was what looked to be an unwashed salad with no protein. The meals for the meat eaters did not seem very healthy either. Everyday they would serve pasta with no fresh vegetables. I thought of the dinners to be better, there was more to chose from. At dinner you could choose from the salad bar or hot meal. It was never fantastically nutritious either. I did the tennis program which might have been the only part of my day that I actually enjoyed. The instruction was good and teachers very nice. But sadly, there was much more waiting around to do before and after our transportation to and from the tennis courts. The last point I will touch on was the fact that we had little to no freedom and the camp. All we could do was walk to the little store next to the residences. No matter your age you had no freedom to leave the premises. Overall, I learned no French, did not eat well or feel healthy, and felt that my weeks were being wasted. I do not recommend this camp.

susan flannery

I spent two weeks at Edu-Inter trying to revive my very rusty French. I selected the super intensive program as well as the home stay option. I thoroughly enjoyed my time there and definitely improved my skills. The staff did an excellent job placing me in the appropriate class level and everyone was warm and welcoming. The instruction was professional and engaging. My home stay could not have been better. My hostess was affable and hospitable and I enjoyed having the opportunity to speak French while we shared meals. I stayed within a thirty minute walk of the school and thoroughly enjoyed my morning and afternoon walks through the beautiful Quebec neighborhoods. My only regret is that I could not stay longer.

Christopher Svensson

My daughter took French in the mornings, and hockey in the afternoons. Honestly, that was a bit much and good sleep was hard to come by. Choose one at a time and attend for more weeks, and your kid should have a great time. Also, the independence that a student gains is great training for college.

Ebony Stanmore

I participated in Edu-Inters two week intensive program. The school was extremely helpful in organising my entire program, including the stay with my host family. The program was entirely in French, which greatly improved my language skills in just the two weeks. In addition to this, the school was located not too far from Old Quebec and other attractions. I would definitely recommend a visit to Edu-Inter for anyone trying to immerse themselves and improve their French!

J Heisters

I really enjoyed my stay in Quebec and the language course at eduinter was a highlight. You get to know people from all over the world, I've never seen people from so many continents sitting in a classroom together and I loved it. At the beginning I was a little bit scared to not understand the accent but the teachers at school don't really have an accent so this wasn't a problem. I would come back to eduinter anytime :)

Daniel Mordz

(Translated) I spent two months at Edu-Inter and I can assure you that it is an excellent investment for anyone who wants to speak French. With the little time that I remained in the program, I greatly developed my communication skills, both oral and written. (Original) Estuve dos meses en Edu-Inter y puedo asegurar que es una excelente inversión para aquel que quiera habar francés. Con el poco tiempo que permanecí en el programa desarollé enormemente mis habilidades de comunicación tanto orales como estcritas.

Funda P.Waldstein

Lana Neufeld

I attended Edu-Inter’s Super-Intensive French program for 7 weeks. I started at level 3 (A1.1) and finished in level 7 (B2.2). I had only taken one semester of French before arrival. The teachers are excellent, but, more importantly, the staff members of Edu-Inter work with students to practice French outside of the classroom in dealing with day-to-day needs—a “French-only” policy is strictly enforced. Therefore, paying a bill become a learning situation using French with Keven, or discussing lodgings with Julie, running into Zorica in the elevator, chatting with Yan, Vanessa, Tommy, Guillaume, or even meeting previous instructors, in the hallways and staircases during breaks. This encourages students not just to learn French but to feel comfortable using it inside and outside of Edu-Inter. I am a Ph.D. candidate at Harvard University, and I need French to take literature courses in French. After my time at Edu-Inter, I have the confidence that I would not have been able to acquire in such a short time of language instruction; and this is what Edu-Inter means by “immersion”—feeling comfortable in the language. I would definitely return to study at Edu-Inter and recommend it to anyone interested in studying French. Be assured that before and during your time at Edu-Inter, the staff will work with you to accommodate any insecurities you may be feeling, especially at the beginning, as is normal in any language program. Tommy patiently exchanged nearly 40 emails with me answering questions and working with me to find the appropriate program and time frame for my studies. A very special thanks to all of the Edu-Inter instructors and staff for what I have accomplished, and a profound thank-you to Guillaume, the academic administrator, for his support throughout my time in the program.

José Flores

(Translated) Very good program to learn or improve French, very good teachers and always willing to help with any questions. (Original) Muy buen programa para aprender o mejorar el francés, maestros muy buenos y siempre dispuestos a ayudar con cualquier duda.

Frodo Tropo

I have been to this language school for 2 Month. Even though I really love Quebec and the people I met here I have to say that I didn´t really like the school. And I spoke to many other students about it and they felt the same. First of something positive: Two of the three teachers I had were just amazing (Marie-Pierre and Gabriel). They are very kind and patient people, always ready to help and explain. Which is a good thing!!! In their classes I learned a lot and I felt like I was improving. However there were also certain teachers who just didn´t explain anything and we didn´t even knew what we were learning. The concept of the classes is also something I find weird and kind of random. First of you have like an oral test where one of the teachers rates your french and then you´re put in a class. You can leave the class if you think it´s too hard or too easy and your teacher will also tell you when he thinks you´re ready. (That is usually after 3 weeks?!?) They also say that it´s always your decision when and if you change the level, but it´s not. One of the girls I had classes with told the teacher that she doesn´t feel ready, she talked to the headmaster and everything, but she had to leave the class. She wasn´t allowed to stay. I´ve also met people who just started learning one week before and they got "upgrated" because the other class was too full, not because they are ready. Also there are test and you have to write texts but at least I never really got a good reflection of of that. Most of the time they didn´t even give the corrected texts back. They don´t give you a lot of information when you first arrive there. I had no idea where to go and it´s kind of a big school. The Edu-Inter School is situated in a Cegep on the 4th floor but only in a sector of the building. So going there not speaking much french was hard. However asking my way through I found it. What else... It is fairely over prized in my opinion. If you want to change your classes or quit because you just don´t like the whole concept and it is not for you, you can´t get your money back. You can maybe get credits that you have to spent on school activities. And those activities are super overprized. About the french policy (that you´re only allowed to speak french in the school) it´s maybe a good idea but it makes you rather feel lonely especially in the beginning because you can´t really get to know people since your french is maybe not good. Also if you want to explain something of have something explained by or to a classmate it is most of the time easier to do that in a language you can understand perfectly. The cafeteria is over prized and the food is let´s say alrightish. I´m very sure of that I´m not going to return to this school even if I had some great experiences. Not because of the school but because of the people I met there. And I think the money I payed wasn´t worth the experience, but it was an experience.

Courtney Hudson



Studying French in Quebec with legendary teachers and experiencing the music festival first hand was such a privilege. I enjoyed my summer program and made great friends. I know where I am going next summer to polish my French skills! ????

Catalina López

Way to expensive for what is really offered. This year was my second year and from one year to another the difference was incredible,. Yet, was still very disorganized, some councelors are crazy rude and if the ever catch you not talking French you will get detention or better, the owner of this business, since it does look like a business since the directives and the owner have and amazing business model planned at this college. With the "detention" you will be yelled at multiple times saying that you are wasting your parents money and this that are always related to money. I will not lie, after school I had an amazing time , but at school it was a pain that sometimes you don't even know the language good enough to make a conversation and if you are heard talking in another language, you will get yelled at and sent to "detention" which is missing the afternoon activities. I will only recommend this place for the intercultural expericence and thats it..

Bombo Bink

The French program at Edu Inter is not at all how it is advertised. It is definitely not an immersion program. I spoke English the entire time, and the French-only policy is not enforced at all. The classes were okay although I didn't learn anything extra. I stayed in the residence and the counselors were very unsupportive and there were only a few that weren't outright rude. They were cheap on the food: the portions were tiny and not very good. They took in too many campers so that everyone had to share the tiny dorms with someone else, and I did not improve too much on my tennis because there were around 6 kids on each court. Not worth the investment. As for the other reviews that say that the French only policy was strictly enforced, that is simply not true.

Anissa B

(Translated) My husband had his tefaq test today. Excellent experience in very kind staff very professional and well organized. Especially on time and space to park :) (Original) Mon mari a eu son test tefaq aujourd’hui. Excellent expérience en staff très gentil très professionnel et bien organisé. Surtout à l’heure et de la place pour stationner :)

Frank Eunice

NO REFUND! February of 2020, we registered our son for the in-person youth camp and paid a deposit. April 27, 2020, the camp was cancelled due to COVID. The company offered a credit for future camps or the ability to transfer to someone else. They did not offer the opportunity for refund as per the contract. Hoping for our son to still be able to attend in 2021, we asked for the deposit to be applied to a future camp. May 2021, we requested a refund because they cannot confirm if/when an in-person youth camp would be available and he will be too old for the "youth" camp next summer. We have sent multiple emails requesting a refund because none of their other options work for us. We have not received a refund as their contract said they would provide.

Lyanna Sweetnam

Enjoyable program with helpful and engaging instructors that takes place in an immersive and beautiful city.


John S

Nancy Piatek

I am so glad I discovered this immersion experience. Québec is a beautiful, historical, and safe place to learn French. The staff at Edu-inter are friendly, supportive, and knowledgeable. As an adult learner I really appreciated the small class size and stress free learning experience. Améliorer ou apprendre le français. Vous serez surpris de ce que vous apprendrez sur vous-meme!!

Catalina Arce

Sarah Semiche

My in-person trip was cancelled due to COVID, and they offered to put my name on the list for the next trip. When I found out that I also wouldn't be able to attend that trip due to visa problems, my family and I emailed them and respectfully asked for a refund of whatever money we could get back. We emailed them in June, and there has still been no response.

naomi poirier

kemal altay

teachers and the admin. is just great... great follow up and very caring ... its like garderie for grown ups where they teach french ....

olga svensson

My daughter Amanda had a great time last summer in Quebec City. She was learning French and the local culture, and is planning to return this summer.


I recommend the EduInter online program to anyone who wants to start or improve their French. I have found the teaching to be excellent and the teachers to be skilled at using the online technology to present the material and get students speaking and interacting in French. I also attended the school onsite and had a very good experience. My French has improved greatly, and I credit EduInter with making that progress possible. In addition, I have had a uniformly very good experience in my dealings with the EduInter staff, whom I have found to very accommodating.

Philip Laconte

This was a game-changer for me. The classes were fantastic and I was appropriately placed in the right level. My French definitely improved in my time in Québec. I can tell when listen to internet radio and watch series on Netflix. The teachers and staff went above and beyond what I had expected. I travel and study abroad a lot and this is a very warm, intellectually stimulating and motivating program. After class activities were planned daily and there is something for everyone. I will definitely return soon!

maria kayal

This experience was our first in language study. It was fun and instructional. We learned a lot. Our teacher Céline was excellent. Thank you all.

Juan Trevino

(Translated) A great experience, a quiet, beautiful and very safe city, the vast majority of people are friendly. I was a student and I definitely recommend this school, very interesting classes, very dynamic teachers and always willing to help you with the best attitude, like the rest of the staff. I would go back if I get the chance. (Original) Una gran experiencia, una ciudad tranquila, bella y muy segura, la gran mayoría de la gente es amable. Fui estudiante y sin duda recomiendo esta escuela, clases muy interesantes, profesores muy dinámicos y siempre dispuestos a ayudarte con la mejor actitud, al igual que el resto del personal. Volvería si se me da la ocasión.

Zak A

The first thing I have to say about the school is the staff is incredibly accommodating and nice. I was apprehensive at first and wasn't sure how quickly I would grasp the French language but after 2 months I have reached the level of basic conversation. Suffice to say one day here is worth 10 on your own learning the language.

Patricia Malagón Procuna

(Translated) The best experience of my life with a language school. Advance more in 3 months with Edu Inter, more than in IFAL which is part of the French embassy. Excellent teachers, excellent workers, all always supporting you in any situation. It is an excellent opportunity to have a 100% immersion in the French language. Thanks to them I was able to obtain a job offer, since the company required me to have a French level of B2, and thanks to them I was able to obtain it quickly and very naturally. (Original) La mejor experiencia de mi vida con una escuela de idiomas. Avance mas en 3 meses con Edu Inter, mas que en IFAL que es parte de la embajada francesa. Excelentes profesores, excelentes trabajadores, todos siempre apoyandote en cualquier situaciôn. Es una excelente oportunidad para tener una inmersiôn de 100% en el idioma de lengua francesa. Gracias a ellos pude obtener una oferta de trabajo, ya que la empresa me exigia un nivel de frances B2, y gracias a ellos la pude obtener de forma rapida y muy natural.

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