Reviews of Auto Rental Canada (Rent Cars)

5700 Rue D'Iberville, Montréal, QC H2G 2B3, Canada

Average Rating:


Here you will be able to see all the information of people like you who buy the services and products of Auto Rental Canada (Rent Cars) near La Salle (Canada).

Now this business has a rating of 3.1 over 5 and the rating is based on 127 reviews.

You may have noticed that the average of ratings is discreet, neither too high nor too low, and it is based on a very large number of reviews, so we may be pretty sure that the score is quite faithful. If there are many people who bothered to evaluate when they are happy, it works.

As you know, we don't usually stop to write reviews when these are correct and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or incidence...

This Rent Cars is included in the category of Car rental agency.

Where is Auto Rental Canada?

REVIEWS OF Auto Rental Canada IN La Salle

Faical Alawi

Great place! If you’re looking to rent a car and have a nice conversation it’s the place to go

Opportune Kazadi

(Translated) Co-populated market. I am advised against TOTALLY. -bad home - old cars; to problems. -cars smell bad -Rusty cars -cars with km over standard for rental shops -cars not safe on the road -problems of steering wheel shake on the road -Pneus who die alone and no assurance for it. -in case of accident and incidents; they take no responsibility and blame the client. -surcharge useless -insurances that are NOT used for NOTHING. -personal not nice and dishonest. I could draw you a huge list, it will not be enough. In Quebec, we are being ripped off without saying anything and it is a shame. I have more than enough of the profiteers. It's time to act. Nobody has to work in vain. A company that tells you something else and acts otherwise by refusing to endorse their mistakes is an IRRESPONSIBLE company. To banish from Quebec. It's a shame! Please change your name. Canada is not honored with Auto Rental Canada. Our US neighbors really laughed at us. ???????????????????????????? (Original) мaυvaιѕe coмpagnιe. je voυѕ le déconseille TOTALEMENT. -mauvais accueil -voitures vieilles; à problèmes. -voitures sentent mauvais -voitures rouillées -voitures avec km excédent la norme pour commerces de location -voitures pas sécuritaires sur la route -problèmes de volant qui shake sur la route -pneus qui crèvent tout seuls et aucune assurance pour cela. -en cas d'accident et d'incidents; ils n'assument rien et rejettent la faute au client. -surcharge inutile -assurances qui ne servent à RIEN. -personnel pas gentil et malhonnête. Je pourrais vous dresser une énorme liste, cela ne suffira pas. Au Québec, on se fait trop arnaquer sans rien dire et c'est une honte. J'en ai plus qu'assez des profiteurs. Il est temps d'agir. Personne ne doit travailler en vain. Une compagnie qui vous dit autre chose et agis autrement en refusant d'endosser leurs erreurs est une compagnie IRRESPONSABLE. À bannir du Québec. C'est une honte! Changez votre nom svp. Le canada n'est pas honoré avec Auto Rental Canada. Nos voisins US on vraiment ri de nous autres. ????????????????????????????

Normand Piché

(Translated) Thank you to the whole team for the EXCELLENT service !! 5 stars +++ (Original) Merci à toute l'équipe pour l'EXCELLENT service !! 5 étoiles +++

Maude Touchette

(Translated) I made a reservation and after two days of not receiving a confirmation I texted the number offered in the email as requested. Then still without answer after 24 hours I called during opening hours and it said to text to the number in the e-mail (which I had already done). Finally I never heard from them. I had to do a last minute rental with another company (Original) J'ai fais une réservation et après deux jours à ne pas recevoir de confirmation j'ai texté le numéro proposé dans le e-mail tel que demandé. Puis toujours sans réponse après 24 h j'ai téléphoné lors des heures d'ouverture et ça disait de texter au numéro dans le e-mail(ce que j'avais déjà fait). Finalement je n'ai jamais eu de nouvelles d'eux. Il a fallut que je fasse une location dernière minute avec une autre compagnie

Marky Mark2002

I had rented a car with them for several months and had a great experience with amazing customer service!

Reuben Johnson

If I could rate this 0 star I will this is the worst company to rent a vehicle from all their vehicles has mechanical problems and they'll try and blame you for it worst service ever I continue to share this bad experience with my 5k friends on facebook and my 15k followers on Instagram

Emile Wilson

(Translated) The people who work the are as old-fashioned, rotten as the vehicles that are offered (Original) Les gens qui travaillent la sont aussi désuets, pourri que les véhicules qui sont offerts


(Translated) What joke! What a lack of professionalism! I book a car via the website for a day on Saturday (Thanksgiving) weekend to attend a meal at a friend's house with a girlfriend. I take it a week in advance, the transaction works and I receive my confirmation. Everything is fine. I'm phoned a day and a half in advance to tell me that my Internet transaction is not valid because they can not rent a car for less than two days on weekends and that in the case this Thanksgiving weekend, we would be obliged to rent three days since Monday is a holiday. The price, suddenly, quadruple! It's expensive dinner with friends, and we can not afford it. Obviously, I defend myself and tell them that it is an aberration, that I could have praised at other companies, but that at this date, it is too late: either that the prices are prohibitive, or that all cars are rented. We have the nerve to tell me that he will not charge me the cancellation fee! WTF? Obviously you will not charge me! You do not give us the choice to cancel, because it's beyond our means, and you think you make us a flower? This situation simply gives me the impression since there is a high demand, Auto Rental Canada wanted to make more money by renting this car to another customer, so Auto Rental Canada did not leave us any other choice than to pay a lot more for a service I did not need (three days rental instead of one) or cancel my reservation. I had rented once with Auto Rental Canada, I had read other people's reviews on Google. I thought I'd try my luck. Finally, I had a manual car instead of automatic, the condition of the vehicle was passable, we could not lock the trunk, so we could not walk around with valuables. And that, Auto Rental Canada told us only when we were leaving with the vehicle, to make sure we feel obliged to keep it, otherwise you waste part of your weekend in bureaucracy and waiting. I had found regular service, but just wanted to leave and enjoy. In reality, Auto Rental Canada has a poor service. Rarer appear cases where there are no problems. Do not be fooled by the positive comments! Rent at Auto Rental Canada is like a lottery, you lose more than you win. (Original) Quelle blague! Quel manque de professionnalisme! Je réserve une voiture via le site Internet pour une journée la fin de semaine (samedi) de l’Action de grâce pour assister à un repas chez des amis avec une copine. Je m’y prends une semaine à l’avance, la transaction fonctionne et je reçois ma confirmation. Tout va bien. Or, on me téléphone, une journée et demie à l’avance, pour me dire que ma transaction Internet n’est pas valide, car ils ne peuvent pas louer une voiture pour moins de deux jours la fin de semaine et que dans le cas de cette fin de semaine de l’Action de grâce, nous serions dans l’obligation de louer trois jours puisque lundi est férié. Le prix, du coup, quadruple! Ça fait cher le petit souper entre amis, et nous n’en avons pas les moyens. Évidemment, je me défends et leur dit que c’est une aberration, que j’aurais pu louer chez d’autres compagnies, mais qu’en cette date, il est trop tard : soit que les prix sont prohibitifs, soient que toutes les voitures sont louées. On a le culot de me dire qu’il ne me chargera pas les frais d’annulation! WTF? C’est évident que tu ne vas pas me les charger! Tu ne nous donnes pas le choix d'annuler, par ce que c'est hors de nos moyens, et tu crois que tu nous fais une fleur? Cette situation me donne tout simplement l’impression puisqu’il y a une forte demande, Auto Rental Canada voulait faire plus d’argent en louant cette voiture à un autre client, donc Auto Rental Canada ne nous a pas laissé d’autres choix que de payer beaucoup plus cher pour un service dont je nous n'avions pas besoins (trois jours de location au lieu d'un seul) ou d’annuler ma réservation. J’avais déjà loué une fois avec Auto Rental Canada, j’avais lu les critiques des autres gens sur Google. Je m’étais dit que j’allais tenter ma chance. Finalement, j’avais eu une voiture manuelle au lieu d’automatique, l’état du véhicule était passable, nous ne pouvions pas verrouiller le coffre, donc nous ne pouvions pas nous promener avec des objets de valeurs. Et ça, Auto Rental Canada nous l’avait dit seulement au moment de partir avec le véhicule, pour être sûr qu'on se sente bien obligé de le garder, sinon tu gâches une partie de ta fin de semaine en bureaucratie et en attente. J'avais trouvé le service ordinaire, mais je voulais juste partir et profiter. En réalité, Auto Rental Canada a un service médiocre. Plus rares semblent les cas où il n'y a pas de problèmes. Ne vous faites pas leurrer par les commentaires positifs! Louer chez Auto Rental Canada est un peu comme une loterie, on perd plus que l'on gagne.

Christian Bonin

(Translated) Fast service. Cars in good condition and inexpensive. Carlos served us with great courtesy and professionalism. I recommend. (Original) Service rapide. Voitures en bon état et à prix avantageux. Carlos nous a servi avec beaucoup de courtoisie et de professionnalisme. Je recommande.

Luc Tremblay

(Translated) I rented a vehicle for 3 days and excellent service thank you! (Original) Jai loué un véhicule 3 jours et excellent service merci!

richard lessard

(Translated) I received a nice welcome and I was given answers to my information in a clear manner. The experience with the car over a distance of 500 km went perfectly, In addition, the comfort of the car was very pleasant and very comfortable as I had requested, In addition the rental price was well above from what I believed, (Original) J'ai reçu un bel acceuil et on m'a donné réponses à mes informations d'une façon claire. L'espérience avec la voiture sur une distance de 500 Km s'est passé à merveille, De plus, le confort de la voiture était très agréable et très confortable comme j'avais demandé, De plus le prix de la location était bien au dessus de ce que je croyait,

David Michaud

Louis-Philippe Roux (Dynamo)

(Translated) Really disappointed with the service. Who would think that there is not enough insurance to cover a hit and run? I have the police report and I still get my $ 500 deposit. I did pay insurance with the vehicle. I talk to other companies and it's the only one that does not offer that protection. The lawsuit cost me obviously too expensive money and time to fight the no-discount deposit of $ 500. Choose a competitor: hertz, notice, via route. Yes, they cost a few cents more, but: 1 - They have exceptional service 2 - They explain in detail the procedure to follow 3 - They do not have an office too far from the city center 4 - They are courteous in the details of the proceedings I will never make that mistake again. (Original) Vraiment déçu du service. Qui croirait ne pas avoir d'assurance suffisante pour couvrir un hit and run. J'ai le rapport de police et on me prend quand même mon 500$ de dépot. J'ai pourtant payé une assurance avec le véhicule. J'ai discuter avec les autres compagnies et c'est le seule qui n'offre pas cette protection. La poursuite judiciaire me coute évidement trop cher en argent et en temps pour combattre la no-remise du dépot de 500$. Choisissez un concurrent : hertz, avis, via route. Oui, ils coutent quelques sous de plus, mais: 1 - Ils ont un service exceptionnel 2 - Ils vous expliquent dans les détails les procédure à suivre 3 - Ils n'ont pas un bureau trop loin du centre-ville 4 - Ils sont courtois dans le détail des procédure Je ne ferai plus jamais cette erreur.

Martin Rassner

We had a great experience with this store. Sure you dont get a luxus car but you also dont pay a luxus price. You get what you pay for the car was clean and we don't had any problems with car on our way ( we rent it for one week) It was really easy to pick up the car and give it back. So i can recommend this store.

Elmer Gonzalez

I was very satisfied with my rental. Great prices too. Thank you Auto Rental Canada

José M

(Translated) Courteous service, but especially with human beings at the controls, not a computer like in business, discount etc. Thank you to the Blainville team, impeccable service! (Original) Service courtois, mais surtout avec des êtres humains aux commandes, pas un ordinateur comme chez enterprise, discount etc. Merci à l'équipe de Blainville, un service irréprochable !

Rami Khalife

The customer service was fantastic whether in person or on the phone and it was even very flexible. The price is definitely affordable and automobiles are confortable and clean and even new! I had an amazing experience with this company and I definitely recommend it.

djiinn SEO

(Translated) THE good plan to find a car during busy periods. Cars are not year round, but you can't find better in town at this price. (Original) LE bon plan pour trouver une voiture en période d'achalandage. Les voitures sont pas de l'année, mais on trouve pas mieux en ville à ce prix.

Stephanie Hudon

(Translated) The first time we did business with Auto Rental last January we had no major problems just having to change cars because it made a funny noise. But the second time very disappointed ... we could not bring the car the day that we had to do it because an event was offered to my spouse and me. I call then and they tell me "no problem bring it back tomorrow before noon there will be no charges" perfect I said to myself. But the evening the battery drops us and as we are not an expert I call the company to explain to them..the one who answered me tells me that we will not have to pay the costs for the tug and sends us one that solves our problem. The next day my boyfriend will carry the car everything will be fine the deposit will be deposited in your account Monday (this is Sunday). On Monday we had to fight with had to receive our deposit which put back from hour to hour for in the end to be removed $ 85 of days of delay after telling me that there would be no charge and $ 75 for the towing that we should not pay because it is not our car ny our fault ... so a big disappointment and scam (Original) La première fois que nous avons fait affaire avec Auto Rental en Janvier dernier nous n'avons eu aucun problème majeur juste devoir changer de voiture car elle fesait un drôle de bruit. Mais la deuxième fois très déçue...nous ne pouvions rapporté la voiture la journée que nous devions le faire car un événement nous a été proposé a mon conjoint et moi. J'appelle alors et ils me disent " pas de problème ramenner la demain avant midi il n'y aura pas de frais " parfait je me suis dis. Mais le soir la batterie nous lache et comme nous ne sommes pas expert j'appel la compagnie pour leurs expliquer..celui qui m'a repondu me dit qu'on aura pas a payer les frais pour le remorqueur et nous en envoit un qui regle notre probleme. Le lendemain mon chum va porter la voiture tout va bien le depot sera deposer dans votre compte lundi ( cetait dimanche ). Le lundi on a du se battre avec eu pour recevoir notre depot qui remettait d'heure en heure pour au final se faire enlever 85$ de jours de retard apres m'avoir bien dit qu'il n'y aurait aucun frait et 75$ pour le remorquage qu'on ne devait pas payer car c'est pas notre voiture ny notre faute...donc une grosse deception et arnaque

capitan Frutita

ery bad experience bad service and I did not devour all the money I put as collateral and I still have not given all my money I'm still waiting

Audrey Pouydebasque

(Translated) A little difficult to reach them by phone but otherwise rental on site and easy return! Clean vehicle. (Original) Un peu difficile de les rejoindre par téléphone mais sinon location sur place et retour faciles! Véhicule propre.

Prev Datta

I have been using Auto Rental Canada for about a year now and prefer them instead of the large franchises. They provide a personal, flexible service and the manager Carlos is an absolute pleasure to deal with.


(Translated) Very good experience. Small anecdote, Hertz near Mc Gill in the downtown had told me 3 hours before coming to pick up the car that there were no more cars available even though the reservation was dated 2 months before. Very poor management of their car inventory. impossible to find a car in less than 3 hours on the same day of departure (a Friday). Desperate and especially angry at having to pay a hotel cancellation within 24 hours of an amount of $ 215 (out of $ 550), my work colleague suggested Auto Rental Canada to me. Luckily, he had several cars available. I contacted them to ensure proper compliance on their site and in their actual inventory. To be honest, seeing the storefront, once there, it doesn't look great, but never judge the appearance! It is certain that one should not expect to have a luxury car but frankly it does the trick to go on weekend. There is a wide range of cars to suit your budget. The team is reliable and professional. PS: We must give the chance to young entrepreneurs ;-) Thank you for your service. Goodbye! (Original) Très bonne expérience. Petite anecdote, Hertz près de Mc Gill dans le downtown m'avait annoncé 3h avant de venir chercher l'auto qu'il n'y avait plus de voitures de disponible alors que la réservation était datée de 2 mois avant. Très mauvaise gestion sur leur inventaire d'auto. impossible de trouver une auto en moins de 3h le jour même du départ (un vendredi). Désespérée et surtout en colère de devoir payer une annulation d'hotel à moins de 24h d'un montant de 215$ (sur 550$), mon collègue de travail m'a suggéré Auto Rental Canada. Par chance, il avait plusieurs auto de disponible. Je les ai contacté pour m'assurer de la bonne conformité sur leur site et dans leur inventaire réelle. Pour être honnête, en voyant la devanture, une fois sur place, ca ne paye pas de mine, mais ne jugez jamais de l'apparence! Il est certain qu'il ne faut pas s'attendre à avoir une voiture de luxe mais franchement ça fait l'affaire pour partir en weekend. Il y a une large gamme d'auto selon votre budget. L'équipe est fiable et professionnel. PS: Il faut laisser la chance aux jeunes entrepreneurs ;-) Merci pour votre service. À bientôt!

Marina Tym

(Translated) Excellent service, the best in town according to my experience! Not being a great connoisseur of cars, the staff informed me and accompanied throughout the rental. Prices are unbeatable! (Original) Excellent service, le meilleur en ville selon mon expérience! N'étant pas une grande connaisseuse en voitures, le personnel m'a renseigné et accompagné tout au long de la location. Les prix sont imbattables!

Jennifer Buckell

Good service and good prices !

Alexandre Richard

Quick and easy, affordable and understanding, I left the deposit Cash and was able to get most of it back cash instead of the whole thing in transfer, the car had no problem and was driving fine

Helene Duchemin

(Translated) TO AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE! I took the insurance. I had a non-responsible crash. I broke down in very cold weather. When I went to carry the car the "boss" was not there I gave it to the clerk. I asked him what would happen with the hookup. The clerk told me that the boss would call me if there was anything. SURPRISE Withdrawal of $ 1086 from my credit card. I obviously phone the boss is never there! Let's see the continuation of things ..... Otherwise the RESIDENCE will not be long (Original) A ÉVITER COMME LA PESTE ! J'ai pris l'assurance. J'ai eu un accrochage non responsable. Je suis tomber en panne par grand froid. Quand je suis aller porter la voiture le "patron" n'était pas là je l'ai remise au commis. Je lui ai demandé ce qui se passerais avec l'accrochage. Le commis m'a dit que le patron me téléphonerais s'il y avait quelque chose. SURPRISE Prélèvement de 1086$ sur ma carte de crédit. Je téléphone évidemment le patron n'est jamais là! Voyons la suite des choses..... Sinon la MISE EN DEMEURE ne tardera pas

Isabella Micci

I rented a (2017) Toyota Corolla LE from autorentalcanada (Montreal) just over a month ago to visit my family back home. I really appreciate their inclusive policies, which allow a wider age range of people to rent from their selection of vehicles with little hassle. The booking and pickup process was very smooth for me and I had no issues. The morning of my pickup, I arrived, the paperwork took a few minutes, I picked my car, and I was off and on the road within 15 minutes of arriving at their location. The man who helped me was very kind and explained everything very well. The car was very well maintained, very clean, no maintenance issues whatsoever. I was very comfortable driving it, and it was great on gas. The total cost to rent, with all the add-ons I had chosen (ie. Unlimited mileage) was perfect and very affordable. I even got to keep the car for an additional day because the worker told me over the phone that because of the drop-off time I had selected, I could just bring it back the next day prior to their closing hours for no extra charge. Everything was very smooth, and legitimate and I will definitely be renting from them again! My only complaint would be the time in which it took to return my security deposit, I had to wait about an extra week for the first half, and I am still awaiting the second half of it, but that’s not an issue to me, as I understand that business is busy and sometimes not all things go to plan - totally understandable. When I had contacted them the first time about the first portion of my deposit, they apologized for the delay and sent it right away. No complaints there, great service, great prices, great inventory, great business!


Pauline Dufour

(Translated) The cars are in very bad condition, I had to rent two in the same day and the two had a problem. For the second I had to call a tow truck and I was not reimbursed (neither the rental nor the breakdown that I had to pay) when I had clearly asked to be reimbursed, in addition to the staff is not friendly and disrespected me. Do not choose this rental company. (Original) Les voitures sont en tres mauvais etat, j'ai du en loué deux dans la meme journée et les deux ont eu un probleme. Pour la deuxieme j'ai du faire appel a une depanneuse et on ne m'a pas remboursé (ni la location, ni le depannage que j'ai du payer) alors que j'avais clairement demandé d'etre remboursé, en plus de ca le personnel n'est pas aimable et m'a manqué de respect. Ne choisissez pas ce loueur.

Miguel Arechiga Orozco

Excellent service and price for the corolla 2017 car that I rent. Totally recommendated.

valentin Bisson

Positives: + I was able to book a car online last minute right before a busy weekend (discount was telling me no car available on the island, etc) + reservation was confirmed in a prompt manner + staff was friendly + I was able to downscale the car last minute Negatives: - the reservation confirmation was done via texts and felt sketchy - the car I was finally given was very old (over 140k km), - the tank was 1/4 filled, so first thing I had to do after getting off the rental place was to gas up. What's next, do I need to change the oil? Can't they rent cars that are ready to drive? - the car was loud and then engine felt like it was about to give up on each acceleration - there was a bad smell that did not leave after a few hours driving with open windows. - the front passenger seat had a cigarette-burnt hole right in the middle - one cup holder would not close, -- the handbrake was just a prop and would not brake at all! - the regular brake felt weak compared to usual cars, and did not feel safe - on the way back from my trip someone came to me at a stop and handed me one of the wheel covers that had fallen down! - I booked that car during a weekend with terrible weather and so much rain everybody on the highway was driving at 40kmh with emergency lights. The emergency lights button was hard to press due to being stuck in dust, and I had a trouble turning them off - no cruse control, no wiper on the back window. As if the car was stripped for a rally! xD Overall: I was able to rent a cheap car on a busy weekend, the car was able to get me where I needed to go, and protected me from the elements along the way, so it accomplished the bare minimum. And that's it. More or less everything else was a cheap fail. Overall I can't complain to the company but I will avoid going back there again.

eljara cartel

Richard Accede

(Translated) no customer service owed it all. I rented a car in July 2018, in September, I called several times for repayment of the deposit and I had to go to their office to get my deposit, after the two months, I call for the rest of my money, I can't find anyone, they ask to leave a message on the answering machine, so far no reminder, and I plan to stop by the office for my $ 100 (Original) pas de service a la clientèle dut tout. j'ai loué une voiture en Juillet 2018 , en Septembre , j'ai appeler plusieurs fois pour remboursement du dépôt et j'ai du passer moi même a leur bureau pour avoir mon dépôt , après les deux mois, j’appelle pour le reste de mon argent , je n'arrive pas à trouver personne, ils demandent de laisser un message sur le répondeur, jusqu’à maintenant aucun rappel , et la je prévois de passer au bureau pour mes 100$

Jonathan BOUCHER

(Translated) Very bad experience. Pay attention with your credit card. (Original) Tres mauvaise expérience. Faites attention avec votre carte de crédit.

J Stenzel

(Translated) Do not go! Look at the other reviews and understand that it's one time out of two that you will be disappointed with the service. (Original) N'y allez pas! Regardez les autres commentaires et comprenez que c'est une fois sur deux que vous allez etre decus du service.

Charles Noel

(Translated) No service, emergency service never respond, very dangerous to have any service like this, for a car rental company. Very very incompetent employee. (Original) Aucun service, service d'urgence ne répondent jamais, très dangereux d'avoir aucun service comme cela, pour une compagnie de location d'auto. Employé très très incompétent.

Rima El Helou

The worst car quality, the cars need a lot of maintenance we were so scared to leave the city, the service is not professional at all, cars are dirty as well. they charged 300$ deposit and kept it for two weeks and until now our deposit has not yet been returned, if there was a zero star I would give it to this place. I do not recommend it at all.


(Translated) THE CHEAPEST PRICE IN THE CITY! Of course I did not expect a car of the year, but how much my experience was more than satisfactory! I had some questions before making my reservation online and I called before, I was kindly explained all the options available and how to get the 10% discount online, which saved me more. Less expensive than half the price elsewhere, for a Yaris 2010. Honestly, very good "deal"! When I introduced myself, I think I spoke to the manager who was just as friendly as the employee I had on the phone . I rented for 1 week and had a great trip, I only have good words for Auto Rental Canada and talk to my friends. I think other car rental chains pay more for the banner and attractive desks, but the bottom line is service and product! (Original) LE PRIX LE MOINS CHER EN VILLE! C'est sûr que je ne m'attendais pas à une voiture de l'année, mais ô combien mon expérience fut plus que satisfaisante! J'avais quelques questions avant de faire ma réservation en ligne et j'ai appelé avant, on m'a gentiment expliqué toutes les options offertes et comment obtenir le rabais de 10% en ligne, qui m'a fait économiser davantage. Moins cher que la moitié du prix ailleurs, pour une Yaris 2010. Honnêtement, très bon "deal"!Lorsque je me suis présenté, je crois avoir parlé au gérant qui était tout aussi sympathique que l'employé que j'avais eu au téléphone. J'ai loué pendant 1 semaine et fait un très beau voyage!Je n'ai que des bons mots à dire pour Auto Rental Canada et en parlerai à mes amis. Je crois que dans les autres chaines de location de voiture, on paye plus cher pour la bannière et des bureaux attrayants, mais dans le fond, c'est le service et le produit qui prime!

Melih Eroglu

I used the shuttle service from the air port and it was pretty convenient.I would definitely recommend...

Vincent Keller

(Translated) I had to return the car faster than expected due to a mechanical breakdown. I'm still waiting for the scheduled repayment for several weeks. (Original) Il a fallu que je retourne la voiture plus vite que prévu suite à un bris mécanique. J'attends toujours le remboursement prévu depuis plusieurs semaines.

Dr Mohamed Marouf

Very good people and easy to work with them

Narinder Singh

Good Cars plus Service. Like the unlimited KM service which is not offered by most of other car rentals. Offered Discounts also.

Diane Charest

Was a client am very satisfied! Customer service was excellent! After rental bought a nice newer car and still the team ard all helpung out for details....great!

Sébastien Sénéchal

Nicole Cap2

Fast service and great customer service experience!


Sabarina Cousineau-Awan

(Translated) I have been a customer since 2016. I do not understand the bad comments !? I have always had new cars and they have always accepted insurance from my credit card (which cuts the fees!) Certainly there are older cars but they also have new cars with low mileage and I pay the little extra to have the comfort of their new cars. The only downside I have to say is that although I am a regular customer I have to book in advance for their new cars as they are often rented, but I have always had a good reliable car. I see the negative comments dated .. I assure you I have always enjoyed this company since its inception! I advise you (Original) Je suis cliente depuis 2016. Je ne comprends pas les mauvais commentaires!? J'ai toujours eu des voitures neuves et ils ont toujours accepté l'assurance de ma carte de crédit ( qui réduit les frais! ) Certes, il y a des voitures plus vieilles, mais ils ont aussi des voitures neuves avec un kilométrage faible et je paye le petit extra pour avoir le confort de leurs voitures neuves. Le seul bémol que j'ai à dire c'est que même si je suis une cliente régulière je dois réserver à l'avance pour leurs voitures neuves, car elles sont souvent louées, mais j'ai toujours eu une bonne voiture fiables. Je vois les commentaires négatifs date.. Je vous assure moi j'ai toujours apprécié cette compagnie dès ses débuts! Je vous conseil

Di Hickman

Bastien Deshaies

(Translated) I often go through them. Good service, the agents are nice, the cars are not the year but at this price there is very good. Never had any particular concern (Original) Je passe souvent par eux. Bon service, les agents sont sympa, les voitures sont pas de l année mais à ce prix là c est tres bien. Jamais eu de souci particulier

Olivier Bruchesi Boucher

(Translated) Very poor service. You have to believe the horror stories told here. I managed to cancel my rental at no cost during the inspection of the vehicle (dirty vehicle, poorly maintained, and whose driver's sun visor did not hold in place). Go elsewhere if you want to have peace of mind. (Original) Service de très mauvaise qualité. Il faut croire les histoires d'horreur racontées ici. J'ai réussi à annuler ma location sans frais lors de l'inspection du véhicule (véhicule sale, mal entretenu, et dont le pare-soleil du conducteur ne tenait pas en place). Allez ailleurs si vous voulez avoir la tête tranquille.

Jerry Xia

Great experience! Easy to rent as a 19 year old. Accomodating staff, amazing car that got us all the way to Banff and back :) would do it again!

Elise H

(Translated) Very bad experience, I do not recommend. We rented a car for 20 days. - initially the alignment was not done .. we were driving with a steering wheel - then the mirror literally remained in our hands ... we had to take steps to repair it and therefore lose days of vacation - The GPS which was provided to us was not up to date, he wanted us to take several bans and the roads were no longer current - and to top it all the after-sales service criticized us for being impatient and not understanding .... it's been more than two weeks now that I expect a return from them which obviously will not happen They certainly allowed themselves this attitude because it was paid for by a European credit card but living in Montreal for several years I have never seen such bad customer service. (Original) Tres mauvaise expérience, je ne recommande pas. Nous avons loué une voiture pour 20 jours. - dans un premier temps l'alignement n'était fait.. nous roulions avec un volant de travers - ensuite le rétroviseur nous est resté littéralement dans les mains ...nous avons dû faire les démarches pour le réparer et donc perdre des journées de vacances - Le GPS qui nous a été fourni n'était pas à jour il a voulu nous faire prendre plusieurs interdits et les routes n'était plus d'actualités - et pour couronner le tout le service après-vente nous a reproché d'être impatient et non compréhensif.... cela fait plus de deux semaines maintenant que j'attends un retour de leur part qui de toute évidence n'arrivera pas Ils se sont certainement permis cette attitude parce que cela a été payé par une carte de crédit européenne mais habitant à Montréal depuis plusieurs années je n'ai jamais vu un service à la clientèle aussi mauvai


(Translated) I put 1 because we can not put less. The car we rented (in addition to being dirty) had big brake problems, the engine made a disturbing noise and the first and reverse gear was almost unusable after a few kilometers. When I called to ask for an explanation no one was able to answer me (over three days in a row and three numbers) Better yet the only member of staff that I could have allowed myself to hang up on the nose. Avoid if you want to arrive safely in one piece. (Original) Je mets 1 car on ne peut mettre moins. La voiture que nous avons louée (en plus d'etre sale) avait de gros problemes de freins, le moteur faisait un bruit inquietant et la premiere et marche arriere etait quasi inutilisable apres quelques kilometres. Lors de mon appel pour demander une explication aucune personne n'a ete en mesure de me repondre (sur trois jours de suite et trois numero) Mieux encore le seul membre du staff que j'ai pu avoir s'est permis de me raccrocher au nez. A éviter si vous voulez arriver à bon port en un seul morceau.

Jannick Ouellet

(Translated) I want to thank the team of Autorentalcanada, I could not start, and I called them on a Saturday morning at 8am and they came to show me how to start (I was not far from home but the same ) In short they moved and the guy was cool and understanding (it was just that I was not pressing hard enough on the clutch !!), and they were just as friendly when I returned the car. Thank you Axel and his colleague (I do not remember his name) and Soon;) (Original) Je tiens à remercier l’équipe d'Autorentalcanada, je n’arrivais plus a demarrer, et je les ai appeler un samedi matin à 8h et ils sont venus sur place me montrer comment demarrer (j’etais pas loin de chez eux mais pareil) bref ils se sont deplaces et le gars a ete cool et compréhensif (c’était juste que j’appuyais pas assez fort sur l’embrayeur!!), et ils ont été tout aussi sympathiques quand j’ai rendu la voiture. Merci Axel et son collègue (je ne me rappelle plus son nom) et à Bientôt ;)

Davit Lam

(Translated) I recommend Auto Rental Canada to everyone without problem. And here is my story: After doing research for an 8-passenger minivan through all the big rental agencies available on the island of Montreal, but especially accessible by metro / bus to be able to recover and return, without success. Vehicle not available everywhere, among the big agencies. Yet I took more than 3 weeks before the reservation date. And now I came across Auto Rental Canada, which offers a better price than other companies, but especially an 8-passenger minivan available! No need to look elsewhere. Not only that, it offers us the opportunity to have the unlimited KM at low prices. No need to pay for KM blocks at exorbitant prices and no need to calculate every kilometer traveled. So I made the reservation for 3 days with unlimited KM because I needed to carry a total of 8 passengers for the weekend in order to make MTL-Toronto, go back. One week before the date of care, I made the mistake of checking people's comments. I saw only negative experiences, horror stories. I began to worry, imagining the worst of the scenarios. But hey, as I passed the agency every day, morning and evening, I allowed myself to see if I could see my so-called vehicle. When the day came, we arrived 15 minutes before the scheduled opening (9am on a Saturday). The office was already open and there was already another client before us. The employee (a Frenchman I do not remember the name) greeted us promptly and after 5 minutes it was up to us. He took the time to finalize everything without problem. He was alone that morning. During this time, several customers arrived, and despite everything, we had a good service. The inspection was done in due form and I was able to leave with a better experience than most of them here. I was expecting an old bazou, but on the contrary, the vehicle was clean. Of course there are marks of passage in time (normal wear) but well maintained. It's about that with the mileage, the vehicle was over 230,000KM, but that's what happens when they are able to offer unlimited KM at very low prices. On return, it's the same employee. This time there was nobody. Return and easy inspection. In 5 minutes everything is done. (Original) Je recommande Auto Rental Canada à tout le monde sans problème. Et voici mon histoire: Après avoir fait des recherches pour une minivan 8 passagers à travers tous les grosses agences de locations disponibles sur l'ile de Montréal, mais surtout accessible en métro/bus pour pouvoir la récupérer et la retourner, sans succès. Véhicule non disponible partout, parmis les grosses agences. Pourtant je me suis pris plus de 3 semaines avant la date de réservation. Et voilà que je suis tombé sur Auto Rental Canada qui offre un prix plus intéressant que les autres compagnies, mais surtout une minivan 8 passagers disponible! Plus besoin de chercher ailleurs. Non seulement ça, il nous offre la possibilité d'avoir le KM illimité à bas prix. Pas besoin de payer pour des blocs de KM à prix exorbitant et pas besoin de calculer chaque kilomètre parcouru. Donc j'ai fait la réservation pour 3 jours avec KM illimité car j'avais besoin de transporter un total de 8 passagers pour la fin de semaine afin de faire MTL-Toronto, aller retour. Une semaine avant la date de prise en charge, j'ai fait l'erreur de vérifier les commentaires des gens. Je ne voyais que des expériences négatives, des histoires d'horreur. Je commençais à angoisser m'imaginant le pire des scénarios. Mais bon, comme je passais devant l'agence à tous les jours, matin et soir, je me permettais de regarder voir si je pouvais apercevoir mon soi disant véhicule. Le jour venu, nous sommes arrivés 15 minutes avant l'ouverture prévu (9h un samedi). Le bureau était déjà ouvert et il y avait déjà un autre client avant nous. L'employé (un français que je ne me souviens pas du nom) nous a accueilli rapidement et après 5 minutes c'était à nous. Il a pris le temps de finaliser le tout sans problème. Il était seul ce matin là. Pendant ce temps, plusieurs clients sont arrivés, et malgré tout, nous avons eu un bon service. L'inspection a été faite en bonne et dû forme et j'ai pu partir avec déjà une meilleure expérience que pour la plupart ici. Je m'attendais à un vieux bazou, mais au contraire, le véhicule était propre. C'est sûr qu'il y a des marque de passage dans le temps (usure normale) mais bien entretenu. C'est sur qu'avec le kilométrage, le véhicule était à plus de 230 000KM, mais c'est ça qui arrive quand il sont capable de nous offrir du KM illimité à très bas prix. Au retour, c'est le même employé. Cette fois, il n'y avait personne. Retour et inspection facile. En 5 minutes tout est fait.

bika blasko

great experience, all good, nice staff !!

David Caouette

(Translated) Only company I have found that accepts cash deposits instead of credit cards. Courteous and pleasant service, very clean vehicle, I was really satisfied with Carlos' service. (Original) Seule compagnie que j'ai trouvé qui accepte les dépôts comptant au lieu de cartes de crédit. Service courtois et agréable, véhicule très propre, j'ai vraiment été satisfait du service de Carlos.

Amine B

(Translated) Good experience, Pleasant and efficient service, I intend to continue to request them quite often. (Original) Bonne expérience, Service agréable et efficace, je compte continuer à les solliciter assez souvent.

Rodolfo Guerrero

(Translated) Very good deal, excellent rate and very easy to hire and deliver (Original) Muy buen trato, excelente tarifa y muy fácil de contratar y entregar

Jean-Francois Teotonio

(Translated) Thank you for the rental and your services. Yannick knew how to answer our needs, quickly and efficiently. Smiling and attentive, I received outstanding service. I will come back to rent you vehicles soon. (Original) Merci pour la location et vos services. Yannick a su répondre à nos besoins, rapidement et efficacement. Souriant et attentionné, j'ai reçu un service hors pair. Je reviendrai vous louer des véhicules bientôt.

Amelie Lamarche

First experience with Auto Rental Canada recommend by a good friend. The Toyota Yaris was safe, clean and in a good condition. I drove from Montreal to Ottawa and what a lovely trip I had! The service was amazing [finally someone that speaks english in this town]. I was helped by Yannick who understood pefectly my needs for this trip. Formidable !!

Fernando Bravo-Ferrer

hello ....have rented a van for my family who came from Germany and was entirely satisfied with the car and the service this company has given me. great pricing...and my thanks got to Sam ......highly recommend them !!

Thomas Miguel

(Translated) Do not go ! The cars are all rotten and the service is not better! (Original) N'y allez pas ! Les voitures sont toutes pourries et le service n'est pas mieux !

jay edouard

Artur Alves

Amel Sassi

(Translated) Scammers. "Emergency" service that hangs up on you because they are unable to help you or justify their actions. In summary: even if the prices are attractive, the boss's only goal is to rip you off by taking as many dollars as you can. Run away!! (Original) Des escrocs. Service "d'urgence" qui vous raccroche au nez car ils ne sont capables ni de vous aider, ni de justifier leurs actes. En résumé: même si les prix sont attractifs, le seul et unique but du patron est de vous arnaquer en vous soutirant un maximum de dollars. Fuyez!!

dulciane houde

Paola Mabanda Massaka

Stay away from this company at all costs! They are professional scam artists with a legitimate company logo. At first they will try to con you with a battered car from someone's grandfathers garage, which looks like it just returned from war in Syria. Then when you complain they will relunctantly give you a better looking vehicle which by the way they won't mention to you has severe issues with ABS and handbrake, plus a non functioning CD player. If that wasn't enough, they conspire to give you a loose hubcap/wheel cover that they know will fall off so they can smugly retort "as far as we are concerned this was lost whilst the car was in your posession", and then charge you a whopping $117.20 at the end of your rental. I always have to end with a positive, so I will add that the office was (deservingly) quiet. Though that should have been a sign. I've definitely learnt my lesson though.

Yohan Stas

(Translated) The service is very good. The Chrysler 300 is just missing and it would be wonderful (Original) Le service est très bien. Il manque juste la Chrysler 300 et cela serait merveilleux

Zimmer Eloïse

Gabriele Palmarin

(Translated) Super experience. I stayed in Montreal for 3 months and each weekend I rented a car at home to go for a walk in Quebec and I never had a problem. The staff is very friendly, available and attentive. I strongly reccomend! (Original) Super expérience. Je suis resté à Montréal pendant 3 mois et chaque fin de semaine j'ai loué une voiture chez eux pour me balader au Québec et je n'ai jamais eu un problème. Le personnel est très gentil, disponible et à l'écoute. Je raccomande vivement!

Patrick Latreille

(Translated) Cheap. Not complicated. Great. (Original) Pas cher. Pas compliqué. Super.

Marie-Perle Brunet

plumey frédéric

(Translated) Since I discovered Autorental Canada, I have become a regular customer. The value for money is excellent compared to most rental companies. Ideal for long journeys or occasional rentals. (Original) Depuis que j'ai découvert Autorental Canada, je suis devenu un client régulier. Le rapport qualité prix est excellent par rapport à la plupart des sociétés de location. Idéal pour les long trajets ou les locations ponctuelles.

Carlo Santos

Excellent service! I reserved for a compact car, but there were no more available so they gave me an upgrade for the same price. Had a great time.

Lab Nexus

This place is horrible, there is absolutely no customer service, the cars are old and not maintained at all. Won't even get close to it. The worse car rental experience. Also a rip off.

Kathy Ly

(Translated) I rented a car two weeks ago and when I think about it, I still regret my experience. The car is ready to go directly into scrap. She is in very bad condition. One of the doors does not close well, the oil flows everywhere, no air conditioning (in heatwave). There is an unbearable smell and coffee stains everywhere. It has not been cleaned in years because I passed Lysol wipes and they are black. I hated every time I got in the car. There is no controller to steer. In addition, it makes noise when you drive. It is true that we had inspected the car BUT we just looked outside to see how much is scratch. I was so sorry I did not read the Google reviews before renting. I had had an almost perfect trip if there was not that episode of car that ruins everything. (Original) J’ai loué une voiture il y a deux semaines et quand j’y pense, je regrette toujours mon expérience. La voiture est prête pour aller directement dans les ferrailles. Elle est en très mauvaise état. Une des portes ne ferme pas bien, l’huile coule partout, pas d’air climatisé (en plein canicule). Il y a une odeur insupportable et des taches de café un peu partout. Il n’est pas nettoyé depuis des années car je passais des lingettes de Lysol et elles sont noirs. J’avais horreur à chaque fois que je devais monter dans la voiture. Il n’y a pas de manette pour barrer. En plus, elle fait du bruit quand on roule. C’est vrai qu’on avait inspecté la voiture MAIS on a juste regardé l’extérieur pour voir combien il y a de scratch. J’ai tellement regretté de ne pas avoir lu les commentaires Google avant de louer. J’avais vécu un voyage presque parfait s’il n’y avait pas cette épisode de voiture qui vient tout gâcher.

Michelle Laflamme

My husband and I have been renting from autocar rental for almost a year and we do so every 2 weeks . We have have developed a relationship with the main employee named Carlo . He is incredible, fast , helpful and is always on our side IF anything went wrong . He will clean the cars if he is not satisfied with them and he is very easy going as we have extended the car many times without advising in advance and he always accommodated us. The cars have been clean and work great . We love this place And CARLO and we will continue to rent here for as long as it is open . He is the true definition of what customer service should look like . Michelle & Dave

Ash N

TL;DR - Booked a car online that was apparently unavailable, despite receiving an email confirmation and despite my calling to check. Was told the following morning that it was cancelled as I had booked outside of office hours. Full: I booked online with AutoRental Canada late on a Friday night, due to an unforeseen cancellation from another car rental company (they had overbooked their cars). We needed the car for the following morning, and this was at 5:53pm (the receipt says time submitted was almost 10pm) I called up AutoRental Canada's customer service line to double check that our confirmation came through and that we were all good for the following day. The woman on the line responded that yes we were. The following morning, I received a call, voicemail, and SMS saying that our reservation had been cancelled due to the staff member going home at 4pm (although the SMS said 6pm) and was therefore unable to call us to tell us they were overbooked. This is DESPITE the fact that the person on the customer service line said that we were fine. 1. WHY would the website allow us to book a car that was UNAVAILABLE 2. WHY would the person on the service line say that our booking was confirmed when it was apparently not. ALSO after I had received an email confirmation. The staff member I spoke to this morning said that she was the only one that worked in the office. Who did I speak to earlier then and why did they not have all the information to provide a correct answer? 3. Unless I missed it on the website, WHY was there nothing saying that all bookings would be only confirmed within office hours? Extremely disappointed, however based on other reviews I shouldn't be surprised. [EDIT] The owner later offered us another car that had become available for the same price, however we had already cancelled our holiday accommodation.

Emilie Crausaz

(Translated) To avoid, the receptionists are not even aware of the insurance they are renting which covers absolutely nothing. Their cars are not in condition, the brakes are maganées, the doors do not open .... and it is to you that we try to blame him when you return, by loading you well on parts invisible to see during the departure check. Even paying a bit more for a company with REAL insurance. (Original) A fuir, les réceptionnistes ne sont même pas au courant de l'assurance qu'ils font louer qui ne couvre absolument rien. Leurs voitures ne sont pas en état, les freins sont maganés, les portes ne s'ouvrent c'est à vous que l'on essayer de le reprocher lors de votre retour, en vous chargeant bien sur des pièces invisible à voir lors du contrôle de départ. Quitte à payer un poil plus cher pour une compagnie avec une RÉELLE assurance.

Stephane Kena-Cohen

Car was quite old, but no issues at all and service was excellent.

Serge Robert

(Translated) Good value for money and courteous service. Thank you Carlos ???? (Original) Bon rapport qualité-prix et service courtois. Merci Carlos ????

Florent Vosse

Ch Da

Great service and incredibly helpful. We needed to change cars and Carlo was on hand to help us with a smile and a great willingness to make sure that we had all our needs met

Manu Emmanuel

(Translated) I have rented cars 4 or 5 times from them, of course the cars are not new and display a lot of km on the odometer but the service rendered is correct, I have never reserved and I have always had a vehicle available when I wanted, the prices are right, the reception guys are nice. I would stay there again. (Original) J'ai louer a 4 ou 5 reprises des voitures chez eux, certes les voitures ne sont pas neuves et affichent pas mal de km au compteur mais le servir rendu est correct, je n'ai jamais reservé et j'ai toujours eu un vehicule disponible quand je voulais, les prix sont correct, les gars de l'accueil sont sympa. J'y retournerais.

Iris Buhay

(Translated) Rent car not expensive and cars clean! (Original) Location voiture pas chere et voitures propres!

Cindy Samu

(Translated) Very good service and great efficiency. Thanks to Carlo and the reception service. See you soon. Cindy (Original) Très bon service et grande efficacité. Merci à Carlo et au service d'accueil. À très bientôt. Cindy

Tariq Awan

(Translated) We rented a car to go to Toronto, everything went very well. We received good service, a car bell and an affordable price. (Original) Nous avons louer un voiture pour aller a Toronto, tout c'est très bien passé. Nous avons recut un bon service, une bell voiture et un prix abordable.

christian barremaecker

(Translated) when I don't have an auto rental canada credit card, it relieves us of the cost of being more expensive and with not all new but decent cars. the friendly and helpful staff. I was very satisfied with the service rendered by this company. thank you (Original) lorsque que moi on ne possède pas de carte de crédit auto rental canada nous soulage serte plus chère et avec des voiture pas toutes neuve mais correcte.le personnel aimable et serviable . j'ais été très satisfait du service rendu par cette compagnie . merci

Eliel Bastien

AVOID AT ALL COST!!! Did not actually rented a car because the owner cancelled my contract because I had the audacity to complaint about the NASTY car I was given. He got mad, told his staff to cancel everything, but they still keept my security deposit. I was told I was creating a problem for them and they don't like to be told that the way they gave me the car will make me loose time out of my day to clean it up before I put my kids in that trash on wheels. The car was a 2005 Toyota Sienna with rust and dents all over. I opened the door and was hit with a foul smell. There was big blonde dog hair EVERYWHERE. Cup holders nasty with used tissues. Found an actual clove of garlic in the trunk. Top of that they had client's drivers license pin on the wall behind the counter for anyone to see. So you know your info is not safe and they do not care. That same morning I went to Discount and was given a Ford Explorer 2018 for $50 less than what those scam artists trash on wheels

Emi Lie

(Translated) Worse experience, unprofessional service, cars in poor condition, pay attention to what you sign, the contract stipulates that you are only insured in the event of a collision, that is to say that if you avoid the collision everything is within your expense, big scammers. (Original) Pire expérience, service non professionnel, voitures en piteux état, faites attention à ce que vous signer, le contrat stipule que vous n'êtes assurés qu'en cas de collision, c'est à dire que si vous évitez la collision tout est à vos frais, de gros arnaqueurs.

Maged Fakhri

Scammers, stay away.. You'll get better service and price else where

Mallory Guillaume

(Translated) to flee!!! dangerous cars and do not cooperate at all to give you the papers for the aaaurance via your credit card and scam on the price of damages !!!! SCAM AND THIEF !!! (Original) a fuir!!! voitures dangereuses et ne collabore paa du tout pour vous donnez les papiers pour l'aaaurance via votre carte de credit et arnaque sur ke prix des dommages!!!! ARNAQUE ET VOLEUR!!!

Abder Ouared

(Translated) I rented a vehicle at their home to make the journey montreal-niagara falls, I made the reservation and the payment online for a car under compact - automatic, I arrive at 9:00 (the opening time), there is only one customer before me, it takes about hour !!! the clerk to finish with the first client, once my turn, the clerk informs me that there is no more automatic and that there are only manual, I refuse, he informs me while it remains an automatic but it's a 6 cylinders, I still refuse, I said that I have more than 1600 km to do and I do not want to slam more than $ 200 in gas, meanwhile the phone rings, a Customer call from the airport, the gentleman in question made a reservation, and they have outright forgot to transfer the vehicle to the airport, the clerk asks the gentleman if he can take a taxi and come home to iberville !!! !!!! the gentleman refuses, the tone goes up and the guy hangs up in the clerk's face, the clerk comes back to me, he looks at the key board and announces the good news, there remains an automatic subcompact car (the vehicle that I I booked and paid 2 days in advance what). after a 15 minute drive I was brought back and I leave. I take the highway 40 west dir toronto, as soon as I reach 50 miles / h, the rear of the vehicle trembles (veiled wheel ???) and as soon as I put my foot on the brakes, there is a terrible noise (dead pads ???). I cross the Ontario border, arrived at Kingston, a thunderstorm, I put the windshield wipers, and the surprise, the seals of the towels-g are completely torn, visibility -10, I stop on the edge, I 'wait a while the storm passes, I look at my gps the canadian pulls the closest, and I'm going to buy a pair of windshield wipers (about $ 25), I keep the bill and the old towels- ice cream, at the time of the return of the vehicle, I show the old ess-gla and I give the bill for the refund, the clerk does not want to pay me back and tell me that it was up to me to check the state of ice-cream Before leaving here I strongly advise against this company (Original) j'ai loué un véhicule chez eux pour faire le trajet montreal-niagara falls, j'ai fait la réservation et la payement en ligne pour une voiture sous compacte - automatique, j'arrive à 9h00 (l'heure d'ouverture), il y a un seul client avant moi, il faut environ heure !!! au commis pour terminer avec le premier client, une fois mon tour, le commis m'informe qu'il ne reste plus d'automatique et qu'il y a que des manuelles, je refuse, il m'informe alors qu'il reste une automatique mais c'est une 6 cylindres, je refuse encore, j'ai dis que j'ai plus de 1600 Km a faire et j'ai pas envie de claqué plus de 200$ en gaz, entre temps le téléphone sonne, un client appel de l’aéroport, le monsieur en question a fait une réservation, et ils ont carrément oublié de transférer le véhicule a l’aéroport, le commis demande au monsieur si il peut prendre un taxi et venir chez eux a iberville !!!!!!! le monsieur refuse, le ton monte et le monsieur raccroche au nez du commis, le commis revient alors vers moi, il regard le tableau des clés et m'annonce la bonne nouvel, il reste une voiture sous-compacte automatique (la véhicule que j'ai réservé et payé 2 jours à l'avance quoi). après une 15 de minute on me ramené la voiture et je pars. je prend le highway 40 west dir toronto, des que j’atteins les 50 miles/h, l’arrière du véhicule tremble (roue voilée ???) et des que je met le pied sur les brakes, il y a un bruit terrible (pads mort ???). je passe la frontière de l'ontario, arrivé a kingston, un orage, je met les essuies-glaces, et la surprise, les joints des essuies-g sont complètement déchirés, visibilité -10, je m’arrête sur le bord, j'attend un peut le temps que l'orage passe, je regard sur mon gps le canadian tire le plus proche, et je vais acheté une paire d'essuies-glaces (environ 25$), je garde la facture et les anciens essuies-glaces, au moment du retour du véhicule, je montre les anciens ess-gla et je donne la facture pour le remboursement, le commis ne veut pas me rembourser et me dis que c’était a moi de vérifier l’état des ess-glaces avant de partir voila je vous déconseille fortement cette compagnie

Alexander Claude

Excellent service. Prompt delivery and no hassle pull out. Payments was quick and easy. I definetely will recommend to other friends and family.

Benattia hakim

(Translated) Very welcome, attentive, varieties of car, I recommend. (Original) Très bon accueil, à l'écoute , variétés de voiture , je recommande .

nicolas normandie

(Translated) the cheapest, efficient, competent. 100% recommended (Original) le moins cher, efficaces, competents. 100% recommandés

Gabriela Sinclair

If I could give 0 stars, I would. We made a reservation for a van over 3 weeks ago and they call the day before to say we won't get a car. When speaking to them over the phone, the man was very rude saying it's not their fault, when all I wanted was to find a solution. He wasn't helpful, nor apologetic (like a normal company would do). Don't reserve with this company... they're rude and untrustworthy.

Franck Bre

(Translated) To avoid even being not very looking! Once on site it is indicated that the compact reserved can not go beyond 100km around Montreal. No mention is made on the site or in the booking confirmation. You have to take a mid-size more expensive. Vehicle that from day one has the oil light that comes on. The air conditioning did not work. Suspicious noises when driving. I am lucky not to have broken down but not serene all the time of these 10 days of rental. To escape absolutely. (Original) A éviter même en étant pas très regardant ! Une fois sur place il est indiqué que la compacte réservée ne peut pas aller plus loin que 100km autour de Montréal. Aucune mention n'est faite sur le site ni dans la confirmation de réservation. Il faut prendre une mid-size plus chère. Véhicule qui dès le premier jour a le voyant d'huile qui s'allume. La clim ne marchait pas. Des bruits suspects quand on roule. J'ai la chance de ne pas être tombé en panne mais pas serein tout le temps de ces 10 jours de location. A fuir absolument.

dina huberto


(Translated) Everything went well, nothing to say. (Original) Tout s'est bien passé, rien à dire.

Sebastien D.

Empty gas tank, no windshield washer upon reception and by far the dirtiest car I ever rented in 25 years. Really felt like a failing clunker pre-owned by a student. Wanted to complain politely upon returning the car but couldn't speak to anybody, left a message, nobody called me back.

gilles blais

(Translated) I had never heard of this company but took a chance and made a reservation online and was happy with my rental. I had a very good service and the car was in good condition for the price I paid. I can not complain! (Original) Je n'avais jamais entedu parler de cette compagnie mais j'ai pris une chance et j'ai effectuer une réservation en ligne et j'ai été satisfait de ma location. J'ai eu un très bon servir et la voiture était en bon etat pour le prix que j'ai payer. Je ne peu pas me plaindre!

Daphnee Matondo

(Translated) Run away!!!! If I could give 0 out of 5 I would! I had made a reservation for a 7-seater… Once I arrived, I was informed that the vehicle was not available, that it was not working well and I was literally given a trash can which they considered to be a " upgrade »Radio non-functional, windshield washer defective, the car is dirty, window broken and so on ... Oh yes, we went around the vehicle together but not tested ALL of the accessories. I called 15 minutes later to report the radio problem and I was told "go to YouTube to fix the problem" I asked that the boss call me and to date no return call despite my attempts. Service 0, Assistance 0, Communication 0. Better to pay more because you don't even know if you'll be able to get to and back. At your peril ! (Original) Fuyez!!!! Si je pouvais donner 0 sur 5 je le ferai! J’avais fait la réservation d’un 7 places… Une fois arrivée, on m’informe que le véhicule n’est pas disponible, qu’il ne fonctionne pas bien et on me prêtre litéralement une poubelle qu’ils considèrent comme un « upgrade » Radio non-fonctionnelle, lave-glace défectueux, l’auto est sale, vitre brisée et j’en passe… Ah oui nous avons fait le tour du véhicule ensembles mais pas essayé TOUS les accessoires. J’ai téléphoné 15 minutes plus tard pour signaler le problème de radio et on m’a répondu « allez sur YouTube pour régler le problème » J’ai demandé à ce que le patron me téléphone et à ce jour aucun retour d’appel malgré mes tentatives. Service 0, assistance 0, communication 0. Vaut mieux payer plus cher, car vous ne savez même pas si vous serez en mesure de vous rendre à destination et de revenir. À vos risques et périls !

Ivan Suico

Autorentalcanada, the best car rental experience I have ever had. Very friendly, very fast, very fair, helpful and professional. I got a nice car so i will definitely rent from them again and i will recommend this company to my friends .Greatly appreciated the customer service.

Jean-Michel Landry

Emmanuel Cormier

(Translated) Pleasant location all was perfect I appreciate and soon I go back (Original) Agréable location toute étais parfait j'ai apprécier et bientôt j'y retourne

M Amine

Provencal Chantal

(Translated) I would like to say a big thank you to Carlos who always gives us an excellent service always smiling we never have a problem with autorental thank you again and you will see us again continue your excellent work (Original) Je voudrais dire un gros merci à Carlos qui nous donne toujours un excellent service toujours souriant nous n avons jamais de problème avec autorental merci encore et vous allez nous revoir continuer votre excellent travail

Gea Imperial

Amazing service! They really know how to take care of their costumers. They have flexible and affordable prices.

Martin Comtois

(Translated) car not clean. Found chocolate paper and old kleenex in the door. The contraption to unlock the doors does not work. Winter tires almost worn on the cord. We regret. (Original) voiture non nettoyer. Trouvé papier de chocolat et vieux kleenexs dans la portière. Le bidule pour débarrer les porte ne fonctionne pas. Pneus d'hiver presque usés à la corde. Nous regrettons.

Mr Human

I was very disappointed by the service and customer service quality at this place. Not only they rent out very old cars, when i requested to get a diffrent type of car, they give me a dirty one that had not been previously cleaned. There was garbage and so many dog fur all over the car. I obviously resigned and preferred to keep the first one i did not like they offered me. Their professionalism and honesty is questionable. Please do yourself a favour, budget a few extra dollars, stay away and go rent elsewhere.

Claude Gauthier

(Translated) My friend breaks down in Gatineau, I have to go find him myself on the edge of the 50 .... call the tug for him .... and even go to rent a car at Budget for a return to Montreal because you are doing not your job. What is my payment for my waste of time and my essence? Band of incompetent! I would give you a big 0. (Original) Mon ami tombe en panne a Gatineau, je dois aller le retrouver mon meme sur la bord de la 50....appeler le remorqueur pour meme aller louer une voiture chez Budget pour un retour a Montreal car vous faites pas votre job. Quelle est mon dédomangements pour ma perte de temps et mon essence? Bande d'imcompétant! Je vous donnerais un gros 0.

Zday Alami

(Translated) Long service and antique car with great prices. To avoid !!! (Original) Service long et voiture d'antiquités avec des prix pharaonique. À éviter !!!

kongphop sukpanich

(Translated) I rent the car to go to Toronto, very dirty car, terrible smell, no air conditioning, oil runs, we risk our life with this company, I do not recommend renting this place, it is better to go to airport to rent car cars new and it's the same price (Original) jai louer la voiture pour aller a toronto ,voiture tres sale, odeur epouvantable, pas air climatiser , huile coule ,on risque notre vie avec cette compagnie, je conseille pas louer cette place, cest mieux aller a aeroport pour louer voiture des voitures assiment neuf et cest la meme prix

Oualid berghout

(Translated) Excellent service and very welcoming staff impeccable service I highly recommend it (Original) Excellent services et personnel très accueillant service impeccable je le conseille fortement

Manon Lauzon

(Translated) An experience worthy of a horror movie! The worst crooks the earth has ever carried! Zero professionalism, terrible customer service and incompetent staff! I don't know how this company survives, but for sure it shouldn't even exist! To flee urgently! Too many fish have bitten off the hook of this hay spit company! I will not recommend this company to anyone. My assessment of it does not even deserve the 1 thousandth of a star! It makes you wonder to what extent their practice is legal! (Original) Une expérience digne d'un film d'horreur ! Les pires escrocs que la terre ait jamais porté ! Zéro professionnalisme, service à la clientèle exécrable et personnel incompétent ! Je ne sais pas comment cette compagnie fait pour survivre, mais chose certaine, elle ne devrait même pas exister ! A fuir de toute urgence ! Trop de poissons ont mordu à l'hameçon de cette compagnie de broche à foin ! Je ne recommanderai aucunement cette compagnie à qui que ce soit. L'évaluation que j'en fais ne mérite même pas le 1 millième d'une étoile ! C'est à se demander jusqu'à quel point leur pratique est légale !

Annik Levesque

(Translated) Dirty car and more or less good condition (Original) Voiture sale et plus ou moins bon état

Chloé Daigneault-Paris

(Translated) Very bad experience! Confirmed a car to me. I arrived there and no vehicle was available. We were 4 clients in the same situation .... No apologies, no compensation, I will never go back! (Original) Très mauvaise expérience! M’ont confirmé une voiture. Je suis arrivé sur place et aucun véhicule n’était disponible. Nous étions 4 clients dans la même situation.... Aucune excuse, ni dédommagement, je n’y retournerai jamais!

Samuel Desaulniers

That place is a joke Hahaha

Manuella Ribe

(Translated) Scammers! I inquired about the prices for renting a car via whatsapp with this agency. When I arrived the prices were much higher than what I had been told. When I pointed it out to the gentleman (not very pleasant by the way) of reception, he replied that his colleague had made a mistake and that he could not change anything. I will never rent from them again! (Original) Des escrocs ! Je me suis renseignée sur les prix pour la location d'une voiture via whatsapp auprès de cette agence. Lorsque je suis arrivée les prix étaient bien plus élevés que ceux que l'on m'avait annoncé. Lorsque je l'ai signalé au monsieur (peu aimable d'ailleurs) de l'accueil, celui ci m'a répondu que son collègue s'était trompé et qu'il pouvait rien y changer. Je ne louerai plus jamais chez eux!

Julien Depaux

(Translated) A real nightmare! Worst rental ever! Their cars are in a pitiful, dirty and dangerous state !! Our smart had no heating and things got tough when the freezing rain fell while we were on the highway !!! obligation to stop to scrape the windshield we had 0 visibility !!! It is criminal to rent such cars! Avoid them like the plague !!!! (Original) Un vrai cauchemar! Pire location de toute ma vie! Leurs voitures sont dans un état pitoyable, sale et dangereuses!! Notre smart n'avait pas de chauffage et les choses se sont corsée lorsque la pluie verglaçante est tombée alors que nous étions sur l'autoroute!!!obligation de s'arrêter pour pour gratter le pare-brise nous avions 0 visibilité!!! C'est criminelle de louer des voitures pareille!evitez-les comme la peste!!!!

Sab Cousineau

Overall I had a positive experience renting from this company. The staff was friendly and very good rates. Would definetly recommand this place and do business with them next time I visit Montreal!

Olivier Dufour

(Translated) A real crook: go your way ... you cannot trust the reliability of the cars, that of the rental company, or the emergency service. I even wonder if the cars are actually insured. I wonder how the fraud department can let such a landlord continue to scam their customers. (Original) Un véritable escroc: passez votre chemin... vous ne pouvez avoir confiance ni dans la fiabilité des voitures, ni dans celle du loueur, ni dans le service d'urgence. Je me demande même si les voitures sont réellement assurées. Je me demande comment le service des fraudes peut laisser un tel loueur continuer à arnaquer ses clients.

Audrey Xavier

The car was definitely no more than what I paid for (economy--Suzuki sx4--awful) but a great deal, and no problems. (I used the express check out on their website). I’d use them again for sure.


(Translated) I highly recommend them. I have used them many times and the customer service is impeccable, they are flexible and available. While certainly cars are used (which explains the price also low rental), but they are clean and the value for money is unbeatable! Go there without hesitation, they win to be known. (Original) Je les recommande vivement. J'ai eu recours plusieurs fois à eux et le service client est impeccable, ils sont flexibles et disponibles. Alors certes se sont des voitures d'occasion (ce qui explique le prix aussi bas de location), mais elles sont propres et le rapport qualité prix est imbattable!! Allez y sans hésiter, ils gagnent à être connu.

jo fresco

DO NOT GO THERE AVAOID AT ALL COST very very bad cars we had to come back two times because the first car was manual after we had told him we drive automatique then the second car had NO brakes and taillights were not working either. we then left with a car that had no horn which we only found out once we had to use it half way to our destination when i brought up the information to him he didnt really care and was arrogant

Jordi Utgé-Royo

(Translated) EXCEPT if there is a problem! It is in the galley that we recognize the real pros, by renting my car I had to deal with a smiling and fast team, then I had a collision and it became disastrous: I return the vehicle and report the damage, I am told "we will keep you informed" then the next day I receive an email and I am charged $ 1,750: no prior discussion to discuss the date of the withdrawal or the possibility of paying in several installments, and above all a $ 700 difference with the bodybuilder's quote I saw before returning the car ... big difference = overcharging = insurance fraud? Brief to avoid (Original) Bien SAUF en cas de problème ! C'est dans la galère qu'on reconnait les vrais pros, en louant ma voiture j'ai eu affaire à une équipe souriante et rapide, puis j'ai eu un accrochage et c'est devenu désastreux : je rends le véhicule et signale le dégât, on me dit "on vous tiendra informé" puis dès le lendemain je reçois un mail et on me prélève 1750$ : aucune discussion préalable pour discuter de la date du prélèvement ou de la possibilité de régler en plusieurs fois, et surtout un écart de 700$ avec le devis du carrossier que j'avais vu avant de rendre la voiture... gros écart = surfacturation = fraude aux assurances? Bref à éviter

Frederic Papillon

(Translated) Oufff, I do not understand all these comments more than negative. Client for 2 years, it is my parking near my home, I have always been satisfied, unlike some messages, the car that I rent quite regularly (almost every weekend in the summer) has always been clean and in good condition, and I will be a long time customer, thank you Carlos for your smile and good service every time and the girl too. Anne Meunier (Original) Oufff, Je ne comprends pas tout ces commentaires plus que négatifs. Cliente depuis 2 ans, c'est mon parking à proximité de chez moi, j'ai toujours été satisfaite, contrairement à certains messages, l'auto que je loue assez régulièrement (quasi toutes les fins de semaines de l'été) a toujours été propre et en bonne état, et je serai encore cliente longtemps, merci Carlos pour ton sourire et bon service à chaque fois et la jeune fille aussi. Anne Meunier

Manon Daneau

(Translated) There should be the option "zero star" in their case .... By the way even badly taken bin never do business with them, you will have to run after your money en masse .... They tell you that your deposit will be given to you in 2 payments (which I understand very well) but the 1st payment had to be done in 48 hours and I had to call back 6 times and after almost 2 weeks they removed their fingers from the nose to finally reimburse me my $ 300 deposit .... the second installment was to be made 60 days later (when most companies are 30 days) and well I take no luck I remember yesterday, They have already l seem to recognize me and have my file on hand and tell me .... yes yes Madam we are just about to make your reimbursement it will be made without fail .... by finishing work I spend all even by the office to go check and have a confirmation number and bin surprise nothing is indicated anywhere like what is it done !! Well done for managing your files .... I tell the attendant, check and text me if everything is ok .... Obviously not received a text eh? .... I call back this morning .... they still seem as lost as a herd in the desert .... ah yeah madam I will convey your message to the manager ... well yeah me believe you again .... how many days will it take you to thaw ??? Worse idea of marde than renting a car at home for barely 36 hours ..... you wasted time in the world and in addition you keep deposits of money and make profits on the backs of customers without any remorse or worry about offering REAL GOOD SERVICE TO YOUR CUSTOMERS ... Avoid these places as much as you can !!! (Original) Il devrait y avoir l'option ''zéro étoile'' dans leur cas....De grace meme bin mal pris ne faite jamais affaire avec eux, vous allez devoir courir apres votre argent en masse....Ils vous disent que votre dépot va vous etre remis en 2 paiements (ce que je comprend tres bien ) mais le 1er versement devait se faire en 48 heures et j'ai du rappeller 6 fois et apres presque 2 semaines ils se sont enlevés les doigts du nez pour finalement me rembourser mon 300$ de dépot....le 2ieme versements devait se faire 60 jours plus tard (quand la plus part des compagnies c'est 30 jours) et bien la je prend pas de chance je rappelle hier, Ils ont déja l'air de me reconnaitre et d'avoir mon dossier sous la main et me disent ....oui oui Madame on est justement entrain de faire votre remboursement ca sera fait ajd sans fautes....en finissant de travailler je passe tout de meme par le bureau pour aller vérifier et avoir un numéro de confirmation et bin surprise ya rien d'indiqué nulle part comme quoi c'est fait!! Bravo pour la gestion de vos dis au préposé, vérifie et texte moi si tout est ok....Évidemment pas recu de texto hein? ....Je rappelle ce matin....ils ont encore l,air aussi perdu qu'un troupeau dans l'désert....ah ouais Madame je vais transmettre votre message au responsable...bah ouais m'a te croire encore une va vous prendre combien de jours avant de dégeler??? Pire idée de marde que de louer chez vous une voiture pour a peine 36 heures.....vous faite perdre le temps au monde et en plus vous garder des dépots d'argent et faite des profits sur le dos des clients sans aucun remords ni soucis d'offrir un VRAI BON SERVICE A VOS CLIENTS...Évitez ces endroit autant que vous le pourrez!!!

G. Anayansi Jimenez Madrigal

I rented a car in july 2012 for a week, and I really found the the process to rent the car very easy. The car was very good for gas efficiency, and everything in it was working beautifully, which I did not expect, as they rent cars for very little money. Thanks for beeing so friendly and for offering a great service. I will definitely consider renting there as my first choice in the future. Anayansi Jimenez Madrigal.

Alban Debeaupuis

(Translated) The Auto Rental Canada business model is to rent you garbage cans (> 200,000KM) that are not maintained. What happened to us The spare wheels are rusty, seized and after a puncture, because of the state of the vehicle you can not disassemble the wheel (rusty and smooth bolts), we come to pick you up and we charge you (with or without your consent since this is provided for in the contract). When the H24 support number, he does not answer. So this paid support service for rotten vehicles is recommended ... However, it's not expensive. We have nothing without nothing... Pk, (Original) Le modèle économique de Auto Rental Canada est de vous louer des véhicules poubelles (>200,000KM) non entretenues. Ce qui nous est arrivé : Les roues de secours sont rouillées, grippées et après une crevaison, à cause de l'état du véhicule vous ne pouvez démonter la roue (boulons rouillés et lissés), on vient vous chercher et on vous facture (avec ou sans votre consentement puisque cela est prévu au contrat). Quand au numéro d'assistance H24, il ne répond pas. Donc ce service d'assistance payant pour véhicules pourris est à conseiller... Par contre, ce n'est pas cher. On a rien sans rien... Cdt,

Eddy Gordo

They service ok a bit pricey but the main issue is getting your deposit money back been two weeks Im waiting and they don’t even answer that phone.

Tiffany Paul

(Translated) I sincerely advise everyone to never set foot there! They are incompetent, not to say null. The cars have more than 200,000 km and are in deplorable condition in addition to being dirty! There is no manager, only a poor overworked and incapable employee. We were refourgued a manual instead of an automatic and no commercial gesture was made. We called back later and got hung up! TO AVOID ! (Original) Je conseille sincèrement à tout le monde de ne jamais mettre les pieds là-bas ! Ils sont incompétents pour ne pas dire nuls. Les voitures ont plus de 200.000kms et sont dans des états déplorables en plus d'être sales ! Il n'y a aucun responsable, seulement un pauvre employé débordé et incapable. On nous a refourgué une manuelle au lieu d'une automatique et aucun geste commercial n'a été fait. On a rappelé plus tard et on s'est fait raccrocher au nez ! À ÉVITER !

Stéphanie Trayssac

(Translated) Unrevised and obsolete car. We broke down 100km after departure, we waited 9h for assistance that was not really one. In short we paid $ 100 for a non-functional car, our day was spoiled by waiting for assistance that never came. Really an agency to run away! No responsibility for the service they offer. (Original) Voiture non révisée et désuète. La notre est tombée en panne 100km après le départ, nous avons attendu 9h pour une assistance qui n'en était pas vraiment une. Bref on a payé 100dollars pour une voiture non fonctionnelle, notre journée a été gachee par l'attente d'une assistance qui n'est jamais venue. Vraiment une agence à fuir ! Aucune responsabilités quand au service qu'ils proposent.

Olivia Brault

Good Servcie, Carlos is the best in the team. Thank you for all his service.

Damien Clementz

(Translated) No assistance in case of breakdown! Towing at your expense! And an incompetent staff! To avoid. (Original) Aucune assistance en cas de panne! Remorquage à vos frais! Et un personnel incompétent! À éviter.

Fleur Hales

Great budget car hire and friendly staff. We were recommended this place by a local Quebecois and were not disappointed. We rented the car for a couple of days and received a very good service: at first we received a car we weren't entirely happy with, but they changed it for another one. They were also able to accomodate our needs since we were flying back to Europe at an akward time, but they allowed us to drop the car off at the time that best suited us anyway. Thanks for the service ;)

Adr 2310

(Translated) Worst car rental company in Montreal. Dangerous vehicles. On return, it is reported, answer: "ah yes it should be checked." No excuses, nothing, no compensation ... Do not go there, pay a little more for your safety! (Original) Pire loueur de voitures de Montréal. Véhicules dangereux. Au retour, on le signale, réponse : "ah oui il faudrait le faire vérifier.". Pas d'excuses, rien, pas de compensation... N'y allez pas, payer un peu plus pour votre sécurité !

Antoine Millette


(Translated) ENGLISH WILL FOLLOW: I recommend AutoRentalCanada without any hesitation. For my rental of a Chevrolet, Alexis was very professional and very efficient during my visit to collect the car. All in a very short time (less than 10 minutes). The best rates in Montreal and the cars are clean and well maintained. Real customer service! Well done and thank you for your help and good service. **** I recommend AutoRentalCanada with no hesitation. For my Chevrolet rental, Alexis offered me a very professional service and efficiency. The registration and inspection in less than 10 minutes. Best prices in Montreal. The cars are clean and well maintained. A real customer service! Thanks for your help and service! (Original) ENGLISH WILL FOLLOW: Je recommande AutoRentalCanada sans aucune hésitation. Pour ma location d'une Chevrolet, Alexis a été très professionnel et très efficace lors de mon passage pour récupérer la voiture. Le tout en très peu de temps (moins de 10 minutes). Les meilleurs tarifs à Montréal et les voitures sont propres et bien entretenues. Un vrai service à la clientèle ! Bravo et merci pour votre aide et votre bon service. **** I recommend AutoRentalCanada with no hesitation. For my Chevrolet rental, Alexis offered me a very professional service and efficiency. The registration and inspection in less than 10 minutes. Best prices in Montréal. The cars are clean and well maintained. A real customer service! Thanks for your help and service!


(Translated) ENGLISH WILL FOLLOW: I recommend AutoRentalCanada without any hesitation. For my rental of a Chevrolet, Alexis was very professional and very efficient during my visit to collect the car. All in a very short time (less than 10 minutes). The best rates in Montreal and the cars are clean and well maintained. Real customer service! Well done and thank you for your help and good service. **** I recommend AutoRentalCanada with no hesitation. For my Chevrolet rental, Alexis offered me a very professional service and efficiency. The registration and inspection in less than 10 minutes. Best prices in Montreal. The cars are clean and well maintained. A real customer service! Thanks for your help and service! (Original) ENGLISH WILL FOLLOW: Je recommande AutoRentalCanada sans aucune hésitation. Pour ma location d'une Chevrolet, Alexis a été très professionnel et très efficace lors de mon passage pour récupérer la voiture. Le tout en très peu de temps (moins de 10 minutes). Les meilleurs tarifs à Montréal et les voitures sont propres et bien entretenues. Un vrai service à la clientèle ! Bravo et merci pour votre aide et votre bon service. **** I recommend AutoRentalCanada with no hesitation. For my Chevrolet rental, Alexis offered me a very professional service and efficiency. The registration and inspection in less than 10 minutes. Best prices in Montréal. The cars are clean and well maintained. A real customer service! Thanks for your help and service!

Super Hockey

(Translated) Not super good price car often damaged and very dirty and do not make a good cut. (Original) Pas super bon prix voiture souvent endommagé et très sale et font pas de bon rabait.

Patrick Audinet

(Translated) Good service and fair prices. (Original) Bon service et des tarifs corrects.

Thierry Roy

We rented a mid size car last week for the Québec Holiday and we were upgraded to a full size free of charge. Can't recall the gentleman's name that served us but he was very service oriented. And very polite. Price was very reasonable and the car very nice. I recommend to make your reservations online to obtain an additional 10% off the daily rate, then call the branch to reconfirm that all is good.

Pierre-Laurent Boudrias

(Translated) The company rents garbage cans. They are broken, the mileage super high. The one I had had muffler issues, the door wouldn't lock, the passenger wiper was broken, there were holes in the seats, 161000km ... and it was the best available. I will never stay there again. Strongly a control of the ministry. (Original) L'entreprise loue des poubelles. Elles sont brisées, le kilométrage super élevé. Celle que j'ai eue avait des problèmes de silencieux, la porte ne verrouillait pas, l'essuie-glace passager était cassé, il y avait des trous dans les sièges, 161000km... Et c'était la meilleure disponible. Je n'y retournerai jamais. Vivement un contrôle du ministère.



(Translated) Place to avoid at all costs, if it was possible to put zero stars I would. The vehicles are very old, poorly maintained and the icing on the cake not cleaned before handing over to the customer. In all my life, in the history of vehicles with major players (Enterprise, Budget, Hertz ...), I have never seen anything like it. They have no respect for clients, lack professionalism and seem to set up dishonesty and bad faith as a business model. In view of the previous comments, the only answer they provide to customer dissatisfaction is denial and untruths. All these dissatisfied (3.1) cannot be wrong. Recover yourself, respect the customers and improve your service because at this rate, you will go from a score of 3.1 to -1 in a short time. (Original) Endroit à éviter à tout prix, s'il était possible de mettre zéro étoile, je le ferais. Les véhicules sont trés agés, mal entretenus et cerise sur le gateau pas nettoyés avant la remise au client. De toute ma vie, de loeur de véhicules avec les majeurs(Enterprise, Budget, Hertz...), je n'ai jamais rien vu de tel. Ils n'ont aucun respect envers les clients, manque de professionalisme et semblent ériger la malhonnêteté et mauvaise fois comme modéle d'affaire. Au vu des commentaires précédents, la seule réponse qu'ils apportent à l'insatisfaction des clients, c'est le déni et des contre vérités. Tous ces insatisfaits (3.1), ne peuvent avoir tord. Resaisissez vous, respectez les clients et améliorez votre service car à ce rythme, vous passerez d'une note de 3.1 à -1 dans pas longtemps.

Yannick Samuel

(Translated) Worst place ever to rent a car (Original) Pire place ever pour louer un auto

Alexis Collins

Really low quality service and not reliable. Had an appointment and no one was there. When contacted over the phone, they were lying and finding excuses

KB Van

Car and service were great. Will use again...

Bertille Hinge

(Translated) Dirty car, overall condition of the car to be desired (we wondered if the car would bring us back safely!), And no after sales service !!!! No commercial gesture And impossible to reach a manager to discuss it. Read all the comments carefully before going to rent from them .. and advice, it is better to put a few more euros with competitors in order to have better service. (Original) Voiture sale, état globale de la voiture à désirer (on s'est demandé si la voiture allait nous ramèner à bon port !), et aucun service après vente !!!! Aucun geste commercial Et impossible de joindre un responsable pour en discuter. Lisez bien tous les commentaires avant d'aller louer chez eux.. et un conseil, il faut mieux mettre quelques euros de plus chez des concurrents afin d'avoir un meilleur service.

Amandine Schelle

(Translated) Good place to rent a car at a great rate. These are not the latest car models, but the team is very professional and the service is always impeccable. (Original) Bon endroit où louer une voiture à un excellent tarif. Ce ne sont pas les derniers modèles de voitures, mais l’équipe est très professionnelle et le service est toujours impeccable.

Daniel Champagne

(Translated) Excellent service, clean car and in very good working condition. Excellent value. Daniel (Original) Excellent service, auto propre et en très bon état de fonctionnement. Excellent rapport qualité prix. Daniel

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