We showed up in the West Kootenays in May 2017 and began searching through all the real estate listings looking for a new home or a lot to build a new home on. Fortunately, we arrived with a great tip in our pocket that we got from a realtor in West Kelowna and that tip was to hook up with Luke Mori. We did just that and it was a good thing we did. Luke was amazing. He immediately set us up to receive all the current and new listings in both categories and this was immensely helpful. He took us on a personal tour of listings in a number of areas that were candidates for what we had in mind. He was open to us touring around on our own when some other realtors frowned on that. Our search dragged on for several weeks as we are perhaps the pickiest clients a realtor has ever had to deal with and quite frankly, we know it. Luke never gave up on us and was always available to provide an answer to whatever question or several questions we might have, answers were fast, usually in a text. He was completely there for us when it came time to do up paperwork on an offer to purchase on a complicated pre-sale lot purchase and then further backed us up with the sellers who were difficult to deal with. Luke is a tenacious, persistant, determined individual, traits that serve him well when he has to be focused on guiding you through the real estate process which can be quite overwhelming at times. Luke has the endurance and stamina for this line of work and all the while he has this soothing and calming demeanour that doesn't allow him to rub you the wrong way, no matter how frustrating things may get. We can only recommend him to any/all potential future clients. You wont be disappointed. Many thanks Luke for the dedication and patience you applied to our experience.