It wasn't the right time for me, but I think it could certainly work for others. My 2 cents; from a non-psychologist.
Although I certainly found benefit, I don't believe it was effective as it could have been. We went through the process of CBT, then on to EMDR.
I believe I wasn't legitimizing past issues. The CBT did help me recognize some things, but the process felt cold, quick, and as though I had to come up with all the answers. I'm sure it can be more profound if you come to the conclusion yourself regarding the psychology behind someones actions, but in a $190/50min session I sure felt the stress of not getting my money's worth rather than my own issues when I spent over a minute trying to understand the direction the psychologist was leading me to when it could have been said right away.
Then the therapist implemented EMDR shortly after I didn't feel the stresses associated with the issues we were working on because it wasn't real enough. So I brought my stress level from a 5? (out of 10) to 1.
Anyone dealing with PTSD from a traumatic event, this is right for you.
In my case it was early childhood development; and I learned more & "felt" more from a Gabor Maté lecture than I did with 6 session with my assigned psychologist.
My last point; I continuously asked for homework that I could have done on my own, but nothing was ever offered. This is the wrong approach I believe, as something like "self authoring" suggested by my new Councillor has been amazing!