Because the schools are understaffed and not qualified to deal with special needs/exceptional kids.(The Ed. Assistants are not available except in extreme cases), I feel you should provide clear instructions re. test results so that parents can utilize the information to help their children at home. My child scored in the .4th percentile on the verbal comprehension part of the Psych-Ed Test(school ordered) but I am only now figuring out how to address this extreme challenge. Seven wasted years while no one had a clue re. how to deal with this particular challenge. I finally figured out a better way on my own, but in the meantime my child dropped out of school, engaged in self-harm behaviours, became house-bound, isolated themself to the extreme. I could provide specific suggestions on how to compile a 1 page synopsis that would have helped me immensely re. comprehending the nature of the challenge and helped me to help her. Nobody else was in a position to provide this info. I would have gladly paid for this information from a qualified professional. Maybe you should consider flagging Psycho-Ed Test(and Sub-Test) Scores falling in the Extremely Low Percentile, emphasizing "trouble spots" also perhaps giving Parents an option of further testing/help in this specific area.. Suggestions provided at the end of the Report were not realistic, and assumed educated and available help at the school level. More specific info about verbal comprehension challenges and strategies would have given me something to work with. Information is power. Not complaining, just suggesting.