Reviews of Clinique Médicale Privée Avenir MD - Laval (Psychiatrist)

3230 Bd du Curé-Labelle suite 308, Laval, QC H7P 0H9, Canada

Average Rating:


We offer you all the information of real people like you who consume the products and services of Clinique Médicale Privée Avenir MD - Laval (Psychiatrist) in Châteauguay (Canada).

Now the business has a rating of 4.8 over 5 and the score has been based on 127 reviews.

You must have seen that its rating is nearly the best, and it's based on a high number of feddbacks, so we may think that the valuation is quite faithful. If many people have bothered to evaluate when they've done well with the service, it works.

You know that we do not usually bother to write tatings when these are correct and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or issue...

This Psychiatrist is included in the category of Medical clinic.

Where is Clinique Médicale Privée Avenir MD - Laval?

REVIEWS OF Clinique Médicale Privée Avenir MD - Laval IN Châteauguay

Pascal Daigle

ginette renaud

(Translated) Very good clinic. I had an injection made by Dr. Luc Frenette and he explained the problem to me with the help of the ultrasound. This treatment has given me great relief from the pain in my shoulder. I was able to go back to sleeping at night and recover. (Original) Très bonne clinique. J'ai eu une injection faite par Dr. Luc Frenette et il m'a bien expliqué le problème à l'aide de l'échographie. Ce traitement m'a beaucoup soulagé de la douleur à l'épaule. J'ai pu recommencer à dormir la nuit et récupérer.

Gilbert Vézina

(Translated) Excellent service. A quick and "on time" appointment !!! Very professional doctor and nurse. Lots of very relevant information received regarding my need for infiltration. And quick relief ... what more could you ask for. Thank you! (Original) Excellent service. Rendez-vous rapide et “à l’heure”!!! Médecin et infirmière très professionnels. Beaucoup d’informations très pertinentes reçues quant à mon besoin d’infiltration. Et un soulagement rapide … que demander de mieux. Merci!

Elie-Chakib Abou-Chacra

(Translated) Great service and great team I have been followed for 4 years at the clinic and frankly the service is impeccable. Very happy to do business with the team. They are dedicated and caring people and the service is consistent. I recommend! (Original) Excellent service et super équipe Je suis suivi depuis 4 ans à la clinique et franchement le service est impeccable. Très content de faire affaire avec l’équipe . Ce sont des gens dévouer et attentionné et le service est uniforme. Je recommande!

Claudette Chevalier

(Translated) Very happy to have found my doctor and his new techniques. (Original) Très heureuse d'avoir retrouvé mon médecin et ses nouvelles techniques.

Jennifer Vuong-Nguyen

(Translated) The exceptional podiatrist Dr Jean-Maxime Rocheleau! (Original) Le podiatre Dr Jean-Maxime Rocheleau exceptionnel!

Gino Olivieri

nice professional people and my doctor spoke English too.

Maude Hébert

(Translated) Wow! Sensational first visit. The entire team of Dr. Frenette was very welcoming. Dr. Luc Frenette is quite simply the best doctor I have met both in the public and in the private sector. This is by far my # 1. He takes the time to explain and it is very simple. We don't feel like we're just a number at all. He is extremely smiling and sympathetic. I have nothing but praise for him. I have had the most pleasant experience of my life with a doctor. I can not wait to have other injuries. :) A big THANK YOU to DR. Frenette and all her team !!! (Original) Wow! Première visite sensationnelle. Toute l'équipe du Dr Frenette était très accueillante. Le Dr. Luc Frenette est tout simplement le meilleur médecin que j'ai rencontré tant au public qu'au privé. C'est de très loin mon # 1. Il prend le temps nécessaire d'expliquer et cela de façon très simple. On n'a pas du tout l'impression d'être un simple numéro. Il est extrêmement souriant et sympathique. Je n'ai que des éloges à lui faire. J'ai eu l'expérience la plus agréable de ma vie avec un médecin. J'ai déjà hâte d'avoir d'autres bobos. :) Un gros MERCI au DR. Frenette et à toute son équipe!!!

René Bergeron

(Translated) Very good service, courtesy of Dr Boudana and his nurse. It would be necessary to review certain organizational points after surgery in the clinic. Provide a pleasant place to rest with ice packs appropriate to the type of surgery .. but generally very good experience. (Original) Très bon service, courtoisie de Dr Boudana et son infirmière. Il y aurait lieu de revoir certains points organisationnels post chirurgie en clinique. Prévoir un lieu de repos agréable avec des compresses de glace approprié au type de chirurgie.. mais en général très bonne expérience.

sebastien pelletier

Extremely polite and helpful staff. It's expensive but you get a doctor that really wants the best for you.

JP (jpdeslandes)

(Translated) Excellent service, courteous and prompt and an essential alternative to the often inaccessible public system. (Original) Excellent service, courtois et rapide et une alternative indispensable au système public souvent inaccessible.

Jean-Nicolas cloutier

(Translated) Impeccable service, kind and courteous staff (Original) Service impeccable, personnels gentil et courtois

Anita Peixoto

The staff at Avenir is amazing. Friendly, helpful and knowledgeable. Dr Cossette is very patient and listens to your needs. He is also great with kids and makes them feel at ease.


Be aware! I've been to this clinic for a simple blood pressure issue. On the first visit the doctor spent almost a half hour asking me all kinds of ridiculous questions (costed me about 175$). The doctor told me a have to pass a test (24 hr …

Marie-Eve Désaulniers

(Translated) Very satisfied with the service. Speed to have an appointment. (Original) Très satisfaite du service. Rapidité à avoir un rendez-vous.

Serge Patenaude

(Translated) Quick and efficient reception. Dr Gaumond is a professional who takes the time to explain what he does. It's very appreciated. (Original) Accueil rapide et efficace. Le Dr Gaumond est un professionnel qui prend le temps d'expliquer ce qu'il fait. C'est très apprécié.

pam tennant

Excellent service, everyone speaks English Which is nice. To the point don’t give extra unnecessary tests. If you have to go private...chose them!

Alain Thériault

(Translated) It turns out the way it should always be. Courteous and even friendly service. RV on time. Doctor "present" who does not give the impression of "puncher". I remove a star, the place is "blah" and since we pay ... (Original) Ça se passe comme ça devrait toujours être le cas. Service courtois voire, amical. RV à l'heure prévu. Médecin "présent" qui ne donne pas l'impression de "puncher". J'enlève une étoile, l'endroit est "bof" et puisqu'on paye...

Dominique Longtin

(Translated) An efficient and smiling professional center Thank you (Original) Un centre de professionels efficace et souriant Merci

Vicky Milette

(Translated) I received very good service (Original) J’ai reçu un très bon service

Danielle Savich

(Translated) Very good service (Original) Très bon service

Martin Raymond

(Translated) Caring staff, Dr Isabelle Bessette was once again able to treat my pain well, thank you. (Original) Personnel attentionnée, Dr Isabelle Bessette a encore une fois été en mesure de bien traiter ma douleur, merci.

Juliana Grasso

Super friendly environment, appointment was on time as scheduled. Both the nurse and Dr Folino were extremely kind, took their time and were very professional. highly recommend

Philippe Bérubé

(Translated) Excellent service from Dr Luc Frenette for an infiltration. He takes the time to explain and make us feel comfortable. It also helps to relax the atmosphere. I highly recommend it. I also received excellent service from all the staff I worked with. (Original) Excellent service de Dr Luc Frenette pour une infiltration. Il prend le temps de bien expliquer et de nous mettre à l’aise. Il aide aussi à détendre l’atmosphère. Je le recommande fortement. J’ai aussi reçu un excellent service de tout le personnel que j’ai côtoyé.

Mylène Bélanger

(Translated) Dr Dubois, gynecologist, is listening and we feel that she takes seriously what we explain to her. She took the time to explain things to me, without doing too much either. Very professional and knowledgeable. The welcome on site was friendly and so was the nurse! I recommend 110%. (Original) Dr Dubois, gynécologue, est à l'écoute et on sent qu'elle prend au sérieux ce qu'on lui explique. Elle a bien pris le temps de m'expliquer les choses, sans en faire trop non plus. Très professionnelle et compétente. L'accueil sur place était sympathique et l'infirmière également! Je recommande à 110%.

William Bouchard-Robichaud

(Translated) Literally no waiting. (Max. 5-10min.) Possibility of having an appointment on request the same day! (More luck by calling the same morning) Super comfortable waiting room, free coffee or tea / herbal tea while you wait! (It almost makes you want to wait longer than 5-10 minutes!) Careful Doctors, (Unlike the public, we are treated as a patient and not a number.) The human relationship between doctor and patient is quite pleasant. Really feel like we are important and not a "number" that needs to be dealt with quickly and unfortunately often leading to misdiagnosis. If you want an excellent family doctor who has experience in psychiatry for those with psychological disorders, or children with ADHD or generalized anxiety and all other psychological disorders and all physical disorders of course! I give it a 10/10! Ask for Dr. Élaine Bérubé! (Original) Littéralement pas d'attente.(Max. 5-10min.) Possibilité d'avoir un rendez-vous sur demande la journée même! (+ de chance en appelant le matin même) Salle d'attente hyper confortable, café ou thé/tisane gratuite durant votre attente!(Ça donne presqu'envie d'attendre plus longtemps que 5-10 minutes!) Médecins attentionés, (Contrairement au public, nous sommes traité en tant que patient et non un numéro.) La relation humaine entre docteur/patient est tout fait plaisante. Vraiment avoir l'impression que nous sommes important et non un "numéro" qu'il faut traiter rapidement et menant souvent à un mauvais diagnostic malheureusement. Si vous voulez un excellent médecin de famille qui à de l'expérience en psychiatrie pour ceux avec des troubles psychologiques, ou les enfants souffrant de TDAH ou bien d'anxiété généralisé et tout autres troubles psychologiques et tout troubles physiques évidemment! Je lui donne un 10/10! Demandez pour Dr. Élaine Bérubé!

Kendall Riley

Very professional and educated staff team.

Yves Rivard

(Translated) Very professional welcome. Dr. Bérubé is very attentive. I recommend. (Original) Accueil très professionnel. Le dre Bérubé est très à l’écoute. Je recommande.

Les Lavettes

(Translated) Very professional! (Original) Très professionnel!

Carolane Philippe

(Translated) A wonderful, frank and attentive team. I feel completely confident. (Original) Une équipe merveilleuse, franche et à l'écoute. Je me sens en parfaite confiance.

Billy Takunen

(Translated) I had an appointment the same day with a friendly doctor who took the time to listen to me and answer my questions. I recommend the Avenir MD clinic without hesitation! (Original) J'ai eu un rendez-vous la journée même avec un medecin sympathique qui a pris le temps de m'écouter et répondre a mes questions. Je recommande la clinique Avenir MD sans hésiter !

sophie crete

(Translated) I have been going to this clinic for several years and I am always well served especially by Dr. Chantal Dubois, gynecologist. Yes it is not free but to have peace of mind and especially to feel surrounded by a wonderful team, the expense is worth it. (Original) Je vais à cette clinique depuis plusieurs années et je suis toujours bien servie particulièrement par Dr. Chantal Dubois, gynécologue. Oui ce n'est pas gratuit mais pour avoir la paix d'esprit et surtout se sentir entourée par une merveilleuse équipe, la dépense en vaut la peine.

Simon Gagnon

(Translated) Dr Luc Frenette is an excellent MD. He takes the time to listen and learn about his experience in the field. I had capsulitis and he must have had an infiltration in my shoulder. The infiltration is done with the help of ultrasound. No pain during the infiltration. (Original) Dr Luc Frenette est un excellent md. Il prends le temps d'écouter et on s'en son expérience dans le domaine. J'avais une capsulite et il a dû faire une infiltration dans l'épaule. L'infiltration c'est fait avec l'aide d'échographie. Pas de douleur pendant L'infiltration.

nona norita

(Translated) catastrophic. the receptionists who answer the phone are mean hang up on you do not give you the right information. (Original) catastrophique .les réceptionnistes qui répondent au téléphone sont méchantes vous raccrochent au nez ne te donnent pas la bonne info .à déconseiller

Katy Elisa Ryan

(Translated) I had an infiltration yesterday Monday and I'm already in 40% less pain! Thanks to Dr Luc Frenette (Original) J’ai eu une infiltration hier lundi et j’ai déjà 40% moins mal! Merci à Dr Luc Frenette

Sophie Charest

(Translated) Very professional (Original) Très professionnel

Danny Labonté

Robert Bourassa

Great follow up and services ???? Five stars.

Nazha Raqi

Michel East

(Translated) Excellent service (Original) Excellent service

joseph dalton


Sylvain Gagnon

(Translated) The service rendered are well beyond expectations. The people are considerate, receptionists are alerted and passionate. The offices are clean and pleasant. Obviously you pay for all this because the prices are a bit higher than other private clinics ... service and loyalty should be more flexible (like 10% 2nd visit and subsequent 20%) rather than an "annual fe "e" giving very specific discounts. Overall, both games doctors were very professional and above all on time. (Original) Le service rendu es bien au delà des attentes. Les gens sont attentionnés, les réceptionnistes sont alertés et passionnées. Les bureaux sont propres et agréables. Évidemment tu paies pour tout ça car les tarifs sont un peu plus élevés que d’autres cliniques privés... et leur service de fidélité devrait être plus flexible (genre 10% 2e visite et 20% les subsequentes) plutôt qu’un « annual fe »e » octroyant des rabais très spécifiques. Somme toute, les deux médecins rencontres ont été très professionnels et surtout à l’heure.

Léo Denis

(Translated) Absolutely nothing negative to say about this clinic as well as the attending physician. Nothing but good. Welcoming and polite staff. The medical staff are great too. In short, we feel in good hands :-) (Original) Absolument rien à dire de négatif sur cette clinique ainsi que le médecin traitant. Rien que du bon. Personnel accueillant et poli. Le personnel médical est très bien aussi. Bref on se sent entre bonne main :-)

Marie-France Blanchard

(Translated) A luxury that I pay for once a year! Thank you Dr. Bessette! (Original) Un luxe que je me paie une fois par année! Merci Dr. Bessette!

Sane Champoux

(Translated) Patient since the opening (more than 10 years ago) and the service is great. No waiting, daily availability for more urgent RVs and doctors taking the time to explain things. What about systematic call feedback for all test results. WOW :) (Original) Patiente depuis l'ouverture (il y a plus de 10 ans) et le service est génial. Pas d'attente, des disponibilités tous les jours pour les RV plus urgents et des médecins qui prennent le temps d'expliquer les choses. Que dire des retours d'appels systématiques pour tous les résultats de tests. WOW :)

Nick Murillo

Glad we have this clinic. Fast and efficient. Makes you save your day rather than waiting on the public side.

ღ María Alejandra ღ Poleo

(Translated) Nice clinic, medical and super nice staff, dr. Budana is very honest and accurate with her assessment !!! Highly recommended (Original) Belle clinique, le personnel médical et super gentil, le dr. Budana est très honnête et précis avec son évaluation!!! Très recommandé


I am very thankful for Dre. Normandin; she was attentive and helpful. This was not my first visit and was received as I usually was. The health measures are on point, glad to have this clinic close to home.


(Translated) Whether on the phone or in person, these are the same values that I receive !!!!! I am extremely satisfied. Thanks again Stephane Mercury (Original) Que ce soit au téléphone ou en personne ce sont les mêmes valeurs que je reçois !!!!! Je suis extrêmement satisfait. Encore Merci Stéphane Mercure

Bella L

(Translated) Very good service, Dr. Fredette is very friendly. I highly recommend. (Original) Très bon service , le Dr.Fredette est très sympathique. Je recommande fortement.

juan silva

Nice service and staff

Simone Viens

I am happy with the experiment I had at this place because of the curtisy and politness of people there and the security and safety of the place. I did like the fireplace inside, clean and it felt good just to sit quiet. The Doctor and the interest in my health was something i did like also. Well I was glad to had done this.

Patricia Torres Champagne

(Translated) I went to an allergy screening appointment. Dr Cossette was courteous, professional and attentive, he listened to my symptoms and talked about controlling environmental allergens in the house. The nurse who performed my allergy tests made this normally uncomfortable moment simple and painless and explained the procedure and duration very well. My experience at this clinic has been very positive. I highly recommend them. (Original) Je suis allé à un rendez-vous pour un dépistage d'allergies. Le Dr Cossette était courtois, professionnel et attentif, il a écouté mes symptômes et a parlé du contrôle des allergènes environnementaux dans la maison. L'infirmière qui a effectué mes tests d'allergie a rendu ce moment normalement inconfortable simple et indolore et a très bien expliqué la procédure et la durée. Mon expérience dans cette clinique a été très positive. Je les recommande fortement.

Laura Perron

(Translated) Horrible customer service !! They mess up the appointment times they have and say they're trying to reach clients when I've never had a missed call. Never again this clinic, there are too many private clinics on the North Shore or in Montreal to accept incompetence. (Original) Service à la clientèle horrible!! Ils se trompent dans les heures des rendez-vous qu’ils ont et disent qu’ils essaient de joindre les clients alors que je n’ai jamais eu d’appel manqué. Plus jamais cette clinique, il y a trop de cliniques privées sur la Rive-Nord ou à Montréal pour accepter de fréquenter l’incompétence.

Gabriel Verreault

Had a wonderful experience with both the secretary and Dr.Berube. They have doctors that truely care about you. I highly recommend them.

Valérie Mcquillan

(Translated) Excellent service, fast and professional. Cleanliness and very nice warm clinic! (Original) Excellent service, rapide et professionnel. Propreté et très belle clinique chaleureuse!

leduc christophe

(Translated) I made an appointment in Gynecology with DRE Chantal Dubois to have my copper IUD removed, I had a remarkable service. Very attentive and truly top-notch professionalism ... I am very satisfied with this clinic. (Original) J’ai pris RDV en Gynécologie avec le DRE Chantal Dubois pour faire retirer mon stérilet en cuivre , j’ai eu un service remarquable . Très à l’écoute et vraiment un professionnalisme au top ... je suis très satisfaite de cette clinique.

Marc Lacroix

(Translated) Excellent team and personalized and fast service! (Original) Excellent équipe et service personnalisé et rapide!

Miriam Gaudelli

(Translated) Superb Clinic! Attentive and smiling staff! Warm atmosphere, you feel well surrounded by nurses and medical staff. The doctor I saw found answers to my questions and concerns. I understand why we opt for the private, it is a big difference in service! (Original) Superbe Clinique! Personnel attentionné et souriant! Ambiance chaleureuse, on se sent bien entouré par les infirmières et le personnel médical. Le docteur que j’ai vu a su trouvé réponses à mes questions et mes inquiétudes. Je comprends pourquoi on opte pour le privé, c’est toute une différence de service !

Donald Bill

(Translated) Really efficient and professional! We are here to no longer be treated as numbers, at Avenir MD we are becoming human beings again !! Thank you! (Original) Vraiment efficace et professionnel! On est rendu là pour ne plus être traité en numéro, chez Avenir MD on redevient des êtres humains!! Merci!

Michel Levasseur

(Translated) WOW, Great service. Dr. Frenette is a bit busy, he made me laugh and he is also an excellent MD. In the private sector, with this kind of clinic, staff and professionals, the experience is greatly appreciated. WELL DONE! (Original) WOW, Excellent service. Dr. Frenette est un bout en train, il m'a fait rire et en plus il est un excellent MD. Au privé, avec ce genre de clinique, de personnel et de professionnels, l'expérience en est très appréciée. BRAVO!

Marie Lepore

(Translated) Too easy! in-out in 2 minutes, easy online booking, super nice nurse & I received my PCR test result in less than 24hrs - SATURDAY! Nothing bad to say! (Original) Trop facile! in-out en 2minutes, booking online facile, infirmière super gentille & j'ai reçu mon résultat de test PCR en moins de 24hrs - le SAMEDI! Rien de négatif à dire!

Skyler Marley

Terrible. They do not care about people's health. I made an appointment for my mother who has had chest pains and they refused to see her. I explained to the receptionist that she is mask exempt and she said it wouldn't be a problem. …

Ciprian Teodor Andrisan (Art & Draw)

(Translated) Very satisfied with the service and the consultation :) It was efficient and very fast. (Original) Tres satisfait du services et de la consultation :).C'etait efficace et tres rapide.

joanna menda

Fantastic friendly professional service

Paul verdy

(Translated) Excellent service. 0 expectation. Listening and very professional doctor. Long live the private .... (Original) Excellent service. 0 attente. Médecin à l'écoute et très pro. Vive le privé....

Dany Courty

Daniel therrien

(Translated) since I became a member I have nothing but positive to say and I see that you are expanding with more service and I find that very good at my last visit on January 2 at get to know Dr. Berube and I adored him very nice doctor and explains well and put me back on my feet the only thing that worries me is that you become busier and i'm afraid l have this to wait longer to meet doctors the appointment is very easy and very professional I have nothing to say all is wonderful (Original) depuis que je suis membre je n est que du positif a dire et je vois que vous agrandissez avec plus de service et je trouve cela tres bien a ma dernière visite le 2 janvier chez faite connaissance avec le docteur Berube et je l est adoré médecin tres sympathique et explique bien et m as remis sur pieds la seule chose qui m inquiet est c est ce que vous devenez plus occupé et j ai peur que l ont ce retrouve a attendre plus longtemps pour rencontré des médecins la prise de rdv est tres facile et tres professionnel j ai rien as redire tous est merveilleux

Dominique Boulay

(Translated) The staff are attentive and my healthcare professional is a pearl. (Original) Le personnel est attentionné et ma professionnelle de la santé une perlé.

Roger Charbonneau

(Translated) As a retired social worker, I have always been sensitive to the reception, assessment and treatment of clients. Here, Dr FRENETTE and his assistant (nurse) exceeded my expectations. In addition to the above, the diagnosis and treatment (infiltrations) were performed on the spot and without pain; and all in a good mood. The most competent nurse and doctor. It was my best experience ever. Thank you And I repeat for my recall visit, a month later, for my second infiltration. And my condition has improved considerably. Thanks again! I owe you one! (Original) En tant que travailleur social à la retraite j'ai toujours été sensible à l'accueil, à l'évaluation et au traitement de la clientèle. Ici, le Dr FRENETTE et son assistante (infirmière) ont dépassé mes attentes En plus de ce qui précède, le diagnostic et le traitement (infiltrations) furent exécutés sur le champ et sans douleur; et le tout dans la bonne humeur. Infirmière et médecin des plus compétents . C'est ma meilleure expérience à vie. Merci Et je réitère pour ma visite de rappel, un mois plus tard, pour ma seconde infiltration. Et mon état s'est amélioré considérablement. Merci encore! Je vous en doit une!

Danielle Combes

(Translated) Always good services (Original) Toujours de bons services

Fred Yam

(Translated) Impeccable welcome. (Original) Accueil impécable.

Pascal Trottier

(Translated) Great always great service from the secretary to the doctor (Original) Super toujours un super service de la secrétaire jusqu'aux médecin

Joey Blanchard (ShyGuyJB)

Yves Blanc

(Translated) He has excellent customer service, the employees are friendly and courteous. The doctor did his best not to panic by making me laugh the whole way. (Original) Il possède un excellent service à la clientèle, les employés sont gentils et courtois. Le médecin a fait de son mieux pour que je ne panique pas en me faisant rire tout le long du processus.

Mylène Denis

(Translated) Courteous staff, speed in making an appointment. Also, I was shown the visual of my infiltration for the shoulder and explained the details. Thank you! (Original) Personnel courtois, rapidité pour la prise de rendez-vous. Aussi, on m’a bien montré le visuel de mon infiltration pour l’épaule et expliqué les détails. Merci!

Anika Leclerc

Gus Fring

not worth it, , they tell you that you have problem but never give you a solution then how come you are a doctor if you don't know the solution right the way !!...., they charge you alot of money for nothing plus they send you to go there and there and bay more and more money ! , and at the end the whole problem was a three dolar antibiotic and it's done !!

Lynn Gravel

(Translated) Excellent service !!! (Original) Excellent service!!!

Yan Miron

(Translated) Exemplary welcome, impeccable customer service and professionalism of the doctors. (Original) Accueil exemplaire, service client impeccable et professionnalisme des médecins.

Pushpika Wanasundara

Friendly staff.Friendly doctors.Adequate parking.Easy to locate.Coffee machine with good coffee available for customers to consume.Recommended.

Stefania Mentone

Haddassa Alexia César

(Translated) Very warm welcome. Very good service! We really feel taken care of! (Original) Très bel accueil. Très bon service ! On se sent pris en charge réellement!

Ginette Cloutier

(Translated) I am satisfied with my telephone meeting with Dr.e Dubois. I am comforted and I feel in good hands. Ginette (Original) Je suis satisfaite de mon rendez-vous téléphonique avec Dr.e Dubois. Je suis réconforté et je me sent en bonne main. Ginette

Lyne Valade

(Translated) A highly recommended clinic (Original) Une clinique très recommandée

Marie-Josée Favreau

(Translated) Don't go to this clinic ... bad service. (Original) Ne pas aller à cette clinique...mauvais service.

Claude Latulippe

(Translated) Beautiful team! competent and human doctors (Original) Belle équipe! médecins compétents et humains

Simon Prescott

(Translated) very good service and advice. (Original) tres bon service et conseil.

Gino and Yanni Tech

(Translated) Dr. Chouinard is very knowledgeable and very friendly. I highly recommend it. I also had very good service with the nurse and the secretary. In short, I recommend the Avenir MD Rosemont clinic to everyone. (Original) Dr. Chouinard est très compétent et très sympathique. Je le recommande fortement. J'ai aussi eu un très bon service avec l'infirmière et la secrétaire. Bref, je recommande la clinique Avenir MD Rosemont à tous et à toutes.

Bruno Poisson

(Translated) A great first experience in a private clinic (Original) Une belle première expérience en clinique privée

Ginette Fortin

Paul Champagne

My name is Linda , I had an appointment with Dr. Luc Frenette for cortisone injection. He was very nice , knowledgeable. He explain everything. His bedside manner were incredible. The clinic is impeccable, the staff is very nice.

Vanessa Viel

Always satisfied with my experience when I visit the clinic. Dr. Dubois is the best, very attentive and thorough. The nurses and receptionists are all great as well. Been coming here for over 5 years, highly recommend!

Samantha Di Lullo

I have been going to Avenir for many years. Dr. Berube is my family doctor and she is fantastic! Very professional and really takes her time to fully answer all the questions I have.

Raynald Michaud

(Translated) Courteous and impeccable service. (Original) Service courtois et impeccable.

Carole Vallières

(Translated) I have been attending Clinique Avenir MD for several years. I have always received prompt and courteous service. My last visit was with Dr. Vadeboncoeur, a dermatologist who I really appreciated. This clinic is a necessity for me. (Original) Je fréquente Clinique Avenir MD depuis quelques années . J’ai toujours reçu un service rapide et courtois . Ma dernière visite était avec Dr. Vadeboncoeur, dermatologue que j’ai beaucoup appréciée . Cette clinique est une nécessité pour moi .

Marianne Brouillette

(Translated) Very good! Super friendly and satisfying (Original) Très bien! Super sympathique et satisfaisant

John Scully

(Translated) Very professional and courteous. (Original) Très professionel et courtois.

Clement Farah

great service but expensive!


(Translated) Scam! I did an injection treatment for varicose veins. First, it is a generalist who does that! Ok, on the other hand they make you sign a consent that the treatment may not work and they make you pay 50 dollars as an advance to take an appointment. In total 120 $ and 0 result. When we call you were told that you signed the consent. (Original) Arnaque ! J'ai faite un traitement de varices par injection. Premièrement c'est un généraliste qui fait ça ! Ok , par contre ils vous font signé un consentement que le traitement peut ne pas donner de résultat et il te font payer 50 dollars comme avance pour prendre un rv. Au total 120$ et 0 résultat. Quand on appelle ont te dit que vous avez signé le consentement.

Emy Leclair

(Translated) Professional and attentive service. The specialists take the time to discuss with you, advise you and for my part even guided me to other services to help me. (Original) Service professionnel et attentionné. Les spécialistes prennent le temps de discuter avec vous, vous conseillent et pour ma part m'ont même guidée vers d'autres services pour m'aider.

Serge Dupuis

(Translated) Very good service (Original) Très bon service

Hemalatha Viswanathan

I was very comfortable throughout my experience.

Odette Rochefort

(Translated) Doctor Bessette is the best !! I love it. (Original) Docteure Bessette est la meilleure!! Je l'adore.

André Savard

(Translated) No waiting, warm and courteous doctor (Original) Aucune attente, médecin chaleureux et courtois

Anik Pérusse

(Translated) Impeccable service from the whole team and on time! Dr. Younanian is just perfect, he listens and does it with humor! I love and recommend! (Original) Service impeccable de toute l'équipe et à l'heure en plus! Dr. Younanian est tout simplement parfait, il est à l'écoute et le fait avec humour! J'adore et je recommande !

Laure Herlaut

(Translated) Clean clinic and fast service for COVID antigen tests. Very nice staff too, not to mention the price which is more than reasonable. (Original) Clinique propre et service rapide pour les tests antigéniques COVID. Personnel très gentil également, sans parler du prix qui est plus que raisonnable.

Rey Ade

(Translated) Professional service in a warm atmosphere! Thanks to the whole team for your support! (Original) Service professionnel dans une ambiance chalheureuse ! Merci a toute l'equipe pour votre support!

Jean Bazinet

(Translated) The welcome and contact were good but I would have expected faster service in a private clinic at a significant cost. 2 weeks to have a first RV at the sleep clinic and now to be on hold without knowing when I will be called back, that does not encourage me to adopt their other services. (Original) L’accueil et le contact ont été bons mais je me serais attendu à obtenir un service plus rapide dans une clinique privée dont les frais sont conséquents. 2 semaines pour avoir un premier RV à la clinique du sommeil et maintenant être en attente sans savoir quand on me rappellera, ça ne m’incite pas à adopter leurs autres services.

France Chandonnet

(Translated) We send each other in confidence, fast service! Thank you (Original) On se send en confiance, service rapide! Merci

Christian Danis

excellent services

Claire St-georges

(Translated) Very good service and very professional doctor (Original) Très bon service et médecin très professionnel

Michel Prevost

(Translated) Excellent, prompt and courteous service. The staff were professional, attentive to my needs and irreproachable in their approach. I only have good comments about them. For my intervention, the price was also very acceptable to avoid me 6 months of waiting for the public! (Original) Service excellent, rapide et courtois. Le personnel était professionnel, à l'écoute de mes besoins et irréprochable dans son approche. Je n'ai que de bons commentaires à leur sujet. Pour mon intervention, le tarif était également fort acceptable pour m'éviter 6 mois d'attente au public !

Viet Buu

(Translated) Dr Luc Frenette and his nurse Annie are fine, conscientious and very professional. Thanks again . VB (Original) Dr Luc Frenette et son infirmière Annie sont fins, consciencieux et très professionnels. Merci encore . VB


(Translated) Excellent customer service, the doctors are very competent. (Original) Excellent service à la clientèle , les médecins sont tres compétent.

Hélène Dufour

(Translated) I really enjoyed my visit to the Avenir Clinic. Welcoming and smiling staff, reassuring doctor and his treatment proved to be effective. I will go back for sure. This clinic and this doctor are now part of my routine. (Original) J'ai beaucoup apprécié ma visite à la Clinique Avenir. Personnel accueillant et souriant, médecin sécurisant et son traitement s'est avéré efficace. Je vais y retourner c'est sur. Cette clinique et ce médecin font maintenant parti de ma routine.

Mariane Robert

Rene Piche

Jean Chantigny

(Translated) Hello the infiltrations were for me Jocelyne I am very very satisfied it's been 1 week and I hardly have any more pain it's great Dr Luc Frénette informed me very well about my carpal tunnel problem and put me with confidence and with the help of the nurse I infiltrated the cortisone very good clinic personal super nice and welcoming and I am ready to return to be for infiltration or operation. Jocelyne st- Amour Gatineau Qc (Original) Bonjour les infiltrations étaient pour moi Jocelyne Je suis tres tres satisfaite cela fait 1 semaine et je n'ai presque plus de douleurs c'est super le Dr Luc Frénette m'a tres bien informer sur mon probleme de tunnel carpien et m'a mise en confiance et avec l'aide de l'infirmier m'a infiltrer la cortisone tres bonne clinique personnel super gentil et acceuillant et je suis prete a retourner sois pour infiltration ou opération .Jocelyne st- Amour Gatineau Qc

Jorge Iglesias

(Translated) It was my first visit, everything was fine I needed to have an appointment quickly, no problem. (Original) C'etait ma première visite, tout a bien été j'avais besoin de avoir un rendez-vous vite, aucun problème.

Sara Awji

(Translated) I had a great experience at the clinic! the staff was very nice and the doctor really helped me and listened to me! I think the nurse didn't like me and just wanted me to go out, I had a lot of things with me and my water bottle had to leak. I probably left a bad impression on her! I felt a little bad about the way she treated me, but I understand her! Thank you! (Original) J'ai eu une très belle expérience a la clinique! le staff était très gentil et le médecin m'a vraiment aider et m'a écouter! Je pense que l'infirmière m'a pas aimer et voulait juste que je sors, j'avais beaucoup d'affaires avec moi et ma bouteille d'eau a couler. J'ai probablement laisser une mauvaise impression sur elle! j'ai senti un peu mal de façon dont elle ma traiter, mais je la comprend! Merci!

catherine blier

(Translated) Excellent service !!! Warm team :) (Original) Excellent service !!! Équipe chaleureuse :)

Laurent PEREZ

(Translated) Business medicine! For an echo-guided injection of 5 minutes in the knee, here is what this clinic imposes as a price: $ 150 just to prescribe a syringe of lubricating gel (the syringe, I pay it at Jean Coutu), $ 150 for consultation (compulsory even if not necessary) and $ 250 to perform the injection. Total $ 550 to have your knee pricked for less than 5 minutes. And since I don't have a file with them, I imagine that they will not miss me and ask me like all private individuals for a $ 100 file opening fee. Incredible, pathetic ... but unfortunately everything is true. (Original) Médecine business ! Pour une injection echo-guidée de 5mn dans le genou, voici ce que cette clinique impose comme tarif : 150$ juste pour prescrire une seringue de gel lubrifiant (la seringue, c'est moi qui la paye chez Jean Coutu), 150$ pour la consultation (obligatoire même si pas besoin) et 250$ pour réaliser l'injection. Total 550$ pour te faire piquer le genou pendant moins de 5 minutes. Et comme je n'ai pas de dossier chez eux, j'imagine qu'ils ne vont pas me louper et me demander comme tous les privés des frais d'ouverture de dossier de 100$. Incroyable, pathétique...mais malheureusement tout est vrai.

Brigitte Provençal

(Translated) Thank you to the availability of Dr Gaumont and his great expertise. I also wish to underline the kindness and delicacy of the nurse who assists her. (Original) Merci à la disponibilité du Dr Gaumont et à sa belle expertise. Je désire aussi souligner la gentillesse et la délicatesse de l'infirmière qui l'assiste.

Mackendy CHERY

JDM Nagano


Marie Legare

(Translated) Caring staff and specialists attentive to our needs. (Original) Un personnel attentionné et des spécialistes a l’écoute de nos besoins.

Raymonde Raymond

(Translated) Nice place and well located. Courteous and efficient staff. The doctor Dr LUC FRENETTE AND HIS NURSE very professional and educational explaining the health problem and the proposed therapeutic solution. All this diligently (ultrasound and infiltration) Brief positive experience, to recommend (Original) Lieu agréable et bien situé .Personnel courtois et efficace. Le médecin Dr LUC FRENETTE ET SON INFIRMIER très professionnels et pédagogues expliquant la problématique de santé et la solution thérapeutique proposée. Tout cela avec diligence (échographie et infiltration) Bref expérience positive ,â recommander

M.ª Carolina Chaves

Annie Chevalier

(Translated) Excellent service, excellent care and the staff lived up to my expectations. I recommend as an alternative when the public network is not enough or not fast enough. Which unfortunately means not bad all the time. Dr Dubois is attentive and very competent. (Original) Excellent service, excellents soins et le personel à la hauteur de mes attentes. Je recommande comme alternative quand le réseau publique ne suffit pas ou n'est pas assez rapide. Ce qui veut malheureusement dire pas mal tout le temps. Dr Dubois est à l'écoute et très compétente.

alain fourniol

(Translated) Very satisfied with the service, very professional! (Original) Bien satisfait du service, très professionnel!

Amélie Rivest

(Translated) Go super fast with dermato and my problem is solved. It’s expensive but it’s fast and efficient! (Original) Rendez-vous super rapide en dermato et mon problème est réglé. C’est dispendieux mais c’est rapide et efficace!

Maya Dh

(Translated) The doctor both. Nurses and secretary are all nice a good experience Recommend 100% (Original) Le médecin les deux. Infirmières et la secrétaire sont tous gentil une bonne expérience A recommander 100%

Natasha G

(Translated) Wow! greeted with a smile both at reception and with the doctor. Dr. Gaumont did an incredible job, take the time to explain and the treatment (infiltration) gently, the opposite of what I have had and suffered elsewhere. Well done to this clinic for everything I suggest this clinic to 110% (Original) Wow! accueilli avec sourire autant à la réception qu'avec le médecin. Dr.Gaumont a fait un travail incroyable ,prends le temps d'expliquer et le traitement (infiltration ) avec douceur tout le contraire de ce que j'ai eu et subi ailleurs. Bravo à cette clinique pour tout Je vous suggère cette clinique à 110%

Josée V

(Translated) Excellent service and Dr. Frenette is just wonderful as a doctor. Do not hesitate to go there! (Original) Excellent service et le Dr Frenette est tout simplement merveilleux comme médecin. Hésitez pas à y aller !

Caro Le blanc

(Translated) I had a good experience with the doctor Dr. Tala for two times at the Laval clinic. The staff is listening. (Original) J'ai eu une bonne expérience avec le médecin Dr. Tala pour deux fois à la clinique de Laval. Le personnel est à l'écoute.

Geneviève M

Jean-Sébastien Ferron

(Translated) Excellent service! (Original) Excellent service !

Stéphanie Desormiers

(Translated) Fast and courteous service. (Original) Service rapide et courtois.

Ari SRT8

(Translated) We should improve enormously in the service on the phone with the dermatology nurses. We called several times, left messages but in vain no return calls. It's sad, we pay for a service it seems to me logically that we should have fast and efficient service. Don't apologize for being there for the calls, that's what everyone wants. (Original) Il faudrait améliorer énormément dans le service au téléphone avec les infirmières en dermatologie.Nous avons appellé plusieurs fois ,laissé des messages mais en vain aucun retour d'appels.C'est triste,on paye pour un service il me semble logiquement qu'on devrait avoir un service rapide et efficace. Ne vous excusez pas soyez présent pour les appels c'est ce que tout le monde souhaite.

Martin Hotte

(Translated) Dr Tala, super good! and answers all the questions, very clearly. (Original) Dr Tala, super bonne ! et repond a toutes les questions, très clairement.

Maria Alejandra Pinto Gorrin

Nancy St-Martin

(Translated) Excellent service: attentive listening from the nursing staff and punctuality (no waiting) (Original) Excellent service: grande écoute de la part du personnel soignant et ponctualité (aucune attente)

Valerie Desgranges (Vdesg)

(Translated) Very good clinic that respects the client. The doctors are conscientious and the staff are welcoming. I recommend this clinic. (Original) Très bonne clinique qui respecte le client. Les médecins sont consciencieux et le personnel est accueillant. Je recommande cette clinique.

Augustin Vazquez-Levi

When you come in for an appointment you don't even have time to sit down in the waiting room before being called in for your consultation. I've been going for 2 years and I have never had to wait more than 2 minutes for the doctor to see me when I have an appointment. Medical staff is friendly and knowledgeable.


You cannot pay cash....which is not ok. Also the girls at the reception are not friendly. The nurse was excellent

Helene Beausoleil

(Translated) Always so satisfied with Dr. Dubois (Original) Toujours aussi satisfaite avec le Dr. Dubois

Marc Cramer

(Translated) All the staff are very professional and kind. The doctor I met was attentive and offered me different options for my medical treatment. I highly recommend this clinic. (Original) Tout le personnel est très professionnel et gentil. La médecin que j'ai rencontré a été à l'écoute et m'a offert différentes options pour mon traitement médical. Je recommande vivement cette clinique.

Sonia Montanaro

(Translated) Very good service (Original) Très bon service

sebastien lesage

(Translated) Despite a negative covid test, the clinic refused to see me for a persistent cough. I imagine these doctors are unvaccinated and do not believe in science. What delirium! (Original) Malgré un test covid négatif la clinique refuse de me voir pour une toux persistante. J’imagine que ces médecins ne sont pas vaccinés et ne croient pas à la science. Quel délire!

Éliane Morin-Côté

(Translated) Always excellent service at this clinic, from me from all the staff without exception! :) (Original) Toujours un excellent service à cette clinique, de ma part de tout le personnel sans exception! :)

Chantal St-Pierre

(Translated) This is not my first visit to Clinique Médicale Avenir MD for an infiltration, except this time it was in the shoulder to relieve capsulitis. I saw Dr. Gaumont who is qualified in the matter. He explains the problem and the solution very well. (Original) Ce n'est pas ma première visite à la Clinique Médicale Avenir MD pour une infiltration, sauf que cette fois-ci c'était dans l'épaule pour soulager une capsulite. J'ai vu le Dr Gaumont qui est qualifié en la matière. Il explique très bien le problème et la solution.

Rita Arena

(Translated) Very satisfied, Dr. Landry preferred to have a telephone appointment rather than in a clinic given the covid. She called when we were back on blood tests. She does an excellent follow-up of my case and gives excellent explanations: clear and concise. I follow his sound advice. (Original) Très satisfaite, Dr.Landry a préféré avoir un rendez-vous téléphonique plutôt qu’en clinique compte tenu de la covid. Elle a téléphoné à l’heure on faisait un retour sur des tests sanguins. Elle fait un excellent suivi de mon dossier et donne d’excellentes explications : claires et concises. Je suit ses conseils judicieux.

Diane Thibeault

(Translated) Very good attentive service (Original) Très bon service attentionné

Jacques Goulet

(Translated) Always very pleasant to visit this clinic. Almost a shame that I don't get sick often anymore. (I'm exaggerating, yes a little, but hardly.) (Original) Toujours très agréable de visiter cette clinique. Presque dommage que je ne sois plus souvent malade. (J'exagère, oui un peu, mais à peine.)

André LeComte

(Translated) very good service and expert doctor (Original) tres bon service et medecin expert

Isabelle Reid

Dr Isabelle Bessette is the best Doc I have ever met. Great listener and fast to diagnosed anything that could be an important issue. She made a huge difference in my life.

Valérie Hamel

(Translated) Great service, very professional! (Original) Super service, très professionnels!

Geneviève Beaulieu

(Translated) Excellent clinic! Impeccable service. Everyone is friendly and knowledgeable. Dr Elaine Bérubé is incredibly competent and really warm. Best doctor I have ever met! Well done and thank you for your exceptional work! (Original) Excellente clinique! Service impeccable. Tout le monde est sympathique et compétent. Dr Elaine Bérubé est incroyablement compétente et vraiment chaleureuse. Meilleure médecin que j’ai rencontré! Bravo et merci pour votre travail exceptionnel!

Claude Labelle

(Translated) Professional service. courteous staff. Doctor seemed very competent. Price of competitive consultation. (Original) Service professionnel. Personnel courtois. Médecin semblait très compétent. Prix de la consultation compétitif.

manon ouellette

(Translated) Clear explanations from the inhalation therapist his smile reassures us, nobody listening, Thanks to Karine (Original) Explications clair de la part de l'inhaloterapeute son sourire nous rassure, personne à l'écoute, Merci à Karine

Sylvie Pepin

The Doctors are phenomenal, but when you need to get your results and speak with a nurse, it feels like the public sector, a bit of confusion and no return calls!

mireille richard

(Translated) The difference between this clinic and many others is the patient experience. Feel his MD uses the best practices that she takes the time to listen, to analyze and to be made of the best medical priority practices to be well cared for. This quality standard, I am pleased to have found in the medical practice of Dr. Tala. (Original) La différence entre cette clinique et bien d autres est l expérience patient. Sentir que son MD utilise les meilleures pratiques, qu elle prend le temps d écouter, d analyser et d être aux faits des meilleures pratiques médicales sont prioritaires afin d être bien soignée. Ce standard qualité, je suis heureuse de l avoir trouvé en la pratique médicale du Dre Tala.

Nomiah Andree

(Translated) Very satisfied with my meeting with Dr Luc Frenette! He listens and takes the time to discuss my problem. Relaxed atmosphere, my ultrasound guided infiltration went very well! Thank you also to the nurse and to the whole team for your welcome! (Original) Très satisfaite de ma rencontre avec Dr Luc Frenette! Il est à l'écoute et prends le temps de discuter de mon problème . Ambiance détendue, mon infiltration échoguidée c'est très bien passée! Merci aussi à l'infirmière et à toute l'équipe pour votre accueil!

andreanne landry

(Translated) Excellent service! Courteous and efficient! (Original) Excellent service! Courtois et efficace!

Daniel Gagnon

(Translated) I was picked up on the minute near my scheduled meeting time, and it was all over forty minutes later; forty minutes of feeling like the highest priority of Dr. Frénette and her team. This not to mention the effectiveness of the care - it was an immediate pain relief in my case. (Original) Je fus pris en charge à la minute près de mon heure fixée de rendez-vous, et tout était terminé quarante minutes plus tard; quarantes minutes de m'être senti comme la plus haute priorité du Dr. Frénette et de son équipe. Ceci sans parler de l'efficacité des soins - ce fut un soulagement immédiat de la douleur dans mon cas.

Jules Thibodeau

(Translated) Excellent service, well received and listened to by the dermatologist. I recommend (Original) Excellent service, bien accueilli et écouter par le dermatologue. Je recommande

Jean-Christophe Tremblay

(Translated) Dr. Jean-Francois Audet, human and above all attentive. (Original) Dr. Jean-Francois Audet, humain et surtout à l'écoute.

Brigitte Nantel

(Translated) I have been consulting Dr. Dubois, gynecologist, for a few years and I am very satisfied. He is a very good doctor who answers all my questions. (Original) Je consulte le Dre Dubois, gynécologue, depuis quelques années et je suis très satisfaite. C'est un très bon médecin qui répond à toutes mes questions.

Francine Larose

Mathieu Gauthier (Mcmat1250)

(Translated) Simply efficient, a professional who listens to his patients to guide them through health obstacles and advise us for the future !! Not to mention the smiling welcome which gives this clinic an excellent image !!! The key is in the name of this one: Avenir !! A special thank you to Stéphanie for her work in this institution !! (Original) Tout simplement efficace, professionnel à l’écoute de ses patients pour les guider a travers les obstacles de santé et nous conseiller pour la suite!! Sans oublier l’accueil souriantes qui donne une excellente image à cette clinique!!! La clé est dans le nom de celle-ci : Avenir!! Un merci spécial à Stéphanie pour son travaille dans cette cette institution!!

mike huard

Daniela Quaglia

Dr.e Chantal Dubois is AMAZING. She is following me through my pregnancy and i could not have asked for a better Doctor. She is very knowledgeable, and takes the time to explain things in a very kind, yet effective and thorough way. I could not recommended her more.- Dr.e El-Rassi (dermatologist) is also fantastic. She was effective to threat my condition, she was also very kind and she quickly called me back with a follow up, as promised. - The doctors in the clinic work in unison and consult each other providing a holistic service and diagnosis, which i appreciate.-The clinic offers the possibility of doing analysis 'in house', which makes it easier for the customer - However, I find that the system in place to contact the nurses is not optimal. They never answer the phone and you have to leave a voice message. They always call you back, but you might not be able to answer when they decide to call you back, and this puts you in a sort of loop. They also are not as efficient as the doctors, but the service offered is in any case fair. - The services at the clinic are all private, so quite expensive. To be honest, at least for what concerns the Doctors, for the incredible level of quality, I am happy to pay the extra fee (the fees that are completely unjustified are the administration fees... i.e.: I had an influenza vaccine shot at the clinic, which should have been free for me as I am pregnant. However, it costed me 30$ in the end for 'injection fees'. If I had gone to the local Jean Coutu ,I would have paid zero. In fact, my husband, who did not qualify for a free shot, paid less than i did in any case by going to the pharmacy! ) Update: the clinic contacted me back and refunded the 30$, for which i was happy and appreciative. However, at the same time, they told me they had forgotten to tell me that the telephonic appointment of the previous day was costing as much as an 'in person' appointment without service fees and they requested that i paid 150$ (note: nobody had mentioned it before).... As i was mentioning: doctors amazing, nurses (and let me add receptionists) not really.

Jean Lapointe

(Translated) Not a good experience during a medical examination, he missed appendicitis (was not diagnosed). The worst part is their lack of response when I let them know. But the coffee is free. (Original) Pas une bonne expérience lors d'un examen médical, il ont manqué un appendicite (n'a pas été diagnostiqué). Le plus pire est leur absence de réaction lorsque je les en ai avisé. Mais le café est gratuit.

Marie-Claude Venne

Excellence service.


(Translated) Great service and very good advice! (Original) Super service et de très bons conseils!

Louis Gareau

(Translated) Quick, courteous and knowledgeable personal service. (Original) Service rapide, courtois et personnelle compétents .

Kathleen Guilbault

(Translated) They are professionals !! I highly recommend this clinic! (Original) Se sont des professionnels!! Je recommande grandement cette clinique!

Sylvain Boisvert

(Translated) Make you quick and very good service. I recommend this clinic without hesitation. (Original) Rendez vous rapide et très bon service. Je recommande cette clinique sans hésiter.

Jade Duchaine

Christiane St-jean

(Translated) I have found that Dr. Frenette takes the time to answer all of our questions and that his approach is holistic to take care of the whole person. It is a process that we want to follow up. BIG THANKS. Christiane st-j (Original) J'ai trouvé que le Dr Frenette prend bien le temps de répondre à toutes nos questions et que son approche est globale pour prendre soin de toute la personne dans son entièreté. C'est un processus auquel on a envie de donner suite. GRAND MERCI. Christiane st-j

Renay Gratton

(Translated) Professional and attentive team. Respect and prompt service are key. I have always been satisfied during my visits. (Original) Equipe professionnelle et attentionée. Le respect et le service rapide est de primeur. J'ai toujours été satisfaite lors de mes visites.

Steve Dumoulin

Awesome clinic, very well organized and clean. I recommend this place

sylvie pepin

(Translated) See you quickly, pleasant service. Thank you! (Original) Rendez-vous rapidement, service agréable. Merci!

Karamba Touré

(Translated) Fast service and very professional staff (Original) Service rapide et personnel très professionnel

Raphael Lemieux

Marianne Dufour

Dominique Tanguay

(Translated) Very satisfied! (Original) Très Satisfaite!

Anaïs B

(Translated) Superb clinic! Excellent service from making an appointment to treatment and medical follow-up. The kindness of people at the reception but also and above all of the nurses is very appreciable. And Doctor Dubois is an excellent gynecologist. She is very comfortable and very competent. Thank you all, I recommend 100% (Original) Superbe clinique ! Excellent service depuis la prise de rdv jusqu'aux soins et suivi médical. La gentillesse de personnes à l'accueil mais aussi et surtout des infirmières est très appréciable. Et le docteur Dubois est une excellente gynécologue. Elle met très à l'aise et est très compétente. Merci à tous, je recommande à 100 %

Michel Cyr

(Translated) Well maintained, impeccable service (Original) Bien maintenu,service impeccable

Mursal Hashuri

Beverley-Ann Lalonde

(Translated) Doctor Luc Frenette is very professional and endowed with humor. He works with a nurse, Annie, who is also dedicated to his profession! A terrific team you can trust. Thank you! Beverley-Ann Lalonde (Original) Docteur Luc Frenette est d’un grand professionnalisme et doté d’humour avec cela. Il travaille avec une infirmière, Annie, toute aussi dédiée à sa profession! Une équipe du tonnerre à laquelle on peut faire confiance. Merci! Beverley-Ann Lalonde

Abraao Almeida

Isabelle Germain

(Translated) Much appreciated, staff very welcoming and smiling. Much loved Dr Chantal Dubois, she is professional, precise, direct and very reassuring. (Original) Beaucoup apprécié, personnel très accueillant et souriant. Beaucoup aimé Dr Chantal Dubois, elle est professionnelle, précise, directe et très rassurante.

Richard Veillette

(Translated) Courteous and prompt service. Despite my delay, I was invited to stay to wait for a place to become available to be able to meet the doctor. Private clinic that prioritizes the human rather than the commercial aspect. I highly recommend this place (Original) Service courtois et rapide. Malgré mon retard on m'a invité à rester pour attendre qu'une place se libère pour pouvoir rencontrer le médecin. Clinique privée qui priorise l'humain plutôt que l'aspect commercial. Je recommande fortement cet endroit

Odette Gilchrist

(Translated) everyone I dealt with were very nice and very proffessional. (Original) toutes personnes que j'ai eu affaire avec étaient très gentilles et très proffessionnel.

Alex D

Dishonest and expensive. Doctor was unsympathetic, purposely stretched the time when all I needed could've taken 5 minutes, misdiagnosed me, and prescribed meds that could've been fatal had I taken them. Clinic won't tell you how much it costs for a blood test until you fax them your request form so that they can judge how much it'll cost. Would NOT recommend, unless you have an emergency and need to get some tests done fast, at any cost, with any doctor.

Alina Espinosa

the Secretary was very kind and profesional, doctor and nurse also, no bounty I would refer to my family and friends, thanks!

cris B

(Translated) Excellent service from this clinic upon our arrival and excellent service also for the quality of the medical service. especially Doctor Gaumont and his assistant they are at the top I recommend them to you (Original) Excellent service de cette clinique dès notre arrivée et excellent service également pour la qualité du service médical. tout particulièrement le Docteur Gaumont et son assistante ils sont au top je vous les recommande

Dany Caron

(Translated) Fast and efficient service. (Original) Service rapide et efficace.

Marjorie Beaudet

(Translated) Very fast and professional service. I was seen by an allergist at the time of my appointment. I recommend! (Original) Service très rapide et professionnel. J'ai été vu par un allergologue à l'heure de mon rendez vous. Je recommande!


(Translated) Very professional and know how to talk to the world. I thank the whole team for their skills and experience. (Original) Très professionnels et savent comment parler au monde. Je remercie toute l'équipe pour leur compétences et expérience.

Diane Marcogliese

Sonya Martel

(Translated) Very welcome and very professional! (Original) Très bon accueil et très professionnel !

Aquilino Alain

(Translated) Excellent service. Fast, professional and attentive. Thank you to the whole team for the quality of your service. (Original) Excellent Service. Rapide, professionel et attentif. Merci à toute l'équipe pour la qualité de votre service.

Michele Escano

(Translated) The clinic is very clean and the girls at the reception were welcoming. Nice experience. I recommend! (Original) La clinique est très propre et les filles à la réception étaient accueillantes. Belle expérience. Je recommande!

Patrick Roy

(Translated) Much appreciated service Dr Gaumont very professional. Meticulous examination and very clear explanations. (Original) Service très apprécié Dr Gaumont très professionnel. Examen méticuleux et explications très claires.

Giselle Lajeunesse

(Translated) Watch out for the scam! My husband wants to see a GP to refer him to a urologist, they give me amazing prices with dates far away. But pay $ 300 more for that? You are scammers with all due respect. (Original) Attention au scam ! Mon mari veut voir un médecin généraliste pour lui référer à un urologue, ils me donnent des prix incroyables avec des dates très loin d’ici. Mais payer 300$ plus frais pour ça ? Vous êtes des arnaqueurs avec tout mon respect.

Denis Bourget

(Translated) Very satisfied and recommend it to everyone. A more personal and professional approach. The doctor takes the time to explain the treatment and the results to come. thank you (Original) Tres satisfait et le recommande a tous monde.Un approche plus personnel et professionel. Le medecin prends le temps d expliquer le traitement et les resultats a venir. merci

Robert Griffith

(Translated) First class service. (Original) Service de première classe.

das boot

(Translated) Thieves and liars, absolutely to avoid in particular "Doctor" Lydie Amsellem-Abecassis, she lied to me several times in order to make me pay more and more, the icing on the sundae, I had to pay 240 dollars to have 2 stitches removed (when she told me that it was included in the surgery), again, to be avoided !!! (Original) Des voleurs et des menteurs, absolument a éviter en particulier "Docteure" Lydie Amsellem-Abecassis, elle m'a menti a plusieurs reprises dans le but de me faire payer plus et plus, la cerise sur le sundae, j'ai du payer 240 dollars pour faire retirer 2 points de sutures (quand elle m'avait dit a la base que c'était inclus dans la chirurgie), encore une fois, a éviter!!!

Michel Veilleux

(Translated) Excellent (Original) Excellent

Patrick Lemieux

(Translated) Courteous and always smiling. I come from the south shore to enjoy their good care (Original) Personnel courtois et toujours souriant. Je viens de la rive sud pour profiter de leur bons soins


(Translated) The secretary is unprofessional she deserves 0 star, I told her that it is urgent, I can not control my fingers to work, she is not listening, took my contact details to call me to give an appointment with a specialist without returning the call, I lost 4 days while waiting for his call, I will find another clinic, I give zero service !!! (Original) La secrétaire est non professionnelle elle mérite 0 étoile, je lui ai dit que c urgent, je ne peux pas controler mes doigts pour travailler, elle n'est pas à l'écoute, a pris mes coordonnées pour me m'appeler afin de donner un RV avec un spécialiste sans retourner l'appel, j'ai perdu 4 jours en attendant son appel, je vais trouver une autre cliniqur, je donne zéro service!!!

Sonia Query

Dominique Riopel

(Translated) Beautiful team (Original) Belle équipe

Pierre Langelier

(Translated) Very good service, fast courteous and professional (Original) Très bon service, rapide courtois et professionnel

michelle joly

(Translated) Warm welcome, no waiting. (Original) Accueil chaleureux, pas d'attente.

Caroline Leclerc

(Translated) Courteous and prompt service! (Original) Service courtois et rapide!

Linda Thomas

(Translated) Great service. Thank you, Dr Bessette. (Original) Un super service. Merci Dre Bessette.

Jolyane Bédard

(Translated) Excellent services (Original) Excellent services


(Translated) I have been a customer for 5 years, courteous people, attentive and professional all the way. I recommend (Original) Je suis client depuis 5 ans, des gens courtois, à l'écoute et professionnel sur toute la ligne. Je recommande


(Translated) I recommend this clinic (Original) Je recommande cette clinique

cariline gariepy'

(Translated) I received excellent service, thank you (Original) J’ai reçu un excellent service ,, merci

Hélène Domaine

(Translated) Very satisfied (Original) Très satisfaite

François Joncas

(Translated) Happy and caring doctors! (Original) Des médecins heureux et attentionnés!

Joëlle Le Corff

(Translated) Very satisfied! (Original) Très satisfaite !

Françoise Trehet

(Translated) Extraordinary listening to Dr Luc Frenette! Thank you (Original) Une écoute extraordinaire du Dr Luc Frenette! Merci

Steven Laplante

Marcella Leclerc

(Translated) What a great team! What happiness to be treated like human with warmth and kindness <3 (Original) Quelle équipe formidable! Que de bonheur de se faire traiter en humain avec chaleur et bienveillance <3

Yves Dauphin

Annie Gauthier

(Translated) Dr Boudana and his team are extraordinary professionals. Really very satisfied! (Original) Dr Boudana et son équipe sont des professionnels extraordinaires. Vraiment très satisfaite!

william corbeil

(Translated) Very good help from the doctor, but very confused for the rest. I am asked to make an emergency appointment, on the other hand when I am called to take the appointment, I am no longer eligible despite knowing the. symptoms that I had. Also knowing that the symptoms are no longer there. In conclusion, I cannot go there to take a blood test .. very inconvenient, when we are looking for an express appointment. (Original) Très bonne aide du médecin, par contre très confus pour la suite. On me demande de prendre rdv d'urgence, par contre lorsqu'on m'appelle pour prendre le rdv, je ne suis plus admissible malgré la connaissance des. symptômes que j'ai eu. Sachant aussi que les symptômes n'y sont plus. En conclusion je ne peux me rendre sur place pour faire un prise de sang.. très mal commode, quand nous cherchons un rdv express.

Annie Marcheterre

(Translated) quick appointment and doctor listening to our needs (Original) rendez vous rapide et médecin a l'écoute de nos besoins

Marc André Thivierge

(Translated) Very satisfied, with the services offered and the explanations of Dr. Frenette I look at the Md clinic to everyone thank you (Original) Très satisfait, du services offert et des explications du Dr. Frenette je regarde la clinique Md à tous le monde merci

Normand Handfield

(Translated) Excellent recommendations from the Doctor and better than expected results, (Original) Excellentes recommandations du Médecin et résultats mieux qu'anticipés,

Jeanne Lavoie

(Translated) It is a beautiful clinic and the service is highly recommended. (Original) C'est une belle clinique et le service est très je le recommande.

Monique Coderre

(Translated) Truly remarkable private clinic! Professional, courteous and dedicated people! Thank you! ???? (Original) Clinique privée vraiment remarquable! Des gens professionnels, courtois et dévoués! Merci à vous! ????

Linda Lanctot

(Translated) Excellent service for antigenic covid test, nurse Rebecca very kind, efficient and professional. I recommend to everyone. (Original) Excellent service pour test covid antigénique, l’infirmière Rebecca très gentille, efficace et professionnelle. Je recommande à tous.

Caroline daigle

(Translated) I went for Doctor Dubois, I love her because she gives us confidence and ease It's like we've always known him! The nurse who greeted me was just as kind and smiling (Original) Je suis allée pour la Docteur Dubois, je l’aime car elle nous mets en confiance et a l’aise C’est comme si on l’avait toujours connu! L’infirmière qui m’a accueillie était tout aussi gentille et souriante

Yvonne Moreau

This region is in LEVEL 4 alert. My sister was asked to take her mask off for a temperature check. While it's crucial to check this, no one should be asked to take their masks off. I am a nurse and this is irresponsible. Every clinic should follow safety precautious. Ridiculous to say the least.

Emmanuelle Locas

(Translated) Excellent service! (Original) Excellent service!

fanny st-laurent

(Translated) Welcoming and warm place. I recommend the clinic. (Original) Endroit accueillant et chaleureux. Je recommande la clinique.

Jayson Garayt

Pasquale Spina

Carole Bouchard

(Translated) First time today. Dr El Rassi and his assistant, very professional and friendly, I felt very comfortable. However, check your bill. Small flat also, while I was in the waiting room, the staff at the reception allow themselves negative comments on the customers, not very professional on their part ... I am a customer. The next day, follow-up with a person in charge of the clinic. Very satisfied with the comments of this one. (Original) Première fois aujourd'hui. Dr El Rassi et son assistante, très professionnelles et sympatiques, je me suis sentie très à l'aise. Cependant, vérifier votre facture. Petit bémol également, pendant que j'étais dans la salle d'attente, le personnel à la réception se permettent des commentaires négatifs sur les clients, pas très professionnel de leur part... je suis une cliente. Le lendemain, suivi avec une responsable de la clinique. Très satisfaite des commentaires de celle-ci.

Alex -

Sophie McCann

Dr. Bessette is my regular doctor, but I have seen others with my children. They are all excellent. Amazing service.

Caroline Talbot

(Translated) Clean and fast (Original) Propre et rapide

Entraide Diabetique

dom dom

(Translated) Courteous and professional service (Original) Service courtois et professionnel

Coursol Lise

(Translated) Excellent service with Doctor Chantal Dubois. She is friendly and takes the time to educate me well when I have concerns. The staff are also very friendly and cheerful and appointments are made quickly. (Original) Excellent service avec le docteur Chantal Dubois. Elle est sympathique et prends le temps de bien me renseigner lorsque j’ai des inquiétudes. Le personnel est également très aimable et souriant et la prise de rendez-vous est rapide.

Hélène Pellerin

(Translated) I highly recommend Dr. Luc Frenette. Very friendly, he listens, takes the time to explain to us. He and his nurse make a good team. (Original) Je recommande fortement Dr. Luc Frenette. Très sympathique, il est à l'écoute, prend le temps de bien nous expliquer. Lui et son infirmière forment une bonne équipe.

luc bol

(Translated) Excellent service. Very professional. Lucien Bolduc (Original) Service excellent. Très professionnel. Lucien Bolduc

Isabelle Lamotte

linda arsenault

(Translated) Excellent clinic (Original) Excellente clinique

Shirley Robillard

(Translated) The staff are welcoming and friendly. They care about our well-being. (Original) Le personnel est accueillant et aimable. Ils se soucient de notre bien-être.

Sylvie Quenneville

(Translated) Excellent service. Doctor Frenette is very knowledgeable and answers all questions in a very professional manner. The employees are welcoming. (Original) Excellent service. Le Docteur Frenette est très compétent et répond à toutes les questions de manière très professionnelle. Les employés sont accueillants.

Richard Dubé

Myriam Cimino

Mart M

(Translated) Good and fast service. Friendly and competent staff. Consultations are a bit expensive but between that and wasting a day waiting at the public clinic ..... (Original) Service bon et rapide. Staff sympatique et compétent. Les consultations sont un peu dispendieuses mais entre ça et perdre une journée à attendre à la clinique publique.....

Alain Ste Marie

(Translated) Very nice clinic, warm welcome. I had a dermatology appointment within 10 days. Dr Roula El Rassi and her nurse both very kind and sympathetic. I recommend without hesitation. (Original) Très belle clinique, bel accueil . J'ai eu un rendez-vous en dermatologie à l'intérieur de 10 jours. Dre Roula El Rassi et son infirmière toutes deux très gentilles et sympathiques . Je recommande sans hésitation.

François Boileau

Suzie Q

(Translated) Impeccable service, courtesy and promptness in obtaining the antigen test report. Congratulations to the whole team. (Original) Service impeccable, courtoisie et rapidité d’obtenir le rapport du test antigène. Bravo à toute l’équipe.

Marica Jones

Extremely unprofessional, and not capable of performing simple tasks. Ex: Like taking appointments, the secretary gave me an appointment for their Montreal office knowing I lived in Laval, she said Laval was fully booked. …

Jacques Theberge

(Translated) Ms. Mercier for sleep apnea really helped me, after long months of waiting in hospitals. She took the time to explain it to me and follow up with me! thank you so much (Original) Mme Mercier pour l'apnée du sommeil m'a vraiment aidé, après de long mois d'attente dans les hôpitaux. Elle a bien pris le temps de m'expliquer et de faire un bon suivi avec moi ! Merci beaucoup

Andrée Versailles

(Translated) It is a very pleasant experience, with a doctor with whom I can exchange simply, unpretentious. One thing I did not understand, I thought that if I took an exam elsewhere, I was called to give me the results. I called to find out if the report had been received because no one had informed me. After an appointment, the doctor gave me a copy of the report and we made arrangements to follow up on it. I had misunderstood this part. I feel confident in you. (Original) C'est une expérience très agréable, avec une médecin avec qui je peux échanger simplement, sans prétention. Une chose que je n'avais pas comprise, je pensais que si je passais un examen ailleurs, on m'appelais pour me donner les résultats. J'ai téléphoné pour savoir si le rapport avait été reçu car personne ne m'en avait informé . Après rendez-vous le médecin m'a donné copie du rapport et on a pris les disposition pour y faire suite. J'avais mal compris ce volet. Je me sens en confiance chez vous.

Alain Theriault

(Translated) Excellent service, both at the reception and in the doctor's office. Good follow-up also after the meeting. (Original) Excellent service, autant à la réception que dans le cabinet du médecin. Bon suivi aussi après la rencontre.

Johnny Shamoun

liette vezina

(Translated) No wait, quick, a little expensive, but hey. (Original) Aucune attente, rapide, un peu coûteux, mais bon.

Benjamin Garant

(Translated) Like magic, no waiting for an appointment and a team really listening. You can't beat it! (Original) Comme de la magie, aucune attente pour un rendez-vous et une équipe vraiment à l’écoute. On ne peut pas trouver mieux!

Sylvie Bedard

(Translated) I consulted for a cortisone injection in my shoulder. The secretary and the nurse were kind and professional. Dr. François Gaumont was respectful, explained the treatment well to me and taught me a lot. However, next time I will take the time to write down my questions, so as not to forget anything given the slightly pressured and hasty attitude I felt from the latter, who is being courteous. It's up to me to take the time to ask my questions. Despite this fact, I am very satisfied with the technical side of the treatment from this doctor. On telephone follow-up, the nurse on two occasions answered all of my questions. She was patient and available. (Original) J’ai consulté pour une infiltration de cortisone à l’épaule. La secrétaire et l’infirmière ont fait preuve de gentillesse et de professionnalisme. Le Dr François Gaumont à été respectueux, m’a bien expliqué le traitement et m’a fait beaucoup d’enseignement. Cependant, la prochaine fois je vais prendre le temps d’écrire mes questions, afin de ne rien oublier étant donné l’attitude légèrement sous pression et expéditive que j’ai ressentie de la part de ce dernier, qui se montre courtois. Il m’appartient de prendre le temps de poser mes questions. Malgré ce fait je suis très satisfait du côté technique du traitement de la part de ce médecin. Au suivi téléphonique, l’infirmière à 2 reprises a répondu à toutes mes questions. Elle s’est montré patiente et disponible.

Angie Gaulin

The staff is great. Dr Bessette has been my family doctor for 11 years and I have no plans of changing. She is on top of everything in my life and health. She seems to always be up to date with new medications and treatments. She genuinely cares about me and my family.

Martin Turcotte

(Translated) A great experience, well received and treated with great care and respect. (Original) Une belle experience, bien reçue et traite avec beaucoup d’attention Et de respect.

Roblox Demiona

(Translated) Very good service, courteous staff, and the doctor will listen to your problem (s) and take the time to respond to them. (Original) Très bon service, personnels courtois et le médecin est à l’écoute de ton ou tes problèmes et prend le temps d’y répondre.

Dalida Hanbali

(Translated) Dr Dubois has been my Doctor for years, at her place, I feel very comfortable, she is comprehensive and professional. I highly recommend her to all women. Thanks to the whole Avenir MD team (Original) Dre Dubois est ma Docteure depuis des années, chez elle, je me sens en plein confort, elle est comprehensive et professionnelle. Je la recommande fortement à toutes les femmes. Merci à toute l'équique Avenir MD

Mama Deb Creations

(Translated) Impeccable service. I got an appointment with a specialist the same day. We are received with politeness, with respect, and in an extremely professional manner. Definitely a five star experience. (Original) Un service impeccable. J’ai obtenu un rendez vous avec un spécialiste la même journée. On est reçu avec politesse, avec respect, et de façon extrêmement professionnel. Une expérience définitivement cinq étoiles.

Denis Grou

(Translated) Excellent doctor - Dr Gaumont- listens to the patient. I recommend it 100% (Original) Excellent médecin - Dr Gaumont- à l'écoute du patient. Je le recommande à 100 %

Alex R

Fast and helpful

Mar Sou

Quick, professional, easily accessible, clean and very attentive and thorough dr. WIll definitely return!

Sylvie Dion

(Translated) Dr Gaumont is very professional and caring. He takes the time to properly target the pain in order to make the best diagnosis. He has a great sense of listening which makes us feel really taken care of. Also, we received a warm welcome on our arrival. Thanks everyone! (Original) Dr Gaumont est très professionnel et attentionné. Il prend le temps de bien cibler la douleur afin de poser le meilleur diagnostic. Il a un grand sens de l’écoute ce qui fait que nous nous sentons vraiment pris en charge. Aussi, nous avons reçu un bel accueil à notre arrivée. Merci à tous!

Christine Cloutier

(Translated) Dr. Dubois is very competent, professional and reassuring. She takes the time to explain things well. I love it. (Original) Dr.Dubois est très compétente,professionnelle et rassurante. Elle prend le temps de bien expliquer les choses. Je l’adore.

julie simard

(Translated) Superb team! Professional and attentive to our needs. See you quickly! (Original) Superbe équipe! Professionnelle et à l’écoute de nos besoins . Rendez-vous rapide !

Francine Naud

(Translated) Nice experience, warm welcome, relaxing waiting room, speed to have an appointment, and Dr. Kahina Tala Ighil very nice and she explains and takes the time, note 10 out of 10, without hesitation I would go back Francine Naud (Original) Belle expérience, accueil chaleureuse, salle d'attente relaxante, rapidité pour avoir un rendez-vous, et le Dre Kahina Tala Ighil très gentille et elle explique et prend le temps, note de 10 sur 10 , sans hésitation j'y retournerais Francine Naud

Maud Fournier

(Translated) I saw Dr. Frenette for the shoulder echo infiltration. He is really nice! He explains well and with humor. The infiltration went well. Thank you! (Original) J’ai vu Dr.Frenette pour l’infiltration sous écho à l’épaule. Il est vraiment sympathique! Il explique bien et avec humour. L’infiltration s’est bien déroulée. Merci!

Pierre Globensky

(Translated) Thank you to Dr Frenette for his listening, his empathy and the feeling of confidence that he knows how to transmit to us: we feel in good hands. Very satisfied with the services received. Thanks to him and his team (Original) Merci au Dr Frenette pour son écoute, son empathie et le sentiment de confiance qu'il sait nous transmettre: on se sent entre bonnes mains. Très satisfait des services reçus. Merci à lui et son équipe

Chantal Leclair

(Translated) Listening and knowledgeable doctors. (Original) Médecins à l’écoute et compétents.

Janylaine Lacasse

(Translated) Only place where I could find an emergency consultation on December 30! (Original) Seul endroit où j'ai pu trouver une consultation d'urgence un 30 décembre!

Amelie Cote

(Translated) Received very professional and courteous service! Very satisfied with my visit! (Original) Reçu un service très professionnel et courtois! Très satisfaite de ma visite!

Émilie Ouellet

(Translated) Very fast appointment setting and excellent service received, both from the receptionist, the nurse, and the doctor. Dr Chouinard was attentive and seemed to me to be very competent. (Original) Prise de rendez-vous très rapide et excellent service reçu, tant de la part de la réceptionniste, de l'infirmier, que du médecin. Dr Chouinard était à l'écoute et m'a semblé très compétent.

Helen Giannoukakis

I find it a bit expensive at $250 for a 15 minute consultation but the service is incredible. The clinic is also very clean.

antonio vannelli

dr.Chouinard is fantastic ~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Christiane Beaulieu

(Translated) It was my first experience in a private clinic and I am delighted! Dc Frenette is kind, funny and generous. He answered all of my questions and reassured me. The procedure was quick and almost painless! Thanks to the nurse too! (Original) C’était ma première expérience dans une clinique privée et j’en suis ravie! Dc Frenette est gentil, drôle et généreux. Il a répondu à toutes mes questions et m’a rassuré. L’intervention a été rapide et presque sans douleur! Merci à l’infirmière aussi!

Jacob M.

(Translated) The doctors are attentive and knowledgeable, but I believe the owners have changed and since then the service and level of professionalism has declined significantly. Am not surprised at the remarks of others regarding the masks. The owner of Lacroix clinics has often done anti-mask writing on his social media. The staff there seem to want to do their best, but the overall management is indeed reminiscent of the public system. (Original) Les médecins sont à l'écoute et compétents, mais je crois que les propriétaires ont changé et depuis, le service et niveau de professionnalisme a nettement diminué. Ne suis pas étonné des remarques des autres concernant les masques. Le propriétaire des cliniques Lacroix a souvent fait des écrits anti-masques sur ses médias sociaux. Le personnel sur place semble vouloir faire son mieux, mais la gestion globale rappelle effectivement le système public.

jean-claude Doppia

(Translated) Professional home with a very short waiting time in a pleasant setting. DR Beaumont took the time to explain to me the why and the how of the unfolding of the medical act that he was going to ask and I did not feel any pain. Nice team that makes us forget the public when we can afford it. Jean Claude (Original) Accueil professionnel avec un délai d'attente très court dans un cadre agréable. DR Beaumont à pris le temps de m'expliquer le pourquoi et le comment du deroulement de l'acte médical qu'il allait poser et je n'ai ressenti aucune douleur. Belle équipe qui nous fait oublier le public quand on peut se le permettre. Jean-Claude

Louise Parent

(Translated) My husband and I are very happy to be able to afford the services of the Avenir MD Private Medical Clinic. We are followed by the charming Dr. Isabelle Bessette who is not only attentive but attentive to our needs. We feel between good and professional hands. (Original) Nous sommes très heureux, mon mari et moi, de pouvoir nous permettre d’accéder aux services de la Clinique médicale privée Avenir MD. Nous y sommes suivi par la charmante Dr Isabelle Bessette qui est, non seulement attentive mais à l’écoute de nos besoins. Nous nous sentons entre de bonnes et professionnelles mains.

Louise Dumouchel

(Translated) I met Dre. Vadeboncoeur who is a competent and very kind person. She took the time to listen to me and to find the best solutions to help me. In addition to the secretariat, we must emphasize the friendliness of the staff. This clinic is to be recommended. (Original) J'ai rencontré Dre. Vadeboncoeur qui est une personne compétente et d'une grande gentillesse. Elle a pris le temps de bien m'écouter et de chercher les meilleures solutions pour m'aider. De plus au secrétariat, il faut souligner l'amabilité du personnel. Cette clinique est à recommander.

Nathalie Brodeur

(Translated) Nice welcome at reception and little time to wait for my consultation. The doctor was competent and knew how to put me at ease. I recommend this place on all levels. (Original) Bel accueil à la réception et peu de temps d'attente pour ma consultation. Le médecin était compétent et a su me mettre en confiance. Je recommande cet endroit à tous les niveaux.

Francine Lévesque

(Translated) Everything was perfect. Welcome, speed and care. (Original) Tout était parfait. Accueil, rapidité et soins.


(Translated) Very professional (Original) Très professionnel

Sossy Kevork

For a private clinic the wait was long but that's okay, these things happen but what bothered me the most was the very unprofessional and immature young ladies at the front desk. For a private medical clinic I wasn't impressed . The nurse and dermatologist get 5 stars.

donna scardochio

Extremely disappointed with this clinic. Totally unacceptable having to wait for my file for over 3 weeks, which is against the law, but of course the money was taken right away. You would think that after being hospitalized for a week …

Yvan Bouchard

(Translated) Very professional, warm welcome, nurses very kind and smiling, respects the hours of appointment, many services on site (samples, injection etc ...). I recommend. Customer for several years. (Original) Très professionnel, accueil chaleureux, infirmières très gentilles et souriantes, respecte les heures de RDV, beaucoup de services sur places (prélèvements, injection etc...). Je recommande. Client depuis plusieurs années.

Asel Mansouri

Pierrette Dicaire Mondion Salut

(Translated) June 22, 2021 Very satisfied, pleasant welcome and service received with explanations Which I liked because the doctor took the time. (Original) Le 22 juin 2021 Très satisfaite , accueil agréable et service reçu avec explications Ce qui m'a plu car le médecin a pris le temps.

rida mesfioui

(Translated) very very good service (Original) très très bon service

Fathima M. Maj

Front desk needs to be more professional. Great doctors and nurses. It seems like a burden to ask for help. We are paying out of pocket for private …

Samia Aklil

(Translated) Diagnosed with sleep apnea at the clinic, I was followed by Ms. Karine Mercier. Courteous, warm and professional service. Karine reassured me and was very available to answer all my questions. She accompanied me through the process from the test to the treatment. Despite my reluctance at the start, I can say that already a few weeks later, I feel much better! (Original) Diagnostiquée pour l’apnée du sommeil à la clinique, J’ai été suivie par Mme Karine Mercier. Service courtois, chaleureux et professionnel. Karine a su me rassurer et à été très disponible pour répondre à toutes mes questions. Elle m’a accompagné tout le long du processus en commençant par le test jusqu’au traitement. Malgré mes réticences du départ, je peux dire que déjà quelques semaines plus tard, je me sens beaucoup mieux !

Pascal lemoyne

(Translated) Excellent (Original) Excellent

Sabrina Manganiello

The doctor was kind and so was the nurse both had great bedside manner however they are not great with children my daughter had to be seen as I suspected an ear infection and could not get an appointment with her pediatrician she was seen by their doctor it took them forever to check her ears because she was moving and they told me they were clear .. brought her to the pediatrician a few days later and she did indeed have an ear infection

E Par

(Translated) I visited the Avenir Md Private Clinic for the first time this week and was pleasantly surprised by the courteous and professional service from the medical team. I felt well surrounded and my health problem was taken care of until the end. I recommend this clinic to everyone, we are greeted and treated with respect, and above all, the doctor listens to your needs. Good continuity to your team! (Original) J’ai visité la Clinique privée Avenir Md pour la première fois cette semaine et j’ai été agréablement surpris par le service courtois et professionnel de l’équipe médicale. Je me suis senti bien entouré et mon problème de santé a été pris en charge jusqu’au bout. Je recommande cette clinique à tous, on est accueillie et traité avec respect et surtout le médecin est à l’écoute de vos besoins. Bonne continuité à votre équipe!

Dominique Berthelet

Matthew Clarkson

Amazing and friendly service and very fast! Looking forward to my next visit

Lyudmila Puzhailo

(Translated) It was the worst experience and service I have ever received! (Original) C'est la plus pire expérience et services que j'ai reçu!

Denis Roussin

(Translated) Several months of shoulder pain, 30 minutes of treatment (calcium washout), 48 hours later: no more pain. Great. Thank you Dr Gaumont (Original) Plusieurs mois de douleur à l’épaule, 30 minutes de traitement (lavage calcique), 48 heures plus tard: plus aucune douleur. Super. Merci Dr Gaumont

Suzanne Labelle

(Translated) Excellent in every way (Original) Excellent à tous points de vue

Marcel Jobin

(Translated) everything was perfect. explanations and processing. thank you. (Original) tout a été parfait.explications et traitemnt. merci.

johanne viau

(Translated) I was one of the first clients of the Avenir MD clinic. My treat and my way of taking care of myself is to invest in the private sector for my health. Treated to perfection during my phlebitis caused by a fall in 2015, I have great confidence in the expertise of this clinic. Connected to developments in the medical field, I feel good there. That I speak to the receptionist, the nurse, doctor on call, all know my file. Cé you quite trippy that! I talk about it so much to my network that I have converted a lot of my family to this clinic. If you have any hesitation, I would tell you that your best friend is yourself! I drink less wine, but I have a pearl as a doctor and a clinic. (Original) Je fut l'une des premières clientes de la clinique Avenir MD. Ma gâterie et ma façon de prendre soin de moi est d'investir dans le privé pour ma santé. Soignée à la perfection lors de ma phlébite provoquée par une chute en 2015, j'ai vraiment confiance dans la l'expertise de cette clinique. Branchée sur l'évolution dans le domaine médical, je m'y sens bien. Que je parle à la réceptionniste, l'infirmière, médecin de garde, tous connaissent mon dossier. Cé tu assez trippant ça! J'en parle tellement à mon réseau que j'ai convertit beaucoup de ma famille à cette clinique. Si vous avez une hésitation, je vous répondrais que votre meilleure ami c'est vous même ! Je bois moins de vins , mais j'ai une perle comme médecin et clinique.

Jennie Cross

Dr. Dubois is an excellent gynaecologist/obstetrician. Her bed side manner is super. Never makes you feel uncomfortable and answers all your concerns. She is a wonderful person and I am very happy with my treatment from her.

Enrico Roselli

recommend this clinic, friendly n professional staff

colour ful

Docteur Dubois is wonderful

Seto S.

Worth it in many regards. Courteous service and excellent care.

Rachel Paquet

(Translated) Great service from A to Z. After several months of waiting to see a public allergist, we were at this private clinic. Courteous and very kind staff. The doctor. took the time to listen to all of our concerns and was able to advise and help us. The person who tested my 10 year old daughter for allergy was just WONDERFUL. My daughter was very stressed and she was able to relax her and make her laugh. Everything went very well and we are in heaven after this visit. Many thanks for the excellent service. (Original) Super service de A à Z. Après plusieurs mois d’attente pour voir un allergologue au public, nous avons été à cette clinique privé. Personnel courtois et très gentils. Le dr. a pris le temps d’écouter toutes nos inquiétudes et a su nous conseiller et nous aider. La personne qui a fait les tests d’allergies à ma fille de 10ans était simplement MERVEILLEUSE. Ma fille était très stressée et elle a su la relaxer et la faire rire. Tout à très bien été et nous sommes aux anges suite à cette visite. Un gros merci pour l’excellent service.

atita sarr

Marilyn Bédard

(Translated) Personalized and professional service. (Original) Service personnalisé et professionnel.

jessica deschenes-harvey

Laurence Kirouac


(Translated) Very good service in the clinic but deplorable service from the male agent on the night phone! No very cold empathy and refuses to give me an emergency appointment for my 2.5 month old baby! (Original) Très bon service en clinique mais service déplorable par l’agent masculin au téléphone de nuit! Aucune empathie très froid et refuse de me donner un rendez-vous d’urgence pour mon bb de 2mois et demi!

Diane Desrochers

(Translated) very courteous staff, meet on time, no difficulty in having a consultation. (Original) personnel très courtois, rendez-vous pile à l'heure, aucune difficulté pour avoir une consultation.

Patricia M.

Diane Proulx

I have only good things to say about this Clinique. No waiting time, very good explanation of the procedure

Geevitha Khadir

Excellent Customer experience!

Chakib Hacian

(Translated) extremely disappointed by this clinic that I do not recommend at all, in addition to the limit of criminality, my father came from another country for a consultation that I had to pay, he is 75 years old they let him wait without any consideration 3hn of time without consultation, you suck, for sure I do not recommend this clinic, (Original) extrement decu par cette clinique que je ne recommande pas du tout , en plus limite descriminatoire , mon pere venue d'un autre pays pour une consultation que je devais payer, il a 75 ans ils l'ont laisser attendre sans aucune consideration 3hn de temps sans consultation , vous etes nul ,c'est sure que je ne recommande pas cette clinique,

Christian Cardinal

(Translated) Listening efficiently and humanly, thank you for your kindness (Original) A l’écoute efficace et humaine merci pour votre gentillesse

Marie-Claude Dupuis

(Translated) I was seen by Dr. Eric Chouinard (their clinic on rue Masson, Montreal). Young, very professional doctor, took the time to listen and write down the reasons for my consultation and explained to me the tests he recommended. I could also have taken samples immediately on site, but honestly, in the private sector it is too expensive! (varies according to the number of boxes checked on the blood test request). I will therefore turn to the public for the samples in question. I am confident that I will also have good service from Dr. Chouinard when my results return if there is any reason to see me again. Alternatively, they can be authorized to receive results by email. Unfortunately in times of Covid, it's now not quick to get an appointment to the public for a simple blood test / urine test ... it's a long wait but at least it will be a very complete analysis. (Original) J'ai été vue par le Dr. Eric Chouinard (leur clinique de la rue Masson, Montréal). Jeune médecin très professionnel, a bien pris le temps d'écouter et noter les raisons de ma consultation et m'expliquait bien les tests qu'il me recommandait. J'aurait pu aussi faire des prélèvements immédiatement sur place, mais honnêtement, au privé ça revient trop cher! (varie selon le nombre de cases cochées sur la requête de prise de sang). Je me tournerai donc au public pour les prélèvements en question. Je suis confiante que j'aurai aussi un bon service du Dr. Chouinard au retour de mes résultats si il y a lieu de me revoir. Autrement, on peut les autoriser à recevoir les résultats par courriel. Malheureusement en temps de Covid, ce n'est maintenant pas rapide pour d'obtenir un r-v au public pour simple prise de sang/test urine...c'est une longue attente mais au moins ce sera une analyse très complète.

Yvan Castonguay

(Translated) Not impress the dermatology department (Original) Impressionner pas le service de dermatologie

Alain Lavoie

(Translated) Beautiful place!! Pleasant welcome and distinguish doctor and nurse an attentive ear and Professional. Impeccable as a place for me thank you to all !! (Original) Belle endroit!! Acceuil agréable et distinguer médecin et infirmière une oreille attentive et Professionel .impeccable comme endroit pour moi merci à tous!!


(Translated) Very satisfied with the service and the welcome (Original) Tres satisfait du service et de l'acceuil

Stéphane Rondeau

(Translated) It's simple; everything is always PERFECT and PROFESSIONAL! Thank you!!! (Original) C'est simple; tout est toujours PARFAIT et PROFESSIONNEL! Merci!!!

Frank Paradis

Great place but you need to check the billing, there might be errors once in while

Nicole Lemay

I was treated by Dr. Luc Frenette last Friday and he was amazing. Right away he puts you at ease and he takes the time to explain everything and what you can expect. His nurse is also there to reassure you . My fear was so much worse …

Filiatreault Pierrette

(Translated) Two consultations with my grandson. Got an appointment same day. We are very satisfied. No waiting. Will not hesitate to return and recommend. Very courteous staff. (Original) Deux consultations avec mon petit-fils. Obtenu journée même un rendez-vous. Nous sommes très satisfaits. Pas d'attente. N'hésiterons pas à y retourner et recommander. Personnel très courtois.

Gilles Drapeau

(Translated) very kind. clear explanation thank you Dr Frenette (Original) très gentil. explication clair merci Dr Frenette

billie pinks

(Translated) Very well (Original) Très bien

Lucie Guerra

Super service!

Catherine Baril

(Translated) Impeccable service. Courteous and attentive staff. I highly recommend. (Original) Service Impeccable. Personnel courtois et attentif. Je recommande fortement.

jonathan tessier


Raymond Ranger

(Translated) The waiting room needs a lot of love it's time to redecorate Ps: Doctor Elaine Bérubé, she's a nice person, it's rare nowadays for a doctor who has time to discuss and especially to listen. (Original) La sale d'attente a besoin beaucoup d'amour il est temps de redécorer Ps: Le Docteur Elaine Bérubé qu'elle gentille personne, c'est rare de nos jours un médecin qui a le temps de discuter et surtout d'écouter.

François Dumas

(Translated) Warm atmosphere from the reception. The staff are friendly. The doctor I saw (Dr. Kahina Tala Ighil) is knowledgeable and attentive. I would gladly recommend this clinic. (Original) Ambiance chaleureuse dès la réception. Le personnel est sympathique. La docteure que j'ai vue (Dre Kahina Tala Ighil) est compétente et à l'écoute. Je recommanderais volontiers cette clinique.

Marie Roy

(Translated) Excellent service, well done to the whole team! (Original) Excellent service, bravo à toute l'équipe !

Myriam Demers

(Translated) Very professional !!! (Original) Très professionnel !!!

martine chauvette

(Translated) Very good experience (Original) Très bonne expérience

roumy dion

Giovanni Santamaria

(Translated) Warm welcome and competent doctors. (Original) Accueil chaleureux et médecins compétents.

Louis martin

(Translated) Impeccable service! (Original) Service Impeccable!

Boucher Mathieu

Houri Dekrmenjian

If it helps anyone planning to travel, my parents did a Covid antigen test in this clinic 2 days ago and they traveled yesterday to California, they showed their test results at the airport had no issues.The test is 49$ at this clinic. They …

Antonia Piedimonte

Very sastisfied

Louise Lauzon

(Translated) The dermatologist was very kind and efficient. On the other hand, what I deplore is what we can feel everywhere in the field of health, we feel a little rushed by time during appointments. I consider that in the private sector this should not be the case due to the fact that we pay large sums of money to be entitled to a preferential service compared to the public. (Original) La dermatologue a été très gentille et efficace. Par contre, ce que je déplore est un peu ce que l'on peut ressentir partout dans le domaine de la santé, on se sent un peu bousculé par le temps lors des rendez-vous. Je considère qu'au privé ça ne devrait pas être le cas du au fait que nous payons de belles sommes d'argent pour avoir droit à un service préférentiel par rapport au public.

Elsa de Sousa

Thank you for making life easier during these most difficult times.

Nadine Sigouin

(Translated) Excellent service, fast and affordable. (Original) Excellent service, rapide et abordable.

alain-david Tremblay

(Translated) Thank you very much for the wonderful service (Original) Merci beaucoup pour le merveilleux service

C Dube

Very kind staff and a whole bunch of services and professionnals at the same spot, so no need to run through an entire city to find all the doctors you need.

Fannie Couzaris

Since it is rather difficult to obtain a family physician in the public system, I have been seeing Dre Normandin (GP) Her approach to her patients is non-judgemental and compassionate. It is easy to build a trusting relationship with a healthcare professional like her who is knowledgeable and experienced. I would recommend this clinic 100%. Service is prompt and efficient.

Patrick Leblanc

(Translated) Impeccable service friendly reception staff and very professional nursing staff Thank you (Original) Service impeccable personnels a l'accueil gentil et personnels soignants tres professionnels Merci

Remi Fortin

(Translated) Beautiful team, wonderful welcome ! (Original) Belle equipe acceuil formidable !

Isabelle Patenaude

(Translated) Excellent service, lots of availability and the possibility of seeing certain health specialists quickly. Super welcoming staff. Dre. Dubois is very professional and we feel comfortable talking to him. (Original) Excellent service, beaucoup de disponibilité et possibilité de voir certains spécialistes de la santé rapidement. Personnel super accueillant. Dre. Dubois très professionnelle et on se sent à l’aise de lui parler.

lise desormeaux

(Translated) Perfect service. Dr Gaumont excellent I recommend it under ultrasound infiltration. (Original) Service parfait. Dr Gaumont excellent je le recommande infiltration sous échographie.

andré nadon

(Translated) A bit expensive with Doctor Landry, I will look for the packages next time (Original) Un peu cher avec docteur Landry, je regarderai pour les forfaits la prochaine fois

Caroline Despard

Sagal A Ali

(Translated) Very professional I recommend it. (Original) Très professionnel je le recommande.

Marie-Josée De Blois

(Translated) Very professional welcome, I recommend. (Original) Accueil très professionnel, je recommande.

Véronique C

(Translated) My 2-month-old baby girl was wonderfully taken care of by Dre Vadeboncoeur and her team! She is gentle, caring, attentive and proactive. I highly recommend her, she is a gem !! (Original) Ma petite fille de 2 mois a été merveilleusement prise en charge par Dre Vadeboncoeur et son équipe! Elle est douce, attentionnée, à l’écoute et proactive. Je la recommande fortement, c’est une perle!!

Jean-Louis Laroche

(Translated) I loved my experience, too bad you have to be injured or sick to benefit from it. :) (Original) J'ai adoré mon expérience, dommage qu'il faut être blessé ou malade pour en profiter. :)

Vincent Samuel Cabana

(Translated) Ultra professional. I didn't even wait 1 minute in the waiting room. I had answers and solutions to all my questions. Very respectful staff. (Original) Ultra professionnel. J’ai même pas attendu 1 minute dans la salle d’attente. J’ai eu réponses et solutions à toutes mes questions. Personnel très respectueux.

Maryse Valiquette

(Translated) Excellent welcome from both the secretary and the nurse of Dr Boudana! I appreciated the honesty of Dr. Boudana who did not try to "sell" me something that did not suit me! He is very human, attentive and professional! I am confident to have my surgery done by him and I can't wait for my surgery ☺️ (Original) Excellent accueil autant de la part de la secrétaire que de l’infirmière de Dr Boudana! J’ai apprécié l’honnêteté du Dr Boudana qui n’a pas cherché à me « vendre » quelque chose qui ne me convenait pas! Il est très humain, à l’écoute et professionnel! Je suis en confiance de me faire opérée par lui et j’ai très hâte à ma chirurgie ☺️

Jacques Tougas

(Translated) pay attention to invoicing by reception, be vigilant, DR Gaumont is an excellent and conscientious professional, I recommend you, he is extra. (Original) attention à la facturation par la réception être vigilant, DR Gaumont est un excellent professionnel et consciencieux, je vous recommande, il est extra.

Nelson Osse

Great service

Sylvie Léveillé

(Translated) Most courteous and very welcoming personal services. Very nice clinic, irreproachable sanitary measures. The doctor was competent and most smiling, great approach with my young! I recommend without hesitation! (Original) Services des plus courtois et personnels très accueillants. Très belle clinique, mesures sanitaires irréprochables. Le médecin était compétant et des plus souriant, super approche avec mon jeune ! Je recommande sans hésitation!

Angie Majork

They do not take masks seriously! The nurse asked me to take my mask off. Are you kidding me?! Management needs to be more organized.

francine lachance

(Translated) Excellent service (Original) Excellent service

Caroline Lab

(Translated) Smiling and kind receptionist! Excellent meeting with Dr Boudana, attentive, valuable advice and available. The nurse who assisted me professionally and gives us confidence. Thank you! (Original) Réceptionniste souriante et gentille! Excellente rencontre avec Dr Boudana, a l'écoute, précieux conseils et disponible. L'infirmière qui m'a assisté professionnelle et nous met en confiance. Merci!

Gilles Goulet

Sarah Meffe

Thank you so much for your kind & professional staff. I was seen by a doctor within minutes and she took the time to listen to my symptoms and help me. I highly recommend this clinic and I will definitely consult with them in the future. Thank you again.

Diane Bergeron

(Translated) I recommend this clinic, it is worth paying to have very good service quickly, .... Thank you to Dr. Chantal Dubois (Original) Je recommande cette clinique, ça vaut la peine de payer pour avoir du très bon service rapidement, .... Merci au Dr. Chantal Dubois

Sylvain Carrier

(Translated) Excellent service in general. We feel in good hands. (Original) Excellent service en general. On se sent entre de bonnes mains.

Eve Perreault

(Translated) Very good service! The patient at the heart of their concerns: impeccable! (Original) Très bon service ! Le patient au cœur de leurs préoccupations: impeccable !

Elly Corenhove

A positive experience. It costs a few dollars but for me it was worth it, as I did not see myself waiting for endless hours in a regular clinic. And time is money too. I found the receptionists pleasant and efficient. I got an appointment for the next day, and the fact that a nurse does a pre-screening impressed me. The doctor did a lot in 15 minutes, confirmed what I needed to be sure of, and was caring and professional. I will be back for a procedure for which Medicare does not pay anymore after the age of 70, which in itself is a shame. Kudos to Clinique Avenir MD.

maryse hurtubise

(Translated) Always very satisfied with the services rendered, whether in general medicine, musculoskeletal or gynecology. Attentive and courteous staff and attentive doctors. Really, thank you. (Original) Toujours très satisfaite des services rendus que ce soit en médecine générale, musculo squelettique ou gynécologie. Personnel attentionné et courtois et médecins à l'écoute. Vraiment, merci.

Isabelle Decosse

(Translated) Super nice clean and modern clinic. Excellent service from all the staff! (Original) Super belle clinique propre et moderne. Excellent service de la part de l'ensemble du personnel!

Sandra Howe

(Translated) I was very satisfied with the services I received during my first visit to MD Clinic. I highly recommend his services. (Original) J'ai été très satisfaite du services reçu lors de ma première visite chez clinique MD. Je recommande fortement ses services.

Claude Arsenault

(Translated) Doctor Frenette took the time to explain the situation to me, I felt empathy and interest (Original) Docteur Frenette a pris le temps de m'expliquer la situation, j'ai ressenti de l'empathie et de l'intérêt

Amy Biernat

The service was efficient , friendly and bilingual. It was a relief to receive treatment for pain instead of having to wait weeks/months for relief.

Sylvie Paré

(Translated) Very professional clinic, very well respected health instructions. The only downside is that I was told that I would have a call from the respiratory therapist to verify that you had all the material for the allergy tests that I wanted to do. I didn't get this call so there was a test that they couldn't do for me. (Original) Clinique très professionnelle, consignes sanitaires très bien respectees. Le seul bémol c'est qu'on m'avait dit que j'aurais un appel de l'inhalothérapeute pour vérifier que vous aviez tout le matériel pour les tests d'allergie que je voulais faire. Je n'ai pas eu cet appel donc il y a un test qu'on n'a pas pu me faire.

sebastien proulx

(Translated) The very definition of what medicine should be. Friendly staff, courteous and efficient service. People available and very attentive. Thank you, Dr Bérubé! (Original) La definition même de ce que devrait être la medecine. Du personnel avenant, service courtois et efficace. Des gens disponibles et une très grande ecoute. Merci Dre Bérubé!

colonia anthony

Elie Yaghmour

Carole Leclair

(Translated) Unwavering confidence in Dr Luc Frenette and his assistant Chad. Excellence itself; great professionalism and two extremely warm, sincere and heartwarming people. In short, a perfect medical clinic, 100% recommended! (Original) Confiance inébranlable envers le Dr Luc Frenette et son assistant Chad. L'excellence même; un très grand professionnalisme et deux personnes extrêmement chaleureuses, sincères et réconfortantes. Bref une Clinique médicale parfaite, recommandée à 100% !

Karl O

(Translated) Generally satisfied, but the owner's attitude towards the masks is worrying and raises questions about clinical safety. Well done for the politicians. However, such an anti-mask attitude can still leave doubts about the application of these policies and how seriously they are taken. (Original) En général satisfait mais l'attitude du propriétaire par rapport aux masques est inquiétant et soulève des questionnements par rapport à la sécurité en clinique. Bravo pour les politiques. Cependant, une attitude aussi anti-masque peut quand même laisser des doutes sur l'application de ces politiques et à quel point elles sont pris au sérieux.

Carole Godin

(Translated) Very very satisfied with the service. No waiting and immediate attention. (Original) Très très satisfaite du service. Aucune attente et attention immédiate.

Lyette Rondeau

(Translated) Warm welcome, all the staff were friendly and reassuring. (Original) Accueil chaleureux, tout le personnel était sympathique et rassurant.

Caroline Paquet

(Translated) Dr Chantal Dubois is very professional. She always knows how to guide us towards the best solution. Thank you very much for the great advice. Excellent work ... well done !!!!!! (Original) Dre Chantal Dubois est très professionnelle. Elle sait toujours nous guider vers la meilleure solution. Merci beaucoup pour les bons conseils. Excellent travail...bravo!!!!!!

Lynne Caumartin

(Translated) Thank you, Dr Cossette for taking the time to listen to me, for your patience and your professionalism. I'm glad I found a good doctor. thanks a lot Lynne (Original) Merci ,Dr Cossette pour avoir pris le temps de m’écouter, pour vôtre patience et vôtre professionnalisme. Je suis bien heureuse d’avoir trouvé un bon docteur. Merci beaucoup Lynne

Georges StDenis

Bad system for in line appointments, Cannot talk to Doctors, too long delays for appointments

Martin Theroux

(Translated) Very good service, fast and professional (Original) Très bon service,rapide et professionnel

FRED Rousseau

(Translated) Truly a very nice place with courteous staff who know what they are doing. ???? (Original) Vraiment une très belle endroit avec du personnel courtois qui savent ce qu'il font. ????

Celine L.

Been going here for YEARS. They are still checking temperature by putting the thermometer in the mouth! There is a pandemic- they can buy a thermometer where it does not require patient to take mask off. It does not cost much. I was …

Nathalie Bourassa

(Translated) Staff attentive to our needs. A big thumbs up to the whole team. (Original) Personnel à l'écoute de nos besoins. Un gros pouce en l'air à toute l'équipe.

Louise Harvey

(Translated) Very well (Original) Très bien

Tanya Onofre

Fantastic service as always. I hadn't been there in awhile. DR.Folino took his time to ask a thorough history, went back in my file to try to better understand my medical history in order to better diagnose and help me with my current situation. I will definitely continue to visit this clinic as needed.

Tony Raimondo

The nurse's, doctor' and staff are great!

Jocelyne Vachon

(Translated) Very satisfied with the warm welcome and the treatments from Dr. Gaumont. I would definitely see him again. A very professional doctor! (Original) Très satisfaite de l’accueil sympathique et des traitements de dr Gaumont. Je le reverrais sans aucun doute. Un médecin très professionnel!

Rita zalatan

(Translated) Dr. Landry was excellent and attentive. The nurses present during my 1st meeting were efficient and courteous. On the other hand, the 'after-sales' service is EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTING. Dr. Landry gave the results of my tests to the nurses who were to contact me to inform me. Not having heard from them I contacted them to find out what was going on, and this on 2 occasions, when I was finally able to have news, 1 week after my 1st appointment, I was told that Dre Landry had ordered further tests and that I will have the queries by email. I'm still waiting .... During my first meeting I had an ABPM installed that I had to keep one day and come back to have it removed without an appointment the next day, I returned after 11 p.m., the reception of the nurse was very rude, making me wait because I was bothering her since I was not on her list, plus she made me feel like my test wasn't going to work because I was at 11pm and not 24 hours telling me, 'I feel less bad for having made you wait, since you are in advance, moreover it is the doctor who will decide if the test is inconclusive because you have not done your 24h '... Frankly, a chance that she removed it because my pressure surely climbed at that time !!! I paid over $ 750 on my first visit, at that price I expect efficient, courteous and prompt service. I will have to contact them again to find out what happened with my exam requests ... normal ... I don't think so .... not at this price .... (Original) Dre Landry était excellente et à l'écoute. Les infirmières presentent lors de mon 1er rendez-vous étaient efficaces et courtoises. Par contre, le service 'après-vente' est EXTREMEMENT DECEVANT. Dre Landry a remis les résultats de mes tests aux infirmères qui devaient me contacter pour m'informer. N'ayant pas eu de nouvelles je les ai contacté pour savoir ce qui en était, et ce à 2 reprises, lorsque j'ai finalement pu avoir des nouvelles, 1 semaine après mon 1er rendez-vous, on m'a dit que Dre Landry avait prescrit d'autres tests et que j'aurai les requêtes par courriel. J'attends toujours.... Lors de mon 1er rendez-vous j'ai fait installer un MAPA que je devais garder une journée et revenir le faire retirer sans rendez-vous le lendemain, je suis retournée après 23h, l'accueil de l'infirmière a été très désagréable, m'ayant fait attendre car je la dérangais étant donné que je n'étais pas sur sa liste, de plus elle m'a fait sentir comme si mon test ne donnerait rien car j'étais à 23h et non 24h me disant, 'je me sens moins mal de vous avoir fait attendre, vu que vous êtes d'avance, de plus c'est le médecin qui va decider si le test est non-concluant car vous n'avez pas fait votre 24h'... Franchement, une chance qu'elle l'a retirer car m'a pression a sûrement grimpée à ce moment!!! J'ai payé plus de $750 lors de ma première visite, à ce prix je m'attend à avoir un service efficace, courtois et rapide. Je vais devoir les recontacter pour savoir ce qui ce passé avec mes requêtes d'examen... normal... je ne crois pas.... pas à ce prix....

Gisèle Bérubé

(Translated) Very nice experience, the people at the reception are warm and professional. The doctor I met, Dr Gaumont, is knowledgeable and attentive. He took the time to explain the procedure to me in detail (Infiltration). It was simple, easy and painless and now I can add, effective! (Original) Très belle expérience, les personnes à l'accueil sont chaleureuses et professionnelles.. Le médecin que j'ai rencontré, Dr Gaumont, est compétent et à l'écoute. Il a pris le temps de m'expliquer en détail l'intervention ( Infiltration). Ce fut simple, facile et sans douleur et je peux maintenant ajouter, efficace!

Julie Godin

(Translated) Very good service, good precautions taken against Covid. Attentive staff from the reception to the doctor. (Original) Très bon service, bonnes précautions prisent contre la Covid. Personnel attentionné de l’accueil jusqu’au médecin.

Darya Yermakova

I called yesterday night because i wanted to get some blood test done fast for Zika virus. The girl on the phone had no idea what zika virus is, she told she will Google it. I seriously thought it was a joke. Then she told me in order to perform a blood test that i will be paying for i still need a medical note from a doctor. In my head it kind defeats the purpose of private clinic. I pay you and you will still make it so complicated for me. And then she tells me i can get a note from my family doctor( because i do have one) and then call them back to ask if they can perform the test. Arent you unaware of blood tests you can do? That was supposed to be a MEDICAL secretary. It really gives no hope to the system when a medical secretary has no idea what zika virus is. I wouldnt trust this place even if it was free.

Alex Moulin Poirier

(Translated) yesssseur! full enjoyable! (Original) yesssseur ! full agréable !

Sylvie Seguin

(Translated) What great service, I loved my visit. All the staff are fantastic and welcoming. Dr. El-Rassi is exceptional, sympathetic and professional. I've never had a doctor like her. Thank you ! (Original) Quel excellent service, j'ai adoré ma visite. Tout le personnel est fantastique et accueillant. Le Dre El-Rassi est exceptionnelle, sympathique et professionnelle. Je n'ai jamais eu un médecin comme elle. Merci !

Perry Giagos

Excellent service! Very attentive to patient needs. I highly recommend them.

Jonathan V.Chicoine

(Translated) Impeccable service and above all very fast! We did not wait more than 5 mins during our visits. Which is rather rare these days. The staff are very knowledgeable and responsive to our needs. It is a pity that our governments are unable to offer the services received at Avenir MD. This proves, beyond any doubt, that it is possible to offer unparalleled service when the establishment is NOT managed by governments! (Original) Service impeccable et surtout très rapide ! Nous n'avons pas attendu plus de 5 mins lors de nos visites. Ce qui est plutôt rare de nos jours. Le personnel est très compétent et réceptif à nos besoins. C'est dommage que nos gouvernement ne soit incapable d'offrir les services reçu chez Avenir MD. Cela prouve, hors de tout doute, qu'il est possible d'offrir un service hors pair lorsque l'établissement n'est PAS géré par les gouvernements !

Ghislain Tessier

(Translated) Very nice meeting very professional (Original) Très belle rencontre très professionnel

Andre Nadon

(Translated) Impeccable service (Original) Service impécable


(Translated) I'm shocked, I just called to make an appointment, the receptionist hung up on me. Lousy service from the start !! (Original) Je suis choquée, je viens d'appeler pour prendre un rdv, la réceptionniste m'a raccroché au nez. Service nul dès le départ!!

Patricia Gerbeau

(Translated) Very attentive! Good service! (Original) Très à l'écoute! Bon service!

Tony Canuto

Christine Tremblay

Amazing service

Stéphanie Deguire

(Translated) Great service! In 30 minutes, I was out, after seeing the nurse and the gynecologist Dr. Chantal Dubois. It takes the time to listen, reassure us and quickly gives me confidence! (Original) Super service! En 30 minutes, j'étais sortie, après avoir vu l'infirmière et la gynécologe Dre Chantal Dubois. Celle-ci prend le temps d'écouter, nous rassurer et me met en confiance rapidement!

Chantale Taillon

(Translated) Fast and attentive service! (Original) Service rapide et attentionné!

Claude Rouillard

(Translated) Courteous staff, quality professional services. (Original) Personnel courtois, services professionnels de qualité.

Business Hours of Clinique Médicale Privée Avenir MD - Laval in Châteauguay

8AM TO 6:30PM


Clinique Médicale Privée Avenir MD - Laval en Châteauguay
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