From one practitioner to another….
Dr. Kraus has demonstrated an excellence in psychiatric care. His education and experience have culminated into a diverse understanding of psychiatry and mental health. He is devoted to his craft, working tirelessly from the hours of 8:00am to 7:00pm or later, from Monday to Friday, to accommodate his patients’ schedules. Dr. Kraus realizes the need for qualified psychiatrists and chooses to continue working in order to satiate the psychiatric needs of the community – instead of retiring and enjoying time with his family. This man is a dedicated and professional mental health provider who has saved the lives of many over his expansive career.
From a clinical perspective, he always completes Mental Status Examinations throughout each visit. This enables him to follow a patients health conditions, including how areas of an individuals life is affected by their illness(es). He engages in investigative inquiries, seeking possible reasons and ultimate solutions to assist individuals in living their best lives as their best selves.
When initially assigned to Dr. Kraus, I was overwhelmed in discovering my diagnoses of PTSD, MDD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Attack Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder. Through the delicate process of pharmacological interventions, we were able to determine the appropriate medications and dosages while examining treatment modalities and therapeutic interventions. During each session, Dr. Kraus provides psycho-education regarding mental health diagnosis, medications and treatments for an individual to complete and engage. He is interested in the everyday affairs of my life in order to provide a clear picture to support his rationale for appropriate treatment modalities. Dr. Kraus has demonstrated abilities such as active listening, professionalism and expertise within the realm of psychiatry.
I attribute my ability to function within society, including working full-time as a Clinical Social Worker to the dedicated and tireless efforts of Dr. Peter J Kraus. Thank you, good sir, for addressing my mental health needs, being compassionate to my horrific experiences and supporting me throughout my journey of mental health recovery. Danke!