Show preferential treatment, prejudice, are openly discriminatory, unprofessional and hostile. My common-law partner and I have lodged numerous complaints with RCMP over upstairs neighbors. Two different sets over the last 2 years. The neighbors did everything from forcibly enter our apartment without permission, Blow Marijuana Smoke into our bedroom window while we tried to sleep, threaten to beat me up, actually accost and assault my boyfriend, do property damage, steal money, remove our mailbox, steal mail. Interfere with our quiet enjoyment night and day up to 16 hrs. The police officers response to this has been everything from telling me "you are old, go to a woman's shelter, and to yell at me on my front doorstep in front of my home, and tell me to move out because I was wasting their time." I had called for their protection because my neighbor was smashing on my door threatening me. I had sent a letter to the neighbor asking for them to cease and desist malicious and emotionally abusive noise etc. What I did was perfectly legal and actually recommended by the Residential Tenancy Branch on their Government Website. We have been harassed, humiliated and shamed because we speak up for ourselves instead of packing up and leaving. They do not have a right to pick and choose who they will and wont protect. The RCMP has a code of conduct that they must at all times adhere to. It is not a matter of personal opinion with regards to who they choose to serve and protect and they need to be completely unbiased in their approach to law and order. And, ironically enough the only thing that we have asked for is a Peaceful environment. In the end it really is the landlords fault for having lied to us in the first place. We, are dealing with that end also. To be treated with such distaste and indignity has really left a bad taste in my mouth for the department of law enforcement. I actually fear that I wont be protected when it matters the most. I pray for the poor souls of this community who also have fallen pray to this kind of malfeasance.