***Please note: My review is NOT about Dr. Neira. I have no reason to believe he is nothing other than a great surgeon. ***
please do yourself a favor: Get all of the details the Secretary for his office gives you in writing from her (an email, snail mail, doesn't matter). She made a massive mistake when booking my surgery (which was scheduled for today) and instead of apologizing she will yell at you and hold your transition over your head as well as be verbally aggressive, and try to gaslight you ( Ex. Deny she spoke with you, overtalks details of your transition, etc.)
On August 15th I had called Dr. Neiras office to see the status of my wait time. I had already waited 4 years and was moved from a list with a surgeon in medicine hat to red deer and was told about that AFTER the switch. The secretary had no note of me so she called me back a few days later very apologetic saying the office in medicine hat was not honest about sending my referral over . She told me that she put my name on the short waiting list and the next cancellation they get for surgery will go to me. The next day, she called me back saying they had a surgery date that became available for September 5th. I was pretty thrilled.
I got there today and the secretary was adament that she NEVER called me back after the 15th with any info and that we never ever spoke about a surgery.
I just stared and said that's just not true at all and I wouldn't have driven all the way down here to an address she gave me to see a surgeon who works at said address. She continued to say that she never said anything and did so with much aggression. I told her that this was crazy and to please have some accountability if she just made a simple mistake. She refused and told me I'll be taken off the list all together so that "I get zero surgery. Take it or leave it". I'll be contacting Dr. Marshall about that first thing tomorrow.
I'm sure Dr. Neira himself is great but because of the secretary's extreme unprofessional behavior, lack of accountability, and over all attacking stance I won't know . I've been on the waiting list for 4 years and she has basically used her power to put it to a stand still because she didn't want to admit she messed up.
Sorry for the long post ???? I'm devastated and don't know what to do from here....my heart was so thrilled and excited for this to finally happen and it was just ripped away from me.