Reviews of PhysioExtra Cartierville (Physiotherapist)

5777 Boul Gouin O bureau 230, Montreal, Quebec H4J 1E3, Canada

Average Rating:


Here we offer you the feddbacks of real people who have information of the services of PhysioExtra Cartierville (Physiotherapist) in the territory of Côte-Saint-Luc (Canada).

To this day the business gets a score of 4.9 stars over 5 and the score is based on 82 reviews.

As you can see its rating is virtually the highest, and it's based on a very large number of scores, so we can say that the score is quite accurate. If there are many people who bothered to rate when they are pleased, it works.

As you know, we don't usually stop to set scores when these are good and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or incidence...

This Physiotherapist is classified in the category of Physical therapist.

Where is PhysioExtra Cartierville?

REVIEWS OF PhysioExtra Cartierville IN Côte-Saint-Luc

line ouellette

chiwa abouzar

(Translated) After having spent 10 physiotherapy sessions in two other clinics, finally thanks to Sanand I feel really good and in good shape. I only took 4 sessions with Sanand. He saved my life. I must add that I suffered from the sciatic nerve. I was not able to work, drive and sit. Thanks Sanand Patel. (Original) Après avoir passé 10 séances de physiothérapie dans deux autres cliniques, finalement grâce à Sanand je me sens super bien et en forme. J’ai pris seulement 4 séances avec Sanand. Il m’a sauvé la vie. Je dois ajouter que j’ai souffert de la nerf sciatique. J’étais pas capable de travailler, conduire et s’asseoir. Merci Sanand Patel.

Kazi Hoque

Jamil Benhamida

Nene Diallo

(Translated) Excellent care and friendly receptionist and Jean-Félix I would order your clinic. Thank you all. (Original) Excellent soins et sympathique la réceptionniste et Jean-Félix je commanderais votre clinique. Merci à tous.

stephane belisle

(Translated) yes this Physio Extra clinic in cartierville c is true at home always smiling I advise everyone in the world of cartier and even outside. (Original) oui cette clinique de la Physio Extra sur cartierville c est vrais a l'acceuil toujours souriant je le conseil a tous le monde du cartier et même de l exterieur .

Gabriel Wiseman

(Translated) J-F physio knows well what it does and I will not hesitate to recommend it! (Original) J-F le physio connait bien ce qu'il fait et je n'hésiterai pas de le recommander!

Jennifer Tourangeau

(Translated) The best, occupational therapist Cathy has made a huge difference in my life and my health with her follow-up. The staff are warm and the clinic clean. I highly recommend (Original) Les meilleurs, l'ergothérapeute Cathy a fait une énorme différence dans ma vie et ma santé avec son suivi. Le personnel est chaleureux et la clinique propre. Je recommande fortement

Janic Valiquette

Georges Barouyr Tsovikian

(Translated) Dominique, my physiotherapist, is excellent !! Not only does she find the problem quickly, but the exercises are exactly what I need. I referred my family because the service is attentive and she loves her job, it shows! (Original) Dominique, ma physiothérapeute, est excellente!! Non seulement elle trouve rapidement ce qui pose problème, mais les exercices sont exactement ce dont j'ai besoin. J'ai référé ma famille parce que le service est attentionné et elle adore son métier, ça se voit!

Marc Paquin

Sanand gives excellent care and advice and his treatment plans are on point. The clinic overall is extremely well run and efficient and lives up to the other older, more established outlets of PhysioExtra.

karmas ahmed

Shiwa Abouzar

Daniela Loncaric

I woke up one morning experiencing sudden onset of vertigo. I consulted with Jean-Félix who managed to resolve my issue within one session! He really took the time to understand my symptoms and to explain what happens during a BPPV episode. He demonstrated great professionalism! Thank you!

paolo rizk

Webster Zapata Salas

I came to Physio Extra Cartierville since I injured my lower back while playing sports. After struggling with it for a couple of weeks, I came to see Sanand and it was extremely relieving. Though I thought, this was going to be a long and excruciating process; it only took a couple of sessions to get me back on track! He is very engaging in the process, paying attention to details and making sure that as a patient I felt comfortable and very well treated. His professionalism, efficiency and courtesy make of him a great practitioner! Keep it up Sanand, you're the best! I will highly recommend you!

Pascal Poulin

Driss El

(Translated) My sincere thanks to the staff, secretary and professionals. Your help and your human warmth do not leave me indifferent. Affectionate, welcoming, understanding and above all very professional. Thank you very much and may the year 2021 be a better year for all of you. A special thank you for the excellent Jean-Félix ???? (Original) Mes sincères remerciements au staff, secrétaire et professionnels. Votre aide et votre chaleur humaine ne me laissent pas indifférent. Affectueux, accueillants, compréhensifs et surtout très professionnels. Merci infiniment et que l'année 2021 soit meilleure pour vous toutes et tous. Un remerciement spécial pour l'excellent Jean-Félix ????

Diderot Lucien

(Translated) Professional and attentive service. Strongly recommended! (Original) Service professionnel et attentionné. Fortement recommandé!

Denis Drouin

(Translated) It's just perfect for me the people who helped me were courteous and a good help with a smile on my face I recommend this place to anyone who wants to get better (Original) C'est juste parfait pour moi les personnes qui m'ont aidé on été courtois et d'une bonne aide avec le sourire au lèvres je recommande cette endroits à tout seul qui veulent allé mieux


I went in all banged up and cane out totally fit and strong! Sanand was my Physiotherapist and I can’t say enough good things. He is So patient and insightful and pays attention to everything you say. He takes copious notes and he always listens. I miss my physiotherapist in Vancouver when I moved but I am so happy to have found Sanand! Oh and the facilities are brand new and spacious- feels like a spa!

Anne Raby

(Translated) Punctual, professional, efficient, motivating and pleasant. (Original) Ponctuels, professionels, efficaces, motivants et agréables.

Christine Sicard

(Translated) I went to physio extra to see a physiotherapist. I must admit that I was scrape enough, I even lost hope that one day I could run. Sanand managed to get rid of my chronic achilles tendon pain. He knew how to listen to me and work my body for a more intense activity recovery. Special mention also to the warm welcome of Cindy at the reception. In short, at Physio extra Cartierville, they have your well being at heart. Go tell them Hello! (Original) Je suis aller chez physio extra pour consulter un physiotherapeute. Je dois avouer que j’étais assez scrape, j’avais même perdue espoir qu’un jour j’allais pouvoir courir. Sanand a réussi à me débarrasser de mes douleurs chroniques aux tendon d’achille. Il a su étre à mon écoute et travailler mon corps pour une reprise d’activité plus intense. Mention spéciale également à l’acceuil chaleureux de Cindy à la réception. Bref, chez physio extra Cartierville, ils ont votre bien être à cœur. Allez leur dire Bonjour !

Daniel Demers

Excellent service!

Trynnaget Rich

Residia – Développement immobilier

David Charles Pidgeon

(Translated) Extraordinary experience for my rehabilitation from my motorcycle accident. Professional, attentive and courteous service. I recommend PhysioExtra in Cartierville without restraint. Bravo to Jean-Félix Daloze and his team !!! (Original) Expérience extraordinaire pour ma réhabilitation de mon accident de moto. Service professionnel, attentionné et courtois. Je recommande PhysioExtra à Cartierville sans retenue. Bravo à Jean-Félix Daloze et son équipe !!!

lydie la luchadora !Pintro

(Translated) Yes, they are very professional. (Original) Oui ils sont très professionnels l acceuil est bien

Malenfant Sylvain

(Translated) Thank you for excellent care and good advice, a very good team Jean-felix, Sanand, Nicola, Micheline and Cathy (Original) Merci pour d'excellent soin et de bon conseils,une tres bonne equipe Jean-felix,Sanand,Nicola,Micheline et Cathy

Benoit Gourel

Jessie Bérubé

(Translated) Jean-Félix was able to help me despite the confinement. Super professional, attentive and attentive. I highly recommend. (Original) Jean-Félix a su m'aider malgré le confinement. Super professionnel, attentif et à l'écoute. Je recommande fortement.

Michael Tan

I was treated by Sanand, and he was great. I had a herniated disc and my rehab was lengthy, but he was patient with me and gave me new exercises after every check-up, and was able to diagnose other problems such as my flexibility and strength around my lower back. I've tried other places, but PhysioExtra still remains my favourite. Other locations to recommend would be the one on Fleury as well. I had an elbow treatment (MCL) and they were excellent.

Kinesiologue Creatif

(Translated) A beautiful clinic with lots of space and a nice proximity to services (GMF, psychiatric clinic, restaurants and gym) (Original) Une belle clinique avec beaucoup d'espace et une belle proximité de services (GMF , clinique de Psy, restaurants et gym)

Marie Backer

(Translated) Good service and we welcome you very well I am yours (Original) Bon service et on vous accueille très bien je vous re commende

Pierre-Marc Arseneault

(Translated) Very good experience. The staff is attentive and my physio helped me navigate my convalescence effectively. Making appointments is accommodating. (Original) Très bonne expérience. Le personnel est attentionné et mon physio m’a aidé à naviguer ma convalescence efficacement. La prise de rendez-vous est accommodante.

Marie-Nesly Lorquet

(Translated) Jean Félix is professional, welcoming, and warm He was able to provide me with the care I needed to facilitate my recovery. Thank you very much to him and the other staff! Marie Nesly Lorquet. (Original) Jean Félix est professionnel, accueillant, et chaleureux Il a su me prodiguer des soins dont j'avais besoin pour faciliter ma guérison. Je le remercie vivement, ainsi que les autres membres du personnel ! Marie Nesly Lorquet .

Terry Babalis

I had a shoulder problem for over a year and Jean-Felix was able to treat me and I no longer feel any pain while playing my sports now!

Lucie DesRuisseaux

(Translated) I am truly grateful to Jean-Félix for the excellent physiotherapy care provided at the PhysioExtra Cartierville clinic. Very professional, punctual, respectful and human, Jean-Félix knows how to offer the most effective and beneficial treatments. I highly recommend it to you. Also, you will receive an always courteous welcome from the receptionist Sovann. (Original) Je suis vraiment reconnaissante envers Jean-Félix pour les excellents soins de physiothérapie prodigués à la clinique PhysioExtra Cartierville. Très professionnel, ponctuel, respectueux et humain, Jean-Félix sait offrir des traitements des plus efficaces et bienfaisants. Je vous le recommande fortement. Aussi, vous recevrez un accueil toujours courtois de la réceptionniste Sovann.

Michel Jbeili

(Translated) Warm welcome, I am immediately at ease with them! (Original) Accueil chaleureux, je ne suis tout de suite sentis à l’aise avec eux!

André Morin

(Translated) Good service and competent staff. (Original) Bon service et personnel compétent.



Nirole Damas

(Translated) It's really very clean and warm, I am happy to be around them. (Original) C'est vraiment tres propre et chaleureux ,je suis contente de les cotoyer.

André Charron

(Translated) Thanks to Michel Eid who does an excellent job of lymphatic drainage. His professional and humane treatments have helped to significantly reduce the edema of my legs and improve the daily activities of an 81 year old retiree! (Original) Remerciements à Michel Eid qui fait un excellent travail de drainage lymphatique. Ses traitements professionnels et humains ont contribué à réduire considérablement l'oedème de mes jambes et à améliorer les activités quotidiennes d'un retraité de 81 ans !

Hélène Houle

(Translated) I am very satisfied with the services received, my condition has improved greatly, and now I know what to do if it comes back. Appointments are not given unnecessarily. Very respectful, attentive and eager to help us. Very punctual. Welcoming receptionists. I recommend it. Thanks to all the staff. (Original) Je suis très satisfaite des services reçus, mon état s'est grandement amélioré, de plus maintenant je sais quoi faire si cela revient. Les rendez-vous ne sont pas donnés inutilement. Très respectueux, à l'écoute et soucieux de nous aider. Très ponctuel. Réceptionnistes accueillantes. Je vous le recommande. Merci à tout le personnel.

Sasha Mineault

(Translated) I had an old ankle injury that was causing me a lot of pain. Following recommendations from a friend, I made an appointment with Jean-Félix and he was able to solve my problem! He is very friendly and professional! I highly recommend it. (Original) J’avais une vieille blessure à la cheville qui me causait beaucoup de douleur. Suite aux recommandations d’un ami, j’ai pris rendez-vous avec Jean-Félix et il a su régler mon problème! Il est très sympathique et professionnel! Je le recommande fortement.

David Robertson

The clinic is well-run, friendly, professional and effective. A relative required therapy for lymphedema and Michel Eid treated that relative with wonderful results. If you suffer with lymphedema, Mr. Eid is definitely the person to see. I would add that the receptionist, Sylvan, is very organized and friendly. The clinic and the building in which it is located are clean and easy to navigate. Street parking is very limited but there is underground paid parking available, accessible on rue Grenet.


Anthony Hotte Matteo

(Translated) Great service down the line. Jean-Felix offered me professional service and took care of my injuries. (Original) Excellent service sur toute la ligne. Jean-Felix m'a offert un service proffessionel et a su prendre soin de mes blessures.

Catherine Bouchard

Stephanie Amaral

I went to Physio Extra to treat my vertigo symptoms that came out of no where. I was able to get an appointment quickly. My Physiotherapist was Sanand Patel. The day after my first appointment, most of my symptoms were gone. In the days following, it improved further. I did a follow-up appointment with Sanand Patel a week later where he did some tests (example to test my balance). But, to confirm that it was in fact viral vertigo and there was no issue within my ear, he recommended an ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat Doctor), whose office was in the same build. Sanand even follow-up via email months later to check-in to see how I was doing. Overall, I had a great experience.

Stephanie Betchavas

Had really bad vertigo and thought I wasn’t going to feel like myself again. Dr Jean Felix Daloze did his wonders and helped me get better!!! Thank you soo much!!! Definitely recommend this place!!!

Marie-claire Barsemian

Frédéric Méthot

(Translated) Professional service !! Welcoming and friendly. I was able to adjust my back pain. I recommend the place! (Original) Service professionnel !! Accueillant et sympathique. J'ai pu régler ma douleur au dos. Je recommande l'endroit !

Korinne Charier

(Translated) From reception to consultation with Jean Felix, very pleasant, courteous and professional service. No complaints :-) (Original) De la réception à la consultation avec Jean Felix, service très agréable, courtois et professionnel. Rien à redire :-)

Vanessa Debay

I had such a great experience! Thank you so much.

Laurent Berube

(Translated) Very professional and courteous (Original) Tres professionnelle et courtois

Sylvie Trottier

(Translated) Thanks to the care and exercises recommended by Sanand, I was able to quickly find the full use of my shoulder. Relief! Thank you so much ! (Original) Grâce aux soins et aux exercices recommandés par Sanand, j'ai pu retrouver rapidement le plein usage de mon épaule. Soulagement ! Merci beaucoup !

Marianne Al-Salem

(Translated) Very good experience, everyone is warm, professional and smiling. (Original) Très bonne expérience, tout le monde est chaleureux, professionnel et souriant.

Serge Dussault

(Translated) Very satisfied... (Original) Très satisfait...

Philippe Labelle

(Translated) Courteous, professional and impeccable service. The treatments and exercise programs are very well suited to the patient's health problems. (Original) Service courtois, professionnel et impeccable. Les traitements et les programmes d'exercices sont très bien adaptés aux problèmes de santé du patient.

Rabia Chelhi

(Translated) Excellent team! Whether it is the administrative agents, the treatment team! Thank you ! I had an exercise program that helped me a lot! Thank you jean-felix for having solved my problem! (Original) Excellente équipe ! Que ça soit les agentes administratives, l'équipe traitante ! Merci ! J'ai eu un programme d'exercices qui m'a grandement aidé ! Merci jean-felix pour avoir réglé ma problématique !

John Jenkins

Jocelyne Castonguay

(Translated) Courteous and very professional service! (Original) Service courtois et très professionnel!

Gerard Constant

(Translated) I was treated at Physioextra by Jean-Felix Daloze for a problem of benign positional vertigo. Mr. Daloze was exceptional ... After 3 sessions, problem solved. Gratitude... Thanks thanks thanks... (Original) J’ai été traité à Physioextra par Jean-Felix Daloze pour un problème de vertige positionnel bénin. Monsieur Daloze a été exceptionnel... Après 3 séances, problème réglé. Gratitude... Merci, merci, merci...

Estefan Ohanian

Jean-Philippe Matteau

Liliane Gilbert

(Translated) Excellent service adapted to the needs. Careful and courteous care. I highly recommend (Original) Excellent service adapté aux besoins. Soins attentionnés et courtois. Je recommande fortement

François Shamie

(Translated) Warm welcome, very clean environment and fire team. I highly recommend this establishment. Thank you J-F for your services (Original) Accueil chaleureux, environnement très propre et équipe de feu. Je recommande fortement cet établissement. Merci J-F pour tes services

Sarah Blain

(Translated) A beautiful clinic with professionals listening! Thank you to Sanand and Micheline for their follow-up, their professionalism and their good mood! (Original) Une belle clinique avec des professionnels à l’écoute! Merci à Sanand et Micheline pour leur suivi, leur professionnalisme et leur bonne humeur!

Rasha Taireh

Malika Pidgeon

(Translated) Jean-Félix is an excellent physio. He is understanding, punctual, sympathetic and above all attentive. It is easy to recognize that he cares about the health of his patients. I recommend it to anyone. (Original) Jean-Félix est un excellent physio. Il est compréhensif, ponctuel, sympathique et surtout à l'écoute. Il est facile de reconnaitre qu'il tient à la santé de ses patients. Je le recommande à n'importe qui.

Mickael Massé

(Translated) I have been treated for the neck and everything is settled! Thanks to the team and you have a great clinic! (Original) J'ai été me faire traiter pour le cou et tout est réglé! Merci à l'équipe et vous avez une super belle clinique!

Andre Mercier

(Translated) Really very satisfied in all respects! Jean Félix was able to give me confidence in myself while respecting my rhythm. Reception, punctuality, professionalism +++ (Original) Vraiment très satisfait à tous égards! Jean Félix a su me redonner confiance en moi tout en respectant mon rythme. Accueil, ponctualité, professionnalisme +++

Christiane Pilon

(Translated) Professional service ... with good listening .. (Original) Service professionnel...avec une bonne ecoute..

Gabriel Mineault

I had an ankle sprain and Jean-Félix helped me get back in shape. Everyone there was super friendly and I would definitely go back there again if I get hurt again. Thanks to all the team!

Kim Chung

Loved getting treated by Kieu! Staff is very courteous and friendly

Sydney Dalpe

(Translated) An unparalleled team of professionals. A warm welcome, human people. My experience in physiotherapy and occupational therapy has been of great benefit to me. Once again thank you Jean-Félix and Kathy. (Original) Une équipe de professionnels hors pair. Un accueil chaleureux, des gens humains. Mon expérience en physiothérapie et ergothérapie m'ont été des plus bénéfiques. Encore une fois merci Jean-Félix et Kathy .


(Translated) Excellent service, Dominique Béland is very professional and very patient. She has listened and answered my questions about my injuries. I already feel much better after only 5 sessions. I highly recommend this clinic to everyone. (Original) Excellent service, Dominique Béland est très professionnelle et très patiente. Elle est à l’écoute et a répondu à mes questions relativement à mes blessures. Je me sens déjà beaucoup mieux après seulement 5 séances. Je recommande fortement cette clinique à tous.

Annabelle Coté

(Translated) Whether it is the clinic of Cartierville or Laval, everything is impeccable! The service, the staff, the place! And a special mention to Micheline, I recommend it ???? (Original) Que ce soit la clinique de Cartierville ou de Laval, tout est impeccable! Le service, le personnel, l'endroit! Et une mention spéciale à Micheline, je la recommande ????

Sophie Frioux

(Translated) Very satisfied with the service. My phytotherapist, Jean-Félix, targeted my problem very well. His treatments, advice and choice of exercises help me a lot. He puts the patient at ease and is very attentive to him. I recommend the Cartierville clinic without hesitation. (Original) Très satisfaite du service. Mon phytothérapeute, Jean-Félix a très bien ciblé mon problème. Ses traitements, ses conseils et ses choix d'exercices m'aident beaucoup. Il met très à l'aise le patient et est très à son écoute. Je recommande sans hésitation la clinique de Cartierville.

Julie Desilets

(Translated) Jean Felix Daloze quickly helped me relieve a bursitis. He is very professional and inspires confidence. Thank you also for the quality of service by the receptionist and when making an appointment. I recommend! (Original) Jean Felix Daloze m'a rapidement aidé à soulager une bursite. Il est très professionnel et inspiré confiance. Merci aussi pour la qualité du service par la réceptionniste et au moment de la prise de rendez-vous. Je recommande!

Marc Ouellet

Excellent service

Business Hours of PhysioExtra Cartierville in Côte-Saint-Luc

12 TO 8PM
12 TO 8PM


PhysioExtra Cartierville en Côte-Saint-Luc
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