Perhaps not the best pharmacy to go to if you value your confidential patient records remaining private and free of manipulation.
Questionable judgement of the owner, Pharmacist Albert George. My father was a patient of this pharmacy for more than 20 years. Sadly my father contracted COVID and succumbed to COVID at the age of 68 years old in early May of this year.
Albert George, the pharmacy owner offered no condolences, even though my father was a very loyal customer. I let Mr. George know, we never met, but I would pick up my dad's medication from time to time, when he asked me to, usually late, after work before going home. To this last comment I made, Mr. George responds with ...."Well I have never seen you here before, with suspicion. I say: Okay? Keeping in mind that this pharmacy is open 7 days a week, other pharmacists work there.
Still, North American (along with most countries etiquette around the world) would prompt a response perhaps actually acknowledging their patients' death with I don't know maybe ... " I am sorry for your loss" Nope, not Mr. George. As he said, he does not remember me spending my money at his pharmacy, so he feels he does not owe me simple common courtesy. I suppose his giant ego can't lend himself to extend any manners, or extend his condolences. Okay , so I accept he is a bit of barbarian, no problem. It's his pharmacy.
What is ironic, is the pharmacy assistant, is the stepdaughter of my father
My father has provided rent free accommodation to this person, 2 of her siblings, her kids. Unaffected by the drug addictions, he dealt with l with the undesirable consequences that come with this lifestyle and addicts who refused to get help. This is not so relevant, but giving you context.
My father would remain close to his stepkids sending gifts on holidays, until 2019 Which is when they started making unfair demands of him. My father sorted these issues out with legal help, and ceased contact with them. In any case my father is loyal, and he kept going to Lakeridge Pharmacy for his prescriptions.
Now I am puzzled how is it that a pharmacist employs a known addict to handle medication in his pharmacy? . That is not my concern only when this person's judgement interferer's with my fathers right to privacy as a patient of this pharmacy.
I view my fathers death as a tragedy, apparently not to everybody. I can put the family and legal issues aside.
The issue pertaining to to the poor judgement of the pharmacy is when I politely ask him, Mr. Albert George to ensure my father's patient file is protected and locked away from his pharmacy assistant, since her and her family brought a claim, to falsely state my father was not of sound mind, essentially went crazy 2 years ago, because they are no money left from his wife's side of the estate, so they think well, give us some of your share. Now the legal stuff, the lawyers can hash out, this has nothing to do with the pharmacy. But what good is it if a pharmacist is not willing to protect his patients file, that's anther matter altogether. Albert George REFUSED to lock my fathers file, those were his words. I am sorry my father wasted his money and time trusting a pharmacist who lacks good judgement. Who REFUSES TO LOCK MY FATHER'S Patient RECORDS, AWAY FROM HIS OWN pharmacist ASSISTANT, ITS A CLEAR CONFLICT OF INTEREST.. REGARDLESS OF IF SHE HAS INTENTION TO MANIPULATE DOCUMENTS OR NOT.... It is A CONFLICT OF INTEREST. If you lie about my father's mental capacity, then what is to stop that same person from changing my father's records, to write in prescription drugs in his files my father was never prescribed.
I am certain there are a lot of local pharmacists who would have handled this better.