An unprofessional act by Miss Mamta(Working at the Front desk at Dusk Pharmacy).
Today, I went to the pharmacy on behalf of my brother who is ill. My brother was suffering from an illness and sent me to take the prescription on behalf of him. In noon, he received a call from the Dusk team regarding his prescription is ready and he can come and pick it up anytime before 6 pm. As I am a working , I directly reached at the pharmacy at 5:54 pm and ask Miss Mamta if the prescription is ready. She tried to find it however, was unsuccessful. She wasn’t aware of anything regarding the patient.
After that she denied and said come tomorrow and as the medication was important for my brother, I transferred my brothers call to her so that he can provide all the details. Even after giving the details she informed to come tomorrow again and my brother replied that ‘Mam its really important for me to take the medications tonight’.(and acted irritated)
Effortlessly, she called another lady and asked if there’s any prescription on the patients name and within 30 seconds the lady found it.
I was quite and was very patient, she came to me with the prescription and was extremely rude. She asked me to come on time next time and I was like I came from work and your co-worker informed me to come before 6 pm and I am present here. Due to lack of communication between them, she denied to give me the medication and informed either I have to apologies to take the medicines or go get it from another pharmacist.
I asked her why should I apologies, she said you are at fault and it’s 6:02 pm and I will not give you the medicines until you say a sorry. I was direct and said I am not at any fault and asked her name. She said its ‘Mamta’ and said do whatever you can do.
Later, she totally denied to give the medicines.
This is very unprofessional behaviour that I can expect someone from this industry. Just because you are irritated with your personal or professional life, you cannot act inhuman specially with the person who is in pain.