Reviews of Monsieur Bibite / Mister Bug (Pest Control)

Average Rating:


Here we offer you the information of real people who used the services of Monsieur Bibite / Mister Bug (Pest Control) in the area close to Bathurst (Canada).

At the moment this firm has a rating of 5 stars over 5 and that rating was based on 24 reviews.

You may have noticed that it reaches an feddbacks average is very good, actuality, it obtains the best punctuation it can get., and it's founded on a large number of scores, so we may conclude that the evaluation is quite faithful. If many people have bothered to evaluate when they've done well with the business, is that it works.

As you know, we do not usually stop to write feddbacks when these are positive and we usually do it only if we've had a problem or issue...

This Pest Control is included in the category of Pest control service.

Where is Monsieur Bibite / Mister Bug?

REVIEWS OF Monsieur Bibite / Mister Bug IN Bathurst

Smile Gaming

(Translated) Very good result (Original) Très bon résultat

marc paulin

TTV WraithEZ

(Translated) The best service I have seen in Caraquet ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Fast, efficient, inexpensive (Original) Le meilleur service que jai vu dans Caraquet ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Rapide, éfficace, pas cher

Sébastien Comeau

We had ants crawling throughout our whole house and we even had them in our cupboards. They told us they were in the walls and everywhere. We got very nervous. Mr. Bug came and did their thing, they even killed the ants in the walls somehow. It didn't take them long at all and within days, the product worked and the ants were dead everywhere. Amazing work guys!

Rachel Brideau

Jonathan Dugas

(Translated) I took the full service annual contract for the house and I am really satisfied! The service was excellent! The technician answered our questions well and explained our contract to me. I recommend everyone to do business with Mr. Bibitte! (Original) J'ai pris le contrat annuel service complet pour la maison et je suis vraiment satisfait! Le service était excellent! Le technicien ma bien répondu à nos questions et ma bien expliqué notre contrat. Je recommande à tous de faire affaire avec M. Bibitte!

Michel Doiron

Guylaine Jean

(Translated) Very good service (Original) Très bon service

marc basque

Renald Lambert

Martin Chiasson

Andre Albert

(Translated) Really quick, the treatment quickly resolved my carpenter ant problem in the house. The exterminator really took the time to explain to me what he was doing and why he was doing it. Although ants are never a good experience, Mr. Bibite knew how to make our life more pleasant and reduce the stress that we have experienced. (Original) Vraiment rapide, le traitement a réglé rapidement mon probleme de fourmies charpentières dans la maison. L'exterminateur a vraiment pris le temps de m'expliquer ce qu'il faisait et pourquoi il le faisait. Bien que des fourmies ne sont jamais une bonne expérience, Monsieur Bibite a su nous tendre la vie plus agréable et diminuer le stress que nous avons vécu.

Kevin Downing

(Translated) Very good after sales service, we answered my questions. Care for a job well done and make sure the customer is satisfied. The bugs are gone !!! (Original) Très bon service après vente, on bien répondue a mes questions. Se soucie d’un travail bien fais et fais sure que le client est satisfait. Les bugs sont parti!!!

Joel Hebert

joel frigault

Stéphane Brideau

(Translated) Excellent service (Original) Exellent service

liette duguay

Catherine Thibodeau

Marc Chiasson

(Translated) Professional and fast service (Original) Professionel et service rapide

Stéphane Breau

(Translated) Excellent and efficient service !!! (Original) Excellent service et efficace !!!

Pascal Savoie

(Translated) Very satisfied with the product and service (Original) Très satisfait du produit et service

Claude Duguay

(Translated) Excellent service and very fast. Treatment spiders made everything is gone. I haven't seen any since. Thank you (Original) Excellent service et très rapide. Traitement araignées fait tout est disparu. J’en vois pas depuis. Merci

Richard Lefevre

They are very knowledgeable on the matter and use products that really work, unlike stuff we find on the store shelves. After one treatment, my mice problem got solved. I use to have a few in my camping trailer, now, none. Two years ago I had spiders all over the deck and around the house. With their services we were able to enjoy our summer on the patio without being worry about spiders I highly recommend Mister Bug for protecting your property and make your place a safe and an inviting place to live.

Business Hours of Monsieur Bibite / Mister Bug in Bathurst



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