Reviews of Metro Plus Coop D'Asbestos (Pest Control)

511 1re Av #511, Asbestos, Quebec J1T 3P6, Canada

Average Rating:


We've got the opinions of people who consumed the services of Metro Plus Coop D'Asbestos (Pest Control) in the territory of Asbestos (Canada).

At the present this business gets a score of 4.4 stars out of 5 and that rating was based on 127 reviews.

As you can read, its rating is quite high, and it's based on a high number of feddbacks, so we may conclude that the score is very faithful. If many people have bothered to give their review when they are happy with the service, is that it works.

As you know, we don't usually stop to give scores when they are good and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or incidence...

This Pest Control is classified in the category of Supermarket.

Where is Metro Plus Coop D'Asbestos?

REVIEWS OF Metro Plus Coop D'Asbestos IN Asbestos

raymond fortin

(Translated) Clean and pleasant, welcoming staff (Original) Propre et plaisant,personnels accueillants

Patrick Larivée

Bordeleau David

(Translated) Here is a grocery store which does not need to be renamed, but on the other hand the prices and catch it very high, except when the quality is A1, the small healthy meals will put you back on the right path if your search has changed the way you eat . I also recommend takes place for the exquisite chicken, the Greek fries that are offered there. (The price of the chicken is really cheap for the quality it has) (Original) Voici une épicerie qui na pas besoin de renommé, mais par contre les prix et le attrape son très élevé, sauf quand retour la qualité est A1, les petit repas santé vont vous remettre sur le droit chemin si vous chercher a changé votre façon de mangé. Je recommande aussi se lieu pour le poulet exquis, les frites grecs qui y sont offert.(Le prix du poulet est vraiment pas cher pour la qualité qu'il a)

rené roy

Yosef Garo

(Translated) A place I go when I want to buy quality meat at a good price (We agree, the local butcher is incomparable by cons) Generally, we pay more than the max but we have customer service , food quality and presentation accordingly. The cashiers are friendly, sometimes they chat a little with customers and so we expect a little more but it's okay, you have to live. So much for the Metro. In photos I join the inviting piece of meat that I am about to taste. Happy shopping! (Original) Un endroit que je vais quand je veux acheter de la viande de qualité a bon prix (On s'entend, le boucher du coin es incomparable par contre) De manière générale, on paie plus chère qu'au maxi mais on a le service client, la qualité des aliments et la présentation en conséquence. Les caissière sont sympathiques, des fois ils jasent un peu avec les clients et donc on attend un peu plus mais c'est correct, faut vivre. Voilà pour le Métro. En photos je joint l'invitant morceau de viande que je m'apprête a dégusté. Bon magasinage!

Jocelyn Gervais

(Translated) One of the items is more specific, which is good considering that there are not many other alternatives around. (Original) On des articles des fois plus spécifique, ce qui est bien compte tenu qu'il n' y a pas beaucoup d'autres alternatives autour.

norbelis charlan

(Translated) Good grocery (Original) Bonne epicerie

Carolanne Dionne

(Translated) Very clean and good sushi (Original) Très propre et bons sushis

Line Gagnon

(Translated) It is clean and well ventilated (Original) C est propre et bien aérer

Mule Chabot

(Translated) A little more expensive but there is variety on the shelves. (Original) Un peu plus dispendieux mais il y a de la variété sur les tablettes.

Jonas J.jons (Jonas Jons)

Jonathan Fex


Juan Luis Barahona Ramos

Adam Raymond

Jacques Paquet

Steven Turmel

(Translated) Car loading service (Original) Service de chargement dans la voiture

Craig Fuel Media

Susan Frost

Very good service

Sonia Guillette

(Translated) Nice welcome (Original) Belle accueil

Vincent Creusot

(Translated) Nice grocery store. Average service and prices not always correct (Original) Belle épicerie. Service moyen et prix pas toujours corrects


The Skyscape

(Translated) When I knew you were closing at 5 a.m. I fell off my elephant (Original) Quand jai su que vous fermiez a 5h j'en suis tomber de mon elephant

Jenny Lambert

(Translated) Always excellent service (Original) Toujours un excellent service

Marien Demers

(Translated) Quality and freshness of food I adore and courteous (Original) Qualité et fraicheur des aliments j adore et personnelles courtois

Jean Luc Carrier

Rosaire Gallant

(Translated) Very well thank you (Original) Très bien merci

Jean-Pierre Paquin

(Translated) Dairy products not always fresh (Original) Produits laitiers pas toujours frais

Benoit Massicotte

(Translated) A unique concept and an excellent quality of staff. Well supplied. (Original) Un concept unique et une excellente qualité de personnel. Bien fourni.

Marc _HB _FTW

(Translated) Very clean and warm place. Good service and very friendly staff! (Original) Lieu très propre et chaleureux. Bon service et personnels très sympathique !

Nathalie Larrivee

(Translated) Very nice establishment a lot of choice (Original) Très bel établissement beaucoup de choix


Dominique Trudeau

(Translated) Very clean and the comis beautiful smile (Original) Très propre et les comis beau sourire

Annabelle Cantin

Sam Lafortune

(Translated) It's expensive (Original) C'est chèr

Luc Pellerin

Isabelle Harnois

Katia Helie

(Translated) Good varieties of products (Original) Bonne variétés de produits

luc blanchard

(Translated) I feel good I do not expect to receive a smile from anyone she uses. (Original) Je me sent bien j attend pas recevoir un sourire de n importe qu elle employez.

Martine Proulx

(Translated) Nice metro, lots of choice in ready-to-eat meals. (Original) Beau métro, bcp de choix dans le prêt à manger.

Yanick Paquin

(Translated) ???? I love this metro and some of the people who work there. C my FAVORITE. Tsé ???? we have our favorites in each of our favorite stores. (Original) ???? J'adore ce métro et certaines gens qui y travaillent. C mon FAVORIS. Tsé ???? on a nos préféré dans chacun de nos magasins préférer.????

millie filto

Mélissa Pilon

Rebecca Caron

aline Dion

(Translated) Well located (Original) Bien situe

Linda Arseneault

(Translated) They are so much a beautiful super walk I love my visit yesterday ???? (Original) Ils sont tellement un beau super marcher j'ai adorer ma visite hier ????

Jennyfer Poitras

Hélène Baird

(Translated) Many choices and very competent staff (Original) Beaucoup de choix et personnels très compétents

Caroline Brosseau

(Translated) Too expensive :( (Original) Trop cher :(

Chouaieb Guesmi

(Translated) Own (Original) Propre

Guy Auclair


(Translated) Good service, great employee. Always satisfied with the service. (Original) Bon service, super employer. Toujours satisfait du service.

Dominique Lallier

Sim Ba

(Translated) Nice place, lots of choices! (Original) Belle place, beaucoup de choix !

Michelbruno Beauregard

(Translated) Good (Original) Bien

Annick Drapeau

Philippe Turcotte

(Translated) We find everything (Original) On trouve de tout

Yanik P

Marie-Pier Dupuis

They were good

Gina Riv

Lucille Paradis

Real Menard


Serge Pharand

(Translated) Clean and good quality food (Original) Propre et belle qualité d aliments

Pierre Girard


(Translated) Excellent (Original) Excellent

Lucie Vanille

Barry comeau

Patrick Guay

(Translated) A little more expensive but quality. (Original) Un peu plus cher mais de qualité.

Nancy Sirois (Nancy)

(Translated) James (Original) Jaime

R.S. Lafleur

(Translated) Well kept, clean, freshness assured, butcher's delicatessen, excellent delicatessen, including Vegé, Organic Health, @ + RSL (Original) Bien tenu, propre, fraîcheur assurée, boucherie charcuterie traiteur excellent, y du Végé aussi, Santé Bio, @+ RSL

Caessey Chrétien

Humberto Tobar

Keven Laroche

(Translated) Have a good meal ! (Original) Bonne appétit !

Jean-Christophe Bellerose

Danny Cantin

Dhiane Boisvert

(Translated) Nice clean grocery store always well stocked and lots of choice (Original) Belle épicerie propre les étalages toujours bien remplies et beaucoup de choix

Roxane Ulrich

(Translated) Price a little high but place super clean and good service (Original) Prix un peu élevé mais endroit super propre et bon service

Denis Milot

(Translated) Very beautiful choices. Beautiful products (Original) Très beaux choix. Beau produis

Marc Obrien

Nathalie Gauthier

(Translated) Very clean store. (Original) Magasin très propre .

Mélodie Lemire

(Translated) Great food (Original) Bonne bouffe

Martin Nevares

Louis Plante

(Translated) Great bakery, best place in the area (Original) Great bakery, meilleur place dans les environs

Kevin Pellerin


Serge Balmir


(Translated) Often rotten vegetables during specials eg. tomatoes .... new and undrinkable coffee cream ... meat that does not last overnight to be cooked ... Really disappointed. (Original) Souvent des légumes pourris lors de spéciaux ex. tomates .... crème à café imbuvable et neuve... viande qui ne dure pas au lendemain soir pour être cuisinée... Vraiment déçue.

Marypascal Beauregard

Marianne Gallant

Stéphane Emond

Edith Dallaire

(Translated) Friendly and good quality working people there! (Original) Gens travaillant là sympathiques et bonne qualité !

shushane petit.

Sylvain Martel

Honore Beauparlant

(Translated) Not only the courteous service but the customers are super cool! (Original) Non seulement le service courtois mais les clients sont super cool!

Helene Bedard

Robert Dube

(Translated) Everything is easy to find in Abestos (Original) Tout est facile à trouver à Abestos

Suzanne Couture

ariane picard

(Translated) Great service at the checkouts! (Original) Super service aux caisses!

Sandessin 1

Youri Briza

Great Managers excellent service on line,too. Unfortunately my lunch was missing fries in my lunch for the same price not too happy!!!

Julu jay

Franz Berthomieu

(Translated) All you need is here! (Original) Tout ce dont vous avez besoin est ici!

iDeadric _

Élyane Grondin

Patrick Dubois

(Translated) The people are friendly and helpful. Easy access and clean places. (Original) Les gens sont sympathiques et serviable. Facilité d'accès et endroits propres.

nathalie Campagna

(Translated) Adore (Original) Adore

peggy lussier

Emily Pepin

Sebastien Gagnon

(Translated) Great grocery store! (Original) Super grande épicerie!

Valérie Patrick

(Translated) It's a bit expensive, but they have a cabbage salad that is worth the trip !! (Original) C'est un peu cher, mais ils ont une salade de choux qui vaut le déplacement!!

ancy sunny

(Translated) Good choice, good price and competent and smiling staff ???? a good grocery store in Asbestos which, in addition, offers the service of loading your grocery bags by car! ???? (Original) Bon choix, bon prix et personnel compétent et souriant ???? une bonne épicerie à Asbestos qui en plus, offre le service de chargement de vos sacs d'épicerie à l'auto! ????

Claude Roy

(Translated) Great product, great service. (Original) Très bon produit, très bon service.

Stéphane Lapointe

(Translated) Very very good (Original) Tres tres bon

Nadia Boisvert

Brigite Demers

Claudette Provencher

(Translated) You should fill your counter on Wednesday evening, Thursday there is never anything in the counter, you have to wait for the goods (Original) Vous devriez emplir vos comptoir le mercredi soir le jeudi il n,'as jamais rien dans le comptoir il faut attendre après la marchandise


(Translated) Yum. I have hair on my pork shoulder I would like to notice it before 8 hours of cooking (Original) Miam. j'ai du poils sur mon épaule de porc jaurais bien aimer le remarquer avant 8h de cuisson

Stéphanie Lacroix

Mirka Gauthier

(Translated) Affordable fresh produce (Original) Produit frai ???????? prix abordable

Nancy Picard

Marc Nadeau

(Translated) Nice grocery store. A lot of choices. Very clean. The owners do everything to satisfy the guests. (Original) Belle épicerie. Beaucoup de choix. Très propre. Les propriétaires font tout pour satisfaire les clients.

Pierre Pouliot

Eric Geoffroy

(Translated) Super Fish Store Department (Original) Departement de poissonnerie super

France Grenier

(Translated) I have been waiting 3 weeks for lobster ???? (Original) Cela fait 3 semaines que j attends d ' avoir du homard ????


(Translated) Nice metro with varied choice (Original) Beau métro avec choix varié

Julie Choiniere

(Translated) Nice grocery store with lots of variety and freshness (Original) Bel epicerie propre avec beaucoup de variétés et de fraicheur

Isabelle Ayotte

Steven Lascombe

(Translated) All is well ! (Original) Tout est bien !

Éric Dufort

(Translated) Very clean place, always fresh product and polite and courteous employees (Original) Endroit très propre, produit toujours frais et les employés polis et courtois

Lau 4006

Jonathan Prince

marc Savoy

(Translated) Clean and nice (Original) Propre et agréable

Kayna Mercier-Paradis


Sylvie Gregoire

Danny Boisclair

(Translated) Nice good too expensive. (Original) Beau bon trop cher.

Joenathan Bourque

Lise Desrosiers


(Translated) Nothing to say negative about this Metro. Beautiful, well placed and has everything you seek. (Original) Rien à dire de négatif sur ce Metro. Beau, bien placé et a tout ce dont vous chercher.

Dany Coakley

(Translated) Good specials (Original) Bon spéciaux

Darquis Evans

Christine Rivest


(Translated) They have things that the Sherbrooke Metro does not have???? (Original) Ils ont des choses que le Métro de Sherbrooke n'ont pas????

YraphZ 250

(Translated) Good service (Original) Bon service

navara moon

(Translated) Very clean and good product (Original) Tres propre et bon produit

laurent Lopez

(Translated) There are organic products and also gluten-free ???????? (Original) On trouve des produits biologiques et aussi sans gluten ????????

darcy bheekoo

Have more variety then other grocery in the area but the jack the price like crazy. The most expensive grocery store I ever saw in my life in any major city. Also they dont like if you speak English, most of the personal don't smile

Laurent Boissonneault

Jean-Philippe Simard

Stéphane St-Cyr

Lynda Gosselin


Simon G.

alain boisse

Martin Lépine


(Translated) Have talked about price but buy fresh meat, good vegetables in a clean and maintained grocery store to pay $ 10 more than at the Maxi the question this break not even, for those who prefer to pay $ 10 less for products that have looking sick, go to the Maxi ???? (Original) Ont parle de prix mais acheter de viande fraiche, de bon légumes dans un épicerie propre et entretenu pour payer 10$ de plus qu'au Maxi la question ce pause même pas, pour ceux qui préfère payer 10$ de moins pour des produits qui ont l'air malade ben allez au Maxi ????

Emie Vaillancourt

Francis Rondeau

Daniel Ducharme

(Translated) Very very good very good price very much variety excellent (Original) Très très bien bon prix très propre beaucoup de variété excellent

Anewhope tosee

Jesus Joseph

Poutine Spots

(Translated) A dynamic cooperative with diverse and fresh products !! (Original) Une coopérative dynamique avec des produits divers et frais !!

Tania St-Pierre

Martin Ouellet

(Translated) Personalized service. Large selection of quality items. (Original) Service personnalisé. Grand choix d'articles de qualité.

Marjorie A

Bruno-Olivier Giguere

Melanie Plante

(Translated) Great (Original) super

Nathalie marois

Was there with a friend and she lives near this store

Tricia Michaud


(Translated) Several choices and good variety of fruit and vegetables (Original) Plusieurs choix et bonne variété de fruit et légumes

Simon Toutant

Francia Bencomo

(Translated) Very fresh food but exorbitant price. (Original) Nourriture très fraîche mais prix exorbitant.

Catherine Bernier

(Translated) Meals already ready for the ball tournaments;) (Original) Des repas deja prêt pour les tournois de balles ;)

Pascal Gelinas

(Translated) Okay everyone says that Metro is more expensive than other grocery stores ... but for me, the ready to eat and meat is worth the trip. (Original) Bon ok tout le monde dit que Métro est plus chère que les autres épiceries... mais pour ma part, le prêt à manger et la viande vaut le déplacement.

Melina Gagnon

William Alias Wiwild

Eric !

Carole V

Jean-Claude Testulat

(Translated) Place to make beautiful purchases (Original) Endroit pour faire de belles achats

Gary Lapointe

soul alphaga

(Translated) Various product available, very large store. (Original) Divers produit disponible, magasin très grande.

David Dansereau

(Translated) More inventories than the maxi (Original) Plus d'inventaires que le maxi

Pat Théo (Patou19)

Félix 450

RAME Estrie

Égide Payeur

George Boucher

(Translated) Very courteous and helpful (Original) Très courtois et serviable

Marianne Deslandes

(Translated) On a roadtrip, I was able to discover the local beer since the microbrewery is closed on Sundays! Still a nice diversity of microbrewery beer !! (Original) Sur un roadtrip, j'ai pu découvrir la bière locale puisque la microbrasserie est fermé le dimanche! Quand même une belle diversité de bière de microbrasserie!!

Jacques et norbelis Jacques

Émilie Collard

Guy Gagnon

(Translated) Small village grocery store quiet place. (Original) Petite épicerie de village endroit tranquille.

denis chabot

Dan Poulin

Sabrina Sirois

Patentagoss Del

(Translated) Well maintained grocery store. Many choices of meals prepared on site and even self service for phone orders. (Original) Épicerie bien entretenue. Beaucoup de choix de repas préparé sur place et même service à l'auto pour commandes téléphoniques.

Mario Savoie

Claudebeaubien Beaubien

(Translated) It's great a warm welcome (Original) C'est génial une accueil chaleureux

Patrick Charland

(Translated) Great groceries and great service! (Original) Super épicerie et super service!

Albert Cyr

(Translated) Weekly specials are so often missing. Customer service does not seem important. You can wait for minutes at the deli counter. Etc .. (Original) Manquent tellement souvent des spéciaux de la semaine. Service aux clients ne semble pas important. On peut attendre de lobgues minutes au comptoir de charcuterie. Etc..

johnny jr franceschini

Sandi Reyes

(Translated) Very good place and rich chicken (Original) Muy buen lugar y rico el pollo

Lyne Mayer

(Translated) Generally good products which justifies the prices sometimes higher than other grocery stores. Some lack of listening and responses to customer needs from some employees and members of management. (Original) De façon générale bon produits ce qui justifie les prix des fois plus haut que d autre épiceries. Un certains manque d écoute et de réponses au besoins de la clientèle de la part de certains employés et membres de la direction.

mohand ioualitene

(Translated) Well organized, fresh merchandise. (Original) Bien organisé , marchandise fraiche.

Andree Gilbert

Guy Bernier

Nathalie Frechette

(Translated) pʀix cѳʀʀɛctɛɳt ɱɑi ʀ ʆɛ pʀix ɛɳ gʀѳ ʀѳ ɑɑ ѵɑ pɑiɛʀ 'ɑcɦɛtɛʀ! (Original) ʆɛร pʀix cѳʀʀɛctɛɳt ɱɑiร รuʀ ʆɛร pʀix ɛɳ gʀѳร çɑ ѵɑux ʆɑ pɛiɳɛ ɗ' ɑcɦɛtɛʀ!

Denis Fontaine

any ayotte

(Translated) Very clean (Original) Très propre

Lynda Proulx

Jesse Brassard

Gaston Dionne

(Translated) Lack of a lot of products .... no celery today .... forced to go to Maxi .... Yum .... (Original) Manque beaucoup de produits....pas de céleris aujourd'hui.... obligé d'aller au Maxi.... Yum....

Catherine Laplante

Marc andre Marc

(Translated) Pasque know good (Original) Pasque sais bon

Cindy Tardif-Mc Namara

Micheline Goupil

(Translated) As I am new to this metro, I have to continually search for my articles. Unable to find, I ask a clerk for help. Courteous kind and with a smile he brings me to the aisle. I appreciated this help. Thank you (Original) Comme je suis nouvelle à ce métro, je dois continuellement chercher mes articles. Faute de trouver je demande de l'aide à un commis. Courtois aimable et avec le sourire il m'amene à l'allee. J'ai apprécié cet aide. Merci

Marie-lee Drapeau

Richard Marineau

(Translated) We found Daffodil flowers to give as a gift for Easter. (Original) Nous y avons trouvé des fleurs Jonquilles pour donner en cadeau pour Pâques.

Caroline Gauthier

(Translated) Nice good service (Original) Beau bon service

Valérie Lefebvre

Vicky Guimont

Ghislain Laliberte

JF Croteau

(Translated) It's a nice grocery store but it's more expensive (Original) C'est une belle épicerie mais cest plus dispendieux

Jean-Claude Laroche

(Translated) Very nice hunting and fishing shop (Original) Très beau magasin de chasse et pêche

Sylvain Roux

(Translated) Good (Original) Bien

René Mayette

(Translated) Everything is fine (Original) Tout est très bien

cheyenne willard

Good quality food but slow service

Chantale Bachand

Robert Bernier

Mauvais service au comptoir de la viande

Katy Jozek

Jacques Boisvert

(Translated) Our beautiful grocery store with a good employee. (Original) Notre belle épicerie avec de bon employé.

Anne Pellerin

(Translated) Great (Original) Super

ginette compaore

Cécile Lawrence

Sharon Lagace

Good food, good prices.

Daniel Gauthier

Nancy Roy

Dany Tousignant

André Mallette

chantal martel

(Translated) To be forced to queue to do this refund the cans and bottle A roundabout way to make us buy (Original) Être obligé de faire la file pour ce faire rembourser les cannettes et bouteille Une façon détournée de nous faire acheter

serge lacroix



(Translated) Super clean and very good service (Original) Super propreté et très bon service

Charles L'abbé

(Translated) A metro like the others (Original) Un métro comme les autres

Daniel Siracusa

(Translated) Clean staff nice but expensive no choice the max is not good (Original) Propre personnel agréable mais cher pas le choix le maxi est pas bon

Claude Pinard

Danny Lamoureux

(Translated) Excellent service .... good food (Original) Excellent service....bonne bouffe

Bernard Halde

Taidgh Rodeck

Marc Cauvier

(Translated) Price and good product (Original) Prix et bon produit

David Leduc

Pierre Bouchard

(Translated) Good but expensive (Original) Bien mais cher

William Durocher

Maggie Turner

Richard Gravel

(Translated) As in every year, lack of lobster in the only period of the year when it is affordable (Original) Comme à chaque année, manque de homard dans la seule période de l'année ou il est abordable

Mathieu Gagnon

annie fecteau

alain bachand

Éric Hamel

(Translated) Good service (Original) Bon service

Roxanne Deslauriers

Nice place

Achraf Lekhel

Stephan Lauziere

mj g

Edmundo Saz Yucute

Very good


Alain Parent

(Translated) a lot of choice a lot of dishes cooked very appetizing people are very nice I recommend! (Original) beaucoup de choix beaucoup de mets cuisinés bien appétissant les gens sont bien gentils je.recommande !

Da Ho

(Translated) Very slow for the food to eat and lacks a lot of choice (Original) Très lent pour le près a manger et manque beaucoup de choix

Helene Nadeau

(Translated) Excellent service (Original) Service excellent

Sylvain Moisan

(Translated) An expensive can (Original) Un peut dispendieux

Virginie Dupont

Huguette Rene

Charles Gallant

(Translated) Very well (Original) Très bien

M Bisson

(Translated) Not worse (Original) Pas pire


Aline Legault

(Translated) Not a very nice experience Very bad service (Original) Pas une très belle expérience Très mauvais service

Ariane Larocque

Francis watson

Eve Normand

Francine Richard

Marcel Bolduc

(Translated) Good fresh meat service (Original) Bon service viande fraiche

Richard Brochu

(Translated) Very expensive (Original) Très cher

michel charland

Yves Parent

Jonathan Vallieres

(Translated) Very nice grocery store (Original) Tres belle épicerie

Frederic Tremblay

Gilles Racine

(Translated) It is a grocery store very beautiful me it is more expensive than maxi side prices not terrible and brought them terrible sanouiche his good their pizza not terrible I do not like their lookalike tomatoes n Is not good and their fish smoked a fat serous sose in septgati pa too dry not enough tomato juice (Original) C'est un épicerie très belle m'est sa coûte plus cher que maxi côté prix pas terribles et leur a apporté pas terribles leur sanouiche son bonne leur pizza pas terribles je n'aime pas leur sosie tomates n Est pas bonne et leur poisson fumée un gros séro leur sose a septgati pa asser trop sec pas assez de jus de tomates

Diane Labonte

Christian Bourque

Pierre Aubut

(Translated) Very good (Original) Très bon

Gratru Mathieu

(Translated) Eat food (Original) Manger manger

Patrick Beland

Karine Nolin

(Translated) These a nice grocery, clean but on the other hand a little more expensive than elsewhere ... (Original) Ces un bel épicerie, propre mais par contre un peu plus cher qu'ailleurs...

Steven Giguère

mario gauthier

(Translated) Super clean like store found everything (Original) Super propre comme magasin ont trouve de tout

Mathieu Lefebvre

Manon Parent


Alain Laveault

Manon Leroux

Geneviève Lussier

France Blais

Denis Racine

Claude Lemay

Bruno Dauphin

Jeffrey Larrivee

Claudia Croteau

Josée Leroux

Brigitte Nadeau

Sylvain Leclerc

(Translated) Bravo Metro for one of the most expensive food chains (Original) Bravo Metro pour une des chaines alimentaires des plus dispendieuses

Mary Pinard

Salut Johanne

(Translated) Very clean and good service (Original) Très propre et bon service

Michel Blanchette

(Translated) Quality products Good choice And good service (Original) Produits de qualité Bon choix Et un bon service

Jonathan Dube

Anthony Hachey

Cynthia Lacroix

(Translated) Expensive but clean and fresh (Original) Cher mais propre et frais

David Cujcuy


(Translated) All we need is here (Original) Tout ce qu'on a besoin est là

Sylvie Aubut

(Translated) Very well (Original) Très bien

Melody Dorion

(Translated) Ok but expensive (Original) Bin correct mais cher

Camille Paquet

J Mag

(Translated) Good customer service ... community involvement (Original) Bon service à la clientèle... implication communautaire

Brigitte Longpre

melissa picard

(Translated) Always fresh especially the dishes prepare labas (Original) Toujours frais surtout les plat préparer labas

Annik Desbiens

(Translated) Nice grocery store, good service. Lack of cashier sometimes. Auto service and delivery. (Original) Belle épicerie, bon service. Manque de caissière parfois. Service à l'auto et de livraison.

Alfonso Cuz

Emmanuel Provencher

Mary Gagnon

jacques smidt

(Translated) Welcoming and helpful staff. Very good checkout service I recommend this store (Original) Personnel accueillant et serviable. Service à la caisse très bon Je recommande ce magasin

Brigitte Leclerc

Lucas Durocher

Michel Dessailly

Jean-Claude Beaulieu

Coco Koko

(Translated) No crab leg yet ???????? (Original) Pas de patte de crabe encore ????????

Patrick Desfossés

(Translated) More expensive basket but good products and a very good butcher (Original) Panier plus dispendieux mais de bons produits et une très bonne boucherie

Yannick Gauvin

(Translated) Not worse (Original) Pas pire

amy LB

Andree Leroux

France Dépelteau

Steve Roy

(Translated) Perfect (Original) Parfait

Eric Pépin

(Translated) A grocery store like any other. Some items more expensive than others. (Original) Une épicerie comme les autres. Certains items plus chers que d'autres.

ti-guy moreau

(Translated) Very good service and very welcoming (Original) Tres tres bon service et ses très accueillant

Daniel Hinse

(Translated) Pleasant. (Original) Agréable.

Mario Kane

(Translated) Beautiful grocery (Original) Belle epicerie

Mariane Jacob

elisabeth l'espérance

(Translated) Good service (Original) Bon service

Sedrick Rene-fortier

(Translated) Very welcoming staff (Original) Personnel très accueillant

Benoit Laprise

Jean-Guy St Cyr

(Translated) Thanks for the very good service. (Original) Mercie pour le très bon service.

Michel Brière

Eric Provencher

Melanie Fortin

(Translated) We find everything (Original) On trouve de tout

isabelle Brassard

Josee Trudeau

(Translated) The staff is really nice and very helpful. I love this Metro. (Original) Le personel est vraiment gentil et très serviable. J adore ce Metro.

Karine Morin

Jimmy bérubé

Stephanie P

Ghyslain Proteau

(Translated) Quick meal (Original) Repas vite fait

Robert Lavigne

Louis-Philippe Bellerose

Jean-Michel Ayotte

(Translated) Very nice grocery store, freshness and good prices !! (Original) Très belle épicerie, fraîcheur et bons prix!!

S Gilles12

Joanie Corbeil

Chantal Duchesneau

Suzanne Leblanc

(Translated) Well organised (Original) Bien organisé

Sebastien Libert

(Translated) Always excellent service (Original) Toujours excellent service

Jean-Roch Lagacé

(Translated) Excellent service, fresh produce, great service. Welcoming people. (Original) Excellent service, produits frais, très bon service. Gens accueillants.

Jean Desilets

Caro Leduc

michel blanchette

Jocelyne Lapierre

Lyne Robidas

(Translated) His own (Original) Ses propre

linda dionne

(Translated) Nice clean courteous staff (Original) Bel endroit propre personnel courtois

gui aug

(Translated) Charging stations are missing (Original) Il manque des bornes de recharge

nancy sirois

(Translated) Have everything you want and the viandre very good (Original) Ont a tout ce qu'ont veux et la viandre très bonne

Lize Roy

(Translated) It is very good (Original) C'est très bien

Richard Bisson

(Translated) Very good fast service (Original) Très bon service rapide

Marc Andre Roy

Marcel RM

(Translated) Outgoing staff and enthusiasm. (Original) Personnel sortant et enthousiasme.

Brigitte Duval

(Translated) Good service (Original) Bon service

Gérald Auger

(Translated) Good service (Original) Bon service

Sébastien Blake

Louick Couture

Sheila Camirand

Leonid Melentsov

Sylvain Ménard

(Translated) Very satisfied very courteous staff (Original) Très satisfait personnel très courtois

gerald roberge

Steve Côté

Catherine Jalbert

Johnny Raymond

(Translated) Excellent quality and great service (Original) Excellente qualité et super service

nathalie dussault

donald beaurivage

(Translated) Fast and courteous service (Original) Service rapide et courtois

andre jette

(Translated) Very courteous staff and very clean store (Original) Personnel très courtois et magasin très propre

Luc Boutin

(Translated) Excellent service and very courteous (Original) Excellent service et très courtois

Karine Darveau

Katy Morin

Pierre Perreault

Ghislain Goudreau

(Translated) Beautiful fresh products (Original) Beau produits frais

Jonathan Bilodeau

Joannie Filion

France Larin

(Translated) Courteous staff good service (Original) Personels courtois bon service

Lyne Brière

Linda Lavigne

Jessi Martel

(Translated) Flawless service motivated and smiling employees (Original) Service impeccable employés motivé et souriant

Natacha Desbiens

(Translated) I find that its dear (Original) Je trouve que ses cher

manon champoux

(Translated) Brilliant (Original) Génial

Jean Paul Cote

David Couture

Marie Josée

(Translated) Super clean very nice quality products courteous staff. ???? (Original) Super propre très beaux produits de qualité personnel courtois. ????

Renald Boisvert

Mario St Cyr

Nathiee Boily

dany poulin

Christian Lacerte

(Translated) Always up to the task like every metro! (Original) Toujours à la hauteur comme chaque métro !

barety gftry

Michael Bosse

Chantal Normand

(Translated) Very well (Original) Très bien

Savaria Patrick

Stephanie Comtois Bilodeau

(Translated) Very clean. The people are friendly. (Original) Très propre. Les gens sont sympathique.

Guillaume Dufresne Nadeau

(Translated) A beautiful Metro (Original) Un beau Métro

pierre riendeau

Barry Morrill

Marie-Ève Lamothe

François Franky

(Translated) Very well (Original) Tres bien

Eric Belanger

(Translated) Fresh and quality products at good prices! (Original) Produits frais et de qualité à bon prix !

Steeve Bouc

Lucie Grenier

Nathalie Doyon

Yves Turgeon

Business Hours of Metro Plus Coop D'Asbestos in Asbestos



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