Brook Park is a small, urban park located somewhere in what the Romans used to call 'suburbanus maximus' aka in the residential area.
I hate this park with a burning passion. In fact, just the sight of it fills me with rage. Every time I visit this park I want to take a shovel and dig it all up, cleansing the world of this absolute eyesore of a 'park'. If my dog was on death's door, I would take him here because surely the mere feeling of existing in this hellish 0.4 square kilometre patch of grass would help him to die quicker than any vet could administer that lethal needle. Even the ants refuse to live here, if you squat down and examine the park boundary with a magnifying glass, you can see a wee fence around the entire perimeter, warining new ants to the area of just how horrid this so-called leisure area really is.
I hate this park, and I will continue writing to the city in hopes that they come to their senses and finally destroy it. I know that the levelled ground will no longer be suitable to live on, due to the awful legacy of such a terrible park, so maybe a memorial can be erected, honouring all seven dogs who tragically fell into depression after their naive (and frankly quite stupid) owners decided to march them through Lethbridge's most horrible little grassy area.