Reviews of Park Mont Wright (Park)

18 Chemin de l'Escalade, Stoneham-et-Tewkesbury, QC G3C 0R2 Chem. de l'Escalade, Stoneham-et-Tewkesbury, QC G3C 0R2, Canada

Average Rating:


Here you will see the information of people who are consuming the services of Park Mont Wright (Park) near Charlesbourg (Canada).

At this moment this firm has a rating of 4.7 stars over 5 and the rating is based on 77 reviews.

As you can see its rating is basically the best, and it's based on a large number of reviews, so we can be quite sure that the valuation is very reliable. If there are many people who bothered to rate when they are happy, is that it works.

You know that we don't usually bother to write opinions when they are positive and we usually do it only if we've had a problem or incidence...

This Park is included in the category of Park.

Where is Park Mont Wright?

REVIEWS OF Park Mont Wright IN Charlesbourg

Pier-Olivier Therrien

(Translated) Very pleasant. The kids loved it (3 and 5 years old). On the other hand, parking is limited and the place is popular, so go there during the week for more convenience. (Original) Très agréable. Les enfants ont adoré (3 et 5 ans). Par contre le stationnement est limité et l'endroit populaire donc y aller en semaine pour plus de facilité.

Saïna Bouchard

Nice easy hike near the city. Gets very crowded though.

Jean Quilici


(Translated) Still dogs not tied (Original) Encore des chiens pas attachés

Sandy Ratté

sebastien simard

(Translated) Nice place for a walk in nature. Very clean and nice. (Original) Bel endroit pour une balade en nature. Très propre et agréable.

Peter David

Mathieu Moses

Jordane St-Hilaire Dupuis

(Translated) No place to go for a big hike, but as a family with children it's great! Beautiful climbing walls also available !! (Original) Pas la place pour faire de la grosse randonnée, mais en famille avec des enfants c'est super ! Belles parois d'escalade aussi disponibles!!

Mireille Levesque

(Translated) Tjs also ressourcant times in times the bas???? (Original) Tjs aussi ressourcant de fois en fois la bas????


(Translated) Super get in shape to go there the climb is long and the descent difficult .... very rocky trail (Original) Super soyez en forme pour y aller la montée est longue et la descente difficiles .... sentier très rocailleux


Beautiful trail. The harder path has almost rock climbing part as well.

Cindy Fortier

Jp Cloutier

(Translated) As long as people will respect the place, it will be good to go for a hike ☺️ (Original) Tant et aussi longtemps que les gens vont respecter l'endroit, il y fera bon d'y aller pour de la randonnée ☺️

Maëlie bergeron

(Translated) I loved ! To do again! (Original) J'ai adoré ! À refaire !


Jonathan Corriveau

Nice place for a short walk and some climbing

Julie Laf.

Guy Gagnon

(Translated) Excellent outing with the children and my dog ... I recommend ... But tie your dog up .. there are lots of them .. (Original) Excellente sortie avec les enfants et mon chien... Je recommande... Mais attaché votre chien .. il y en a bcp ..

Alejandro Montoya

Mathieu Cattiaux

(Translated) Exceptional place for a nice little hike. Not very difficult route of about 2 hours (Original) Lieu exceptionnel pour une belle petite randonnée. Parcours pas très difficile d'environ 2h

Benjamin Caron

(Translated) I recommend to all families! Easy 20min hike to the summit. Amazing view of the landscape! (Original) Je recommende à toutes les familles! Petite randonnée facile de 20min jusqu'au sommet. Vue incroyable sur le paysage!

Nathalie Landry

(Translated) Beautiful forest, no more ... By cons, the intermediate course is extremely dangerous. The course is neither safe nor stable. This is not a hike but a climb that you will do on this trail. The rocks move at the slightest movement, the roots come out from all sides and your feet get stuck, not to mention the extremely slippery terrain. This trail should be closed to the public. We sprained our ankles with rocks bigger than us. Really, it was a more than unpleasant experience! (Original) Belle foret, sans plus...Par contre, le parcours intermédiaire est extrêmement dangereux. Le parcours n'est ni sécuritaire ni stable. Ce n'est pas de la randonnée mais bien de l'escalade que vous effectuerez dans ce sentier. Les roches bougent au moindre mouvement, les racines sortent de toutes part et vos pieds s'y coincent, sans oublier le terrain extrêmement glissant. Ce sentier devrait être fermé au public. Nous nous sommes foulés des chevilles avec des roches plus grosses que nous. Vraiment, ce fût une expérience plus que désagréable !

Louis-Philippe Morasse

Christian Poirier

(Translated) A very nice trail with some good challenges. (Original) Un très beau sentier avec de bons défis.

Laura Fabiola Gonzalez

(Translated) There are several paths to choose from depending on the level of difficulty. Very nice hike to do with friends. We took the path to get to the viewpoint. It taught us about 1.5 hours to go up. (Original) Il y a plusieurs chemins à choisir selon le niveau de difficulté. Très belle randonnée à faire entre amis. Nous avons pris le chemin pour nous rendre au point de vue. Ça nous appris environ 1.5 heure pour monter.

Xavier f

(Translated) Nice spot for a short hike too far and fast. (Original) Beau coin pour une petite randonnée par trop loin et rapide.

David St-Martin

Veriuska Castillo

Philippe Moussette

(Translated) Very beautiful but a little too crowded for a nature park. (Original) Très beau mais un peux trop de monde pour un parc nature.

Oli R

(Translated) 4/5 the missing star is because there is no trash other than at the entrance to the mountain, there is a sign saying to put our garbage in the trash and after the sign there is no no trash ..... a little ironic (Original) 4/5 l étoile manquante c'est car il n'y a pas de poubelle autre qu'à l'entrée de la montagne, il y a une pancarte disant de mettre nos déchets à la poubelle et après la pancarte il n'y a pas de poubelle..... Un peu ironique

Marius Céré

(Translated) Superb pedestrian santier to discover! (Original) Superbe santier pédestre à découvrir !

Eric Menard

Souzas no Quebec

(Translated) Very pleasant. Medium level trails. (Original) Muito agradável. Trilhas de nível médio.

Philippe Cormier

Alain Bolduc

(Translated) Wonderful place (Original) Endroit superbe

Ahlame Dalila JABIR

Charlène Raby

(Translated) Nice place to play outside for free and with a doggie! (Original) Belle place pour jouer dehors gratuitement et avec toutou!

Marc-Andre Frenette

Beautiful spot to bring the kids climbing!

Elie Grenon (DrunkenPoney)

Abby Dutremble

Gabriel Lefrançois

Daphnée Dufresne

(Translated) Trails "pet-friendly" as long as our dogs are tied up and have them pick up their excrement. Different levels of difficulty, is easily done in a morning (2-3 hours) (Original) Sentiers "pet-friendly" en autant que nos chiens soient attachés et que l'ont ramasse leurs excréments. Différents niveaux de difficulté, se fait facilement en un avant-midi (2-3 heures)

Frédéric Légaré

(Translated) Great place to walk (Original) Superbe place pour marcher

Gabriel Gagnon

Michel Nadeau

Jean-Yves Gallant

(Translated) Super nice climb and descent. (Original) Super de belle montée et descente.❤️

Felix Baril

(Translated) Magnificent (Original) Magnifique

Manon Roy

Solange Lafontaine

(Translated) I love (Original) J,adore

Antoine Goulet

Maxime Pelletier

Maxime Fortin-Tremblay

Danny Bouchard

(Translated) Very beautiful park. (Original) Très beaux parc.

Alexandre Cadorette

Francis Monchamp

Catherine Richard

(Translated) The paths are very well marked, we liked the circuit and the explanatory panels on fauna, flora and trees (Original) Les chemins sont très bien balisés, nous avons bien aimé le circuit et les panneaux explicatifs sur la faune, la flore et les arbres

Karine Lizotte

(Translated) Great places for a forest walk. The children liked it. We will come back for sure (Original) Endroits super pour une promenade en forêt. Les enfants ont bien aimé. Nous allons revenir c'est certain

marilyn duchesneau

Francois Lapointe

jean-yves sanfacon

(Translated) Several beautiful trails for short hikes or trail training. Some beautiful views of Stoneham and the surrounding mountains. The path of the valiant is short but not easy given the elevation, especially in winter because the climbs can be icy (Original) Plusieurs beau sentiers pour faire de la courte randonnée ou pour un entraînement de trail. Quelques beaux points de vue sur Stoneham et les montagnes environnantes. Le sentier du vaillant est court mais pas facile compte tenu du dénivelé, surtout l'hiver car les montées peuvent être glacées

Sarah Bouchard

(Translated) Beautiful trails for different levels of difficulty. (Original) Beaux sentiers pour différents niveaux de difficulté.

Mathieu Côté

Max M

(Translated) The view is not so incredible. (Original) La vue n'est pas si incroyable.

Lisette Morin

Alex Gélinas

Nicolas Hardy

Noémie Lemay

(Translated) Nice fall hike, fairly easy. (Original) Belle randonnée d'automne, assez facile.

Tingting Lu

Sebastien Potvin

(Translated) Free trails (> 6km) leading to a beautiful viewpoint. (Original) Sentiers gratuits (>6km) menant à un beau point de vue.

Marc-Antoine Roy

Sonia Langlois

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