Reviews of Parc des Braves (Park)

750 Ch Ste-Foy, Québec, QC G1S 4P1, Canada

Average Rating:


Here we offer you the opinions of people who know the services and products of Parc des Braves (Park) in the area of Charlesbourg (Canada).

To this day this business gets a rating of 4.6 stars out of 5 and this rating was based on 127 reviews.

As you can see it has an average rating is virtually the best one, and it's founded on a very large number of opinions, so we may think that the assessment is quite credible. If many people have bothered to leave their review when they are pleased with the business, it works.

You know that we do not usually stop to set feddbacks when they are correct and we usually do it only if we've had a problem or issue...

This Park is classified in the category of Park.

Where is Parc des Braves?

REVIEWS OF Parc des Braves IN Charlesbourg

Nicolas Pattee

(Translated) It is a beautiful, well-maintained park with furnished picnic areas. The terrain is mostly sloping, some sports activities may be more difficult. (Original) C'est un beau parc bien entretenu avec des espaces picnics aménagés. Le terrain est en pente pour la majorité, certaines activités sportives peuvent être plus difficiles.

Yvon Chevalier

(Translated) Moment of tranquility (Original) Moment de tranquillité

Gilles Janvier

(Translated) Very beautiful park in Quebec calm and quiet place with beautiful trees and many picnic table very clean to discover (Original) Tres beau parc a Québec endroit calme et tranquille avec de beaux arbres et de nombreuses table a pique-nique tres propre a découvrir

Samuel Matte-thibault

(Translated) Nice park to slide with the children in winter (Original) Beau parc pour glisser avec les enfants l'hiver

Carole Bolduc

(Translated) What a great place to play with the baby pooch, walk and watch the kids slide …

Kevin Dubeau

(Translated) Beautiful park (Original) Beau parc

jonny lavoie

(Translated) Beautiful place (Original) Belle endroit


(Translated) Small quiet island (Original) Petit îlot calme

Yann Cyclone

(Translated) Quite calm and friendly. With seats and lots of big trees. A large sunny central space. (Original) Assez calme et convivial. Avec des sièges et beaucoup de grands arbres. Un grand espace central ensoleillé.

caroline langlois

(Translated) These immense, beautiful, pleasant, relaxing (Original) Ces immenses, beau, agréable, relaxant

Bouge ton meeple

(Translated) Nice little park for a family picnic (Original) Beau petit parc pour un picnic en famille

Jean Marie Fecteau

(Translated) A haven of peace in the Montcalm Quarter. Less crowded than the Plains and has special charm and being located between the upper and lower town. (Original) Un havre de paix dans le Quatier Montcalm. Moins fréquenté que les Plaines et possède et charme particulier en étant situé entre la haute et la basse ville.

Alen Hughes

(Translated) Beautiful little park to play or Picnic. (Original) Beau petit parc pour jouer ou faire un Picnic.

Céline Sim

(Translated) 언제나 그렇듯 아름답고 평화 롭습니다! :) Beautiful and peaceful as always! :) Beautiful and peaceful as always! :) (Original) 언제나 그렇듯 아름답고 평화롭습니다! :) Beau et paisible comme toujours! :) Beautiful and peaceful as always! :)

Kathy Berklund

Small park. But food place to throw a frisbee or kick a soccer ball around with your kids.

Sylvain Gingras-Demers

(Translated) The sunsets are magnificent. There are large mature trees over 100 years old. In this time of COVID-19, this park allows us to reconnect with colleagues and friends. (Original) Les couchés de soleil sont magnifique. Il y’a de grands arbres matures plus que centenaires. Dans ce temps de COVID-19, ce parc permet de renouer des liens avec des collègues et les amis.

Yves Sigouin

(Translated) Lots of green space, benches and tables. Restful (Original) Beaucoup d’espace vert , des bancs et tables. Reposant

Martin Cossette

(Translated) Beautiful park of average size. Perfect place for a picnic. Nice view of the lower town. Public toilets on the premises. (Original) Beau parc de grandeur moyenne. Endroit parfait pour un pique-nique. Belle vue sur la basse-ville. Toilettes publiques sur les lieux.

Charles St-Hilaire

(Translated) Nice view! (Original) Belle vue!

Marion Laplace

(Translated) Spacious, shaded and furnished. Great place for a quiet aperitif without being stuck in the world (Original) Spacieux, ombragé et aménagé. Super lieu pour un apéro tranquille sans être collé au monde

Mario Patry

(Translated) Health (Original) Salut

Alexandre Lavoie

(Translated) Beautiful urban park! The tranquility in the heart of the city! (Original) Beau parc urbain! La tranquillité au coeur de la ville!


(Translated) Very beautiful and cozy! (Original) Très beau et cozy!

Annie Mike mike

Osome good for me like I been there and I will go back again

Mathieu Landry

(Translated) A magnificent park, relatively far from the Plains of Abraham and tourists. At the same time, it is a historic site where we find several plaques and monuments in honor of the battle of Sainte-Foy and of the two commanders, Lévis and Murray. (Original) Un magnifique parc, relativement loin des plaines d'Abraham et des touristes. En même temps, c'est un lieu historique où l'on retrouve plusieurs plaques et monuments en l'honneur de la bataille de Sainte-Foy et des deux commandants, Lévis et Murray.

Maxime Tanguay

(Translated) Beautiful park (Original) Beau parc

Guillaume Perrin

(Translated) I like a restful place is calm (Original) J'aime bien ses une place reposente est calme

Manika Naud (PanderzLuna)

(Translated) Nice little park, very nice in the middle of the city! (Original) Joli petit parc, très agréable au milieu de la ville!

andre girard

(Translated) Beautiful park to relax (Original) Beau parc pour relaxer

Andrée-ann Bluteau

(Translated) So relaxing (Original) Tellement relaxant

Philippe Clévy

(Translated) Historic site to see (Original) Site historique à voir

Stéphane St-Jacques

(Translated) Nice place for relaxation and enjoy the outside temperature in the high city. Clean and well maintained place (Original) Bel endroit pour une détente et profiter de la température exterieur dans la haute ville. Endroit propre et bien entretenu

Sara-Émilie Laurin

(Translated) Very beautiful park with large majestic trees and a beautiful view of the city. There is plenty of room to sit and relax. (Original) Très beau parc avec de grand arbres majestueux et une belle vue sur la ville. Il y a beaucoup de place pour s'asseoir et se détendre.

Pierre Bérubé

(Translated) What a beautiful park in our neighborhood! A good shot of greenery, full of nature; and Quebecers love squirrels. Where does this previous comment (below) come from from a French "Ti-Djo-Connaissant" who still says …

Hassaine Yasser

(Translated) There is a tower (Original) Il y a une tour

Kaushik Sharma

Wonderful place to stroll and relax. Must visit in the fall season to see some beautiful fall colours.

Georges Lupien

(Translated) Beautiful quiet park (Original) Très beau parc tranquille

Fred Blouin

(Translated) Nice large park with track to run around. (Original) Beau grand parc avec piste pour courrir autour.

Claude LaFrenière

(Translated) Federal park. Historic site of the battle of Ste-Foy (Lévis vs Murray). Monument to the braves of the French and British armies. The column is surmounted by the statue of the Roman goddess Bellone who looks towards the French lines. The statue is a gift from the son of Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte ... (Original) Parc fédéral. Lieux historique de la bataille de Ste-Foy (Lévis vs Murray). Monument aux braves des armées française et britannique. La colonne est surmontée de la statue de la déesse romaine Bellone qui regarde en direction des lignes françaises. La statue est un don du fils de Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte...

Francois Norman

(Translated) Very nice park before a view of the city (Original) Très beau parc avant un vue du ville

Jean Fortin-Moreau

Lovely place

Azzedine Najd

(Translated) Nice place always nice to spend time especially with children. (Original) Belle endroit toujours agréable de passer des temps surtout avec les enfants.

christina gauvin

Great place for a picnic under the trees when hot throw the ball,play catch ,fizzbee or just read a book,there are some tables benches and indoor bathrooms.

PM Laventurier

(Translated) Beautiful park. Accessible by car (Original) Très beau parc. Accessible en voiture

Alexis Tremblay

(Translated) Perfect for playing freesbee (Original) Parfait pour jouer au freesbee

Matthieu Whalen

(Translated) This is a heavenly place in Quebec City. I am amazed by the cleanliness of the place. Feel a sense of peace at Parc des Braves. A great place to daydream and rest. I go to this place every weekend to admire this site. This corner of the city of Quebec, is definitely, for me, the ideal place to settle and live peacefully. FROM REAL IRISH ???????????????????????? (Original) Voilà un endroit paradisiaque à Québec. Je suis épaté part la propreté des lieux. Ont ressent un sentiment de paix au Parc des Braves. Un endroit idéal pour rêvasser et se reposer. Je vais à cette endroit à toutes les fins de semaine pour admirer ce site. Ce coin de la ville de Québec, est définitivement, pour moi, le coin idéal pour s'installer et vivre paisiblement. FROM REAL IRISH ????????????????????????

renald lafleur

(Translated) Beautiful park very quiet. (Original) Beau parc très tranquille.

Me Jérémie John Martin

(Translated) One of the most beautiful parks in Quebec. In my opinion the most beautiful. (Original) Un des plus beaux parcs au Québec. Selon moi le plus beau.

Julien Falardeau

(Translated) Beautiful quiet park in town. Several tables with picnic and large space to do several activities (frisbee) (Original) Beau parc tranquile en ville. Plusieurs tables à picnic et grand espace pour faire plusieurs activités (frisbee)

4ESSENCIEL Rêve d'ensemble (4ESSENSIEL)

(Translated) Park where the weather is good go read play this resourced (Original) Parc ou il fait bon allez lire jouer ce resourcé

Pam D.

(Translated) Magnificent little park in the round, a paradise in town. Ideal for beautiful picnics. (Original) Magnifique petit parc en rond ,un paradis en ville.ideal pour de beaux pique-nique.

Eric Langlois

(Translated) Clean and quiet (Original) Propre et tranquille

Sébastien Bélanger-Gagnon

(Translated) Very nice park, very clean, surrounded by tall residential buildings some of which are for the elderly, so a very quiet place. It was mostly in full sun, except under the shelter of a tree. (Original) Très beau parc, très propre, entouré de hauts bâtiments d'habitation dont certains sont pour personnes âgées, donc un endroit très tranquile. C'était principalement en plein soleil, sauf à l'abris d'un arbre.

Linda Pascal

(Translated) Super beautiful park. Tranquility. Nice view. Super beautiful and big trees. (Original) Super beau parc. Tranquillité. Belle vue. Super beaux et grands arbres.

Mathieu Cattiaux

(Translated) Very beautiful is clean (Original) Très beau est propre

Cécile LUCAS

(Translated) A calm space, an unobstructed view, full of little squirrels. A place to relax. (Original) Un espace calme, une vue dégagée, plein de petits écureuils. Un endroit pour se ressourcer.

Mélanie BOUDAT

(Translated) Quiet, clean. This park is very nice (Original) Calme, propre. Ce parc est très agréable

Alphonse NAZA

(Translated) Great park. Beware of psychopathic squirrels (Original) Super parc. Attention aux écureuils psychopates

Cédric Dionne

(Translated) Quiet with a beautiful landscape. Sheltered from the sounds of the city (Original) Tranquille avec un beau paysage. À l'abri des sons de la ville

David Tempesta

(Translated) Nice park loaded with squirrels pity that cars can go around (Original) Joli parc chargé d'écureuils dommage que les voitures puisse en faire le tour

Olivier Rousseau

(Translated) Great (Original) Super

Emerick Coulombe

Very peaceful little park with great statues and art

Pierre Richard

(Translated) Wow. An enchanting air of rest (Original) Wow. Un air de repos enchanteur

Marie Claude Allard

(Translated) Perfect mix of shadow and light. Good amount of benches and picnic tables. Enough space to be comfortable (Original) Parfait mélange d'ombre et de lumière. Bonne quantité de bancs et de tables à pique-nique. Assez d'espace pour être à l'aise


(Translated) beautiful park, a lot of snow (Original) beau parc, beaucoup de neige

Celia C

(Translated) Very pleasant park, we can see lots of squirrels and the sunset. …

Maria Ramaholison

(Translated) Quiet, well-kept lawn and clean park. Safe. Children love !!! (Original) Tranquille, pelouse bien entretenue et parc bien propre. Sécuritaire. Les enfants aiment!!!

Charles Rhéaume


Passeurs D'Images Foto / Voyage en Vr

(Translated) Another Gorgeous Park Park Canada unknown for a stop and picnic (Original) Un autre Magnifique Parc de Parc Canada méconnu pour faire une Halte et pique niquer

Denis Leblanc

Pierre Roy

(Translated) One of the most beautiful places in the upper town of Quebec to enjoy the sunsets. A large space of greenery with magnificent trees. …

Vincent Poulin

(Translated) Very beautiful park. Located in town, without the impression of being there. A calm location. Perfect for relaxing and enjoying a sunny day without having to go to the other end of the city. (Original) Très beau parc. Situé en ville, sans l'impression d'y être. Un endroit calme. Parfait pour relaxer et profiter d'une journée ensoleillé sans devoir aller a l'autre bout de la ville.

Jean Biron

(Translated) Friendly (Original) Sympathique

Nathalie Morin

(Translated) Very nice place (Original) Très belle endroit

Vincent Bernard

One of the best park on the city. Car accessible, quiet.

Bikash Gurung

Cause I wanted to be there when I am big

Jessica-Lee Leroux

(Translated) Very large green space surrounded by asphalt where it is possible to park, old trees of several hundred years tabs picnic and bench in large numbers, flowers super beautiful original very well maintained! Loved it! At the end of the stairs to go directly to the lower town, great to see for those who love to sunbathe quiet ø stress great quiet place! ???????????? (Original) Très grand espace vert ceinturé dune aller en asphalte ou il est possible de se stationner, des arbres vieux de plusieurs centaines d'années tabpes a pique-nique et banc en grand nombre, fleurs super belles originales tres bien entretenu! Adoré! Tout au bout des escaliers pour descendre directement en basse ville super a voir pour les touristes ceux qui aime se faire bronzer tranquille ø stress super endroit calme!????????????


(Translated) Very nice park administered by Parc Canada, very well maintained and many picnic tables available. Several benches are also available. There are bathrooms on site which are also very clean. Access to automobiles. Garbage and recycling on site. (Original) Très beau parc administré par Parc Canada, très bien entretenu et nombreuses tables de picnique disponibles. Plusieurs bancs sont également disponibles. Il y a des salles de bains sur place qui sont également très propres. Accès aux automobiles. Poubelles et recyclage sur place.

Kanchan Bisht


Nicolas Bussière

(Translated) Grills and BBQ are forbidden ... Let it be said! (Original) Les grills et BBQ sont interdits... Qu'on se le dise!

Julie Rojas

(Translated) He is very handsome. Can we have a baby shower there? (Original) Il est trés jolie. Est que on peut faire un baby shower là bas?

David Mendonça

(Translated) It's cool! (Original) C'est cool!

George Sutherland

Nice neighbourhood park. Lots of squirrels and people.

Juan Alejandro Bermúdez Ángeles

(Translated) Quiet and not overcrowded, there are many places with dark and tables. (Original) Tranquille et pas trop peuplé, il y a beaucoup des endroits avec la sombre et des tables.

Club Des Pedales

Wow .. ^)'×'(^

Jacques Breton

(Translated) Very nice park in the city. A large field surrounded by a small carriage road, nice. Several tables for the picnic. (Original) Très joli parc en pleine ville. Un grand champ entouré d'un petit chemin carrossable, sympathique. Plusieurs tables pour le pique-nique.

Igor Pivovar

Beautiful and interesting park

Sylvie Simard

(Translated) The slide is wonderful (Original) La glissade est merveilleuse

Pierre Jessop

(Translated) The Parc des Braves is a beautiful place, well maintained, full of greenery. To patronize when you want tranquility. (Original) Le Parc des Braves est un bel endroit, bien entretenu, plein de verdure. À fréquenter lorsqu'on veut de la tranquillité.

Félix Dion-Robidoux (DiglidiDudeNG)

(Translated) Beautiful little park. (Original) Beau petit parc.

Denis Boudreault

(Translated) Super beautiful park, mature and quiet ... (Original) Super beau parc, mature et tranquille...

Jonathan Côté

(Translated) superb park. romantic, relaxing (as a couple), then with the children: there is plenty of room to play! :) (Original) superbe parc. romantique, relaxant (en couple), puis avec les enfants : y'a de la place pour jouer ennnnn masse ! :)

Noureddine Fidaga

(Translated) Amazing place (Original) Amazing place

Christian Dubois

(Translated) Very beautiful panoramic for family walks both summer and winter. (Original) Très beau panoramique pour des marches en famille tant l'été que l'hiver.

Frozen Jarvis

Epic Parc


(Translated) Superb (Original) Superbe

Miss Bree

Beautiful and calm.

Francisco Roberto F. Guimarães Jr.

It's a very good Park

Celine Levasseur

(Translated) Quiet and friendly park (Original) Parc calme et convivial

Eliseo Mux

(Translated) A beautiful place and beautiful people I recommend it (Original) Un hermoso lugar y bellas personas lo recomiendo

Olivier Lecours

(Translated) Very beautiful landscapes, we went there to slide, but there was too much snow! (Original) Très beaux paysages, nous y sommes allées pour glisser, mais il y avais trop de neige!

Oliviercde CdE

(Translated) A nice place to relax (Original) Un lieu de détente agréable

Yan Beaudet

(Translated) Imposing monument to its entrance with plenty of space to rest. (Original) Monument imposant à son entrée avec beaucoup d'espace pour se reposer.

Laurent Leclerc-Poulin

Nancy cormier

(Translated) Super beautiful and very safe and to relax! (Original) Super beau et très bien sécuritaire et pour se détendre !

Kim J-F

Very quiet and spacious Park.

Amana Bousnina

Just perfect admirable spot

Noura Boudaouch

(Translated) Uncrowded park well monitored (Original) Parc peu fréquenté bien surveillé

Louis François Tremblay Laliberte

(Translated) Beautiful sunset ... when the weather is nice (Original) Magnifique coucher de soleil...lorsqu il fait beau

Guy Goulet

(Translated) The calm in the city, the nature (Original) Le calme en pleine ville, la nature

Eric D.

(Translated) A haven of peace and healing (Original) Un havre de paix et de ressourcement

Martin Delisle

(Translated) Beautiful park (Original) Beau parc

Stephane Hamel

(Translated) Quiet park (Original) Parc tranquille

Stéphane Gagné

(Translated) Great (Original) Super

Nancy Gagnon

(Translated) A beautiful park in the city, beautiful view, discreet but not a lot of parking around, it is more accessible if you live in the area (Original) Un beau parc en ville , belle vue , discret mais pas beaucoup de stationnement autour, c’est plus accessible si vous habitez dans le coin

Clara Maxance

(Translated) Informative historic site and view of the city! (Original) Lieu historique instructif et vue sur la ville !

yves paquet

(Translated) Beautiful (Original) Très beau

Ginette Belanger

Charles Vyvial

Another beautiful corner of the city.

Gaetan Cloutier

(Translated) Very nice place (Original) Très belle endroit

Rawan Matar

(Translated) Good (Original) Bon

Charles Zinser

(Translated) Owl park ???? (Original) Chouette parc ????

Dounex Colors

(Translated) Beautiful little neighborhood park with a view of the lower town! Magnificent !! (Original) Beau petit parc de quartier avec vue sur la basse ville ! Magnifique !!

lucien roy

(Translated) An enchanting place, well maintained! (Original) Un endroit enchanteur, bien entretenu !

Sebastien Garnier

(Translated) Very nice little green space, but a toilet is missing. (Original) Très beau petit espace vert, mais il manque des toilettes.

Joseph Dan

(Translated) Nice calm but voracious squirrel (Original) Beau calme mais écureuil voraces

Paul Barrere

(Translated) Quebecers don't like squirrels, but for French people, what a beautiful sight these free animals are, in the middle of the city! (Original) Les québecois n'aiment pas les écureuils, mais pour des français, quel beau spectacle que ces bêtes libres, en pleine ville!

Julio Bed

(Translated) A place with a lot of history. Site of one of the most important battles in Canada. (Original) Un lugar con mucha historia. Sitio de una de las batallas más importante de Canadá.

Steinbach Alain

(Translated) Very nice park in town close to everything (Original) Tres beau parc en ville proche de tout

Michel Désilets

(Translated) Very beautiful, close to home and calm (Original) Très beau , près de chez moi et calme


(Translated) Perfect place to relax in the sun in summer. Or to play in the snow in winter. Or to walk pony in a green place. Or to play Frisbee and throw the ball. Perfect place for a picnic in front of one of the most beautiful views of the Lower Town, especially in the evening! (Original) Endroit parfait pour relaxer au soleil en été. Ou pour jouer dans la neige l'hiver. Ou pour promener pitou dans un endroit vert. Ou pour jouer au frisbee et se lancer le ballon. Endroit parfait pour un picnic devant une des plus belles vues de la Basse-Ville, surtout en soirée !

Christian Dufour

(Translated) It's peaceful (Original) C'est paisible

Simon Des Rosiers

Large parc with matures trees and a few bench. It is the perfect Parc for a family picnic.

Joe Hendricks

(Translated) Great place (Original) Super endroit

Yan Foster

(Translated) Superb place for a picnic !!! Quiet and sunny with majestic trees !! (Original) Superbe endroit pour un picnic !!! Tranquille et ensoleillé avec des arbres majestueux !!

Giroux Walter

(Translated) For a good walk in the nature Park video (Original) Pour une bonne marche dans la nature vidéo Park

Alexandre Ross

(Translated) Public toilets and watering troughs (Original) Toilettes publiques et abreuvoirs

Andrew Leong

Nice little park a couple blocks away from the main Battlefields Park. Big open grass field with lots of benches and tables to sit at.

Julie Milhomme

(Translated) Pretty and quiet in the heart of the city (Original) Joli et calme en plein coeur de la ville

Erix Vezina

(Translated) Nice view (Original) Belle vue

Lyne Beaulieu

(Translated) very nice little park with lots of squirrels :) (Original) très beau petit parc avec beaucoup d'écureuils :)


Beautiful peaceful park with a good historical background

Karolyne Gallant

(Translated) Beautiful green space with accessible toilets. (Original) Bel espace vert avec des toilettes accessibles.


(Translated) Nice place to relax, picnic or jog. Beautiful trees ???? (Original) Belle place pour relaxer, faire un picnic ou faire du jogging. Beaux arbres ????

André Martineau

(Translated) Outdoor assured. (Original) Plein air assuré.

Olivier Garban

(Translated) Very beautiful panorama (Original) Très beau panorama

Naomie Pelletier

It's so beautiful ???? I loved it

Denis Noel

(Translated) Beautiful place of relaxation ... very well held ... Bravo (Original) Beau lieu de détente... très bien tenu... Bravo

Christine Giguere

(Translated) Amazing place, breathtaking views of Quebec and the surrounding suburbs. Park ultra quiet. Enchanting place, ideal for relaxing, walking and relaxing by the pristine greenery and beautiful beautiful trees (Original) Endroit extraordinaire, vue imprenable sur Québec et les banlieues environnantes. Parc ultra tranquille. Lieu enchanteur et propice à la détente, à la marche et à la détente de par la verdure impeccable et les magnifiques superbes beaux arbres

alireza danesh

A small gem in the heart of Quebec City.

Martin Belanger

(Translated) Beautiful park, (Original) Beau parc,

Daniel Gagnon

(Translated) One of the most beautiful quiet places in Quebec (Original) Un des plus beaux endroits tranquilles de Québec

Vanessa Vachon

(Translated) The staff are welcoming, the places are clean and the decor is good. (Original) Les employés sont accueillants, les lieux sont propres et la décoration est bien.

Jonathan Van Passenhove

(Translated) Nice park in the city center, no game but a huge space filled with squirrel. (Original) Joli parc en plein centre ville, pas de jeu mais un immense espace rempli d'écureuil.

Gilles Jolin

(Translated) Extraordinary. (Original) Extraordinaire.

Stephanie Allen

(Translated) Ideal park for picnics and well located. The kids love it! (Original) Parc idéal pour faire des piques niques et bien situé. Les enfants adorent !

Martin Duperron Gerald

(Translated) Magnificent (Original) Magnifique

Michel Q Domagaya

(Translated) The Parc des Braves is getting a makeover. At the Dumont Mill on April 28, 1760, "Captain D'Aiguebelle's grenadiers, bayonets in hand, forced Major Dalling's Highlanders to jump out of the windows of the …

Guy Breton

(Translated) Nice and peaceful place (Original) Endroit agréable et paisible

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