Reviews of Parc Des Ormeaux (Park)

795 Rue Chapleau, Trois-Rivières, QC G8W 2M2, Canada

Average Rating:


You have the opinions of real people who purchased the services and products of Parc Des Ormeaux (Park) in Cap-de-la-Madeleine area (Canada).

Nowadays this business gets a score of 4.4 stars over 5 and that rating is based on 127 reviews.

As you can see its rating is really high, and it's based on a very high number of reviews, so we may conclude that the assessment is very accurate. If many people have bothered to give their opinion when they've done well, is that it works.

As you know, we don't usually stop to write scores when they are positive and we usually do it only if we've had a problem or issue...

This Park is classified in the category of Park.

Where is Parc Des Ormeaux?

REVIEWS OF Parc Des Ormeaux IN Cap-de-la-Madeleine

Caroline Cyr

(Translated) This park has play modules for all ages and lots of picnic tables. (Original) Ce parc a des modules de jeux pour tout les âges et beaucoup de tables à pique nique.

Daniel D. Roy

New skate park just completed.

mariane beauregard

(Translated) Shawinian (Original) Shawinian

Katty Arseneault

(Translated) Security vis-à-vis the covid es excellent and the staff are courteous and very efficient (Original) La sécurité vis-à-vis le covid es excellente et le personnel est courtois et très efficace

Martine Baril

Philippe Maltais Lapointe

Emilie Groleau

Jacob Belair

Francis Lafontaine

(Translated) Very large park with a multitude of activities (Original) Très grand parc incluant une multitude d'activités

Patrick Simard

Not much there asside from games for kids and a dry pool.

Claudie Levesque

(Translated) Nice place for adults and kids (Original) Belle endroit pour les adultes et les enfants

Émily Lavoie

Stephane Gagnon

Pascal Marin

Eric Bergeron

(Translated) Skate park, bmx, winter sliding, swimming pool, twrrain baseball, not much is missing here. (Original) Skate park, bmx , glissade en hiver, piscine, twrrain baseball ,manque pas grand choses ici.

Plante Simon

Alexandre Fugère

Eric Lavigne

(Translated) Everything for the family (Original) Tout pour la famille

Marie Litia Bélanger

(Translated) Very pretty (Original) Très joli

Pascal Duval

François Adams

Benoit Richard

Mirek M

Bianka Laurencelle

(Translated) Very nice park. A quiet place in the city (Original) Très beau parc. Un endroit calme en pleine ville


(Translated) Beautiful park good skate park more beautiful bmx track (Original) Beau parc bon skate park plus belle piste de bmx

Cindy the Canadian Scout

(Translated) A fairly simple park, with a skate park and a BMX track. In summer, there are graffiti stands, and that's fun! (Original) Un parc assez simple, avec un skate-parc et une piste de BMX. L'été, il y a des stands à graffiti, et ça, c'est le fun!

Kathy Dauphinais

James T

Sylvie Tourigny

(Translated) To let my chihuahua run "loose". Wonderful. (Original) Pour laisser courir "lousse" mon chihuahua. Merveilleux.

Reynaldo Mantilla

DS Provencher

(Translated) No lighting at night yet ... But full of young people! (Original) Pas encore d'éclairage le soir... Mais pleins de jeune!

Alexis Bilodeau

(Translated) The skate park is really great! (Original) Le skate park est vraiment super!

Jean-Philippe Guay

Alain Tessier

Ellie Williams

Noé Ubau

It's amazing how the tree are dyed of full colouring. The place for a picnic as well as to figure out yourself.


(Translated) Very beautiful park very complete and super clean to do lots of activity (Original) Très beau parc très complet et super propre pour y faire plein d activité

huguette massicotte

(Translated) To go sliding, it's great but you have to be very careful because in the middle of the hill there is a big bump and for the little ones it's dangerous, the slope should be softened ???? (Original) Pour aller glisser c'est genial mais il faut faire très attention car au milieu de la côte il y a une grosse bosse et pour les plus petits c'est dangereux il faudrait adoucir la pente ????

huguette massicotte

(Translated) To go sliding, it's great but you have to be very careful because in the middle of the hill there is a big bump and for the little ones it's dangerous, the slope should be softened ???? (Original) Pour aller glisser c'est genial mais il faut faire très attention car au milieu de la côte il y a une grosse bosse et pour les plus petits c'est dangereux il faudrait adoucir la pente ????

Francois Desrosiers

Ellie Williams

Guy Lagotte

(Translated) Very well (Original) Très bien

Nathalie Roy

I love gaming

Valentine Larhantec

Eric Mathieu

(Translated) Very well located and arranged. (Original) Très bien situé et aménagée.

Phil Mecanique

Maurice Dion

Mannek Ptito-Brisson

(Translated) Good evening with friend ... place to advise (Original) Bonne soirée entre ami ... endroit conseiller

Tommy Martin

(Translated) Full of maple trees that change color in the fall (Original) Plein d'érables qui changent de couleur à l'automne

Karl Mailhot

(Translated) There is a great skate park in this park. There are many people who practice the scooter in the skate park during the day. (Original) Il y a un super skate parc dans ce parc. Il y a beaucoup de gens qui pratique la trotinette dans le skate parc pendant la journée.

Razeea Randria

Jacques Godbout

(Translated) Beautiful (Original) Beau

cindy Larouche

(Translated) Large, wooded, skate park, bmx track ... (Original) Grand, boisé, skate parc, piste de bmx...

Yohann Fortin

Denis Marchand

(Translated) Beautiful park with a beautiful baseball field (Original) Très beau parc avec un très beau terrain de base-ball

Andre Milette

(Translated) Beautiful park with bmx swimming pool track ect (Original) Beaux parc avec piste de bmx pisine ect

simon cochrane

bideaux samuel

C nice big

clement Rousseau

(Translated) nice place for kids lots of outdoor games and wading. (Original) belle endroit pour les enfants beaucoup de jeux extérieur et pataugeuse.

René Giguère

Johane Boivin

(Translated) Super clean park that attracts young and old to play, chat and walk and even have a picnic. (Original) Parc super propre qui attire les jeunes et les moins jeunes a jouer, jaser et se balader et même picniqué.

Marion Petit-Veyne

Wither 71

Jean Rodney Pluviose

DMND Production

Have a skatepark here

William Dastous-Stampe

(Translated) Beautiful very recent concrete skatepark. It is small and not super suitable for beginners. You have to go the week before school ends, because otherwise it's filled with kids on scooters who don't care where they're going. Large parking lot. There is also a dirt bike track with jumps and bumps as well as a full asphalt basketball court. (Original) Beau skatepark en béton très récent. Il est petit et pas super adapté aux débutants. Il faut y aller la semaine avant que l'école finisse, parce que sinon il est remplie d'enfants sur des trotinettes qui ne font pas attention où ils vont. Grand stationnement. Il y a aussi une piste de vélo en terre avec des jumps et bosses ainsi qu'un terrain de basket complet en asphalte.

Celine Poisson

Stéphanie Bastien

Philippe Trottier

pelletier carol

Marie-Andrée Séguin

claudie caron


Michael vavé

(Translated) There is plenty of activity on the ground and it's free (Original) Il y a plein d'activité sur le terrain et c'est gratuit

Basically Elo

Marie-pier Fournier

Rodrigue Willy

(Translated) A nice place alone or with family (Original) Un endroit sympathique seul ou en famille

Maxime Mayer-Dupuis

Marie-Claude Higgins

Karine Benoit

Linda Diane Sarrazin


(Translated) Nice place to go with your kids (Original) Bel endroit pour allez avec vos enfants

Christian Gauthier

New skatepark is awesome

Pier-Louis Gervais

Julia Cristina Hernández Maturana

Belagri Damien

Pando balopi

Manuel Groleau

Caroline Brousseau


Jean-Mathieu Aubin

bryan gagnon

(Translated) small park with a pool (Original) petit parc avec une piscine

Eric Chouinard

This park has a BMX track, a skimming pool, skating rink, a hill for slidding, and more.

Fernand Brisson

(Translated) New layout for children who are not afraid of falling (Original) Nouvel aménagement pour les enfants qui n’ont pas peur de tomber


(Translated) Beautiful snow for snowshoeing (Original) Belle neige pour la marche en raquettes

Mathieu Descoteaux

Marcellin Gelinas

Carole Germain

(Translated) Well adjusted (Original) Bien amenage

Émile Toupin

(Translated) Very nice park, well trained (Original) Très beau parc, bien entrenu

Jean thiffault

Linda G. Champagne

lll OUTLOUQUE lll [Reg. TM.]

abtin meysami

Jasmin Lemyre

(Translated) A great place to go skating (Original) Une belle place pour aller patiner

jean pierre bonneville

(Translated) Super beautiful park, very happy to have known her (Original) Super de beau parc bien content de l'avoir connue

isabelle hebert

Adam Boisvert

madame mesieux

(Translated) Very nice place that offers several activities: skate park, ball field, romper in summer and skating rink in winter. In addition to several rooms that can be rented for lots of activities ... The park is magnificent with its huge trees and a playground for the little ones. (Original) Très bel endroit qui offre plusieurs activités: skate park, terrain de balle, barboteuse l'été et patinoire l'hiver. En plus de plusieurs salles qui peuvent louées pour plein d'activités...Le parc est magnifique avec ses immenses arbres et terrain de jeux pour les petits

Benjamin Pinard

Olivier Neault

Ju Pratt

Jonathan Laroche

Sylvain Lemire

jé alarie

Guy Michaud

Marbella Quevedo

Francyn Laquerre

Dtrek d

J J Card

Nox E'Pura


Rose Leduc


France Carpentier

Python Duck

Needs some pick-nick tables around calmer parts of the park and some attractions for adults.

Jonathan Fortin

(Translated) Good times spent. Park very simple but effective. (Original) De bon moments passé. Parc très simple mais efficace.

Johanne Richard

Jean-Luc Petit

(Translated) Calm in a beautiful environment (Original) Du calme dans un bel environnement

Anonymus Anonymus

Jean-Mathieu Aubin

Xavier Trépanier

(Translated) Super Skate Park (Original) Super Skate Parc

David Jutras

(Translated) A great free place to go sliding with the children ???????? (Original) Une superbe place gratuite où aller glisser avec les enfants ????????

Jean-Philippe Gaudet

(Translated) Calmed down (Original) Calme


(Translated) Super skatepark (Original) Super skatepark

Francis Paquin

Nath Pap

Brigitte Kovacs

Mathieu Brousseau

(Translated) The new skate park is really appreciated by its adapters. (Original) Le nouveau skate parc est vraiment apprécié par ses adaptes.

Hicham Azza

Raphaël Parent

josee collin

Valentine Larhantec

Jayson PearTree

Serge Lavoie

(Translated) Own (Original) Propre

Gabriel Mimeault

(Translated) Nice park with nice coast to slide, BMX track, swimming pool, skating rink park and ice ring. Nice place with beautiful mature trees. (Original) Beau parc avec belle côte pour glisser, piste de BMX, piscine, parc patinoire et anneau de glace. Bel endroit avec de beaux arbres matures.

sebastien pleau

(Translated) Fun place for ur. Kids doing bmx and skateboarding. Race too (Original) Place d amusement pour ur les. Kids qui font du bmx et du skate. Course aussi

Marilou Demontigny

ilse quevedo

tristan fournier

jessica lavallée -st-onge

(Translated) Beautiful park (Original) Beau parc


Martin Chouinard

Claude Descheneaux

(Translated) Very nice place to spend time with family. The bike path is impressive. (Original) Très bel endroit pour passée du temps en famille. La piste pour vélos est impressionnante.

Annie Langevin

France Bordeleau

Julie Lemire

Francis Fréchette

Yanick Bergeron

Manon Perreault

Ray Bout

Mélanie Bergevin

julie gauthier

(Translated) Beautiful park and BMX track (Original) Très beau parc et piste de BMX

Babymuf Lalonde

patrice delisle

El TabArNacO

Alain St louis

Stef Piche


Louis-Philippe DesHaies

Claire Couture

Alain Trudel

(Translated) Nice place to have fun with children (Original) Bel endroit pour s'amuser avec les enfants

Stephen Emond


hmmdi fres

Karine Filiou

(Translated) Nice place for teenagers, my 9-year-old sons preferred to use the basketball court for their scooters because of the presence of young people. (Original) Chouette endroit pour les ados, mes fils de 9ans ont préférés utiliser le terrain de basket pour faire dla trottinette vue la présence des jeunes.

H. Brisebois

(Translated) Nice place (Original) Bel endroit

Malik Khamis

Mélanie McKenzie

Miguel St-Louis

Bruno Dugre

pascal tessier

Eric Savary

Karine Deschênes

albert veillette

Caroline Godin

Tiamo Tiamo

Naomy Bergeron

André Verville

Johana Chaparro Munevar

(Translated) Nice place to go for a ride with a good parking. (Original) Belle place pour faire la glissade avec un bon stationnement.

christine trottier

Very peaceful these days

Helene Aubry

David Vaillancourt

vieilles chansons

Benoit St-Onge

Nadia Savard

Killiminator 1

anthony lacroix

Jesus Muñoz

(Translated) In this winter season, it is good to go sliding with sleds or snowboards. There is also an ice rink which is kept in very good condition. (Original) En cette saison d'hiver, il est bon de faire de la glisse avec des traîneaux ou des snowboards. Il y a aussi une patinoire qui est maintenue en très bon état.⛸️????️❄️????

Pierre Chainé

Quebec Gold

(Translated) Fooouu stiff (Original) Fooouu raide

Alexandra Pierre

Annie Fontaine

(Translated) My son loves going BMX there (Original) Mon fils adore aller y faire du BMX

Kim leonard

(Translated) Fun, vast, interesting activities, clean. (Original) Amusant, vaste, activités interessante, propre.

Julie Lapierre

Benoit Drouin

(Translated) Would be good new (party for young children) (Original) Serait bien du nouveau (parti pour jeunes enfants)

Patricia Poiazzi

Pierre Devost

(Translated) Super nice bike place for young and less young. (Original) Super belle place de vélo pour les jeunes et moin jeunes.

Claude Deschamps

(Translated) Well maintained park (Original) Parc bien entretenue

Ha ha hi Hi

France Dauphinais

Johnny Tremblay

(Translated) There is a swimming pool, a children's park and a baseball field. (Original) Il y a une piscine un bequ parc pour enfants ainsi qu'un terrain de baseball

Marie-Claude Lapointe

Elizângela Silva

Charles Tremblay

(Translated) Scooters should be banned (Original) Les trottinette devrais être interdite

elizabeth courtieu

Melissa Duval

Isabelle Gosselin

(Translated) Beautiful park but the modules are a little tired and there is no access to the toilet when the center and the pool are closed. (Original) Beau parc mais les modules sont un peu fatigués et il n y a pas d accès pour les toilettes quand le centre et la piscine sont fermés .

Guillaume Arial


Rejean Rousseau

Martin Roy

(Translated) Park aging, but with many services: Skatepark, BMX track, hiking trails, winter slides, game modules, swimming pool, community hall, ... (Original) Parc vieillissant, mais avec beaucoup de services : Skatepark, piste de BMX, sentiers pédestres, glissades l'hiver, modules de jeux, piscine, salle communautaire,...

Steeve Champagne

Dany Boisvert

Émilie St-jean

Laura BL

Annie Gregoire

Josée Leduc

Marc-André Parent

Jo Blanchette

(Translated) Family park with games for all ages. Tables and benches. Ball field. Plank track. Swimming pool (closed for the season) (Original) Parc familial avec jeux pour tout âge. Tables et bancs. Terrain de balle. Piste de planches. Piscine ( fermée pour la saison )

Mr Hat Nick

(Translated) Honestly it's poor as park a chance the pool saves everything (Original) Honnêtement c est pauvre comme parc une chance la piscine sauve le tout

Baptiste Martinez

(Translated) Always clean. Only negative point parking skate Park is not paved. (Original) Toujours propre. Seul point négatif le parking du skate Park n'est pas asphalté.

Chantal Lavoie

yan marois

(Translated) Nice place for children (Original) Belle place pour les enfants

Kenneth Parsons

Sliding with my two girls and friends always a pleasure

Manon Bellemare

Anabel Martel

Simon Bergeron

francois Francois

(Translated) Great location close to the highway easy to access for all those good stays (Original) Très bien situé proche de l'autoroute facile d'accès pour tous ces bons reste

francois Francois

(Translated) Great location close to the highway easy to access for all those good stays (Original) Très bien situé proche de l'autoroute facile d'accès pour tous ces bons reste

andre rochefort

Valérie Turcotte

David Lesage

sophie perreault

(Translated) Nice place to stretch your dog when there is no baseball (Original) Belle place pour faire dégourdir son chien quand il y a pas de base-ball

Sylvain Landry

mongrain marc

france tellier

(Translated) Very well I would add a few picnic tables on the park side for the children with the closing of the restaurants, small families will eat with the children ... (Original) Très bien je rajouterais quelques tables de pique-nique côté parc pour les enfants avec la fermeture des restaurants les petites familles vont manger avec les enfants...

André St-Yves

(Translated) Beautiful park well moved (Original) Beau parc bien emménagé

Yann Collins

Roxanne Poisson Massicotte

Martyne v.

Jean-François Pépin

Business Hours of Parc Des Ormeaux in Cap-de-la-Madeleine



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