I would give the Doctor alone 5 stars. However, that is not the case for the others in the office and the quality of the lenses. I pay a lot for my lenses, because of my prescription. And I pay extra for the scratch-resistant and anti-reflective coatings. I have had glasses since I was at least 10 years old. And even as a child, teenager, and young adult... I never had much of a problem with scratches. But now that I have children and as a parent life can be a bit more chaotic, I've made sure to pay extra for the scratch-resistant coating, just to be on the safe side and make sure my glasses last me a year or two.
The first set of glasses I got from Great Lakes Optometry, I noticed they got scratched up so easily. And I have no idea how or why because I only ever use the glass cleaning cloths. Nothing else. But I just figured it was a fluke, so I didn't say anything. Well, a couple years later I needed to get new glasses. The person who usually helps pick out frames was very kind and helpful, and so patient with me as I have a difficult time making decisions. She helped me pick out a nice pair of frames and when I got them, I was very pleased with my purchase. Maybe a week later, I started to notice scratches on one of the lens. So I called, and though she sounded a little irritated, she reordered a replacement for that lens. But shortly after that, I noticed scratching on the other lens, so she reordered that one as well. A couple weeks in, and I start noticing more scratches on these NEW lenses. So I called to talk with her about this issue to see what could be the problem or what could be done about it... and she sounded much more irritated. I'm not sure if she was attempting to hide her irritation or not, but if she was, she didn't go a good job at hiding it AT ALL. And if she wasn't trying to hide it, then that is just unprofessional on her part. You can be irritated with a client / patient, but you NEVER show it. I would know - I work with people just as she does. And I would NEVER treat a patient the way she treated me. No matter how I feel about one or the other.
So, I make an appointment to go in and see if the coating is actually on my lenses to begin with. A different girl (not much better as far as attitude goes - it's quite possible they had a team meeting about me prior to my appointment - "Now this is the woman who doesn't like scratches on her lenses... don't look her in the eye, and make sure to sound irritated and cold." LOL!!!) got the Doctor and he showed her how to check the lenses for the scratch-resistant coating I paid extra for. They said the coating is on there - which, I trust the Doctor and believe that it was. However, something was clearly wrong if after just a few weeks, the lenses were all scratched up, AGAIN. And my glasses go from my face to my dresser, to my face again... each and every day. No one else ever touches them. There is absolutely nothing that has touched my lenses except the glass cleaning cloths. So there really is no excuse for why they're as badly scratched up as they are.
All that to say... I am very disappointed with how I was treated by both ladies at that office. The one was usually very kind and helpful. But this time around, something about scratches on lenses got her feathers all in a ruffle and she just couldn't find it in herself to empathize and understand my frustration and concern. And the other lady, I can't really say if she is otherwise nice on a normal day, because like I said, there was probably a team meeting prior to my appointment about how awful I am to not like scratches on my lenses! LOL! And the Doctor himself is very good at what he does, from my own personal experience. Very professional, warm, kind, patient, and I've always been able to see perfectly (minus the scratch problem) from the prescriptions he's given.
I will not be going back, and I will be stuck with scratched up lenses for at least a year or so, before I can afford to get them replaced through a new office.