I completed the Vision Therapy program with Dr. Hopkins after a concussion in 2015 left me struggling with symptoms related to my vision for 5+ years. The difference is astonishing!
The sessions were thorough, the homework was always easy to understand and the needed materials provided, and Dr. Hopkins was extremely knowledgeable, compassionate and honestly fun to work with. The technology she uses is amazing and really gets a full picture of everything your eyes are doing and where they need to be to work properly.
Before Vision Therapy I was constantly tired, my eyes would double often and I was walking around with limited depth perception, among other irritating symptoms. Now, I score in the "normal" or even above normal ranges and my eyes never fatigue to the point of doubling. I have also noticed a significant improvement in my balance, which was heavily impacted by my accident. While in the program I even began a successful return to work after 5 years off and between the two my endurance increased substantially! I just finished my 3 month check in after completing my sessions and my improvements have held steady or even continued to improve.
I highly highly recommend this program for anyone who has suffered a head injury as well as those with children who are struggling with convergence issues, etc. I saw lots of happy kids leaving or arriving for appointments adjacent to mine! It truly, truly works and is worth every penny.