I went in to have a consultation regarding a Stye in my daughters eye. The Dr Hugo came in and quickly looked at my daughters eye, he then proceeded to tell me three options 1. cut and remove, 2. review in a week. 3 wait a few months and see if it goes away. the third option was explained while he was walking out the door. He basically blabbered the options without allowing any time to discuss, or ask any question. He was rushing to go see his next patient. I then had to decide and tell the assistance who seemed to have no medical knowledge to proceed with the removal. We then saw him a few minutes later to put in the freezing. Again without any explanation or empathy he proceeded to inject freezing into my daughters inner eye. He treated this procedure like he was working in a factory. He did not once acknowledge my daughters fears and anxiety or try to provide any proper explanation. He apparently was done at 12 noon and wanted to get his quota in for the day. My daughter and I both almost fainted but he ran off to his next patient without even explaining the healing process or what we need to do. The information sheet provided information for three different procedures with no clear explanation what my daughter had to do to care for her eye. Being a registered nurse I figured this part out myself. My daughters eye was bruised the next day. According to his assistance, there was supposed to be no bruising. If you have an option, go to another doctor, this one is only meeting his quota of patients for the day and then finishing his day to go golfing or something.