Reviews of New Look (Ophthalmologist)

550 Bd Wilfrid-Hamel local F5, Québec, QC G1M 2S6, Canada

Average Rating:


We have the reviews of people who are using the services and products of New Look (Ophthalmologist) in Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré (Canada).

At present this firm receives a rating of 3.1 over 5 and this rating is based on 28 reviews.

As you can read, its rating is discreet, neither too high nor too low, and it is founded on a large number of opinions, so we can be pretty sure that the score is quite accurate. If many people have bothered to evaluate when they are pleased, it works.

You know that we don't usually stop to give opinions when these are positive and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or incidence...

This Ophthalmologist belongs to the category of Optometrist.

Where is New Look?

REVIEWS OF New Look IN Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré

Ambre Inderchit

(Translated) Very good service, I will go back for sure! I recommend this place. The staff is very welcoming and open to questions. I received my two pairs of glasses quickly and without any nasty surprises! (Original) Très bon service , je vais y retourner c'est certain ! Je recommande cette place . Le personnel est très accueillant et disponible aux questions . J'ai reçu mes deux paires de lunettes rapidement et sans de mauvaises surprise !

Ricardo Daniel Pinto

(Translated) Like a big zero store, the service is zero they say anything, they get over customers when they say it, basically moving for nothing he didn't even have the customers' orders in full, in short I could go on for a long time and I have everything seen and lived its not even 1 hour in the store I would never return! (Original) Comme magasin un gros zero , le service est zero ils disent nimporte quoi , ils se debrasse des clients en temps de ldire , fond deplacer pour rien il avais meme pas les commande au complet des clients , bref je pourrais continuer longtemps de meme et jai tout vue et vecu sa en meme pas 1h dans le magasin jamais je retournerais la !

Maxime Godbout

Mélodie Bergeron

(Translated) I have been going to this branch for several years. Very good service and courteous staff. (Original) Je vais à cette succursale depuis plusieurs années. Très bons services et personnel courtois.

Sebastien Gagnon

Julie-Andrée Pelletier

(Translated) I have always had a very good service (Original) J'ai toujours eu un très bon service

Steeve Dinel

(Translated) Very bad services (Original) Très mauvais services

Madame Y

H Vaillancourt

Mireille Simard

gunner gunner

I went there because a spectacle arm was unscrewed. A woman rudely told me to wait, clearly implying that since I wasn’t there to buy something, it wasn’t a priority. A guy and a young boy were waiting too. The boy only needed to replace a screw and he was waiting since more than 90 minutes! He told the woman that he was going to miss the last bus and she answered ‘Then go!’. He explained her that without his glasses he couldn’t because he didn’t see well, and she just told him to stop bothering her because they had ‘real’ clients to serve! When I heard that I was really shocked. I told the boy to find a better store next time and I left. It is funny because I wanted to take an appointment for new glasses, but they lost me forever as a client.

Sylvie Thériault

(Translated) Hello, I no longer buy anything from New Look fleur de Lys, you have lost 3 customers. We bought the glasses for our 9 year old daughter in November 2020, but in mid February the screw came off (a manufacturing defect) and one of the glasses fell off, unfortunately fell on the street and got lost in the snow while going to school. We went to New Look fleur de Lys to buy a new glass Feb 17, we paid $ 120, to make the glass, and at no point was a discount offered, as the glass fell off because it was a defect in the manufacture of the glasses. Important details, the attendant took the box of glasses, but it came back to us, that is, the glasses were not left at New Look ...... Also, we were asked 2 weeks to make the glass after 1 week our daughter started to have a headache due to the lack of glasses. This week on March 1, a New Look fleur de Lys attendant reached out to tell us the glass had arrived, and I immediately said, let's go now, but we heard a NO ... You have to get an appointment, I found it strange because if the glass is ready and the glasses are at New look fleur de Lys, we think New look can fit the glass in the glasses and if we need an adjustment, we can get an appointment ....... But like I said at the start, New Look didn’t keep my daughter’s glasses on, and for that reason, so we have to wait until tomorrow, March 4th. I tried to insist that the glasses belong to a child, but received the information that they would have no priority ... The saddest thing that on March 1st my wife had an eye exam scheduled at New Look fleur de Lys, and she brings my daughter's glasses to New Look for New Look put on the lens ..... again once, this was refused, and they told us just on March 4 in the scheduled appointment the lens will be fitted .... The loss of the glass was caused by the failure of the manufacture of a glass purchased in November 2020, that is, New Look fleur de Lys has no compassion and sympathy with the customers because it does not quickly put the glass in the glasses, and if it requires an adjustment will come back and we will ask for an appointment, that is to say that there are 3 weeks without glasses due to a problem that is not that of the client. Our daughter had headaches, due to the lack of glasses, and due to the pandemic situation, she cannot continue to school as any similar symptoms of Covid must be kept at home and tested for Covid. So it is important to say that these situations are not pleasant and I hope it will not happen to anyone else, but we just had to change stores because it is totally unacceptable. This is why I no longer buy anything from New Look fleur de Lys, you have lost 3 customers. Now my daughter, my wife and I are clients at New Look on rue Bouvier where the manager Johanne Lavoie has sensitivity and responsibility towards clients, and she herself has confirmed that such a situation at NewLook Bouvier would put the glass immediately. * We will buy new glasses to have two, but it will be at New Look Bouvier. Thank you. (Original) Bonjour, je n'achète plus rien chez New Look fleur de Lys , vous avez perdu 3 clients. Nous avons acheté les lunettes pour notre fille de 9 ans en novembre 2020, mais à la mi-février, la vis s'est détachée (un défaut de fabrication) et l'un des verres est tombée, est malheureusement tombée dans la rue et s'est perdue dans la neige pendant qu'elle allait à l'école. Nous sommes allés chez New Look fleur de Lys pour acheter un nouveau verre 17 février, nous avons payé 120 $, pour fabriquer le verre, et à aucun moment une réduction n'a été offerte, car le verre est tombée parce que c'était un défaut dans la fabrication des lunettes. Détails importants, le préposé a pris la boîte de lunettes, mais il nous est revenu, c'est-à-dire que les lunettes n'étaient pas reste chez New Look ...... De plus, on nous a demandé 2 semaines pour fabriquer le verre après 1 semaine, notre fille a commencé à avoir mal à la tête à cause du manque de lunettes. Cette semaine, le 1er mars, un préposé de New Look fleur de Lys nous a contactés pour nous dire que le verre était arrivé, et j'ai immédiatement dit: allons-y maintenant, mais nous avons entendu un NON ... Vous devez obtenir un RDV, j'ai trouvé ça étrange parce que si le verre est prêt et que les lunettes sont chez New look fleur de Lys, on pense New look peut monter le verre dans les lunettes et si on besoin d'un ajustement, nous pouvons obtenir un RDV ....... Mais comme je l'ai dit au début, New Look n'a pas gardé les lunettes de ma fille, et pour cette raison, donc nous sommes obligés d’attendre le RDV pour seulement demain, le 4 mars. J'ai essayé d'insister sur le fait que les lunettes appartiennent à un enfant, mais j'ai reçu l'information qu'il n'aurait aucune priorité ... La chose la plus triste que le 1er mars, ma femme a eu un examen de la vue prévu chez New Look fleur de Lys, et elle apporte les lunettes de ma fille chez New Look pour New Look mettre la lentille ..... encore une fois, cela a été refusé, et ils nous ont dit juste le 4 mars dans le RDV programmé la lentille sera pose.... La perte de lé verre a été causée par l'échec de la fabrication d'un verre acheté en novembre 2020, c'est-à-dire que New Look fleur de Lys n'a aucune compassion et sympathie avec les clients, car il ne met pas rapidement le verre dans les lunettes, et si cela nécessite un ajustement reviendra et nous demanderons un RDV, c'est-à-dire qu'il y a 3 semaines sans lunettes en raison d'un problème qui n'est pas celui du client. Notre fille a eu des maux de tête, en raison du manque de lunettes, et en raison de la situation de la pandémie, elle ne peut pas continuer à l'école car tout symptôme similaire de Covid doit être conservé à la maison et testé pour Covid. Il est donc important de dire que ces situations ne sont pas agréables et j'espère que cela n'arrivera à personne d'autre, mais il nous suffisait de changer de magasin car c'est totalement inacceptable. C'est pourquoi je n'achète plus rien chez New Look fleur de Lys , vous avez perdu 3 clients. Maintenant, ma fille, ma femme et moi sommes des clients chez New Look sur la rue Bouvier où la directrice Johanne Lavoie a la sensibilité et la responsabilité envers les clients, et elle-même a confirmé qu'une telle situation chez NewLook Bouvier mettrait le verre immédiatement. * Nous allons acheter des nouvelles lunettes pour avoir deux, mais ce sera chez New Look Bouvier. Merci.

Anne-marie boudreault

(Translated) I called to have my file transferred to another optometrist because I moved ... He charges $ 25 to fax a file !! No, but seriously .... it's theft ... It's my medical record, my health ... It's expensive to transfer ... I'll do without, too bad. (Original) J'ai appelé pour faire transférer mon dossier chez un autre optométriste car j'ai déménagé... Il charge 25 $ pour faxer un dossier !! Non mais sérieux.... c'est du vol... C'est mon dossier médical, ma santé... Ça fait cher du transfert... Je ferai sans, tant pis.

E Poulin

Marie-noelle St-laurent

(Translated) Very good service. I loved my new glasses. (Original) Du très bon service. J'adoré mes nouvelles lunettes.

Audrey Tremblay Laroche

(Translated) Good services. We have been to this location for several years and we like it. (Original) Bon services. Nous allons a cet emplacement depuis plusieurs années et nous aimons bien.

Manon Tetu

(Translated) Excellent service, the staff is pleasant and very courteous. I am very satisfied with each of my visits. (Original) Excellent service, le personnel est avenant et très courtois. Je suis très satisfaite à chacune de mes visites.

Alexis Gagnon

(Translated) Great service from the whole team! (Original) Super service offert par l'ensemble de l'équipe !

Diane Valin

Jean Francois Marcotte

(Translated) Very bad experience especially with the optometrist. No professionalism and he is not able to communicate well with the client in French. (Original) Très mauvaise expérience surtout avec l'optométriste. Aucun professionnalisme et il n'est pas capable de bien communiquer avec le client en Français.

Daniela Tacchi

(Translated) Very good service. (Original) Très bon service.

Hicham Amira

(Translated) TOTAL lack of Professionalism. Eye exam. Meet at 6:20 p.m. They ask to arrive at 6 p.m. They called us at 5:55 pm to cancel the appointment. Supposedly they forgot to warn us. My guy went there for absolutely nothing. In addition, no appointment available before 3 weeks. ???? (Original) Manque TOTAL de Professionnalisme. Examen de la vue. RDV a 18h20.Ils demandent d'arriver a 18h. Ils nous appel a 17h55 pour annuler le RDV. Supposément qu'ils ont oublier de nous avertir. Mon gars s'est rendu sur place absolument pour rien. De plus aucun RDV disponible avant 3 semaines . ????

janie caron

ginette paquin

(Translated) I made an order online. Very difficult to get answers to my questions. Several email reminders to and no response. One of the worst customer service I have come across in my life. The purchase of my next version will certainly be from a competitor. (Original) J'ai fais une commande en ligne. Très difficile d'obtenir des réponses à mes questions. Plusieurs relances de courriel à et aucune réponse. L'un des plus mauvais service à la clientèle que j'ai croisé dans ma vie. L'achat de ma prochaine mouture se fera assurément chez un concurrent.

Jonathan Perron mailloux

(Translated) Big lack of professionalism when making an appointment that will cost me another $ 116 for an additional eye exam for my child. (Original) Gros manque de professionnalisme lors d'une prise de rendez-vous qui va me coûter un autre 116$ pour un examen de la vue supplémentaires pour mon enfant.

Ghyslain Perreault

André Martineau

(Translated) Super good service (Original) Super bonne service

Jean-Guy St-Pierre

(Translated) Courtesy to the appointment. (Original) Courtoisie au rendez-vous.

Business Hours of New Look in Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré

9:30AM TO 5:30PM
9:30AM TO 5:30PM
9:30AM TO 5:30PM
9:30AM TO 9PM
9:30AM TO 9PM


New Look en Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré
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