Reviews of Université du Québec à Montréal (Notary Public)

405 Rue Sainte-Catherine Est, Montréal, QC H2L 2C4, Canada

Average Rating:


We offer you the feddbacks of real people like you who consume the products of Université du Québec à Montréal (Notary Public) in the territory of Lake Louise (Canada).

As of day the business has a rating of 4.1 stars out of 5 and the rating has been calculated on 127 reviews.

You may have noticed that the average score it has is good, and it is based on a high number of feddbacks, so we can conclude that the assessment is quite faithful. If people have bothered to give their opinion when they are happy, is that it works.

As you know, we do not usually stop to give feddbacks when they are correct and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or incidence...

This Notary Public is classified in the category of University.

Where is Université du Québec à Montréal?

REVIEWS OF Université du Québec à Montréal IN Lake Louise

Michael Lesperance

(Translated) Yes, but I work there! (Original) Oui, mais je travaille là!

Jolic Ivica


Terry Kruger

Really nice and helpful and friendly people. They helped us find my boyfriend's lost bag when he went to frosh. More caring than other organizations

KiRiELLE “Kiri” A2Z

I wish I could be one of their future student. The language is French and the university is located one of the area of Canada!


(Translated) The wait is long but at least the chairs are comfortable (Original) L’attente est longue mais au moins les chaises sont comfortable

Horia Vlad Guzu

Excellent service

Vipul Patel

Worth a look around.. the university’s reuse of old churches along St.Catherine is interesting. One church across the street gives a sense of old clerical Québec with its shrine to the BVM.+

mohamed bouakkez (Mario)

I've only ever gone there to use the washroom.

Sophie Lamarche

(Translated) Pleasant experience, some teachers and lecturers are excellent! I am removing a point because the administration tends to opt for "traditional pupil treatment" rather than a customer service relationship. I recommend. (Original) Expérience agréable, certains professeurs et chargés de cours sont excellent! J'enlève un point car l'administration a tendance à opter pour un "traitement d'élève traditionnel" plutôt qu'une relation service à la clientèle. Je recommande.


City of Montreal Covid parking

Annie Lafrenière

(Translated) No bridge or 2nd cycle training possibilities for students who have done a preparatory class in France (course where the grades rarely exceed the average), I find that unacceptable for a university of such a scale. …

Laurianne D

Absolutely amazing hotel and it was walking distance to so many restaurants #Fatkidproblems ... Would definitely recommend

Moog • 38 years ago Updated 1 month ago

(Translated) The size of the building is large but its structure allows access more easily than one thinks of the local which one wishes to go there. There are 3 (or 4) large elevators available to all without the need for a key to access them. As there are several floors, it allows to quickly have a lift for our travels. You always use the stairs (if you have health and motivation). ???? (Original) La dimension de l’immeuble est grande mais sa structure permets d’accéder plus facilement qu’on le pense au local dont on souhaite s’y rendre. Il y a 3 (ou 4) grandes ascenseurs à la disposition de tou.te.s sans avoir besoin d’une clé pour y accéder. Comme il y a plusieurs étages, cela permet d’avoir rapidement une ascenseur pour nos déplacements. Vous pour toujours utiliser les escaliers (si vous avez la santé et la motivation). ????

François Dansereau-Laberge

(Translated) Choose Université Laval to study real estate and town planning. No seriousness both on the side of the teachers and the administration. Over $ 1300 thrown out the window! (Original) Privilégiez l'Université Laval pour faire des études dans le domaine de l'immobilier et de l'urbanisme. Aucun sérieux tant du côté des professeurs que de l'administration. Plus de 1300 $ jetés par la fenêtre !

Zoir Radjabov

My university, amazing place to study. Extremely accessible by subway, in the middle of the business street of St Catherine. Many restaurants and pubs all around. Very nice sports facilities. Good computer center and a great library. The …

Pierre Veilleux

(Translated) Excellent information no problem for the directives, we even avoid traffic. (Original) Excellente information aucun problème pour les directives, nous avons même éviter du trafic.

Watch China24

Great university ! but need some renovation ...

Hamid Ghaithan


David Dweggah

UQAM was founded on the principle and belief that education is a right, not a privilege. This matched my personal values. This university is different and unique. It sparks reflection & change through education. …

JF Martin

Decent French speaking university.

anais petion

(Translated) I hated my experience at UQAM in my department it was only wars of power that cost me my mastery. I consider that the University has failed in its teaching task. I strongly advise you this university if you want to …

Marc Breau

Anne Masson-Cassista

This is a five star Hospital. Husband spent 4 days here they have great service. Staff is very pleasant extreamly clean any where you go in this place. The only thing I did not check was the emergency service. I am sure it is also top service.

Dominique Fersing-Turck

(Translated) Very well served thank you. (Original) Très bien servi merci.


(Translated) Spacious and comfortable !!!! (Original) Amplio y confortable!!!!


(Translated) Great very simple world (Original) Super ĺe monde très simpatique

Js L

(Translated) Is there a football / rugby and tennis court in the sports center? (Original) Est ce qu'il y a un terrain de foot/rugby et de tennis dans le centre sportif ?

Cben moé


Maria Chinh

Great place to study



Ziyaad D

(Translated) One-way streets everywhere ... Too quiet ... It's no longer an urban atmosphere just a place to be begged by everyone at the same time really boring ... (Original) Des sens uniques partout... Trop tranquille... Ce n'est plus une ambiance urbaine juste un endroit pour se faire queter par tout le monde en meme temps vraiment ennuyeux...

Gabriela Y

I went to visiting the university and I've gotten sad because everything is so brown and dark and all. Maybe I'm wrong but i don't think that dark colors is of good purpose for a learning place.


The best university ever, I love UQAM ❤️❤️❤️

Xiaohui Wu

Got a job at McDonald’s because of UQAM

Genevieve Tremblay

(Translated) The university seems busy filing complaints against its students instead of putting up with them during this difficult time. (Original) L'université semble occupée à porter plainte contre ses étudiants au lieu de les supporter pendant cette période difficile.

Kyno Satsura

It look like a good place to study

Serjik Sayad

Great medical team

Manon Archambault

Excellent place. Polite staff.

Suzanne Handfield

(Translated) Good university, but many students lack seriousness, which is a shame. For my part, I greatly appreciated my 3 years there, the faculty is for the most part very competent. (Original) Bonne université, mais plusieurs étudiants manquent de sérieux, ce qui est dommage. Pour ma part, j'ai grandement apprécié mes 3 années là-bas, le corps professoral est pour la plupart très compétent.

Alhassane Keita

(Translated) Several campuses and departments near downtown Montreal. Close to the st.Dennis district which is very lively. (Original) Plusieurs campus et départements proche du centre-ville de Montréal. Proche du quartier st.Dennis qui est tres animé.

Daniel Jimenez

(Translated) We get lost easily but it is better to stay. The security guards are present in the establishment which reassures. There is a good atmosphere between the students and the teachers are extra, even the most demanding. There is a bar and several cafes in the property. UQAM is well located once we've done the rounds and get to know each other ???? (Original) On s’y perd facilement mais c’est pour mieux y rester. Les gardiens de sécurité sont présent dans l’établissement ce qui rassure. Il y a une bonne ambiance entre les étudiants et les professeurs sont extra, même les plus exigeants. Il y a un bar et plusieurs cafés dans l’établissement. L’UQAM est bien situé une fois qu’on a fait le tour et qu’on arrive à se repérer ????

Martin provost

(Translated) Manifique..everything is perfect (Original) Manifique..toute est parfait

Cheikh Abdoulaye Sene

(Translated) So nice and professional people. Good care. Very clean modern facility very good !!! (Original) Personnes tellement gentils et professionnels. De bons soins. Très propre moderne installation très bien !!!

Retired Pro gamer

Excellent university. Dynamic student body with safe campus that is entirely connected through the underground network. Renowned professors in various fields. Liberal perspectives with the passion to influence globally.


I registered to a class they said was mandatory so I could get my diploma (TECFEE test), and it very clearly said it was absolutely necessary AND places were filling in a matter of hours so I had no choice but to register. Only two weeks …

annik robidoux

(Translated) Large, lots of natural light, well organized, I didn't even have to wait. (Original) Grand, beaucoup de lumière naturelle, bien organisé, je n'ai même pas eu à attendre.

Brian Cowan

(Translated) Super university, a place where it is still possible to think and act outside the usual norms. (Original) Super université, lieu où il est encore possible de penser et d'agir hors des normes usuels.


(Translated) Basketball games are very good (Original) …

A Cham

(Translated) A true temple of knowledge, especially well located. Only the parking problem is a real pain (Original) Véritable temple du savoir surtout bien situé. Seulement le problème de parking est une vraie galère

Felly Fel

(Translated) Excellent hospital they took really good care of me and looked after me very well (Original) Excellent hôpital ils ont vraiment bien pris soin de moi et très bien soigné

Rick Girthquake

I love UQAM, transfered from Concordia to here and I dont regret my decision one day !


(Translated) Well located in the city, UQAM, is a standard bearer of Quebec culture. The political, literary and musical programs are of a high quality but do not go into medical science programs if you can because they do not have the rating. (Original) Bien situé dans la ville, l'UQAM, est un porte-étendard de la culture québécoise. Les programmes politiques, littéraires et musicaux sont d'une grande qualité mais n'allez pas dans les programmes de sciences médicales si vous le pouvez puisqu'ils n'ont pas la cote.

Soral A Raison

universite du quebec a montreal ! just a few words to descibe a university within montreal and within quebec. not exactly in competition with mcgill and universite de montreal and the relatively new comer concordia university. universite du quebec represents whatever you want to be and it just gives you the opportunity to be within the context of the great city but better than that within the city centre parameters. apply. take a course. take many courses. lots of extra curricula activities besides formal studies. try them all. the library or libraries all yours and plenty of rooms to study, read or write. saint denis street the head lines to the french quarters of the city is within walking distance. food and eating choices no problem all within you grasp at the price you dictate. a laisser aller laisser faire atmosphere you will adapt soon to your new surroundings. enjoy and you are on your way to graduation at no time.besides in cold winter days universite du Quebec is to a great part interconnected under ground! A good mixture of ethnic students comprising the new Quebec society of the year 2019 study here! Enjoy!

Chris Stefanou

Nice Place!! :)

Melody Beauty

(Translated) Poor student service. Student case management technicians are students without specific training for this function. …

Lucifer Morningsquirts

Francophone university, did my bachelor and my master here. This is the science pavilion. There's a very nice library behind, Cafe's and restaurants on the first floor, the parking here is one of the cheapest interior parking in this area, and benefits the UQÀM foundation.

Alain St-Laurent

(Translated) It's beautiful and it's a big labyrinth if you don't know the place (Original) Cest beau et cest un gros labyrinthe si tu connais pas la place


(Translated) The quality of teaching depends on the program followed. I really enjoyed doing my Bac in biology there, the university emphasizes the practical aspect! On the other hand, I do not recommend the education department !! (Original) La qualité d'enseignement dépend du programme suivi. J'ai beaucoup aimé y faire mon Bac en biologie, l'université met l'accent sur le volet pratique ! Par contre, je ne recommande pas le département d'éducation!!

Hassan Kajila

Went there for a lecture, it's great but I cannot follow much because it's in French and no translation.

Mokhtar Ben Said

They charge too many fees for nothing even if you are a part-time student. Some of the fees are impossible to remove and they don't answer their emails related to this issue.


Nice spot

Sam Totah (montrealsam)

Their language school is an absolute scam , although I canceled my course online within the specified period, they still charged me some amount of money for no reason! I do not recommend this school, they act so cheap!! Unbelievable!

Rachel Bruneau

(Translated) "University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM) is a good college for your high school studies. In most cases universities adopt systematic racism, which is very shocking in the 21st century. But hey, let's hope there are exceptions in some universities. (Original) "Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) est un bon collège pour vos études postes secondaires. Dans la plupart des cas les universités adoptent le racisme systématique, ce qui est très choquant au 21e siècle. Mais bon, espérons qu'il y a des exceptions dans certains universités.

Josée Leroux

(Translated) Very beautiful university, welcoming, warm and defending the right and access to education. (Original) Très belle université, accueillante, chaleureuse et défendresse du droit et de l'accès à l'éducation.

Anne-Julie Tremblay

(Translated) Good as a place. We must make efforts to succeed. (Original) Bien comme endroit. On doit faire des efforts pour réussir.


Nice university, quite big


I found it the clean I found it to be useful

Mario Bérubé

(Translated) Some staff and students exhibit racism without retaliation. A little slap on the wrist and life goes on. (Original) Certains membres du personnel et étudiants exhibent le racisme sans aucunes représailles. Une petite tape sur les doigts et la vie continue.

so lit “raggamuffinjojo” the so lit family

Avoid this school. Wasting a lot of money to boost the statistics of educated people in the province by having lots of useless programs. This university has open door, so it's full of losers.

Ghassan Beyrouthy


Paul Heisenberg

(Translated) I do not know (Original) Je sepa

Lupa Duende

Beautiful University with top class research and innovation!

Juan Gabriel

UQAM is already well known university, no need to add comment about it, but the location of the buildings are amazing directly in the city center where everything happens and where you can get a drink, grab a lunch or walk through little …

Phyllis Vaillancourt

People are back on the Campus..! Remote courses seem to reduce..

Laurie-Anne Ouellet

(Translated) Uqam offers an excellent communication program, but the quality of the teaching is reduced by the MANY STRIKES that occur at each session, and prevent us from attending our classes. My experience at uqam was disappointing and frustrating because of the many missed courses, the condensed matter without possibility to resume classes. I am seriously thinking about changing universities for this reason. (Original) L'Uqam offre un excellent programme de communication, mais la qualité de l'enseignement est réduite par les NOMBREUSES GRÈVES qui ont lieu à chaque session, et nous empêchent d'assister à nos cours. Mon expérience à l'uqam fut décevante et frustrante à cause des nombreux cours manqués, la matière condensée sans possibilité de reprendre les cours. Je pense sérieusement à changer d'université pour cette raison.

olivier jobin

(Translated) Good school .. despite the location. (Original) Bon école.. malgré la location.

Christopher Robert

No place for English people

marie-pier côté

(Translated) Well located, very accessible. There was one of my favorite bars, L'Après-Cours, unfortunately no longer there today. (Original) Bien situé, très accessible. On y retrouvait un de mes bars préférés L'Après-Cours, malheureusement disparu aujourd'hui.

Veronique Lemieux

(Translated) They are not suing because of the photo but because she refused to remove the logo from the photo despite several requests. (Original) Ils ne poursuivent pas à cause de la photo mais à cause qu'elle a refusée d'enlever le logo de la photo malgré plusieurs demandes.

كمال عبده

They took money from Alberta to build this abomination. You have to be a real chump to pay these clowns for what basically amounts to a fake degree

jf albin

(Translated) Freedom of thought and expression is seriously at risk. (Original) La liberté de pensée et d'expression est sérieusement en péril.

Mourad Me

(Translated) Excellent university near services. Very good teachers (Original) Excellente université pres des services. De tres bons professeurs

nada blair

(Translated) Bachelor program. in political science. Good university, good program. Very diverse and knowledgeable human and faculty staff. Its location makes it very accessible. Very disadvantaged neighborhood, so it can be …

Diane Riendeau

(Translated) I did not go (Original) Je ne suis pas allée


(Translated) It is a place where you feel safe all the staff are kind and respectful. Professionals are available for their patients. We feel in good hands (Original) Cest un endroit ou l'on se sens en sécurité tout le personnelles est gentils et respectueux. Les professionnels sont disponible pour leurs patientes. On se sent entre bonne main

Nicolas Clavet

(Translated) Very well (Original) Très bien

Lomer Taderoches

(Translated) The university offers evening classes after 6:00 p.m. which is a plus. The gym facilities with pneumatic machines and an indoor running track are a plus to add to the schedule. The university is very different from one clubhouse to another. If you have a bad experience, you have to change lodge. Also, for language courses, it takes 10 minutes to find the pavilion. Be careful, they are often on strike, it is more complicated for those who have a permanent summer job. Homework represents 50% of the assessment. (Original) L'université offre des cours de soir après 18h00, ce qui est un avantage. Les installations du gym avec les machines pneumatiques et une piste de course intérieure sont un plus qu'il faut ajouter à l'horaire. L'université est très différente d'un pavillion à l'autre. Si tu as une mauvaise expérience, tu dois changer de pavillion. Aussi, pour les cours de langues, il faut prévoir 10 minutes pour trouver le pavillion.Attention, ils sont souvent en grêve, c'est plus compliqué pour ceux qui ont un emploi d'été permanent. Les devoirs représentent 50% de l'évaluation.

Sid K

An excellent university.

Jacques Hilaire

Very very Easy to Navigate

Ui Heang Hur

Beautiful place!

Sylvie Garneau

(Translated) A great place to study. The amazing UQAM! (Original) Un magnífico sitio para estudiar. La UQAM increíble!

Elizabeth Carroll

Very good hospital most of them staff are great, but we always have exception. The hospital is new so it hi-tech and it a university hospital with a lot of experienced doctors.

percy mejia rodriguez

(Translated) The history department is the best! (Original) Le département de l'histoire est le meilleur !

Christian T.

(Translated) Very nice set, I would have liked to visit. A little regret during my visit to Montreal. …

Gloire à Dieu !

(Translated) Excellent environment for networking, the school is attentive to the needs of the students because the bureaucracy at UQAM makes it unpleasant. Most of the negative comments on this University come from English speakers who do not at all represent the Uqamian community and the Montreal community as a whole. (Original) Excellent environnement pour réseauter, l'école est attentive aux besoins des étudiants parcontre la bureaucratie de l'UQAM rend le tout désagréable. La plupart des comentaires négatifs sur cette Université viennent d'anglophones qui ne représente pas du tout la communauté Uqamienne et la communauté Montréalaise dans son ensemble.

Nicola Tarentino

A great university and a lot less snobby than other Montreal university.

Daisy Lee

Great place to learn to earn the toys that will make this life more fun. The PTB & Gov't needs to loosen their purses , lets us be in the name of :) J-C . So it is . Hum omni padme hum

Vg G

You start school and you go on strike. Careless profs and staff. Avoid.

Guy Lavoie

(Translated) Very good good service in general (Original) Très bien bon service en général

Véronique Pinard

(Translated) I loved studying the ba, everyone is sociable and happy (Original) …

Mathieu Prévost

(Translated) Library of the FESH is dated, ugly and poorly organized. Must go to the top floor each time for their collection of monographs? What is this place !? Without question the worst academic library I've seen. …

Joe Aj


Jean-Nicolas Levesque

(Translated) I completed a Bachelor's degree in literature in 2004 and although I enjoyed my experience in general, I found that the quality of teaching leaves something to be desired. Ah, the famous lecturers ... …

Yoann Lussier

(Translated) No star. Do you know that they can charge you excessively overhead even after you finish your studies and without notifying you and send your file to collection agencies. Some lecturers despite the comments still remain there. A highly unionized environment where the student is considered a weak link. A university or even the ombudsman site and their so-called report about this university. (Original) Aucune étoile. Savez-vous qu'ils peuvent vous facturer abusivement des frais généraux même après avoir fini vos études et sans vous avisez et envoyer votre dossier à des agences de perception. Certains chargé de cours malgré les commentaires restent toujours là. Un environnement fortement syndiqué ou l'étudiant est considéré comme maillon faible. Une université nulle voire le site d'ombudsman et leur rapport soi-disant au sujet de cette université.

Abdessamad Rrdouani

(Translated) Best institution ever (Original) Meilleure institution ever

Philippe Darveau

(Translated) Nice place to waste time, it's expensive for example, I graduated from the school of life for peanuts without ever opening a book, I can't say the same for this school. (Original) Belle place pour perdre son temps, ca coûte cher par exemple, j'ai graduer de l'école de la vie pour des peanuts sans jamais ouvrir un livre , je peux pas en dire autant pour cette école.

Nei Xenosaga

i was not there

MicheL Dubé

(Translated) Well received (Original) Bien accueilli

Joanne Perreault

(Translated) UQUAM, from which I graduated with my Masters before going on other adventures in a Californian university. L'Uquam, my first great love in Quebec. My first experience of diversity and openness in a research laboratory where the four universities of the city of Montreal were represented. Quebec my love, I'll be back soon! (Original) L'UQUAM dont j'ai été diplômé de mon Master avant de partir vivre d'autres aventures dans une université californienne. L'Uquam, mon premier grand amour au Québec. Ma première expérience de la diversité et de l'ouverture dans un laboratoire de recherche où étaient représentées les quatre universités de la ville de Montréal. Québec mon amour, je reviens vite !

emile Drx

(Translated) Very well treated everyone super nice nice (Original) Très bien traité tout le monde super gentil gentille

Z Kwan

(Translated) When I got out of the metro, I had the impression of being on another planet, we are far from the nature to which I am used! ???? Difficult to find, the signs are not clear, too much or not enough information, if we do not meet someone from the staff to direct us we can go around in circles for a very, very long time ... (Original) En sortant du métro, j'ai eu l'impression d'être sur une autre planète, on est loin de la nature auquel je suis habituée! ???? Difficile de si retrouver, les pancartes ne sont pas claire, trop ou pas assez d' informations, si on croise pas quelqu'un du personnel pour nous diriger on peut tourner en rond trrrès, trrrrès longtemps...

Rick BP

(Translated) Very good place (Original) Très bon endroit

Quentin Bernard

(Translated) Almost normal operation (Original) Fonctionnement presqu'à la normal

Matt Davis

Very good university


(Translated) I loved studying at UQÀM. Teachers and lecturers are passionate and always invite us to surpass ourselves. The location of the main pavilions is perfect: there is a good service connection nearby! (Original) J'ai adoré étudier à l'UQÀM. Les professeurs et chargés de cours sont passionnés et nous invitent toujours à nous surpasser. La localisation des pavillons principaux est parfaite : il y a une bonne desserte de services à proximité!

gabriel berube

(Translated) Very beautiful and good university. Well located. (Original) Très belle et bonne université. Bien située.

Vincent Montreal

I want travel in canada

Maxime Moreau

(Translated) In terms of the relationship between the cost of studies and the quality of the training received, UQAM is probably one of the best universities in Canada. (Original) En termes de rapport entre le coût des études et la qualité de la formation reçue, l'UQAM est probablement l'une des meilleures universités au Canada.

Carollanne Gill

Public French speaking University in Montreal. Belongs to the network of the University of Quebec. Many campuses in Montreal.

Alex CN

(Translated) Excellent university, I did my bacc in admin, very satisfied. It has served me all my life. I am now 56 years old (Original) Excellente université, j'ai fait mon bacc en admin, tres satisfait. Ça m'a servi toute ma vie. J'ai maintenant 56 ans


Université du Québec à Montréal en Lake Louise
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