Reviews of Prudent Immigration Inc (Notary Public)

BY APPOINTMENT ONLY/ NO WALK-IN, 638 11 Ave SW #200, Calgary, AB T2R 0E2, Canada

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Here you have all the feddbacks of people who used the products and services of Prudent Immigration Inc (Notary Public) in Alberta area (Canada).

Right now the firm receives a score of 5 stars over 5 and this score has been calculated on 53 reviews.

You may have noticed that it reaches an reviews average is remarkable, in fact, it obtains the highest score it can get., and it's based on a very large number of scores, so we can conclude that the evaluation is very reliable. If people have bothered to evaluate when they've done well, is that it works.

You know that we do not usually stop to set tatings when they are good and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or incidence...

This Notary Public corresponds to the category of Immigration & naturalization service.

Where is Prudent Immigration Inc?

REVIEWS OF Prudent Immigration Inc IN Alberta


(Translated) Thank you for helping me to get permanent residency and settle in Canada, thanks to Judge Cho Hyun-joo, who came up with a solution when it was difficult. If someone talks about their concerns about visa, I will unconditionally recommend this company, ask them to get a consultation, think with them, find solutions like their own work, and help them. !!!!!!!!!!!recommendation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Original) 어려울때 같이 해결방안을 찿아준 조현주 법무사님 덕분에 영주권까지 별탈없이 받고 캐나다에 정착할수있게 도와주셔서 감사합니다. 누군가 비자때문에 고민을 이야기 하면, 무조건 저는 이 업체를 추천합니다, 상담이라도 받아보라고, 같이 고민해주고 자기일 처럼 해결 방안을 찿아주고 도움을 주는 따듯하고 좋은 업체입니다. !!!!!!!!!!!추천!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tony Stanic

I came to Prudent Immigration after another consulting company had mishandled my long haul truck driver AINP application. Grant and May were excellent, were able to fix my complicated case and got my nomination for me. Very knowledgable, and very ethical. Fees are fair, and well worth it. I would recommend this company to anyone who needs immigration help.

SN Gordon (BridgewaterVideo)

I have used Prudent Immigration for a family sponsorship application, as well as some Notary Public services I needed. Their service is excellent, professional, and their rates are reasonable. May is highly knowledgable in immigration law, provided sound advice, and handle my situation very competently. Highly recommended.


(Translated) This is the day when I leave a review with my gratitude to Judge Jo Hyun-ju. When I was trying to prepare my green card shortly after I arrived in Canada, it has already been a year and 10 months to lead me who knew nothing and prepared carefully one by one. On the one hand, as a customer, I think I have built up a sense of stability and trust as a customer while seeing the legal counsel who contacted me in advance whenever necessary documents are available so that the preparation process can be carried out easily, effortlessly and safely in various ways. The words you said,'Let's not make scrapes,' have become another new word in my Canadian life. Also, when I had to go to Korea for personal matters, I was emotionally weak and confused was a great deal. At that time, I was disappointed with the way you were speaking rationally, but rather, I wasn't shaken by the words and held my mind and endured well. I was very fortunate to have chosen Purdent when I started my green card. I will continue to entrust my immigration work to Judge Cho Hyun-joo, so I'll ask for it. Thank you so much for allowing me to say thank you with the paper in such a short time. And.. To tell you about Mr. Hyun-joo Cho of Purdent, it is very difficult to find a partner like Mr. Hyun-joo Cho of Purdent as a companion at the beginning and end of the story of permanent residence. I really recommend it.^^ (Original) 이렇게 조현주법무사님께 감사한 마음으로 리뷰를 남겨보는 날이 오네요. 캐나다에 도착하고 얼마 안되어 영주권을 준비하려고 했었던 그때 아무것도 모르던 저를 이끌고 하나하나 세심하게 배려해주시면서 준비하던게 벌써 1년 10개월이라는 시간이 흘렀네요. 중간중간 필요 서류가 생길때마다 미리 연락 해주셔서 준비과정에 여러모로 수월하고 여유롭게 그리고 안전하게 항상 진행 될 수 있도록 해주시는 법무사님 모습을 보면서 한편으로 고객으로써 안정감과 신뢰가 더 쌓였던거 같아요. '긁어 부스럼 만들지 말자'라고 하셨던 말씀이 이제는 어쩌다 제 캐나다 생활에 또 하나 신조어가 되기도 했구요. 또 개인적인 일로 한국에 가야했을때 감정적으로 약해져서 혼동이 크게 왔었는데요. 그때 이성적으로 말씀 하시던 그 모습이 섭섭하기도 했지만 오히려 그 말씀으로 흔들리지 않고 마음 잡고 잘 버텨서 지금 이 순간까지 페이퍼 도착한날 저보다 더 기뻐해주시고 축하해주시는 모습까지 뵐 수 있었던거 같아요.^^ 영주권의 시작을 당시 푸르던트를 선택했던건 정말 행운이였어요. 앞으로도 저의 이미그레이션 업무는 조현주 법무사님에게 위탁 드릴 예정이니 잘 부탁드릴께요.더 하고 싶은 이야기와 감사 인사가 많지만 여기까지만 하도록 하겠습니다. 이렇게 빠른시간 안에 페이퍼와 함께 감사인사 할 수 있게 해주셔서 정말 감사해요 법무사님. 그리고..푸르던트 조현주 법무사님을 말씀 드리자면 영주권이라는 스토리의 시작과 끝의 동행 파트너로써 푸르던트 조현주 법무사님 같은 파트너는 찾기 정말 힘들어요. 정말 추천 드립니다.^^

Joshua Jin

(Translated) Good morning I highly recommend this company to anyone planning to apply for a Canadian visa. I recently got my sister-in-law's work permit visa through this company. It gave me a good way to get a visa that wasn't what I thought of in the first place, so I can get a visa easily and very quickly. Best recommended! (Original) 안녕하세요 캐나다 비자를 신청하시려고 계획하시는 분들께 이회사를 적극 추천합니다. 최근에 저희 처제의 워크퍼밋 비자를 이 회사를 통해 받았습니다. 애초에 제가 생각한 방법과는 다른 좋은 방법을 알려줘서 쉽게 그리고 아주 빨리 비자를 받을 수 있게 되었습니다. 강추!

Irene H

(Translated) At first, there is no clue to the application for the work permit, but May is very thoughtful and intimate, efficient and reassuring. If you are also a fresh person who is just like me, I highly recommend it to you! (Original) 剛開始對申請工簽毫無頭緒,但May非常周到且貼心,高效率並令人放心,如果你也是和我一樣初來乍到的新鮮人,非常推薦此間給你!

Jongho Oh

(Translated) At first, I worked with an acquaintance lawyer, but when I asked, it was frustrating because I didn’t know anything and I wasn’t sure. When I asked a question, he kindly answered me right away and gave me a clear idea of what to do next. Next time anyone has a permanent residence permit, I will recommend this place without hesitation. (Original) 처음에 지인법무사와 진행을 했었는데 물어보면 아는것도 없고 확신도 없어서 답답했었는데 추천받고 이곳에서 새로 진행을 하게되니 너무나 안정적으로 무사히 영주권까지 골인하게 되었습니다 질문을하면 바로바로 친절하게 대답해주시고 다음에 무엇을 해야할지 확실하게 잡아주셨어요 다음에 누가 영주권 진행 할 일 있으면 저는 주저없이 이곳을 추천할겁니다

Lucas Daehwan Hwang

(Translated) We searched for and compared several relocation companies by e-mail, and chose the place that provides the cheapest and fastest answer in terms of conditions. As a result, I applied for an LMIA in November 2020, but it was approved in two months, including six weeks of the advertising period, so I entered Canada yesterday on February 19, 2021. Nowadays, policies are changing day by day with covid-19, it seems to have been possible because you responded quickly with the latest information. Just leave it to Prudent, where you can rest assured without wasting time comparing it to other places. Highly recommended. (Original) 메일로 여러 이주공사를 찾아보고 비교하여 여건상 제일 저렴하면서도 빠르게 답변해주는 곳으로 선택하였습니다. 결과는, 불과 지난 2020년 11월에 LMIA 신청 의뢰를 했는데 광고 기간 6주 포함 두 달만에 승인이 나서 2021년 2월 19일인 어제 캐나다로 입국하게 되었습니다. covid-19으로 하루가 다르게 정책이 바뀌고 있는 요즘, 최신 정보를 가지고 발빠르게 대응해주셨기 때문에 가능했던 일인 것 같습니다. 다른 곳과 비교하면서 시간 허비할 필요없이 안심할 수 있는 푸르덴트에 그냥 맡겨보세요. 강력 추천합니다.

John Seo

She’s really nice and helpful. I was scared about to get my LMIA visa but she can figure out to get easy way for me


(Translated) If you are looking for a permanent residence in any direction, we recommend Purantant. I decided to go elsewhere, and I really didn't have any regrets. I was really worried about getting a green card because of personal visa issues. I was very nervous and I was told that I would not win. However, when I prepared the documents as told by Pundant, I never suffered a single complaint. I've used other places, but I don't think there's a place like this. The attorney will take care of the very small part of the paperwork. Also, of course, I've followed luck, but I've lost my green card very quickly compared to others. I think I picked it earlier, with additional documents to prepare at Prudence rather than luck. I highly recommend the price, no single complaint (despite the non-compliance) and because the green card came really fast compared to those around me. I have contacted several agencies for a long time and think that the best advantage of the student is to take care of all necessary documents in advance. As I mentioned earlier, despite the letter on the visa, it came out much faster than others without any problems. I only recommend Prudent to people I know, and I hope this review will help those who are trying to get a green card. (Original) 어떠한 방향이든 영주권을 따고 싶은 분 이시라면 푸르던트를 추천합니다. 저는 다른곳에서도 진행해 본뒤에 결정했는데 정말 후회가 단 하나도 없습니다. 저는 개인적인 비자 문제때문에 정말 영주권을 받는데에 있어서 걱정이 많았습니다. 굉장히 불안했었고 따지 못할 거라는 얘기도 들었었습니다. 하지만, 프루던트에서 알려준 대로 서류를 준비했더니 단한번의 컴플레인이 걸린적도 없었습니다. 다른곳도 이용해 본적 있지만 이렇게 꼼꼼하게 챙겨주는 곳은 없다고 생각합니다. 법무사님 께서 서류에 관한 정말 아주 작은부분 까지 챙겨줍니다. 또한, 물론 운도 따랐겠지만 저는 다른사람에 비해서 영주권을 정말 빠르게 땄습니다. 저는 운보다는 프루던트에서 준비하라는 추가 적인 서류를 미리미리 하면서 더 빨리 딴거라고 생각합니다. 저는 가격, 단한번의 컴플레인도 없음(비자적인 문제에도 불구하고), 주위 사람들에 비해서 영주권이 정말 빨리왔기 때문에 적극 추천합니다. 저도 오랜시간 여러 에이젼시를 컨택해본결과 가장 최고의 프루던트 장점은 모든 필요한 서류를 미리미리 꼼꼼히 챙겨주시는 것 이라고 생각합니다. 아까도 적었다 시피 비자에 문자가 있는 데도 불구하고 아무런 문제없이 남들에 비해서 훨씬 빨리 나왔습니다. 제가 아는사람에게만 프루던트를 추천하는데 이 리뷰를 통해서도 영주권 따시려고 노력하시는 분들에게 도움이 되었으면 해서 리뷰를 남깁니다.


(Translated) When I arrived in Canada for settlement rather than travel, I was very embarrassed with administrative issues different from Korea in many ways. It has helped me in my uneasy Canadian life. (Original) 여행이 아닌 정착을 위해 캐나다에 도착하니 한국과는 여러가지 면에서 다른 행정처리 문제로 무척이나 난감했었는데 다양한 경험을 갖고 계신 조법무사님의 확실하고 꼼꼼한 일처리로 무사히 행정적 문제들을 해결할 수 있었네요. 불안했던 캐나다 생활에 든든한 도움이 되었습니다.

Tim Youn

Working with Prudent Immigration, I could feel their sincerity and thoroughness as they helped us through each step of our PR application. They were a great problem solver and are one of the only companies that I 100% trust. If you need a immigration service, I strongly recommend Prudent Immigration.

Jimin Kang

We recently used Prudent Immigration for our family sponsorship application. They provided excellent service and legal advice to us from start to finish, which helped us to get the positive result we had hoped for. Very knowledgable and experienced. Reasonable fees. I highly recommend using Prudent for your immigration needs.

junsick park

(Translated) I applied for a wife sponsorship inside a year ago through Purdent immigration, and I was interviewed today and got my wife permanent residency. The boss is really kind and has a refreshing personality, and always thank you for your kind answers. And I think that it is the boss's neat work process that has been done at once without any problems. Thank you. My mother is also about to apply for an invited immigration, but I will make an appointment for a consultation soon. (Original) 푸르던트 이민을 통해서 1년전에 와이프 스폰서쉽을 인사이드로 신청했는데요 오늘 인터뷰하고 와이프 영주권 받았습니다 사장님 정말 친절하시고 성격 시원시원하시고 항상 친절한 답변에 감사드립니다 그리고 아무런 문제 없이 한번에 진행된 것도 사장님의 깔끔한 일처리라고 생각합니다 감사하고요 저희 어머니도 제가 초청이민 신청 하려고 하는데 조만간 상담 예약할게요

Colin Kim

(Translated) Whether it's a visa issue or a green card issue, we've searched for a number of companies and leave reviews for those looking for reviews. I worked with a relocation other than the first Pundant Relocation. After seeing advertisements that are large and large and placed in various places, problems were finally determined by careful decisions, easy handling, basic document mistakes, false histories and documents. Is done. In all the process of changing visas and obtaining permanent residency, previous issues continued to get stuck, resulting in multiple telephone interviews and three audits. It was a very difficult situation, but with all the instructions and help to prepare properly, I solved all the situations and secured the permanent goal of permanent residence. Many migrants are told to believe and trust with confidence. However, in my experience, the process of permanent residence is an experience, but I think that meticulousness is the first. I think that's why we have experienced how severe the damage from catastrophic mistakes made by unskilled employees of large migration agencies can be serious. On the other hand, the Pundant Reconstruction Corporation was so overly meticulous that at first I thought, 'I should do this much ..', but this ubiquitous mindset was able to cross the worst. The first button must be properly threaded so that the road to permanent residence is smooth. I want to let you know that this is something you need to worry about. Add to Thank you for your quick and accurate inquiries and solutions for your concerns. If you have a lot of permanent residents in your area who have common complaints about this issue, you may not be able to get a timely response to the response that the representative should be busy or will contact you later. In fact, visa and permanent residency issues are often controversial, and quick feedback is essential. The most convenient part after moving to the Pundant Relocation Corporation was this response. I even asked about the problem of an acquaintance who is under construction. Thank you for your patience in answering my questions every time. There are many companies related to immigration and it's a matter of life, so it's hard to choose a company. Lastly, thank you again for your hard work. (Original) 비자 문제든 영주권 문제든 여러 업체를 검색해보시고 리뷰를 찾아보실 분들을 위하여 서비스 이용 후기를 남깁니다. 저는 최초 푸르던트 이주공사가 아닌 다른 이주공사와 진행을 하였습니다. 업체 규모가 크고 여러 곳에 올려놓은 광고를 보고 나름 신중히 결정한 곳이나 안일한 대처와 기본적 서류 실수, 거짓 이력과 서류 등으로 인해 결국 문제가 발생하였고 이를 해결하기 위해 지금의 푸르던트 이주공사로 옮겨 진행을 하게 되었습니다. 비자 변경과 영주권 획득을 위한 모든 과정에서 이전의 문제들이 계속 발목을 잡아 여러번의 전화 인터뷰와 세 번에 걸친 감사를 받았습니다. 막막한 상황이었으나 빈틈없이 준비할 수 있도록 지시 및 도움을 받아 무사히 모든 상황을 해결 후 최종 목적인 영주권까지 획득하였습니다. 많은 이주공사들이 확신을 가지고 믿고 맡기라합니다. 그러나 제 경험상 영주권 진행은 경험도 경험이지만 꼼꼼함이 첫 번째라 생각합니다. 규모가 큰 이주공사들의 숙달되지 않은 직원들이 벌인 치명적 실수로 인한 피해가 얼마만큼이나 심각해 질 수 있는지 경험해본지라 그렇게 생각합니다. 그에 반해 푸르던트 이주공사는 지나칠 정도로 확실하게 꼼꼼하게 하시는 모습에 처음에는 '이 정도까지 해야하나..?'란 마음이 들었지만 이 유비무환적 마인드로 인해 최악의 상황을 무사히 건널 수 있었습니다. 첫 단추를 잘 꿰어야 영주권으로 향한 길이 순탄합니다. 필히 고민하셔야 할 부분이란 것 알려드리고자 합니다. 추가로 빠르고 정확한 문의사항에대한 답변과 걱정스러운 부분들에 대한 해결방안에 감사드립니다. 주변에 많은 영주권 진행중이신 지인분들께서 공통적으로 가지고 계신 불만사항이 이주공사에 궁금증에 대한 문의를 하면 대표님이 바쁘셔서 기다리셔야 한다던지 나중에 연락드리겠습니다 란 대응에 적절한 답변을 제 때에 못받는 경우가 많다는 것입니다. 사실 비자나 영주권 문제가 촌각을 다투는 일들이 많아 빠른 피드백이 필수적인데 그렇지 못할 때 발생되는 문제와 더불어 큰 불안감과 스트레스는 덤입니다. 푸르던트 이주공사로 옮긴 후 가장 편리함으로 와닿았던 부분이 이런 응대부분이었습니다. 심지어 타 이주공사를 진행중인 지인의 문제까지 부탁드려 상담받은적도 있습니다. 그 때마다 제 일처럼 꼼꼼히 답변해주심에 뒤늦게 감사드립니다. 이민 관련한 많은 업체들이 있고 인생이 걸린 문제이기에 업체 선정이 힘드시겠지만 제가 쓴 글에 일부라도 고개가 끄덕여 지신다면 고민 없이 상담을 받아 보시길 권하겠습니다. 마지막으로 다시 한 번 그간의 노고에 깊은 감사를 드립니다.

Yurianna Lee

(Translated) It was a place where I prepared my permanent residency by myself and compared several companies. Thanks to the lawyer who cares carefully and cares in every way, our couple received a permanent residence within three months of the federal Nomini, one week through the ee-ainp. :) I highly recommend !! (Original) 혼자서 영주권을 준비하다가 여러 업체를 비교 후 선택한 곳인데 다른 이주공사들보다 융통성있게 수수료 견적도 내어주시고 선택하기전까지 여러모로 상담도 친절하게 해주신 곳이였습니다. 모든 면에서 세심하게 신경써주시고 먼저 배려해주시는 법무사님덕에 저희부부는 무사히 ee-ainp를 통해 주정부 노미니 1주일, 연방 3개월만에 영주권을 받았습니다. :) 너무나도 추천해요 !!

Sunny Hello

(Translated) Thanks to lawyer Cho Hyun-ju, I got my green card faster than I thought despite the situation in Covid!! Thank you so much ???????????? First of all, he is too meticulous and knows too well about permanent residency. I have consulted in several places, but I am lacking in knowledge. There are a lot of places that just operate the way they always do! If I ask, I can't answer.. Besides, I can't get in touch too well.. However, if you ask, Judge Cho Hyun-joo immediately informs us of everything and gives us directions, and we can get in touch with you!! The procedure cost is better than any other place, but do your job well!! I really really recommend it!!!!!! (Original) 조현주 법무사님 덕분에 코비드 상황에도 불구하고 생각보다 빠르게 영주권을 받았습니다!! 정말 감사드려요???????????? 일단 너무 꼼꼼하시고 영주권에대해 너무 잘 알고 계십니다. 저도 여러군데 상담해 봤지만 지식도 부족하고ㅠ 그냥 늘 하던식으로 운영하는곳이 많더라구요! 물어보면 대답도 못하고.. 거기다 연락도 너무 잘 안되고요.. 그런데 조현주 법무사님은 물어보면 즉각 즉각 다 알려주시고 방향도 제시해주시고 연락이 잘 됩니다!! 수속비용도 어느곳보다도 좋은데 일까지 잘하세요!! 정말 완전 진심 추천 합니다!!!!!!


(Translated) The attorney is good at answering questions, is very kind, and the work is quick and good. (Original) 법무사님께서 질문에 답도 잘 해두시며 엄청 친절하시고 일처리도 빠르시고 좋습니다

kang taeyoon

(Translated) I met Cho Hyun-joo Consulting and received the permanent residence landing paper on August 24. Before I applied for permanent residence, I went to the 4th Army Immigration Consulting in Calgary and consulted. By the way, I met Cho Hyun-joo Consulting and I didn't have high commission, kindness and important thing. Thank you again so much, and if you are applying for permanent residence or those who are thinking of permanent residence is completely recommended! Really recommended !!!! (Original) 제가 조현주 컨설팅 님을 만나 8월 24일 영주권 랜딩 페이퍼를 받았습니다. 영주권을 신청하기 전에 캘거리 안에있는 4군대 이민 컨설팅을 가서 상담을 받아보았는데, 상담하실때, 불친철하거나 높은 커미션을 요구하고, 또 많은 서류 작업들을 컨설트님이 직접하지 않는다는게 마음에 걸렸습니다. 그런데 조현주 컨설팅님을 만나셔서 높지않은 커미션과, 친절함 그리고 중요한건 믿음이 제일 가서 조현주님에게 맞겼습니다. 다시한번 너무너무 감사드리고, 혹시 영주권 신청하실분이나 영주권을 생각하신분들에게 완전히 강추입니다!! 정말 강추입니다!!!!

hyoung you

(Translated) I always felt comfortable until I got a visa thanks to my boss who really answered me. Always hit the jackpot :) (Original) 언제나 무엇을 물어봐도 진심으로 대답해주시는 사장님덕분에 비자 받을때까지 넘 편안했어요. 언제나 대박 나세요:)


(Translated) Thanks to Jo Hyun-joo's attorney's friendly explanation and speedy work process, LMIA approval was quickly and trouble-free. If you are looking for an immigration corporation, I would strongly recommend Pudend Immigration Corporation (Original) 조현주 법무사님의 친절한 설명과 신속한 일처리 덕분에 LMIA승인 빠르게 문제없이 받을 수 있었습니다 이주공사 찾고 계신 분들이라면 푸르덴트 이주공사 강력히 추천하고 싶습니다

Plain Q

(Translated) While living in Canada for 7 years, I have undergone several migration projects, but I have not met anyone who is as reliable and sensitive as Purdent Cho Hyun-joo. Beyond simple customer service, I think that he is one of the few who has the heart and ability to sincerely help with practical solutions based on his rich experience and knowledge when encountering unexpected situations. Thanks to this, I was able to successfully complete the related procedures. In the future, when you need related help, it will be Judge Cho Hyun-joo, who will come to mind without hesitation. (Original) 캐나다에 7년동안 살아오면서 여러 이주공사를 겪어보았지만 푸르던트 조현주 법무사님만큼 신뢰가 가고 세심하신 분은 만나지 못했습니다. 단순한 고객응대를 넘어서, 예기치 못한 상황에 닥쳤을 때 풍부한 경력과 지식을 바탕으로 실질적인 해결책을 가지고 성심껏 도움을 줄 수 있는 마음과 실력을 가지신 몇 안되는 분이라고 생각합니다. 덕분에 저는 관련수속을 무사히 잘 마칠 수 있었습니다. 앞으로도 관련 도움이 필요할 때 주저없이 생각나고 찾게 되는 분은 조현주 법무사님일 것입니다.

Jae Hyun Kim

(Translated) From the results it took six months to apply for permanent residence Very good (Original) 영주권 신청부터 결과까지 육개월걸렸어요 아주 실력이 좋슴니다


They were very much fair and faithful.

Mikyung Jun

(Translated) I finally got my green card four months ago through Purdent. Even in my case, which was not easy, he helped me get a green card with my professional knowledge and rich experience. Thank you so much for always doing your best to make it work like you did. If you are thinking of a permanent residency relocation project, trust Purdent and leave it to you. I will do my best to help you get a green card. (Original) 푸르던트를 통해 4개월전 드디어 영주권을 받았습니다. 쉽지만은 않았던 제 경우도 전문적인 지식과 풍부한 경험으로 영주권을 받을수 있게끔 도와주셨습니다. 항상 본인일처럼 최선을 다해서 잘 풀릴수 있도록 해주셔서 정말 감사드립니다. 영주권 이주공사를 생각하시는 분이라면 푸르던트 믿고 맡겨보세요. 끝가지 최선을 다해서 영주권까지 받을수 있게끔 도와주실거에요.

Soonhwa Kang

Great service with reasonable price!!

Fresh Blend

I would like to share my experience with Prudent Immigration. I processed my permanent residence application via this company and we did it even though my case is not so easy. I remember Ms.Cho did her best to complish it. I really appreciate. For sure, I would like to recommand this company to anybody who would apply LMIA, work permit, permanent residence etc. If you still hesitate to go forward, just go to her...

Kim HS

(Translated) In September 2017, I applied for AINP with the help of lawyer Cho Hyun-joo and became a permanent resident of Canada on August 15, 2019. Too good mood, try to leave a review with gratitude. Graduate school in Ontario with respect to immigration and would initially came to Calgary on one days obtaining really did not know anything was helped then gave us a lot johyeonju judicial scrivener's he said. The necessary documents were also contacted in advance, and there were some small problems in the middle of work. Thank you for your joy when you are happy for 2 years until you get your permanent resident card. From now on, many people from Korea to Canada will think about preparing for immigration. I really recommend Prudent Immigration Cho Hyun-joo! Thank you once again. (Original) 2017년 9월에 조현주 법무사님 도움으로 AINP 신청을 해서 2019년 8월 15일부러 캐나다 영주권자가 되었습니다. 기분이 너무 좋고 감사한 마음으로 리뷰를 남겨봅니다. 온타리오에서 학교를 졸업하고 캘거리로 처음왔을때 일단 일만 구하고 온거라 이민에 관해서는 정말 아무것도 모르고 있었는데 그때 조현주 법무사님께서 많이 알려주시고 도와주셨습니다. 중간에 필요한 서류들도 미리 연락해주셔서 준비하고 그리고 사실 중간에 일하는곳에서 작은 문제들도 있었는데 법무사님께서 적극적으로 확실하게 해주신 덕분에 수월하고 안전하게 진행 될 수 있었습니다. 영주권 받을때까지 2년이란 시간동안 기쁠때는 같이 기뻐해주시고 걱정이 있을때는 같이 걱정도 해주시고 정말 감사합니다 ㅎㅎ 앞으로도 계속 한국에서 캐나다로 많은 사람들이 이민을 고민하고 준비할 것 같다고 하는데 정말 Prudent Immigration 조현주 법무사님을 추천 드립니다!! 다시 한번 더 감사드립니다.

Wendy Shen

(Translated) It was really a company that was very sincere in helping me. After I met the Taiwanese agent who did not do things, I re-seeked May’s help. Not only did I quickly run through all the information, but while I was waiting for the visa, I was nervous and waiting for me to keep track of progress. Because the company applying for the work permit is newer, the one-year visa has not been successfully obtained, but when you know that you can give up and re-apply for a two-year visa, the instant notice will let all the procedures go in one go. And got my new visa in a short time. May is like a friend, sincerely caring about every stage, even if I decide to go back to China, I can know all the information in the first time. I really appreciate May's help. Without her, maybe I have no chance to return to Calgary now. Prudent Immigration is a company worthy of trust and trust, and May is also a very enthusiastic agent for everyone. If you have any visas or agency needs, I will take care of my chest and choose Prudent Immigration. (Original) 真的是一間很真心誠意在幫忙辦事的公司,在我遇上不做事的台灣代辦後,我重新尋求了May的幫助。不但快速的幫我跑完所有資料, 在我等待簽證的同時,與我一般緊張的等待、不斷的追蹤進度。 因申請工簽的公司較新,所以一年的簽證並沒有成功拿取,但在知道可放棄並重新申請兩年簽證的當下,即時的通知,讓所有的程序一氣呵成, 並在短時間內拿到了我的新簽證。 May就像朋友般,真誠的關心每一個階段,就連決定回國等待的我,也能在第一時間知道所有的資訊。 真的很感謝May的幫忙,沒有她,或許我現在沒有機會回到卡加利了。Prudent Immigration 是個值得託付及信任的公司,May也是位很熱心為大家服務的代辦。如有任何簽證、代辦需求,我拍胸脯保證,選Prudent Immigration 不會錯。


(Translated) After I got to know by introducing someone I know, I've been working from LMIA to EE now. The attorney meticulously prepared it so that there was no problem It is in progress^^ (Original) 저도 아는 분 소개로 알게 된 후, LMIA부터 현재 EE까지 쭉 진행중이에요. 법무사님이 꼼꼼하게 잘 준비해주셔서 문제없이 진행중입니다^^

andy jang

(Translated) You are friendly and willing to work! It was the most difficult to make English and paperwork while I was a permanent resident, but I got a green card naturally without any stress! Thrive !! I applied for permanent residence six months after I applied! It's all fun! (Original) 친철하시고 일처리도 슉슉!! 영주권 하면서 가장 힘든게 영어랑 서류 만드는거였는데 아무 스트레스 없이 자연스럽게 영주권이 나왔어요! 번창하세요!! 신청한지 6개월만에 영주권 나왔어요 ! 모두모두 화이팅 !

Jeongsu Bae

(Translated) I have been living in Calgary, Canada for 8 years, and in early October, I received my green card through Lawyer Cho Hyun-ju, Purdent. In the meantime, I missed the opportunity to apply for a green card twice.. At the recommendation of an acquaintance, I was introduced to Judge Cho Hyun-ju, and the process from preparation to process was made quickly, and I received a green card without a request for additional documents from the federal state government. Judge Cho Hyun-joo of Purdent is a true expert with experience and knowledge, so I recommend it to many people!! Thank you again to the lawyer who gave joy to those who are troubled with visa permanent residence issues. ** Thank you!! (Original) 케나다 켈거리에서 생활한지 8년많에 10월초 푸르던트 조현주 법무사님을 통해 영주권을 받았습니다. 그동안 영주권 신청 기회를 2번이나 놓치고.. 지인의 추천으로 조현주 법무사님을 소개받아 준비부터 진행 과정까지 신속하게 이루어져, 주정부 연방에서 추가서류 요청 1건도없이 영주권을 받게 되었습니다. 푸르던트 조현주 법무사님 께서는 경력과 지식을 겸비한 진정한 전문가 이기에, 많...은 분들께 추천합니다!! 비자 영주권 문제로 고민하시는 분들께 기쁨을 드린 법무사님께 다시한번 감사에 말씀을 드립니다.. ** 감사합니다!!

Andrew Youngmin Kwon

(Translated) I have experience in conducting permanent residence through Judge Jo. The preparation documents were organized and the process was very clean and fast, so I was able to get my green card within 6 months of starting. In addition, he kindly answered additional questions after obtaining a green card. (Original) 조 법무사님을 통해 영주권을 진행한 경험이 있습니다. 준비서류 정리 및 절차 진행이 굉장히 깔끔하고 빨라서 착수한지 6개월 만에 영주권을 받을 수 있었습니다. 게다가 영주권 취득 후 부가적으로 질문드린 사항에도 친절히 답변주셨습니다.

Y jamie

(Translated) In a difficult situation, I met with Cho Hyun-joo, a lawyer, to help me get a green card. I had worked with other immigration consultants for several years before meeting with the attorney, but I did not accidentally receive a green card. Among them, I worked with the attorney, and the attorney gave me a good direction and method every time. It was a really difficult case, but sincerely, I always worried about you, and helped me like my job, so I seemed to be able to turn over every crisis. I don't want to compare it with other companies, but I am very nice. We had a hard time, and I hope your business will thrive in the future. (Original) 저는 어려운 상황 가운데 조현주 법무사님을 만나 영주권을 받기까지 많은 도움을 받았습니다. 법무사님을 만나기 전 다른 이민 컨설턴트와 일을 몇년동안 진행 하였지만, 뜻하지 않게 영주권을 받지 못하였습니다. 그 가운데 법무사님과 일을 진행하게 되었고, 법무사님께서 매번 좋은방향과 방법을 제시해주셨습니다. 정말 어려운 케이스 였지만 진심으로 항상 함께 걱정해주시고, 본인 일처럼 도와주셔서 매번 위기가 올때마다 잘 넘겼던것 같습니다. 다른업체와 비교하긴 싫지만, 참 좋으신 분입니다. 정말 고생많으셨고, 앞으로 사업도 많이 번창하시길 바랍니다.

seungil lee

(Translated) As I spent a long time together until I got my green card, I was amazed and grateful for its unique delicacy and accuracy. I was meticulous in the course of my work, and if I asked a question or an inquiries, I was able to relieve my anxiety in waiting positions by answering immediately by phone or e-mail. Thank you for staying with us until the end with always planning and sincerity, and I am sure that you will be a good guide for those who prepare permanent residence. (Original) 영주권을 받기까지 오랜시간을 같이 하면서 특유의 섬세함과 정확성에 많이 놀라고 감사했습니다. 일을 진행함에 착오없이 꼼꼼하며 질문사항이나 궁금한점을 물으면 즉각 전화나 메일을 통해 답을 주셔서 기다리는 입장에 초조함을 덜어낼수 있었습니다. 항상 계획성 있고 성실한 모습으로 마지막까지 같이 해 주셔서 감사 드리고 영주권을 주비하시는 분들께 좋은 안내자가 되어 주실거라 확신합니다.

Tommy U

(Translated) Thank you for the transition from working holiday to LMIA and work permit. It was close to rushing in, but he responded flexibly to such cases, and although the exchange was in English, he deeply understood the Japanese and read and explained this anxiety. I'm afraid that visa-related exchanges will not be in your native language, but I'm sure you'll be able to handle them here. (Original) ワーホリからLMIA、work permitへの移行でお世話になりました。駆け込みに近かったですが、そういったケースにも柔軟に対応いただき、やり取りは英語でしたが、日本人への理解も深くこちらの不安をよく読み取って説明してくださいました。ビザ関連のやり取りを母国語でなくするのは不安があるかと思いますが、こちらでは確実に対応いただけると思います。


(Translated) I recommend Cho Hyun-joo's Purdent! Thanks to this, I got my green card without getting a ride. Thank you for always being kind and meticulously taking care of me during the not short period of 2 years! If you have any inquiries about permanent residency, please contact Cho Hyun-ju, lawyer! (Original) 조현주 법무사님의 푸르던트 추천합니다! 덕분에 탈없이 영주권 받게 되었네요. 2년이라는 짧지 않은 시간동안 늘 한결같이 친절하시고 꼼꼼하게 잘 챙겨주셔서 감사해요! 영주권 관련 문의가 있으신 분들 조현주 법무사님께 연락해 보세요~!

Seungjae Lee

Prudent has provided a great service and shown very fast processing time of their work. May, the immigration consultant was very knowledgeable, and she was easily reachable whenever I had questions. I highly recommend Prudent Immigration Services.


(Translated) I don't usually leave reviews, but this time I really want to. Today, I finally became a permanent resident of Canada through Attorney Jo Hyun-joo. Even compared to other companies, the price is very cheap, always kind and quick replies, accurate and meticulous, always replying even at late hours and doing a really good job! I have already recommended it to my acquaintances. I'm thinking of doing another one in the future. Anyone considering immigration! I really highly recommend it. I don't usually leave reviews, but this time I really want to. Today, I finally became a permanent resident of Canada through Attorney Hyun-Joo Cho. Even compared to other companies, the price is very cheap, always kind and quick replies, accurate and meticulous, always replying even at late hours, and doing a really good job! I have already recommended it to my friends and neighbors. I plan on doing other days in the future as well. Anyone considering immigration! I really strongly recommend it. (Original) 원래 리뷰같은거 잘 남기지 않는데 이번엔 정말 남기고 싶네요. 조현주 법무사님을 통하여 오늘드디어 캐나다 영주권자가 되었습니다. 타업체와 비교해봐도 가격도 매우 저렴하고 항상 친절하고 빠른답변, 정확하고 꼼꼼함, 늦은시간에도 항상 답장해주시고 정말 일 잘하십니다! 이미 제 주변 지인들한테도 추천했구요. 앞으로 다른일도 같이 진행할 생각입니다. 이민을 고려하시는 모든분들! 정말 강력하게 추천합니다. I don't usually leave reviews, but this time I really want to. Today, I finally became a permanent resident of Canada through Attorney Hyun-Joo Cho. Even compared to other companies, the price is very cheap, always kind and quick replies, accurate and meticulous, always replying even at late hours, and doing a really good job! I have already recommended it to my friends and neighbors. I plan on doing other days in the future as well. Anyone considering immigration! I really strongly recommend it.

Gihan Jeon

(Translated) I became a permanent resident today. From LMIA to permanent residency, I received my green card well without any problems while proceeding with Judge Cho Hyun-ju. He was very meticulous and prepared, so I got a green card smoothly and quickly without requesting additional documents. (It takes 13 months) For those who are concerned about where to proceed with immigration, Judge Cho Hyun-ju, I recommend it!!!! (Original) 오늘 영주권자가 되었습니다. LMIA부터 영주권까지 조현주법무사님과 진행하면서 문제없이 영주권을 잘 받았습니다. 워낙 꼼꼼하시고 준비를 잘해주셔서 추가서류요청도없이 순조롭게 빨리 영주권을 받게되었습니다.(13개월소요) 이민을 어느곳과 진행할지 고민하시는분들 조현주법무사님 강추합니다!!!!

mia han

(Translated) At the recommendation of someone I know, I went through the process of applying for a green card through Proudent, and a few days ago, I finally got the COPR signed. What I trusted from the first meeting was that I was so kind and detailed about my questions and concerns, and I was able to communicate quickly and smoothly about updates from the Immigration Bureau and preparations for the next step during the green card examination It was reassuring. In fact, I watched the people around me paying a small fee and noticing the relocation work, but I was happy to be able to easily inquire about the minor inquiries about my case and get an answer right away. I am so grateful that I am so grateful for supporting me like my family and working hard with sincerity throughout the period of permanent residency, where there is not a lot of mental burden. (Original) 아는 분의 추천으로 프루던트를 통해 영주권신청절차를 밟았고, 며칠전에 드디어 COPR에 서명받았습니다. 처음 미팅부터 신뢰가 갔던 건, 제가 궁금한 점과 염려하는 점들에 대해 너무 친절하고 상세하게 상담해 주셔서였고, 영주권심사 진행동안 이민국의 업데이트내용과 다음 단계의 준비할 것 등에 관해 신속하고 원활하게 커뮤니케이션할 수 있어서 든든했습니다. 사실 적잖은 수수료내고도 이주공사눈치보며 진행하는 주위분들도 보았는데, 저는 제 건에 관한 사소한 궁금증들도 정말 편하게 문의하고, 바로 답을 받을 수 있어서 좋았습니다. 심적인 부담도 적지않은 영주권 진행기간내내, 가족처럼 응원해 주시고 성심으로 열심히 일해주셔서 너무 감사한 마음이 들었기에 다른 분들도 저처럼 좋은 경험을 하시길 바라는 마음에 추천의 글을 올립니다.

Jooyeob Kim

(Translated) When I first decided on permanent residency, I also consulted several immigration companies. When I first consulted with Judge Cho Hyun-joo, I felt that you are a very meticulous person and decided to proceed with the Judge. As I first thought, I am very grateful for working very delicately and carefully. When there was new news or information about immigration, I was always relieved while proceeding with my green card by providing a quick investigation and detailed explanations. If other people are also considering an immigration company, I highly recommend Cho Hyun-joo, lawyer. (Original) 처음 영주권을 결심하고 여러 이민회사도 상담 받아보고 했습니다. 조현주 법무사님과 처음 상담 하면서 '정말 꼼꼼하신 분 이시구나' 라는 느낌을 받고 법무사님과 함께 진행하기로 마음을 먹었습니다. 처음 생각했던 것처럼 정말 섬세하시고 꼼꼼하게 일을 해주셔서 정말 감사했습니다. 이민에 관한 새로운 뉴스나 정보가 생기면 빠른 조사와 거기에 관련된 상세한 설명까지 해주셔서 영주권을 진행하면서 항상 안심이 되었습니다. 다른 분들도 이민회사를 고민하시는 중 이시라면 조현주 법무사님을 적극 추천합니다.


(Translated) I went there last week for a green card inquiry. I stopped by with no specific expectations, but I was completely satisfied with the way you explained in more detail and accurately than I expected. Actually, I hadn't expected much because I had been doing some relocation projects here and there. Some places are too expensive to process, some places lack accurate information.... Mr. Cho, thank you again for your kind and accurate explanation. Thrive (Original) 지난주 영주권 문의때문에 다녀왔어요 별기대는 없이 약속잡고 들렀었는데 생각보다 자세하고 정확하게 설명해주시는 모습에 완전 만족했습니다 사실 그전에 여기저기 이주공사를 좀 다녀본지라 별 기대가 없었거든요 어느곳은 수속비가 너무 비싸고 어느곳은 정확한 인폼이 부족하고.... 조실장님 친절하고 정확한 설명 다시한번 감사드립니다 번창하세요

Alfred D'Mello

May helped my wife and I reunite during the pandemic and get my wife's PR. She advised us on how to reunite and made the process easy for completing our Spousal Sponsorship application. During stressful times, May had answered our questions quickly and worked extra to give us peace of mind. Thanks to May, my wife and I can raise our family together in Canada without any more worries about immigration!

Daniel LEE

(Translated) I will leave a sincere review for those who are concerned about the progress of permanent residence with Judge Cho Hyun-joo. I received a procedural fairness letter because of a fatal problem during my permanent residency process. In the heart of grabbing a straw, I contacted almost all Korean immigration companies in Calgary that could only know the name of Taiwan, but were rejected. I went to a local Calgary immigration attorney while paying expensive counseling fees, but the only negative answers came back. Then I got to know lawyer Jo Hyun-joo and told me to proceed with the only possibility and enough green card to be obtained. It was great to be able to do things very well and meticulously and get feedback quickly. Honestly, I wasn't expecting it at all, but I think the lawyer wrote a letter that appealed to the immigration office so well that I became a permanent resident. Thank you so much for leading me to give up my permanent residency and giving me good results! If you are looking for an immigration company because you want to proceed with a green card or have a problem in the process, I highly recommend Judge Cho Hyun-ju!! (Original) 혹시나 조현주 법무사님과의 영주권진행을 고민하시는분들을 위해 진솔한 후기 남깁니다. 저는 영주권진행중 치명적인 문제가 발생해서 procedural fairness letter 를 받게되었고 지푸라기라도 잡는 심정으로 캘거리내에 이름만대만 알만한 거의 모든 한인이민회사에 연락하였으나 거절당했습니다. 비싼 상담료내면서 캘거리 현지 이민변호사도 찾아가봤지만 돌아오는건 부정적인 답변들 뿐이었구요. 그러던중 조현주 법무사님을 알게되었고 유일하게 가능성있고 충분히 영주권 받을수있다고 진행하자고 하셨어요. 일처리도 정말 똑부러지게 꼼꼼하게 하시고 피드백도 빨리빨리 받을수 있어서 너무좋았습니다. 솔직히 전혀 기대안하고 있었는데 법무사님이 이민국에 어필하는 레터를 너무 잘적어주셔서 영주권자가 된거같습니다. 영주권을 거의 포기할려고 절망하고 있던 저에게 될수있다고 이끌어주시고 좋은결과 있게 해주셔서 너무 감사합니다! 혹시나 영주권 진행 원하시거나 진행중 문제가 생겨서 이민회사를 찾고 계시다면 조현주 법무사님을 강력 추천합니다!!

Sara han

(Translated) In February 18, I entered the country on a work visa and talked with several immigration agencies in Calgary to pursue permanent residence. Among them, he consulted President Cho Hyun-joo, who was kind, and provided him with a professional and accurate guide to the immigration methods and a reasonable fee. At the end of October, I received a green card. We are very thankful for your advice so that we can make reasonable decisions whenever we are at various times and at the crossroads of our permanent residency. We thank you for your sincere and sincere answers. Business is thriving, highly recommended around. ^^ (Original) 18년 2월에 취업비자로 입국해 영주권 진행을 위해 캘거리에 있는 여러 이주공사와 전화상담을 했었습니다. 그 중 푸르던트 조현주 사장님과 상담하며 친절하시고, 저희가 진행하려던 이민방식에 대한 전문적이시고 정확한 안내와 합리적인 수수료에 푸르던트를 선택 후 계약하여 18년 4월말에 알버타 주정부이민 접수를 시작으로 하여 19년10월말에 영주권을 받았습니다. 영주권 진행 중 여러 고비와 선택의 기로에 설때마다 저희가 합리적인 판단을 할수 있도록 옆에서 조언을 아끼지 않으셨고, 질문을 할때마다 성의있게 성실히 답변해 주셔서 너무 감사한 마음이 큽니다. 사업 번창하시고, 주변에도 적극 추천입니다.^^

Blackfalds Motor Inn Information

We have been with Prudent immigration for many many years. This is the only company we trust and I highly recommend for any immigration requests. If you want to do something right, choose this company.

Amy T

I got my Canadian permanent residency through Prudent. May was great to work with and responsive to my concerns and inquires. CIC challenged my PR case and gave me hard time but every time they did, May had solutions to deal with challenges. I am so glad that I went with Prudent. Will definitely recommend Prudent.


(Translated) I am currently using Purdent. I was also introduced by an acquaintance who received a green card. I will be honest. It's very meticulous..(double check, triple check....) I really think you are checking the documents carefully.. I chose FM because I need an FM for myself, who needs a visa. [Canada] Immigration is accepted a lot, but I heard that the document review is a bit strict... (I hated the trouble in the first place because there was a document miss) If you have any questions about what you don't know, please consult with us very well. And if there are many options, it’s better to recommend it rather than It’s up to you. There is no confusion for someone with a decision disorder like me. But this is Sabasa, right????? Next month, I will apply for permanent residence.. I am grateful that you received my visa well in difficult times and I plan to entrust my application for permanent residence. I think it's good because I don't care anything special except for what I'm going to prepare! Above 1% is my subjective review that is not false... Just for your reference......!???????? (Original) 현재 푸르던트 이용중인 사람입니다. 저도 영주권 받은 지인에게 소개를 받았는데 솔직하게 적겠습니다. 엄청 꼼꼼합니다..(더블체크 트리플체크....) 정말 이것저것 꼼꼼하게 서류 체크 해주시는거 같아요.. 비자가 필요한 제 스스로를 위해서 FM이 필요하니까 선택했어요 [ 캐나다 ] 이민은 많이 받아주지만 서류 검토 좀 엄격한편이라고 들어서....(서류 미스 생겨서 애초에 트러블 생기는게 싫었어요) 모르는거 질문있으면 상담도 되게 잘해주시고요 그리고 여러가지 옵션이 있다면 It’s up to you라기보다 recommend를 해줘서 좋더라고요 저 같은 결정장애가 있는 사람에겐 혼란이 없습니다. 이건 근데 사바사이겠죠????? 다음달이면 저도 영주권 신청이 들어가네요.. 힘든 시국에 비자 잘 받아주신거 감사하고 영주권 신청도 맡길 생각이에요. 제가 준비할거 빼고는 특별하게 신경쓸게 없어서 좋은거같아요! 이상 1% 거짓없는 저의 주관적인 후기입니다... 참고만 하시길......!????????


(Translated) Judge Cho Hyun-ju, who kindly helped my wife's permanent residency, proceeded to my permanent residency again. In the process of getting married to my wife and immigrating to Canada with my spouse invited immigration, I think I was able to get my permanent residence without any problems because I worked meticulously from preparing extensive documents to receiving my recent permanent residence. I was worried a lot because of the overlapping of Kovid in the preparation process, but I am very grateful that I became a permanent resident safely because I meticulously and accurately guided me to the preparation documents, progress, and parts that need to be updated later. Highly recommended for those who are preparing to immigrate! (Original) 와이프의 영주권을 친절히 도와주셨던 조현주 법무사님께서 저의 영주권까지 다시 진행해 주셨습니다. 와이프와 결혼을 하고 제가 배우자 초청 이민으로 캐나다로 이민을 오는 과정에서 방대한 서류 준비부터 최근 영주권을 받기까지 꼼꼼하게 일처리를 해주셔서 아무 문제 없이 무사히 영주권을 잘 받을 수 있었던 것 같습니다. 준비 과정에서 코비드까지 겹쳐, 걱정이 많이 되었지만 준비서류, 진행상황, 추후 업데이트 해야할 부분까지 꼼꼼하고 정확하게 안내주셔서 무사히 영주권자가 되었기에 정말 감사한 마음입니다. 이민을 준비하고 계신 분들에게 강력 추천합니다!


Sain baitsgaanuu Erhem hvndet mongolchuudaa saihan owoljij bainuu Minii neriig J. Haliunaa gedeg ta bvhend taniltsuulah negen medee baigaa tul neg hvnd ch gesen sain saihan ireedvin toloo hvchin zvtgehed tus bolohiig hvsen ooriin bodoloo bichij taniltsuulahaar zoriloo. Mongolchuud Canada ulsruu irehiin tuld olon bichig barimt bvrdvvlen ih hemjeenii mongo zarchuulaad deer ni tanij medhgvi hvnd itgeed huurtah ywdal ih tul ta bvhendee sain itgelteigeer minii viza gargaj ogson kompani bas ajiltang taniltsuulahiig hvslee. Ene kompanii ner CALGARY DOWNTOWN bairlaltai Prudent Immigration service gedeg gazariin ajiltan Korean emertei May gedeg hvvhen baigaa. Ajildaa garamgai setgel saitai chadaltai ene hvvhneer ta bvhen bas Viza awaad sain saihan amidrahiig vnen setgeleesee hvsej baina. Anhaaral tawisand bayrlalaa ta bvgded amjilt hvsej sain saihniig hvsen erooe.


(Translated) I think the reasons for choosing Migration Corporation are stability and convenience. Mr. Prudent worked like his own from start to finish, and the cost was not too high. I was able to get my permanent resident card safely and quickly because I acted quickly even though there were a lot of things. I am writing this with the hope that many people will sign a contract with Prudent and receive their permanent residency quickly and safely. (Original) 이주공사를 선택하는 이유는 안정성과 편리성이라고 생각합니다. 푸르덴트 선생님은 처음부터 끝까지 본인 일처럼 업무해주셨고, 게다가 비용도 너무 쎄지 않았습니다. 저는 여러 일들도 있었는데도 빠르게 조치해주셔서 다행히 영주권을 안전하고 빠르게 받을 수 있었습니다. 많은 분들이 푸르덴트와 계약해서 빠르고 안전하게 영주권을 받으시길 바라는 마음에 글을 써봅니다.

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