If I may address the concerns two patrons experienced while visiting this establishment. First of all, let me express my regret that you have been diagnosed with this medical condition in the first place. I would never want to embarrass either of you for simply having such a condition. Based on what I have read, there truly are some people with severe chronic breathing conditions, mental health conditions or folks with cognitive or developmental disabilities who can experience anxiety from wearing a mask. My heart goes out to you, truly it does. I can only imagine the grief you'd experience visiting a nursing home, schools or a hospital, government offices or banks. Even your own workplace! That being said, I do appreciate the need to feel some sense of normalcy, like sitting down to a meal at a restaurant. Only seems natural to want to slip back into society and in a controlled, safe environment with social gatherings in these unprecedented times.
That being said, i do feel for the business owner too. While the novascotia.ca website does not authorize nor permit businesses to ask patrons to provide proof of a medical condition exempting them from wearing masks, the business is within its right to refuse entry as they are allowed to set their own policies. I guess the way I personally see it, the optics would be bad for the majority of patrons visiting the establishment especially in the bar and restaurant sector. Everyone is having a different experience during this global pandemic and the business owners really need to appeal to the masses so that they can continue to operate. I think if certain friends of mine had witnessed someone walking in the door and through the bar without wearing a mask, they would up and leave and go out of their way to tell people to avoid that establishment. They wouldn't know that a medical condition exemption was being upheld. Personally, I don't believe anyone would want to draw unnecessary attention to themselves that they are victims of a medical condition by wearing or sporting some kind of flashy special exemption badge.
So while my heart does go out to those who are clearly at higher risk by not being able to wear a face mask due to their condition, I don't believe we as society can condemn a small business owner for trying to protect their livelihood by simply following the rules set out by health and government officials for the majority so we are able to end this pandemic and get back to whatever our normal will be.