Decided to check this place out last Friday, and was unfortunately rather disappointed.
My disappointment stemmed not from an underwhelming crowd, or subpar DJ, as one might expect. Most shockingly, my disappointment was the product of this “establishment” not living up to the hype provided via Google Maps.
Again, I’m not claiming this is a bad nightclub, because it is not. Don’t automatically assume this must mean The Hangar is a good nightclub, because that is also not the case. The disappointing thing about The Hangar actually has nothing to do with what it is, but with what it is not... a nightclub.
Upon my arrival, my keen sense of awareness was telling me something was amiss. As I opened my car’s door, the crisp night air was not alive with the sound of muted bass normally heard in close vicinity of a club. Instead, the only sound I heard was the quiet grinding of hinges, and a thud as I closed my car’s door, and walked toward the only structure on the property. It was unlike any nightclub I’d ever seen, but due to it being an exceptionally dark night, I couldn’t be certain of what I was seeing.
I stumbled through the darkness to what I thought must be the front entrance, but there was no bouncer checking IDs, or coat check... only a closed door, beside which an older style illuminated doorbell button glowed dimly. I naturally assumed the low-key appearance was a result of steps being taken by management to reduce the risk of patrons contracting covid while visiting their establishment. I pressed the button, and after about 45 seconds, a dazed fifty-something man opens the door dressed in only his underwear and asked if he could help me.
After a short chat, he informed me that the structure I had believed to be a nightclub was actually his home. Confused, I thanked him, and bid him a goodnight. As I was getting back into my car, the old guy yelled that the nightclub was “probably located in the small house across the street”, adding ‘they’re always playing loud music all hours of the night.
I thanked him and got in my car.
Ultimately, I decided against checking out The Hangar that night. I couldn’t really afford a night of drinking... also, the place looked even more lame than the house I’d mistaken it for. Hopefully, I’ll get there someday... preferably post-pandemic.
Oh, the three stars are for the helpful old guy’s friendly and helpful nature, despite being awaken by a confused stranger.