Natasha Vaney (Rebel Writer)
I visited Dundas Ontario for the Art Tour and the museum hosted some with the local artist under the roof . The museums history is written about early settlers to the area and from their perspective and not from the prospective off the First Nations tribes . This l find very concerning then mentioned it to the staff as the history dated back to the 1700 and prior confederation in 1867 Canada the nation was formed and this land was stolen from the various First Nations tribes some of those are extinct as a result of being murdered and the cultural genocide continues 151 years later. There's no representation from the First Nations people , there's no representation of their stories , their history and I as we know treaty agreements doesn't mean that the land was sold I stated on the information posted and the museum . Until the cultural genocide stop then until the stories are being told by the First Nations we will never know the truth and their extinction continues daily . Confederation laws are still being used against First Nations communities yet this is not their land it belongs to the First Nations therefore only their rights and their laws apply . Prime minister Justin Trudeau said I'm sorry for the residential schools but his actions prove but he isn't sorry in the still enforcing The Crown versus the Indigenous just as those who enforced residential schools , Confederation , the falsified purchase agreement and documentation stating ownership and property when it is only the First Nations land. #Canadian History, #indigenous, #First Nations.