Reviews of Dion Chevrolet Buick GMC Inc (Moving Company)

2200 Rue Sherbrooke, Magog, QC J1X 4Z6, Canada

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We offer you the opinions of real people who purchase the services of Dion Chevrolet Buick GMC Inc (Moving Company) in Magog (Canada).

At the moment the firm gets a rating of 4 out of 5 and this rating has been calculated on 62 reviews.

You must have seen that it reaches an feddbacks average is good, and it is founded on a large number of reviews, so we may be quite sure that the assessment is very accurate. If people have bothered to give their feddback when they are satisfied, is that it works.

As you know, we do not usually bother to give tatings when they are positive and we usually do it only if we've had a problem or issue...

This Moving Company belongs to the category of Car dealer.

Where is Dion Chevrolet Buick GMC Inc?

REVIEWS OF Dion Chevrolet Buick GMC Inc IN Magog

Dominique Cossement

GESTION GBE INC Société de Gestion

(Translated) Unprofessional service. I have been taken without a vehicle for 1 week and I have to constantly relaunch them, I STILL HAVE NO SUBMISSIONS FOR REPAIRS. My vehicle is new! NO COURTESY CAR FOR ME. He goes up to direct for the tug to drop my vehicle at their place but then I am told that I have to give them my credit card for a security deposit. WHAT FOR? TO HAVE A GOOD AND FITNESS SUBMISSION? Stuck in the forest in a lumberjack trailer, it was my wife from Montreal who had to transfer them so that my file could move forward. YET NO SUBMISSION IN OUR POSSESSION. DISGUSTING! An administration unworthy of managing a short bass! When you buy an 80k truck you are treated like a king, and when you knock on the door to have it fixed after 1 year of wear and tear. We ask you for a security deposit! Seriously? (Original) Un service peu professionnel. Je suis pris sans véhicule depuis 1 semaine et je dois constamment les relancer, JE N'AI TOUJOURS PAS EU DE SOUMISSIONS POUR LES RÉPARATIONS. Mon véhicule est neuf! AUCUNE VOITURE DE COURTOISIE POUR MOI. Il mont bien diriger pour que le remorqueur dépose mon véhicule chez eux mais après on me dit que je dois leur donner ma carte de crédit pour un dépôt de garantie. POURQUOI? POUR AVOIR UNE SOUMISSION EN BONNE ET DU FORME? Coincé en forest dans une roulotte de bucherons, c'est ma femme de Montréal qui as du leur faire un transfert pour que mon dossier avance. ENCORE LA AUCUNE SOUMISSION EN NOTRE POSSESSION. DÉGUEULASSE! Une administration indigne de gérer une basse courts! Quand tu achète un camion de 80k on te traite comme un roi, et quand tu cogne a la porte pour le faire réparer après 1 an d'usure. On te demande un dépôt de garantie! Sérieusement?

Hélène Giguère

(Translated) After-sales service in 2013 on my vehicle in 2018, with a courteous and smiling salesperson. Thank you M Dion c is appreciated. (Original) Service apres vente en 2013 sur mon véhicule en 2018 , avec un vendeur courtois et souriant. Merci M Dion c est apprécié.

Jeremy Bernard

(Translated) I like the rather family service of this place. (Original) J'aime le service plutôt familial de cet endroit.

Daniel Fecteau

Kelsey Corcoran

James Par

(Translated) Friendly staff (Original) Personnel sympathique

Francine Doyon

(Translated) Delighted with the service. Fast and conscientious. Client for around 25 years and still very satisfied. (Original) Enchanté du service. Rapide et consciencieux. Client depuis environ 25 ans et toujours très satisfait.

Rogers Family

I’ve always taken my GMC and Chevy’s here for service but never bought anything here. I always found their prices were way too high and could get much cheaper elsewhere. This time I was shopping for a pick up. I found a GMC Sierra in Montreal at $51,000 then found a Chevy Silverado at Dion for $62,000. After talking to both dealers, my monthly payment was $15 more on the Silverado. Same loan, same finance rate, same amount of months but only $15 more. How? I couldn’t tell you but if you’re shopping around, don’t let the sticker price scare you off, talk to a sales rep you might be surprised. Our salesman was Serge and he was very thorough and efficient.

carol Gauthier

(Translated) Good service (Original) Bon service

Nicolas Sirvente

(Translated) Very good garage, the work is done seriously, we can leave our car without worrying about anything, very good service, we will continue to maintain our car at home. (Original) Très bon garage, le travail est fait sérieusement, on peut leur laisser notre voiture sans ce soucier de quoi que ce soit, très bon service, on continuera de faire l'entretien de notre auto chez eux.

Bruno Picard

(Translated) Very good service (Original) Tres bon service

Andre Beaulieu

Charles Grandbois

Carol Gauthier

Joannie Côté

Diane Dandonneau

(Translated) Excellent service, speed and the time given by appointment as well as the execution time were respected (Original) Excellent service, rapidité et l'heure donnée en rendez-vous ainsi que le temps d'exécution ont été respectés

Claude Lecours

Michel Desharnais

L Mary

(Translated) Not professional Do not listen to the needs Liar I have absolutely nothing to say positive! I have been 3 times and 3 times disappointed! I am talking about the repair service. (Original) Pas professionnel N'écoute pas les besoins Menteur Je n'ai absolument rien à dire de positif! Jai été 3 fois et 3 fois déçu! Je parle du service de réparation.

Jean-Marcel Sauvé

(Translated) Good. Welcoming staff. (Original) Bonne. Personnel accueillant.

Alexandre Hebert

Marc Le Sieur

François Dumont

(Translated) Really very disappointed with the service The prices given on the phone and reconfirmed on arrival on site not the same as the invoice. First and last time. (Original) Vraiment très déçu du service Les prix donner au téléphone et reconfitmer à l'arrivée sur place pas pareil rendu à la facture. Première et dernière fois.

sylvain richard

(Translated) Excellent service even if we did not buy at home recommend (Original) Excellent service meme si on a pas acheter chez eux recommander

Jean Brisebois

Great service!


(Translated) Excellent service, and a very attentive staff (Original) Un excellent service, et un personnel très à l'écoute

Jeff La terreur

(Translated) Outstanding sales service and great after sales service, I recommend this dealer to everyone !!! (Original) Service de vente exceptionnel et le service après vente est super , je recommande ce concessionnaire a tous !!!

Richard Lemieux

(Translated) Take advantage of the 2018 discounts. (Original) Profiter des rabais 2018.

Anick Auger -

Guy Carriere

(Translated) This establishment is completely insensitive and indifferent to needs and service to an older clientele. Not recommended for a relative or friend .... (Original) Cet établissement est totalement insensible et indifférent aux besoins et service à l'égard d'une clientèle plus agée. À déconseiller à un parent ou un ami....

Francois Montmagny

Bernard Daoust

Theresa Chase

Needed a key made for my Trax...already paid but still NO key,!!!!!its been since like I think May or June 2 keys later and still nothing do sick of this B.S..!!!!

Marielle Landreville

Nelson côté

Daniel Mercier

David B.

(Translated) Doubtful repair and afterwards after having made me fool about returning calls that never came, I was obliged to call back almost every time under the pretext that they had a bad number to reach me! I gave them at least 3 times! I get treated like bad customers !!! I'm being fooled and I'm the bad guy !!! (Original) Réparation douteuse et par la suite après m'avoir fait niaiser sur des retours d'appels qui ne venaient jamais, j'étais obligé de rappeler presque à chaque fois sous prétexte qu'ils avaient un mauvais numéro pour me rejoindre! Je leurs ais donné au moins 3 fois! Je me fait traiter de mauvais clients!!! Je me fais niaiser et c'est moi le méchant!!!

Grace Ho

(Translated) I went here because a family member has been using their service for years. Unfortunately, the experience is far from satisfactory. My husband ordered the type of tire I want for my car and had to go on a Tuesday morning to change it and have an inspection. On the day, I was informed that I had to take my car, that the tires did not arrive and that I could come back on Thursday and that the tires will be changed. On Thursday I came back, the car was not ready when it was supposed to be, I waited another half hour and then rushed and didn't check the tires. On my drive home the car was kind of lopsided, shifting left to right, then I noticed the tires were winter tires. Who uses winter tires in Quebect on September 5th, especially this year summer is so hot. Called in to complain the next day and was told the service rep decided to give us this type of tires. It's so disrespectful. I am the customer who spends the money and it’s up to me what kind of tires I want. I was then told they need to order the tires and I need to call next Monday to check if the tires I want have arrived. It only shows one thing, the service staff didn't order the tires in the first place because it was supposed to be ordered long before I came to change the tires. This type of service is unacceptable and not worth the money and the hassle. (Original) Je suis allé ici parce qu'un membre de la famille utilisait leur service depuis des années. Malheureusement, l'expérience est loin d'être satisfaisante. Mon mari a commandé le type de pneus que je veux pour ma voiture et devait y aller un mardi matin pour le changer et une inspection. Le jour, j'ai été informé que je devais prendre ma voiture, que les pneus n'arrivaient pas et que je pourrai revenir jeudi et que les pneus seront changés. Le jeudi, je suis revenu, la voiture n'était pas prête quand cela était censé être, j'ai attendu encore une demi-heure, puis je me suis pressée et je n'ai pas vérifié les pneus. Pendant mon trajet de retour à la maison, la voiture était en quelque sorte déséquilibrée, passant de gauche à droite, puis j'ai remarqué que les pneus étaient des pneus d’hiver. Qui utilise des pneus d'hiver à Quebect le 5 septembre, surtout cette année, l'été est si chaud. Appelé à se plaindre le lendemain et on lui a dit que le représentant du service a décidé de nous donner ce type de pneus. C'est si irrespectueux. Je suis le client qui dépense l’argent et c’est à moi de décider quel type de pneus je veux. On m'a alors dit qu'ils devaient commander les pneus et je dois appeler lundi prochain pour vérifier si les pneus que je veux sont arrivés. Cela ne montre qu'une chose, le personnel de service n'a pas commandé les pneus en premier lieu, car il était censé être commandé bien avant que je ne vienne changer les pneus. Ce type de service est inacceptable et ne vaut pas l'argent et les tracas.

Jacques Hebert

(Translated) Very satisfied very nice staff (Original) Très satisfait personnel très gentil

Sylvain Ruel

Denise Gidaro

(Translated) Incredible service and professionalism ... unparalleled experience ... thank you to Serge Malo! (Original) Service et professionnalisme incroyable...expérience hors paire...merci a Serge Malo!

Robert Chabot

Donna Hand

Yvon Carriere

Tres bon service ,personnel aimable

Ryan Daniel

(Translated) garage is null service, hardly pri has a call to see if our car still was on garenti, we said yes no problem, visited the site, said it all later returning as c have on garenti and cetais of his mistake. Jai speaking sales service and he did not care ben me and the situation. Thank you to convince me to have bought here. (Original) Service garage est null, on a pri la peine a appeller pour savoir si notre auto etais encore sur garenti, il nous a dit oui pas de problème, rendu sur place, y dit tout suite en rentrant que c pu sur garenti et que cetais de son erreur. Jai parler au service de vente et il s'en foutait ben de moi et du situation. Merci pour me convaincre de pu acheter ici.

Louise Breton

Local 78 Unifor

Gabriel Gauthier

(Translated) Super ordinary customer service, the advisor I spoke to on the phone really didn't seem to want to help and gave the wrong information! (Original) Service a la clientèle hyper ordinaire, le conseiller a qui j'ai parlé au téléphone ne semblais vraiment pas vouloir aider et donne de mauvaise informations!

ronald coursol

(Translated) I can not say the service is very competent but I do not understand that the garage does not asphalt it enters the vehicle in the garage it passes in puddles of water and gravel he gives you back that the tires are dirty it's frustrating (Original) je ne peux rein dire du service il son très compétent mais je ne comprends pas que le garage ne soi pas asphalter il rentre le véhicule dans le garage il passe dans des flaques d'eau et de gravel il te redonne auto que les pneus sont sale c'est frustrant


(Translated) Never had a problem. 5 stars. (Original) Jamais eu de problème. 5 etoiles.

Hubert Lunnie

Was greeted with smiling faces everyone in good humor

yvon mongeau

(Translated) Very satisfied with my purchase good service (Original) Très satisfait de mon achat bon service

Ghislaine Viens

Terry Mc Donell

Jordan Pons

Pierre Faille

(Translated) Nice team good service (Original) Belle équipe bon service

Mathieu Morissette

Francis T

(Translated) Good parts service (Original) Bon services au pièces

Francois Lemire

jean-philippe gobeil

(Translated) They know how to meet our needs. (Original) Ils savent répondre à nos besoins.

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