Reviews of Cultural and Community House in Montreal North (Movie Theater)

12004 Bd Rolland, Montréal-Nord, QC H1G 3W1, Canada

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You will be able to see the feddbacks of people like you who know the services and products of Cultural and Community House in Montreal North (Movie Theater) near Montréal-Nord (Canada).

At the moment the firm has a rating of 4.5 over 5 and that score has been calculated on 81 reviews.

You may have noticed that its rating is virtually the top, and it's based on a high number of reviews, so we can think that the rating is very faithful. If there are many people who bothered to leave their feddback when they are satisfied, is that it works.

You know that we do not usually bother to write reviews when these are good and we usually do it only if we have had a problem or issue...

This Movie Theater is included in the category of Performing arts theater.

Where is Cultural and Community House in Montreal North?

REVIEWS OF Cultural and Community House in Montreal North IN Montréal-Nord

Edith Richard

Bida Awaté

Stephane Tapp

Renard Gilles

(Translated) Quality and free shows (Original) Spectacles de qualité et gratuits

Mike Boubou

(Translated) Clean and modern, despite the ceiling flowing from everywhere ... (Original) Propre et moderne , malgré le plafond qui coule de partout ...

arian rozenblat

Nova Thunder

(Translated) Nice place, big enough to have young, old and adult sections. There are movies, series, video games, music CDs. The person is courteous it's nice. There are several computers with internet, to the delight of the children in all of us. There are toilets, a photocopier and 2 automated self-service stations to scan the documents in hand. Outside there is a free upright piano for anyone who wants to play it. (Original) Bel endroit, assez grand pour avoir des sections jeunes, moins jeunes et adultes. Il y a des films, séries, jeux vidéos, des cd de musique. Le personne est courtois ça fait plaisir. Il y a plusieurs poste ordinateur avec internet, pour le plus grand plaisir des enfants en chacun de nous. Il y a des toilettes, un photocopieur et 2 postes automatisés en libre service pour scanner soi-même les documents enpruntés. À l'extérieur il y a un piano droit en libre accès à quiconque a envie d'en jouer.

Abdiace Jean

(Translated) Magnificent (Original) Magnifique

Robert Riverin

(Translated) Very nice room and wonderful programming (Original) Très belle salle et merveilleuse programmation

Itz Ines

(Translated) Great place! For children and adults! The courses of several things are offered for free! * super * Free and fun activities! I love and I recommend (Original) Super endroit ! Pour les enfants et adultes ! Les cours de plusieurs choses sont offert gratuitement ! *super* Des activitées gratuites et amusantes ! J'adore et je recommande


(Translated) Quiet place, diverse, warm, friendly and helpful staff, good visit ... ???? (Original) Endroit calme, diversifiée, chaleureux, personnels gentil et serviable, bonne visite... ????

Nick 91

(Translated) Excellent cleanliness and the show extra (Original) Excellente propreté et le spectacle extra

Kevin Legault


DjSOPEM Artiste Professionnel Compositeur Musicien

(Translated) Biblio center commumautsire imyernet etc. (Original) Biblio centre commumautsire imyernet etc..

Robert Amyot

(Translated) Modern and well thought place to attend shows. (Original) Endroit moderne et bien pensé pour assister à des spectacles.

Armand Laliberte

(Translated) Very nice clean place great for meetings thank you to the employees of the place (Original) Très belle endroit propre super pour les réunions merci aux employés de l,endroit

Studio C1C4

(Translated) Beautiful library, ideal for working. Brightness, calm and enough tables and electrical outlets. Very friendly staff. (Original) Belle bibliothèque, idéale pour travailler. Luminosité, calme et suffisament de tables et prises électriques. Personnel très sympathique.


(Translated) Very interesting place to visit! (Original) Lieu très intéressant à visiter!

Yvan Johnson

(Translated) There are aa that are there on Friday night (Original) Il ya les aa qui sont là le Vendredi soir

Diane Labelle

(Translated) Very beautiful library. Several activities all year long. For upcoming events, consult the Montréal-Nord Guide or their website. There is even a small cafe to meet people or read. (Original) Très belle bibliothèque. Plusieurs activités toute l'année. Pour connaître les évènements à venir, consulter le Guide de Montréal-Nord ou leur site internet. Il y a même un petit café pour faire de belles rencontres ou lire.

Annie Perreault


(Translated) It's super beautiful and it's a great bliblio a lot of book for those who like to read (Original) C'est hyper beau et c'est une grande bliblio bcoup de livre pour ceux qui aiment lire

Selene Y

(Translated) event interesting (Original) evenement interessant


(Translated) Very pretty and a lot of activities and services mostly free. There is a lot of life! A great place to work with them. Ramata is really cool and very sweet☺ ♥. (Original) Très joli et beaucoup d'activités et de services pour la plupart gratuite. Il y a beaucoup de vie! Un endroit plaisant à travailler avec eux. Ramata est vraiment cool et très gentille☺♥.

Saduto Uzumaki


Oussama Brik

(Translated) A community place of excellence (Original) Un lieu communautaire d'excellence

maxime lepage

(Translated) Many services offered, too often we forget the usefulness of cultural houses (Original) Beaucoup de service offert, trop souvent on oublie l'utilité des maisons culturelle

RABAH hamadouche

(Translated) Very good team (Original) Très bonne équipe

Jacques Pharand

(Translated) Multi-functional building, organization well established in the area and well located. (Original) Bâtiment multi-fonctionnel, organisation bien implanté dans le quartier et bien situé.

France Durand

Normand Trudel

(Translated) Excellent show this young group of very energetic musicians Justin saladino (Original) Excellent spectacle ce jeune groupe de musiciens très energique Justin saladino

Bobinnette Musqué

(Translated) Very good excellent service very warm (Original) Très bien excellent service très chaleureux

Lanty Stark

(Translated) Many activities are held there during the summer as well as exhibitions and many others. And young people often go to school. In short, you will probably find something to not be bored. :) (Original) Beaucoup d'activités sont organisé l¸a-bas durant l'été ainsi que des expositions et bien d'autres. Et les jeunes fréquentent souvent l'établissement. Bref, vous trouverez sans doute de quoi à ne pas s'ennuyer. :)

Me-kate L

(Translated) Incredible place for presentations and concerts, definitely loved ???? (Original) Incroyable place pour les présentation et concerts, définitivement bien aimé ????

Lo Ka

(Translated) Choice show and comfortable room. (Original) Spectacle de choix et salle confortable.merci

Asline Jean

(Translated) This place offers different activities for the whole family and for free, but for some activities, one must register in advance to be able to participate! (Original) Ce lieu offre différentes activités pour toute la famille et gratuitement, mais pour certaines activités, on doit s'inscrire en avance pour pouvoir y participer!

Ben Roberge

Andrea G

(Translated) A great place for free cultural shows. Theater, cinema, dance, several options. …

Anicet Brunet

Rene Chouinard

(Translated) Beautiful area. But I only go there occasionally. It looks very clean. (Original) Très bel endroit. Mais j'y vais qu'occasionnellement. Ça l'air très propre.


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