Renovations of the Royal Theatre are underway and come this summer Model Towners will be able to kick back, grab a bag of fresh popcorn and once again watch their favourite stars on the big screen.
“Ambitiously we were thinking of opening in July and we are still definitely aiming for July,” said co-owner Garrick Sissons.
Garrick Sissons and Sheila MacIntosh bought the Royal Theatre last year and have been working strenuously on it ever since. They both have a background in business. Sissons studied film and has been working in the entertainment industry for 30 years. MacIntosh went on to medical school and is finishing her final year in Thunder Bay. They are currently making the long commute between Kap and Thunder Bay to work on the renovations and to ensure everything is going according to plan.
The Royal Theatre was a colossal project to take on – but one the busy duo say they were ready for.
“We went into it with our eyes wide open,” said Sissons.
The 59-year-old building is getting more than just a facelift. The lobby and snack bar are being completely reconfigured. The walls are being repainted and the theatre is getting new house lights along with track floor lighting. A fully accessible family washroom is being installed in addition to renovating the existing washrooms.
A new screen, digital projector and upgraded sound system are being installed. Every seat will bear handcrafted wooden armrests. They have also enlisted Marc-André from Dubosq Guitars to create carved wood row ends for the aisles.
“Our primary goal is to create a beautiful space that the community will enjoy,” said MacIntosh. “While paying homage to the vintage roots of the theatre.”
The venue will also offer residents more than just the latest blockbusters.
“We might do an open mic night on Wednesdays and have smaller musical acts...we are also going to try to develop an art film night and a French film night,” said Sissons.
There will be an area for kids’ birthday parties and more than likely weekly senior matinees. The popular discount night will also be reinstated.
“We both have ideas of other events we can offer so we are just going to try them all out and see what works and what doesn’t,” explained Sissons.
The new Royal Theatre’s first big event will showcase a more romantic twist rather than an action-packed flick.
“Garrick proposed a few months after we bought the theatre,” said MacIntosh. “We are excited to have our friends and family come for our wedding…which will be happening in the theatre this June!”
Aside from wedding planning and renovations, Sissons and MacIntosh are eager to raise the curtain and let the show begin.
“Everyone has been super supportive of our little project,” said MacIntosh. “We can’t wait to share it with the whole community.”