Elm wood Meunier funeral home in my own personal opinion has got to be the absolute WORST Funeral home I've ever had to deal with period , and that in of itself speaks volumes... many many years ago my grandfather served in the United States Army during world war two... He during that time for is bravery of saving his entire platoon received a purple heart... well shortly after my grandfather's death my grandmother passed away... well before she passed Elm wood funeral home had made up a very nice plack in honor of my grandfather serving his country.. my grandmother was making small payments on the plack that was made for my grandfather , being that she was on a very fixed income... well the day my grandmother passed away and our family tryed to make service arangment's for my grandmother , Elm wood funeral home Flat out REFUSED To services my grandmother... All because that plack had not been paid for in full... And now onto another situation recently a friend of mine's Mother passed away.. she was Cremated and the family tryed to give as much money as they could possibly raise , so that Elm wood funeral home would realise the remains of my friends mother... They even asked this funeral home to realise their mothers remains on good faith that my friends family would continue with payments on the $500.00 dollar payment... well these owners of Elm wood funeral home have truly shown their True colors... They Absolutely REFUSED To hand over my friends mothers remains until the $500.00 dollars is paid in FULL.. and forget about my grandfather's situation with this funeral home , this particular family lost their Father Three years before they lost their mom and a little less then one year before this family lost their mom , my friend lost his wife my sister at the early age of only 37 years of age from serotonin syndrome that effects the brain... Hasent this family and myself been throw enough??? This particular Funeral home Elm wood funeral home is only about themselves and the god almighty dollar... they have absolute NO COMPASSION FOR ANYONE , ALL they care about is how much money they can make on the vulnerable... it truly is very sad....