Yet another frustrating experience with this institution showcasing their horrible service. They're real nice at the beginning, but once they get your money be prepared not only for downright indifference but sheer rudeness.
The latest of many examples of no compassion and no rhyme nor reason to their policies is their visitation hours. They have been using the pandemic as an excuse to make up rules that benefit only themselves and are not based on any science or rules instituted by the government during the pandemic.
The latest incident: throughout the entire interment of my late wife there, it has always been dawn to dusk for visitation. I arrived there exactly at 7 PM only to be bruskly told to turn around. When I asked what happened to dusk closure they did not know and said it was not their fault. When I asked if I at least could run in and lay flowers down quickly for what would have been today my late wife's and mine 33rd wedding anniversary, I was told no even though I was there at 7 PM.
I don't blame the security guards: they were just doing their job. I blame this on the ongoing poor management of this organization that seems to have forgotten what business they are in and that customer service and compassion should be the hallmarks of how they operate. Based on other incidents as well my friends and I have experienced, it is obvious that this has been lost on them
I rarely, if ever, write reviews but this is at least the 3rd time in the last 18 months that they hide behind the pandemic as an excuse for horrible and horrific service. My only regret in writing this review is that I can't give a 0 star rating.
I am more than now willing to go out of my way to share with friends, family and members of my general and ethnic community why they should not do business with such a poorly run and uncaring organization like Woodland Cemetery.
My sincere hope is two fold : that you don't have to endure what I have had to endure dealing with this institution and that you are aware of the implications of dealing with Woodland Cemetery in the long run.