On 8-24-17 at the funeral of my step mother, the cemetery experience was unforgivable. The concrete vault was 1/3-1/2 full of rain water that had accumulated 2 1/2 to 3 days earlier after a long severe thunderstorm. There was ample time in the three days before the funeral to pump out the vault to receive the casket; however, that detail was neglected possibly due to cost cutting measures. To add insult, there were cigarette butts floating on the water. The casket was not brought to the grave site until all friends and family had left the cemetery because the vault company / Bath-Naylor Funeral Home were aware of the problem and wanted to keep the burial out if public view. Unquestionably the casket was going to float on the water until added weight (probably standing on the casket) was applied to weigh the casket down and displace the enough water so the vault lid could be fitted into place. Because of the neglect and inappropriate workmanship, the casket probably did not empty the vault...just enough to install the lid. To this day, the casket is buried submerged in vault water. It makes no difference if the casket is guaranteed water tight...who is going to know. Several eyewitnesses viewed the travesty but what are you going to do? It is doubtful that this was a first occurrence for this funeral home and quite possibly won't be the last unless they are exposed. My stepmother was the wife of a Vietnam Captain/helicopter pilot who was killed ferrying supplies to build a school in Laos on his free time.