I personally had never heard of Stokes before.
But then I recieved two gifts from Stokes from family. Except they were both the same thing. A stand mixer. One was mint and one was silver, so I planned on returning the silver since the mint matched all my other kitchen
Counter top appliances. My in laws couldn't find the receipt. But I thought no biggie, this item is an exclusive Stokes product. Surely they will give me a gift card at least. Nope. In store exchange only. I had to suddenly find $130 dollars of kitchen products, which I decided not to do. My mom found the receipt for the mint mixer. But this is the one I wanted to keep. Great,I thought. I will return the mint one with the receipt, and then I will exchange the silver one that has no receipt for the mint one I had just returned. I talked to an associate on the phone and she said it will probably work. Just come in tomorrow when my manager is here. So my mother and I drove from east Windsor to South, only to arrive and be told by an very aggressive manager that there are no returns the week of boxing day. I mentioned regretfully that no one told me that yesterday, and I wish they would have since we just drove out here from techumseh. She got even more defensive and implied that I was lying. I told her what happened and what I would like to do when I return. And she started raising her voice and was clearly agitated. Why I don't know. We were talking to her very calmly. She insulted us many times, and made us feel very uncomfortable. I have no desire to have any more dealings with this woman. I ended up selling the mixer on Facebook on the same day for the same price. How sad is that? Stokes, you have nice products, and you could have gained a new loyal customer. But after this little fiasco and your terrible customer service I will never return to your stores. I even called customer service 5 times, no one ever answered and I never recieved a call back. I work in customer service. My company would never treat it's clients so disgracefully. Neither would other Canadian retailers I have experience purchasing from. My advice? Stay away. Go to the bay. Even Walmart has better customer service.