There was a woman who spoke to me via the Help line, as I needed assistance with my ticket and I can not get over the lack of professionalism that came out of her voice.
I put in my blue and white good life pass, as someone said "that should just work," but it didn't! No problem. I'll call for help.
The woman answers, I explain that my goodlife ticket is in, but I am missing my white parking ticket. She tells me not to put my ticket in there, as it will clog the machine, wherein I simply reply in a nothing but calm voice, I'm 25 and work with the Canadian Mental Health Association, I have strong interpersonal skills. She flies off the handle saying "yes it is your problem. Do not come back at me with your attitude. if that ticket gets stuck that's your responsibility." I try to cut in and claim I didn't by ANY means mean that in a mean or rude way, but she continues to blast me as if I'm her child. It's 7:30 AM and your shift is either finishing or starting, regardless that is NO way to speak to anyone. What if they were having a bad day? Contemplating suicide, went to the gym to try and catch a break, and I have Ms. Assistance telling me what my responsibilities are. There's a really good chance that person would have just said "screw it," I know this because it has happened before. Call this as irrational as you would like, but you don't realize how your anger and frustration over something as marginal as that can affect a person.
I'm sorry if people are often rude or unkind, and I am sorry if you thought I was being rude. Those were not my intentions, I live and breathe to make the world a better place.