Reviews of Locksmith Sherwood Park (Locksmith)

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We have the reviews of real people like you who buy the products and services of Locksmith Sherwood Park (Locksmith) in Alberta territory (Canada).

At the moment this business receives a score of 5 stars over 5 and this rating was based on 26 reviews.

You must have seen that the average of ratings is outstanding, indeed, it is the highest overall average it can achieve., and it's founded on a very large number of opinions, so we can be quite sure that the evaluation is very credible. If many people have bothered to leave their opinion when they've done well, it works.

You know that we don't usually bother to set scores when these are correct and we usually do it only if we've had a problem or issue...

This Locksmith is classified in the category of Locksmith.

Where is Locksmith Sherwood Park?

REVIEWS OF Locksmith Sherwood Park IN Alberta

Jen Cosby

I called Locksmith Sherwood Park because I wanted some extra house keys made for my parents. I had heard about their services and how friendly they were, and I’m happy to say that I agree a hundred percent. Their technician was accommodating and gladly did the key duplication for me. A great residential locksmith!

nicholas church

My car key had broken in the lock when I accidentally twisted it the wrong way. I was frustrated with the situation but thank goodness this locksmith company offered services at such short notice. They arrived on the scene fairly quickly and then I was on my way home. You guys are the best!

Jess Searfoss

The technician from this company was efficient in performing the service we requested. We asked him to change the locks in our office, and he came to provide everything expressly and efficiently. We were delighted and impressed as well with his work. The cost was affordable too.

Rowan Hunter

Their local locksmith services deliver a professional and reliable job when it comes to repairing and installing key locks. My first-hand experience with them was really worth the price and time. I have no regrets at all. Would probably try it again next time.

Francis Perez

I can’t believe how smoothly everything went. I had called them to open my locked door because my keys fell in the gutter and they did not disappoint.

Jorge Nery

This is the best locksmith service in the city. They have a reliable staff and they do their job in a quick and professional manner. I called them for auto key replacement the other day. They had an accommodating service and I like the service quality very much.

Joey Goto

I asked Locksmith Sherwood Park to program my key fob, and I was able to get the assistance I needed without any hassle. They sent their technician over, and I appreciate his promptness in attending to my request. He got everything completed within minutes! Thank you!

Thomas Marty

The best thing about Locksmith Sherwood Park is that they are a 24-hour locksmith company. They ease your worries whether you find yourself needing key replacement or deadbolt installation. They will also not charge you very much for their quality services.

ketreena555 ketreena555

One time they helped me out with a work mishap. I am managing a small pastry shop downtown and it so happened that I misplaced my key. I couldn’t remember where I left it and I needed to open the shop ASAP. Shortly after I called them, the locksmith arrived, unlocked it, and made me a spare key copy. I was saved!

ramanujam srinivas

Our company decided to get new high-security locks since we were having the whole office renovated anyway. Their commercial locksmith service did a good job with the installation – They were very organized and professional, making them easy to work with. The new locks look good and feel very secure.

dave skog

Very helpful with my remote access / starter. The guy in the store called a technician and he figured out what the problem was. And the best part, no charge.

Ramon Harriston

I wanted the locks to our office replaced because there was an attempt to break in last night. I put a call to the locksmith company, and they dispatched their personnel over quickly. He did a remarkable service as he got the locks replaced correctly. It didn’t cost much, but the peace of mind was definitely worth it.

Joseph Lopez

I had my first ever car lockout experience the other day when I lost my keys, and I was already in panic. I called this company for their automotive locksmith services and I was overall pleased with the experience. Their serviceman came over promptly and he was really helpful. Thank you.

Richard Quick

My husband and I were in the middle of a long-drive when we decided to go on a stopover to have a quick snack. Unfortunately, he left the car keys inside the car and we were locked out! One of the security guards in the parking area recommended an automotive locksmith that they regularly call every time someone gets locked out in the area. The guy arrived, and he was friendly and on time. He was ready with his tools for car door opening. My worry that he might scratch the paint proved to be baseless. He was able to retrieve the car key and we went on happily with the drive.

Orlandha Tunersa

This company programmed my car key, and I was satisfied with their efficient, professional, and speedy work.

Kevin Whosent

Fantastic locksmith service company in town! I will call again next time.

Clyde Wood

I wanted to replace my car locks, so I hired Locksmith Sherwood Park for car locks change. Throughout the entire process, I didn’t experience any hassle. The serviceman arrived on time, and he carefully changed my car locks to better ones. They’re definitely the best auto locksmith around!

phuk off

This company took care of our concern yesterday, and we couldn’t be more satisfied with their service. Their technician was very efficient and the price was competitive. He was able to install high security locks in my home at a reasonable time. We were so glad that our request was handled without any delay or hassle. They are definitely going to be our number one choice for our lock needs.

johnny farmer

We accidentally locked ourselves out of our bedroom right before bed and this locksmith company had someone out here in a quarter of an hour. He did the job very quickly and easily because he understand that we had to go to sleep. He was very friendly and considerate. Lost no sleep! Thank you so much!

Roland Huot

Ronny Headley

When I turned the key in the knob in the front door, the whole thing jammed and I couldn’t get the key off. I tried to remove it forcibly, but the key wouldn’t budge. I got locked out of my apartment, and I knew I needed immediate help. My coworker recommended the services of Locksmith Sherwood Park and they impressed me from the get-go. They sent their locksmith to my address promptly, and he arrived soon enough. He was pretty competent and had the lockout resolved quickly. He cut me new keys, too. The price was budget-friendly, and I’m thankful for their service. I give them five stars for their great service.

Steve Feely

My mother broke her keycard and now couldn't get inside the house. I called the locksmith company and they sent their technician over. He got my mother a new keycard in a few minutes and got the security checked as well. He was quite a professional, a fact we're thankful for.

Hannah Shelton

The service was fast and the locksmith was also courteous and professional. I’ll call them again when I have more concerns.

Amy White

We forgot our keys inside the office, and we didn't want to break the lock. We contacted the locksmith company, and they understood our problem. They sent their locksmith over ASAP, and he addressed the concern quickly. We're thankful for their help and wouldn't mind calling them again for other lockout situations.

bolar pav

This residential locksmith service provider was a big name in my neighborhood. This company is the only one in the list of who to call whenever they need locksmith services. So, when I needed high security locks for our house, I called Locksmith Sherwood Park. The service was excellent and surprisingly affordable. Nice!

Celena Youssef

I came home from a long day at work only to find out that the apartment had been broken into. The front door locks got jimmied, and all the locks in the house got damaged. I was quite scared and worried about the security after what happened. My friends recommended I call the locksmith service company they trusted to install high-security locks for the entryways and to replace other cabinet and room locks. I thought it would take a long time for the locksmith to come over, but he was promptly at my address. He helped me choose the suitable locks that fit my needs and my budget and installed them accordingly.

Raman dawis

We wouldn’t have any other locksmith company take care of our car lockout or key replacement concerns. They’re the best in the city at what they do.

Business Hours of Locksmith Sherwood Park in Alberta

7:30AM TO 9PM
7:30AM TO 9PM
7:30AM TO 9PM
7:30AM TO 9PM
7:30AM TO 9PM
7:30AM TO 9PM
7:30AM TO 9PM


Locksmith Sherwood Park en Alberta
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